Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by queenoftheages
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queenoftheages How to be a ghost

Member Seen 7 mos ago

It didn't take long for Kejirah to get...irritated. Under normal circumstances, she would've been a-okay, but these weren't normal circumstances, and everything was not a-okay.
She sat next to her truck tire, growing impatient under the midday sun as the heat beat down on her forehead, causing beads of sweat to form and roll down her cheeks slowly and disgustingly, which she immediately wiped off. See, usually Kejirah was unbothered by sweat, but that was when she was doing something active to cause it, not by being harassed by the giant flaming ball of gas in space, something that had no place causing her this much distress. Exercise sweat was attractive. Skin-melting-off-by-sun was not. Even if there weren't any people around. Which there wasn't since she was parked in a deserted gas station, a place that could have easily been a murder scene sometime in the past decade. There was a little ounce of temptation to explore the badly beat up shack of a building, but that would mean touching something to get inside, and she was quite sure that if she did, she'd get tetanus. And die. In the middle of nowhere. Now, those with some amount sense would say that that scenario would be a little unrealistic, and to that she would respond: "Fuck you," with a dramatic flip of her hair as would anyone else with an overactive imagination.
Not only that, but she didn't want to move more than a foot in any direction. Which was another perfectly valid reason for not taking advantage of this opportunity.
Leaning over and holding her chin in her hands, 'Jirah pulled out her phone and tapped into messages. She could hardly see the screen even with the brightness all the way up, so she cupped her hand over the top and leaned her head in further to see. Pulling up a distress message (decorated with at least a dozen sigh and anger emojis) she had sent at least an hour earlier to a close friend, she wanted to check if he had got it, but when she tapped onto their conversation, the same red lettered phrase came up.

message not delivered!

The young woman groaned out loud and stood up, holding her phone in the air in different places while repeatedly hitting the side of it, attempting (and not succeeding) to get at least two bars of service. After a few disappointing moments, she lowered her arms in defeat and climbed into her truck flinging her phone in the passenger seat. This trip was supposed to be fun. Refreshing even. But right now, it was neither. It was hot. So very hot.
Starting up the engine, Kejirah pulled out of the abandoned place accompanied by the stifling heat and no A/C, she nearly had her head out of the window like a dog to try and feel something that resembled a breeze. A breeze would've been nice, instead she got blasted by the heat of a hundred furnaces. Recoiling, she realized how quickly things were going downhill as she sped down the burning road, on her way as she would soon figure out: Coalfell.

Passing through a town, or what seemed like one, she noticed a small, old-timey looking diner with a parking lot that resembled hell for anything with tires but she pulled into it, music blaring. She hadn't realized how hungry and not to mention tired she was until she came to a stop. Turning off her truck, a yellow hummer she would often brag, she grabbed her useless phone, eyeing it like it had done something wrong before heading inside, sweat still covering her body.

"Ahh, air conditioniiiing!" She exclaimed in a sing-song voice as she pushed the door open, a small bell rung cheerfully. At first she thought it was supposed to be a nice welcome for anyone who came in, as anyone would normally think, but she soon realized it was a signal to the people already inside not that there was a new customer, but someone new in general. Soon, the air conditioning felt stale as conversations became quiet whispers and she could feel eyes on her.
"What is this, a western saloon?" She asked rhetorically, giving off a laugh with a hint of nervousness underneath.
She took a seat at one of the stools up front, smiling at those who passed by. Soon enough, the conversations started back up to her relief. Weird. She thought as she leaned over onto the counter, finally able to take a good look around. At first glance, the diner, known as Momma May's, seemed like a hot mess but as the eyes adjusted, there was more life to it than what was on the outside. A red and white theme overwhelmed the space a little bit, but with all of the chatter going on, it made it homier. There were seats lined up against the windows and walls that had puffy, red leather cushions and off-white tables, most of them filled. The tile floor looked recently swept, which was surprising because she definitely wouldn't have expected it from this town. She was quite sure Coalfell wasn't large enough to have health inspectors. Pictures of old couples and past workers lined the yellowish walls (she wasn't sure whether they were originally that color or not) that acted like a nostalgic timeline of the small building. On the right side, there was a larger space that held a rickety stage with faded wine red curtains decorating each side and a poster that said "Karaoke Night on Fridays!" which was a bit ominous. But also interesting. Round tables circled the stage containing two chairs each, some of them four. Now this was the kind of place she was hoping to encounter.
Smiling to herself, she continued to patiently wait for her food to be ordered, propping her elbow up and sitting her head on her hand. She noticed the people next to her kept giving her small glances but didn't say anything else. Suddenly, she straightened up and looked around. She was going to need somewhere to sleep.

