Baruel in the midst of Summer consisted of sweltering disgusting heat. The wind from the ocean was delightful but not easily felt through the perimeter of walls and buildings that blocked the inner districts. Eden included, but all residents had air conditioning or were able to cool off in their personal pools during these waves. Temperatures this Sunday had reached well over 100 degrees fahrenheit, and the mood swings of both districts were high. There is a reason that ice cream sales and murders were correlated.
The president of MARCO was no exception as he could be found in his high rise wearing nothing but his underwear and a light grey cotton tee shirt. His shirt was damp with sweat as his hand was deep inside his bottoms, going to work. "Oh Elena.." he murmured, the latest VR googles adorning his face as he watched the altered adult content flash in front of his eyes. Joseph was enjoying himself greatly while his world below him was suffering. Chaos exploded as a group of activists had successfully pulled off their latest stunt. They had set fire to THREE central locations through out Baruel. One in Eden being the main meeting center. The other two places to be set aflame were an apartment complex in Korven as well as a entry and exit zone between the two districts.
A young female assistant came rushing into the suite, she had been given the entry code after serving MARCO for several years. "Sir!" the young woman gasped seeing their leader in such a state. Joseph used his free hand to remove the goggles as he removed his other hand from his pants and wiped it onto the couch that sat underneath him. What did I tell you about coming into my home during these hours?" The assistant nodded her head but began to speak quickly, "I'm sorry sir but there has been an emergency!" she swiped a few pages on her tablet as a holographic screen popped up showing the people running around as the fire began to engulf their belongings, their homes. "Send all the first respondents to the center, than send some to the border so that people don't sneak in without proper security clearance." A few more swipes of her tablet sent out the people needed for such an emergency.
"What about the apartment Sir?" the assistant asked meekly, as she watched Joseph stand up. "The people are setting their own homes on fire for what? They are mad about what? Try working harder or just being rich. I'll take any of these young women in this movement, fuck them good and turn them into something important. But no, they'd rather live like shit and set fire to the beds they sleep on." Joseph put on a button up shirt and a clip on tie as he walked over to his broadcasting system. His pants still gone. He smiled as the program booted up.
Soon his face would be casted on several large screens through out the city, as well as any and all television sets and proclaimed radio stations. "Good morning Baruel! The weather sure is hot!" he chuckled, "Due to this extreme heat it seems that mother nature has gotten the best of us and set some areas aflame. Please remember to cool your homes with MarCold Central Air and Heating Systems." A commercial would than be played for the previously named product. Joseph would appear back on screen for a moment, "Help will be sent as soon as possible. Please remember MARCO thanks you for your participation, have a great day!"
The broadcast ended as Joseph took off his top and threw it onto the floor, he turned to his assistant with a smirk "Send someone to clean me and my couch up." he demanded as he went to put the goggles back on his head, and settled back down.

Back in Korven, people young and old tuned into the broadcast, while one apartment in particular fought for their lives. Screaming and coughing could be heard as people tried to help one another make sure not only their family was out safe but as much as their belongings as they could manage. The only available help would be one another until some sort of authority could arrive, which by then might be too late to salvage anything.
"Hey that's MY shit man!"
A young woman yelled at another woman who had been taking this trying moment as a time to increase her own pocket value. A purse containing a few hygienic products had been taken out of her hands in the midst of movement, "I'm sorry Monique." a man said, placing his hand on Monique's shoulder. She had been crashing at his apartment for the last week. "Not your fault. I'm sorry about your apartment.. shit man, what are you going to do?" she asked, the two of them outside as they watched it go up in smoke. "I'll go live with my parents or something, what are YOU going to do?" he asked as Monique adjusted her backpack on her small frame. A backpack containing her entire's life worth of material items. "I'm sure work will let me stay there for awhile again, I'm scared once I have to quit though, they won't want any pregnant chicks working, unless it's some real specific fuck comes in and requests it." she laughed with a genuinely sad tone as the two embraced.
"Keep in touch with me man, I'm going to head to work, if your parents don't let you come back I'll find something for you." the man nodded, as he turned back to the apartment and then once back to her. "Take care of yourself Mo, I wanna see that baby when it comes too, don't you go and sell that shit, I'll raise it if I have to." Monique nodded, waving as she headed to the dance club she worked at. It would be hours before the place would open, but she could work as a maid in the mean time and maybe convince the owner for her to stay there a few months while she figured a new living arrangement out.