Username: Holy Wingss

Name: Dynasty
Gender: Female
Empire: Rukian Empire
Alien breed: Human
Planet from: Earth
Age: 16
Sexuality: Expected to be straight ( Faith also affect her sexual preference)

Personality: Humble, shy, obedient straightened out, (the emperor of Rukian Empire's goddaughter), extremely traditional (raised in all ethic traditions), too tired to act up, see rebelling as just another stupidity of draining her energy, a clown personality, kind of serious lean and mean when folks don't stop pestering her.

-She played a virtual reality full dive MMO video game once. In that game she lived a full real time 70 years as a straight man character, that was mere days in reality outside virtual reality. Because of her virtual reality experience she understands men without ever been a man.

-She finds dudes as um not romantically having, despite acting being in character.
- She sees America as really a nation of rogues do whatever you want. When she imagen herself as American She can't see herself working to strengthen their society, she see no honor, no values worth keeping, scattered. If she would have grown up in Amercia she predicts she would have done absolutely nothing to show for it.

Biography: She is pride quick to act as a diplomat on everything, bowl down, other stuff. The smallest of things can lead to disasters too her country her people

Favorite song: Memoirs of a Geisha- Sayuri's theme.

Family: Rukian Empire's royal family.
Job: Adopted princess.

Skills: Pistol firing, martial arts, mastery of the katana, mastery of the bow and arrow.
Weapon: A pistol, katana.
Military/ Whatever: .Royal princess.