"Hey hey! Kejirah called out to the crowd, who immediately stopped talking. "Does anyone know of a good place to stay around here? She looked around, hoping someone would answer her call.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 22 days ago

Thierry-- No, no. It was "Clementine" now. She had to refer to herself as such even in her innermost thoughts for now, lest she get caught unawares and accidentally let it slip who she actually was. Not that anyone in this backwater cared about anything as lofty as "Internationally wanted eco-terrorists," but that was the whole point, her comrades had said. Her comrades had said a lot of things... anyway, Clementine read a month-old newspaper-- this town really was a place out of time--for the umpteenth time. Another member of her sector caught. He didn't make headline news. Not even front page. He was a blip on page seven. Clementine knew why-- the guy was a small fry, barely had been with the org for a month before The Split, as the founders had decided to call it. He had nothing to offer. The pigs were upset they hadn't caught anyone in any real positions of leadership, like her, for months. She didn't know where her comrades were, but if it was in places like this, that seemed to have a bubble of oddities and abandonment protecting it from any real kind of relevancy, then they wouldn't get anyone. That made her happy. Still, she felt for the kid.

Clementine sighed.

What the fuck was she getting done here, anyway? The question was rhetorical, but she gazed at the filthy pool with her eye as if she expected it to answer. She flipped around in the sorry excuse for a pool chair and flopped on her exposed belly, allowing her back to tan. She couldn't get in the pool-- even if she wasn't convinced it was a hepatitis trap-- chlorine fucked with the chemical burns from her injury. All she could do was gaze into the blue abyss, hoping some horror from beyond reached out and gave her bored hands something to do that wasn't twiddle aimlessly and tinker with this motel's broken electronics. She craved Shiva's blessing. Her soul was starved for artistic meaning, she required spiritual and hedonistic indulgence. Or else what? What was the classic 'guy' response? Maybe you just need to get laid? Good luck when there were like 15 people in this fucking town!

Clementine pulled her wide brimmed straw hat far over her eyes in silent frustration. She remained like this for some time, listening to her own pulse in her ears. She remained like this for so long she didn't notice the two children who had run up to her, practically screaming by the time Clementine tipped her cap up with a thumb to listen to the two, eyebrow raised.

"Lady! We really need you to resolve something for us!"


The distinction between the two really didn't matter. They were both buck-toothed dusty figments of her imagination as far as she was concerned. Clementine didn't really "do" children. In fact, after spending as long as she had here, she wasn't sure there were children in Coalfell. Despite seeing these two, she still wasn't convinced. Still, this was better than nothing, no? Perhaps these youths had some interesting philosophical insights between the two of them. Clementine bit.

"What." She responded coolly, resting her head against her arms, still laying on her belly.

"Is water soup?"


"What?" She responded, almost with a scowl.

"We been arguing, and we think water might be soup!"


"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"I'm saying--"

"No-- don't say it again. I get what you're saying. What I don't get is how you could be so stupid as to think this is an appropriate question to ask other people."

"But you use water to make soup, don't you?"


"Yeah, but you can't just pour a beverage in a bowl with nothing else and call it soup."

The boy smiled, "Ahh-- so water is a beverage?"

Clementine's eye widened in anger, "Yes, you little bastard!"

"Who's to say a beverage can't also be a soup?"

