It has been five long and turbulent years since the end of the Human and Covenant war that brought humanity to the brink of extinction. While we did achieve our ultimate victory with the combined forces of the UNSC and the Covenant Separatists, new and unprecedented threats have presented themselves across the Milky Way Galaxy. We are faced with the constant threat from these new hostile forces that formed not only after but also before the fall of the Covenant Empire. A number of these hostiles are Splinter groups made up from the remnants of the Covenant. They continue to attack and harass our colonies even after the cease-fire was signed, and a truce had been enacted.
As each day goes by, they are becoming more audacious, attacking whole planets instead of picking off small colonies. Something or someone has emboldened them, and now has the undivided attention of the Office of Naval Intelligence. While our information about these attacks are limited at the best, we may have the opportunity to find out exactly what is happening. The ONI Deep Space facility known as Raven, picked up a distress message two hours ago coming from the Erathellian Solar System. The message was traced back to the systems home planet known as Solares.
This planet holds significant importance to the Office of Naval Intelligence, being the staging ground for a number highly important and secretive projects that could prove disastrous, if they fell into the wrong hands. The simple fact that this splinter group of the Covenant could destroy the systems orbital defenses and then break through to Solares with ease, has left many individuals worried. All messages coming from the system have ceased, leaving the UNSC and ONI in the dark. It is clear now what we must do, for not only the UNSC and ONI, but also humanity as a species. If we simply ignore this significant event, many other worlds may fall to whatever hostile force or forces that are carrying out these organised and seemingly planned attacks.
I have been instructed to contact Nickolas Colistis, Captain of the heavily modified Phoenix-Class Support vessel known as the Celestian and issue him orders to investigate the Erathellian Solar System. More details will of course follow once they approach the system, but they cannot be repeated here in my personal journal. For all of our sake, I hope that this situation can come to a swift and reasonable ending.

Hello everyone, and thank you for your interest in Halo: The Erathellian Incursion. As stated above, this is a complete reboot of an old RP that I very much wanted to give another try at. Before we get into the details of the RP, there are a few things I would like to point out. First off, this RP takes place shortly after the events of Halo 4, and will eventually branch into Halo 5 down the line. However, due to the controversial lore of Halo 5, I will be mostly avoiding it and using my own custom lore for the story.
If you are unfamiliar with the lore from any of the Halo games, you have no reason to worry. I have created a detailed lore section for those who may need to catch up on all that has happened. I am also happy to answer any questions that any of you may have.
Unlike some of the other Halo RP's I have seen in the past, we will be playing as a squad of Spartan-IV's who have their own strengths and weaknesses. Even though we are elite soldiers, that does not make us invincible. We can still be severely wounded or even killed in battle. It is very important to remember that when heading head first into a combat situation.
Our story begins upon the the heavily modified Phoenix-Class Support vessel known as the Celestian. Each of us will be playing as a Spartan-IV, within the squad known as Onyx. This team of Spartans is known for being the first upon the ground in almost all situations. They are highly skilled in reconnaissance and combat, and are always ready for what may come next. Leading Team Onyx is Commander Aviza Morgenstern, the first Spartan to set foot upon the Celestian and one with an impressive combat record as well.
The Celestian and her crew will be taking part in a normal routine assignment near the Hawking Eta arm of the Milky way when we receive a highly confidential message. The contents of this message will send us on a new mission, one that could effect not only humanity, but all other sentient species in the galaxy. It will be up to the crew of the Celestian to confront this assignment head on.
During our journey through the Erathellian Solar System, we will be forced to overtake great challenges that will test our characters fortitude. We will face off against a number of hostiles, both familiar and some unfamiliar. Each planet we visit will have its own unique ecosystem and story, forcing us to adapt to the changes while overcoming whatever may lay ahead of us. The Erathellian solar system holds many secrets, some that we could benefit from, and others that should never be discovered. Not all of our interactions shall be solely combat based, though. We can expect there to be down time for each of our characters to get to know each other, hopefully forming a more powerful bond.
Any good UNSC ship has an Artificial Intelligence helping behind the scenes, and the Celestian is no different. The only difference between the Celestians AI and others, are three simple facts. The AI Alyn has the ability to appear as a fully formed female human in Mjolnir Powered Assault Armor anywhere on the ship at any time. Not only can this AI connect with someones Mjolnir Powered Assault Armor, but it can also do so while helping assist with the Celestians facilities. When in full form, Alyn appears so life like that new members of the Celestians crew have mistaken her as a real person.

1: Do not God-Mod.
2: Do not Mary Sue.
3: Be polite and respectful to your fellow RP'ers.
4: If you are going to be gone for a week or more, please let us know.
5: If you do not post within 7 days of the last person, you will be skipped or removed from the RP. (If you need extra time, please let me or my Co-GM know and we will make an exception.)
6: Please post your CS here in the OOC, once it is approved, you can post it in the characters tab.
7: I require that your posts are at least two paragraphs.
8: A little bit of romance is allowed in the RP but please do as the Superintendent from Halo: ODST said "Keep it Clean."
9: If you want to be part of this RP and create a character sheet, I expect you to be active and not vanish.

Rank: (Just use Spartan, as your rank.)
Weapons: (Please do not use any heavy weapons, like rocket launchers and the such.)
You can check out my character sheet for an example: roleplayerguild.com/posts/4971006