EDIT: Thank you all for sending in Character Sheets! Unfortunately we've reached the limit for new characters and won't be accepting any more. Thanks again!
I'm Lovejoy, GM for The Last Embers, an RP that's been running for the past two years here on RPGuild. We are currently a smaller group of writers who've created a very deep story that is now entering a new phase and have recently decided to open up the RP to new players. The Last Embers is an advanced RP with deep player-created lore and a focus on worldbuilding and characterization, but we are very casual in how we approach this. As a GM I value improvisation and player input, and one of my favorite aspects of running RPs is working with players to create cool and memorable storylines for their characters, meaning that I am willing to give a lot of trust to folks in letting them create what they want (as long as it makes sense for the story of course).
Since this RP has been going on for a while, the OOC has grown quite large. The opening post is pretty substantial, and many events have occurred in the story (too many to recap all at once). I wont expect new players to read everything in the OOC if they don't wish to, but I will gladly bring you up to speed on the more important aspects of the story.
Anyway, here is some info about the world of the RP itself and the characters you will be playing as.
The Last Embers takes place in a dark steampunk world that has been frozen in a magical ice age for untold eons. Seeking shelter from the unnatural cold, people in this world live within massive steam cities that exist under the thrall and protection of living gods who walk among humanity and rule over their flock like kings. These gods are all-powerful and are in constant war with one another, with their faithful adherents doing the fighting for them. Their worshipers wage war for them without scruple or complaint, for in the minds and hearts of the people, they owe their existence and survival to the gods themselves.
The story begins on the western continent, where the god-king Varya rules over the titanic steam city of Magnagrad. For the past two hundred years, the Varyan Empire, a monstrous nation of blood, iron and blackened snow, has conquered the entire continent and has imprisoned the gods of rival kingdoms and assimilated their flock into Varyan society. Having the entirety of the western continent conquered, Lord Varya now turns his armies to the east, where across the frozen oceans lies the mythical continent of El, unseen and untouched by western eyes.
We will be playing as a group of young Varyan inquisitors, or war priests, who've been sent on a missionary expedition to the mysterious continent of El, where they are to learn of the Gods who are worshiped there and if possible, convert the natives to the light of Varya.
Our characters, a group of recently ordained inquisitors, are powerful but inexperienced. They are barely out of their teens and are being given command of two powerful steam arks as well as a large force of common soldiers and support personnel to aid them on their mission.
Our group have known each other since childhood, and have bled and endured together through their years at the Red Seminary, the holy academy where the inquisitors of the Varyan Empire are trained.
Through their years together, they have formed bonds and rivalries. Some of you may see each other as trusted friends, hated enemies, or even lovers. Nothing is off limits.
Our characters are going to be priests, but they can have whatever kind of background and personality you want. They can come from noble houses, lived as orphans, former slaves, ect. They could be anything from mad zealots who would kill for their gods without question to conflicted individuals quietly wrestling with their faith. Remember, these will be young adults, so just because they're priests doesn't mean that they have to conform to what you typically think priests are like. They're human beings first, and should have their own specific character quirks.
Your story begins weeks into the expedition, as you and your companions find yourselves stranded on the ice after your ship is attacked. You have been surviving for weeks and your supplies are running low, but there on the horizon, you spot the lights of a distant ship heading in your direction...
Below is a link to the OOC if you want to jump in and read more info on the world (you can ignore the zeroth post). We mostly communicate through discord now, which is why the OOC appears a bit empty at the end. If you have any questions, let me know!
OOC: roleplayerguild.com/topics/167756-the…
Thanks for reading! :)