"Yeah! Yeah!"

Clementine pressed her hands to her temples, trying not to smash these two little shit's faces together, "You drink a beverage out of a glass, you eat a soup because it's a broth based meal and nutrient rich."

"Okay, but what about when you drink a soup out of a thermos? And what about nutrient rich beverages, like V8?"

"You get V8 out here?"

The boy shook his head, "Just imagine for the example."


"Okay..." Clementine pressed a hand to her forehead as she felt a headache coming on, "v8 is advertised as a beverage, it doesn't have food chunks. It's just a drink, that's why you don't eat it out of a bowl. And as for the thermos argument, there's still food chunks-- it's not a beverage, it's a soup you happen to be drinking out of a cup."

"Okay..." The boy nodded sagely, "So, then what if I put fruit in my water?"

"That would just be La Croix."

"Okay, okay..." the boy laughed, "But I think you haven't completely dis-proven that water on it's own can be a soup-- there just needs chunks of something in it..."

"So... is ice water soup?" The other boy chimed in.

Clementine shot both boys a look that caused them to run away in abject terror. "I need a drink."

After a quick trip to her room at the Cadillac to slip on some jeans (She figured her bikini top was enough of a top to satisfy the scarcely enforced "shirt" rule). She ended up at Momma May's, a place who's watered down piss water she had become well accustomed to over the past month and a half or so. She found quickly to be served here one had to give off an air of downtrodden-ness, and ignore the stares. Maybe because that's the air the average Coalfell citizen gave off? Simultaneously having given up and not giving a fuck? Either way, Clementine was a quick learner. She was about five beers deep before she heard the bell ring again. She didn't turn right away. instead focusing on the wolf piss they called beer before her, trying to build up some kind of buzz to fight off her oncoming migraine.

"Hey hey!"


"Does anyone know of a good place to stay around here?"

The silence that followed hung like a strange fruit. Clementine turned to the stranger. The pretty stranger. Strange fruit indeed. Clem smiled as people stared. No one was going to answer, of course. People around here didn't really like talking, unless it was about something either entirely inane or completely insane.

"'Good' is a bit of a high bar around here, I'm afraid." Clem rolled her eye, "There's definitely a place to stay, if you're desperate."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SamaraJayne96
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SamaraJayne96 Just Another Otaku~

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I walked across
An empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth
beneath my fe-

♪Whose phone is ringing? Mine! Mine!♪

Ravi had been driving south with no particular destination in mind. He was running away. Running from the life he had mistakenly created. The young starlet had attended a premiere the night before. In doing so he had a mental breakdown at work which had led him to make a life-altering decision... A decision to run away.

"Ravi! Ravi! Over here!"
"Mr. Callum!"
Lights flashed. The deafening sounds of people and cameras filled the air.
After exiting his limousine Ravi was immediately surrounded by reporters, fans, and everything in between.
Everywhere he looked there were faces and flashing lights. No room for air. No room at all.
The world around him began to tilt. His vision started to blur. He attempted to focus on the red carpet at his feet but could only feel his heart try to break out of his chest. His breathing was hard. Ragged and uneven.
With a hand on his shoulder, his publisher murmured something in his ear. Something he couldn't hear. Something that wouldn't register.
Acting as if on instinct, the author whirled around and started to leave. Noticing the momentary pause behind him, he didn't look back toward the bewilderment of the crowd.
He continued walking until he re-entered his limo and ordered the driver to take him home.

Recently Ravi's publisher had coaxed the author into turning his latest book series into a movie. The dynamic duo had signed the contracts a little over a year ago. Little did he know that the movie would result in a blockbuster hit... A few million viewers in the first week alone. Before the film went to theatres there was already a fan basis in every city according to certain websites.
The spark of publicity immediately threw Ravi into A-list celebrity status. Also known as every introverts worst nightmare.
Using the hands-free feature on his 2019 Genesis G70, Ravi tapped the screen so he could continue access on his GPS. Since last night he had been ignoring all calls that came his way. Instead of hitting the disconnect button, however, a large bump in the road caused him to select "answer."

