Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Cyrus's standoff with the bear came to an abrupt and merciful end when a group of other goblin males rushed in behind him, weapons and torches in hand. Fearing an unwinnable fight and leery of the flame in any event, the bear retreated, much to Cyrus's relief. He quickly thanked the other warriors, then went to go find the dried wood he had promised Clelk. The warriors told him that Talik had made it back to the village to tell them about the bear, something which Cyrus had figured in any event.

Careful not to run into any more wildlife, Cyrus found the dried wood in the spot in the woods he knew about, an area so densely overgrown that rain rarely reached the forest floor. A few minutes later, he marched back into the village, carrying a pile of parched ash and oak wood towards Clelk's hut, just as the sun was starting to set.

"Clelk! You there? I got your wood! If there's nothing else you need, I've got to check on Talik! There was a bear attack, but I don't think it hurt him!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Horton
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Horton Who?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Location: Forest outside the village
Doing: Scaring a bear

The little scavenger had caught wind of a bear; attacking a high warrior in fact! Though that detail didn't matter... What did matter was there was a bear to be hunted and glory to be earned. For all goblins wanted was the pride of their ancestors. Thus it took off upon this trail of fright, following the wind right to its source

Zark was one of many it seemed, though they all likely came to aid Cyrus so that such a value to the tribe was not lost. Still Zark joined in at the tormenting and scaring of the beast, making a ruckus. Yooping and hollering, banging sticks against the trees. Anything that would confuse the creature so that it may leave. Finally... After what seemed like an eternity for the runt, leave it did. The bear waltzing off into the forest quite casually really.

Though while the others left Zark was left to their own and the goblin quickly made a cut on a tree, trying to remember the area that this had taken place. Zark would have the bear, but not by hunting it fairly. No, the goblin was much too weak to battle against a bear. Instead the goblin would trap this bear and slay it without risking their own health.

But so much to do, yet so little time...
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

As Clelk relaxed by his hut, he noticed that there was a small stack of dry wood - it seemed like Cyrus had stopped by and delivered the wood and Clelk, in his fervor, didn't notice. Well, Clelk didn't need the wood for completing the Sword in the end, so he simply took the small pile and moved it into his hut, gently placing it alongside his many belongings. It would come in handy relatively soon, considering it was nearly time for dinner.

The thought of continuing work into the night briefly crossed Clelk's mind, but he rejected the idea almost immediately. He wasn't some young runt anymore - back when he was an apprentice, Clelk was foolish enough to work the forge all through the night, trying to impress his master with his productivity. He learned the error of forging in the dark while extremely exhausted, and he had the burn scars to prove it. Forging something besides a single sword in a day was a nice idea, but forging took a long time, so Clelk had no choice but to settle for that. Not that he was really complaining, considering forging was such hard work in the first place - the only reason he wanted to make another weapon was to squeeze someone else dry of animal pelts.

Clelk never really got the status attached to swords in the tribe - was it just because they were so costly and difficult to make? Compared to a spear, swords usually weren't as good in a fight. But then again, Cyrus paid a very nice price for a weapon like this, so Clelk didn't really have a right to question him. Those pelts more than made up for what he lost buying his pot, and the dry wood saved him a trip to the forest. Clelk stretched his rotund body, before grabbing the completed sword and his Iron Pot. He'd find Cyrus as soon as he could, and then start making dinner.
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