Welcome to this Fantasy Civilization RP!
Join us at our discord-server: discord.gg/PbZxKPE
Status: Closed (Slots full, in startup phase)
Basic Rundown:
This roleplay is turn-based. Meaning you get one action every turn. You will be presented with choices on how to advance your civ. Every turn, your population grows and you are presented with new choices and sometimes hardships.
The roleplay begins with your people coming to a new land, an unexplored continent where anything can happen. Your people are few and your supplies are low. Perhaps you came here as settlers, or perhaps you fled after your homelands were destroyed, or perhaps you are simply a new civilization that has sprung upon this continent. Whatever you are and wherever you are from, you must find ways to adapt, survive and thrive here. You know very little of these lands.
Most certainly there are other civilizations on this continent and other races that may become your allies or enemies, but you do now yet know.
Your options each turn are these:
A) Improve food
B) Improve military technology
C) Improve infrastructure
D) Improve culture
E) Explore
F) Improve resources/technology
G) Prospect further
H) Expand military
I) Take diplomatic action
X) Other
Furthermore, these stats will be shown every new turn:
Population: – How large your combined population is. Lists each settlement once you get more than 1. Affected by growth and food level and so on.
Military: – How large your professional army is, as well as how many commoners can be drafted to militia in a crisis.
Food level: – How much food you have to go around. Will affect morale and growth where a surplus will lead to happier people and faster growth.
Resources: – A list of resources you are harvesting and thus available to you to use or export.
Wealth: – How wealthy you are considered to be. Not all races care about bling, though.
Trade: – With whom you are trading and what you’re importing/exporting.
Growth: – A percentage of your total population will increase or decrease depending on if your growth is good or bad. An average growth increase per turn is 3%, good growth 5%, bad growth 1%, and so on.
Morale: – Ranging from 0% to 100%, morale affects combat, growth and general well-being events of your people. A content (average) populace is considered 100%.
Foreign relations: - Displays a list of other civilizations you have met and how well you like each other.
Each action from A to I present different opportunities and different consequences (good and bad). You may choose one of these per turn and preferably write up a post about how you, for example, "Improve food". Depending on how good and thought-out your post is, you may combine one choice with another. For example, while improving your "food", you discover how to create farms and thus also improve your infrastructure in the process. the X-action is an action of your own that is not in the list of choices from A to I. You may write and attempt whatever you want in the X-action, and I may or may not grant you what you hope for.
So how do I start?
Easy! This roleplay begins unlike many other roleplays. Here, you choose your race right off the bat in the IC thread. You will be presented with a list of available races (or asked to make your own, which requires approval in the OOC first), and everything will be determined in the IC thread. Instructions are included in the first IC post.
TL;DR: once the IC first post is up, you may jump right in! You don't even need a sheet! If you choose a custom race, you MUST specify it with weaknesses, strengths and averages in the OOC first and await approval.
Recommended: Check out the last iterations of this roleplay to get a hang of how it's played:
How do I join if you already started?
Make sure that there is room to join first! Below you will find a list of active players, and at the very top of the thread there should be a "status" line with either green, yellow or red text. It's either open, pending or full. Also, read the information about “So how do I start?” above.
Rules and regulations:
All roleplays have rules. I expect you to know the basics like:
- Don't godmode.
- Don't metagame.
- Don't be an rude to other players.
However there are some other rules you should know about:
- Never wipe a player out completely unless he or she has given his or her consent.
- Don't focus on "winning", it's about playing the game and enjoying it together.
- It is okay to attack or raid another civilization freely as long as you have discovered them and scouted out the target first. Just don't expect it to always go your way.
- Don't expect to never be met with setbacks or hardships. I will give you all good and bad consequences as well as random events depending on your choices.
- My word is law. As the GM, I reserve the right to "toss you out" of the RP, and in conflicts or squabbles I have the last say.
Also, here are some regulations that aren't "DON'T"'s
- Non-player nations are free to be conquered, raided, wiped out or otherwise warred with however you want.
- Any questions and OOC-chat should be kept here in the OOC thread (obviously).
- When plotting with a player against another player, I recommend you take it to PM to avoid metagaming.
- When plotting as mentioned above, I want to be kept in the loop as the GM, to avoid misunderstandings and to avoid conflicts OOC.
- You may otherwise choose PM or public IC post however you wish when communicating with other nations.
- If you don't want to play one civ anymore but rather want another, tell me in the OOC and I will arrange a "natural disaster" for your people or take it over as a non-player civ.
- When starting over with a new civ, you will be given some bonuses to help you catch up, but not too much.
- There is no enforced limit of posts per turn, however you may only take your A-I choices once per turn. Also, don't speedpost. I want to see meaning and depth in those posts if you decide to post several per turn. (When you interact with other players this is crucial)
Current Map
Anything not on this map is not considered official. Current turn: 4
Current Players:
1. @AdorableSaucer
2. @Bright_Ops
3. @Cyclone
4. @Lauder
5. @Pyromaniacwolf
6. @Kangutso
Holding List: Accepting
1. @Dinh AaronMk
2. @Pirate
Info About Custom Races:
The reason why we have a preset list of races and subraces is so that I as a GM can easily paint the world around you using my own notes and ideas that I’ve put down when creating this world. Still, I want to encourage individualism and so custom races is fine, however it’s harder to make things up on the spot if I don’t see things the way you, the player, see things about your race. Wether you choose from the list or make your own race, I encourage you to talk about what you want with your civilization, what your hopes are, what you aim for in the RP, if there’s a specific hook that you’re going for and so on so that I can narrate accordingly and fitting your vision. That said, it’s much easier to narrate a world when you know exactly what’s in it.
Nation Sheet
For the "character" section. Entirely optional, but handy.