"Shit. Um... Hello?-"

"Ravi where the flying fuck are you?? I have been calling all night!"

"Hector! Ravi gritted through smiling teeth, slightly cringing at the reprimand that was sure to come.
How IS my favorite publisher?"

A slight pause caused an eerie silence to fill the car. Ravi could practically see Hector pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"Hector are y-"

"Don't you DARE try to sweet talk me! Do you know how many strings I had to pull for you last night??? He sighed heavily before continuing.
"That doesn't matter. What matters is that you have a meeting in about an hour. I went ahead and sent Oliver over to pick you up. Remember to wear the crimson tie I like. You know which one I'm talking about?"

"Hector. Hector." Ravi repeated his name slowly increasing in volume. He needed to interrupt the man before a whole list of daily tasks were assigned to him.
"Hector I'm not going... I'm not even in Seattle anymore. I've decided that I need to get away for a while."

Another pause. This one slightly longer than the last.

"Heh. You almost had me for a minute buddy." Hector chuckled, his voice slightly cracking.
"But no seriously, make sure you wear-"

"Hector I AM serious. I am somewhere in Arizona I think. Not sure where exactly..."

"Ravi. Turn the car around. TURN. THE. CAR.-"

Eyes widening, Ravi looked down at the display on his dashboard.

☹ Signal was lost! ☹

Not only had the call disconnected, but the GPS did as well. The roads constantly alternated seeming to "reroute" to nowhere.
Muttering a slew of curse words under his breath, Ravi looked at his surroundings in the hope to determine where on earth he was.
There was nothing.
Nothing but cacti, sand, tumbleweeds, and dirt. The sun was high and foreboding. Its righteous head beating down on every living thing.
Buzzards circled the vast blue sky. Other than that, there didn't seem to be anything around for miles.

There. Ravi thought noticing something that he had not seen before.

A small sign hung precariously off a rusted pole. It was dented, rusty, and faded. Ravi could just barely make out the words displayed on it:

-Welcome to Coalfell-

Looking just past the sign, Ravi saw what he thought was a mirage of sorts. Beyond the heat waves was what looked to be a small town. If you could even call it that. The few buildings were just as dilapidated and rusty its welcome.
Frowning, he was about to turn around when-

"SON OF A BI-" Ravi shouted as his car jumped up only to crash down and lean to one side.

Throwing open his door he paced to the front to see what had happened.
A rock, small enough to miss but large enough to do damage lay a few feet from behind the car. It was sharp enough to gouge a large gash into the front drivers' side tire of his car. Not only that, Ravi noticed a foreign liquid start to pool at his feet.

"Wonderful."Ravi muttered, placing his hands on his hips. He grit his teeth remembering that his spare had a leak and was currently at the shop back home.
"Maybe there is a mechanic in this half-ass town. I just hope I don't get shot... Hicks seem more likely to be racist than the average man."

Looking around, Ravi noticed a ranch-like building a few doors down. The sign above had a woman in an apron holding a frying pan. Next to her were the words: Mama May's Cafe and Bar.
Wordlessly he approached the building, a bell chiming as he entered signaling his arrival.
Keeping his head down he walked towards the barstools set up near the counter. He took a seat and waited patiently for a server to greet him.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

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James Matei

James had arrived in Motel Cadillac a few days ago, Carrying with him three suitcases filled with clothing, writing materials, and other miscellaneous items. So far he had done a few pages for his upcoming novel, However he became distracted by the talking and cars outside of window. Not like this was a main factor why he was distracted form working, His mind was all over the place and has been for the past couple of weeks. His inspiration and recent research was the local gangs and the occult history of this town. Sitting in the cafe near the motel, Finding it to be quiet enough for him to work on his laptop. He mostly just kept to himself with his second cup of black coffee right beside him.

The reason he was in Arizona was to get away from Boston from his ex-wife, Although he greatly missed his daughter who he fought tooth and nail to have both taking care of and visitation rights. However his wife's lawyer was much better then his own, So he was not able to see his daughter which sent him into a spiral of depression and alcoholism.

Typing away on his laptop trying his best to focus on getting as much work done as possible, Keeping to himself and only speaking to the waitress that was serving him coffee. While no one was looking he would produce a small flask and dumping the content into his coffee. Taking a sip form it and making a sour face because of how strong the content of the flask was. Continuing to work on his novel in the meantime.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Cio
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Cio dumb of ass, pure of heart

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"I got my ticket for the long way 'round
Two bottle 'a whiskey for the way
And I sure would like some sweet company
And I'm leaving tomorrow, wha-do-ya say?"

A red Volvo P1800 drove full speed past a worn sign on the highway. Under the blazing midday sun, with no company save for the car which was far more valuable than the driver knew, Becca felt free. Was the car hers? Pfft, of course not. Or the fat wallet in her pocket, was that hers? Not even close. But really, the brunette couldn't bring herself to feel too bad about it. Was it really stealing if the previous owner had stolen the goods in the first place?
Besides, Vince had a garage full of vintage cars and more money than things to throw it at. He wouldn't miss this particular one, Becca concluded.
Can't argue with that logic.

"When I'm gone, when I'm gooone," Becca sang, her voice gaining volume to compete with the loud, pothole filled road:
"you're gonna miss me when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me by my hair
You're gonna miss me everywhere, oh
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone."

Where was she, exactly? Becca couldn't tell. She knew she was somewhere in Arizona, as she'd driven pretty much non-stop since leaving unannounced half a week ago. The brunette did have a phone with her, only she'd blocked and deleted all her old contacts and social media. Letting go of those sweet sweet followers had been tough, but the girl didn't want to be tracked. Had she been actually smart about it, she would've ditched the phone altogether and bought a new one. However, Becca hadn't exactly planned this. She hadn't planned packing in the dead of the night and taking off in a car which had belonged to her boyfriend slash fiance slash ex... whatever. Becca was so done with that. She didn't have the energy to think about that, only the new adventure ahead of her. At least she was smart enough to not use any credit cards.

One slight problem: gas was running out, and there was no gas station in sight. Or anything, really. This is what Becca imagined the entirety of Arizona to look like, just a big, boiling wasteland with dried up tufts of whatever growing from the cracks on the road. The only sign of civilisation being the aforementioned road, with everything around it belonging to mother nature.

"Come on now..." Becca huffed as her eyes kept shifting to look at the small gas tank meter, fully in red by now. Cars weren't really Becca's area of expertise. She'd just taken the one that looked the nicest. Gone was her good mood from earlier, replaced by a mild worry. Getting stranded here, in the middle of nowhere without GPS and reception, that was not an option. Maybe she should've thought this through after all.

Just as Becca thought that, she lifted her gaze to see a town on the horizon, slowly becoming clearer in the dust. At first the brunette thought it was a mirage, with the heat rising in waves from the road and all around her, but as she got closer it became clearer this was indeed her saviour.
"Yess! Oh my god, yes, thank fuck," Becca exclaimed as she drove closer to the faded ghost of a town. There was a sign, rusty and dented and something straight out of a horror movie. It read "Welcome to Coalfell" with big, worn out letters Becca could barely make out.
She had never seen anything more welcoming in her entire life.


In her excitement, Becca had forgotten to watch the road for all the numberless potholes in it. The road was really more holes than road, if she was honest. Whatever place Becca had found herself in, it wasn't very well maintained. But at least it was remote. Remote was exactly what Becca needed right now.

Mindful of the potholes scattered across the pavement, Becca carefully maneuvered her car to the side of the road. She was just in time, too, since the car shut of right then and there, effectively out of gas altogether.
"Come on," Becca grumbled, hitting the steering wheel with her fists in frustration. She was so close to the town. She could even see the sign of a diner looking place in the distance. Couldn't the gas have lasted a few more blocks? Now she'd have to walk out in the melting midday heat, and she was already covered in sweat despite the somewhat functional A/C in the car.
Becca steeled herself and opened the car door, instantly being hit with a breeze of hot, dry air in her face. She didn't even have a hat, for god's sake. At least the brunette had packed her sunglasses with her, otherwise the brightness would've blinded her.

Becca locked up the car, making sure everything was nice and secure. She didn't take what little luggage she had with her out of the trunk of the car, deciding it was wisest to go around looking for any signs of life first. Plus she was rather thirsty.
Looking around, Becca's gaze settled on the diner once more. It seemed worn like the rest of the place, but much more likely to be still up and functioning compared to much of the other buildings. Sliding her large sunglasses on, Becca began walking in her five inch wedges towards the diner. Maybe someone there could point her to a gas station.

"There is a house in New Orleans
They call the Rising Sun
And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy
And God I know I'm one..."
Becca hummed as she got closer. The song came from nowhere, maybe from how this place looked, or the blazing heat scorching her mostly revealed skin. The girl's face lit up as she got near enough to read the sign on the diner's door. KARAOKE NIGHT! it said with big letters, although Becca couldn't be sure if that held true still. It didn't matter.
"Sweet, I love karaoke!" the young woman said to herself with a grin, pushing the door open. There was the sound of a bell over her head.

Walking to the counter with a bright attitude, ignoring the fact that it seemed to suddenly be dead quiet in the cafe, Becca sat next to a man that seemed to be waiting for the server's attention.
"Hi," Becca greeted him with an open smile, looking around for the first time. There was another woman at the counter, drop dead gorgeous and seemingly engaged in conversation with someone sitting at the tables. Now Becca realised how quiet it was in the bar. All the eyes were on the woman Becca had just described in her mind, and by extension, on her.
Oops. Why were they looking at them like that? Trying to ignore the slight awkwardness in the air, Becca turned and waved at the server that neared them with a weary look in her eyes.

"Hi! Such a lovely little place you have here. Do you serve anything cold? A frappé maybe?" Becca asked, hopeful. The server shot her a look that clearly signaled to Becca 'what do you think this is? Starbucks?'
After a brief silence Becca drew out a "Yeah... Point taken," before smiling a bit more sheepishly. "Just a lemonade, then. And you? Did you want to order something?" Becca asked turning to the man next to her, seemingly oblivious to the fact that now all the eyes were on her instead.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by queenoftheages
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queenoftheages How to be a ghost

Member Seen 7 mos ago

“Yes, I have a habit of saying...dangerous things, but I may or may not be attracted to danger. So, it’s honestly whatever.”

Time | 1 P.M-ish
Place | Momma May's
Interactions | @Darcs @SamaraJayne96

Fortunately, it didn’t take long for someone to respond to her, which she was especially grateful for. She had a sinking feeling that no one was going to answer, and then she’d have to resort to sleeping in her car, but if she were being honest, she only did that on… “special” occasions. If it was one thing she hated most, other than this heat, it was being ignored. And of course, she was not to be ignored. And for some reason this town… gave her the vibes that that would happen quite often, a feeling she really didn’t appreciate. And she had only been there for literally five seconds.

"'Good' is a bit of a high bar around here, I'm afraid. There's definitely a place to stay, if you're desperate."

As the mysterious voice spoke up from somewhere at the bar, the young woman’s face lit up. Kejirah didn’t mean to be obnoxious most times, it just kinda came out that way. She could already feel the unwanted built up adrenaline ooze out as a wide smile spread across her lips, leaning back in her chair to pick out the voice among the crowd. She hadn’t realized how desperate she was for attention from another living person until now. It had been at least over two hours (which was a long time in her standards), since she’s actually talked to another being, so hearing the voice of another speaking to her (Yay!), was exciting. She was probably exuding major crackhead vibes right about now, so she wouldn't have been surprised if they up and walked away.
Hopping up from her seat, her car keys jangling in her oversized pocket, Kejirah made her way over to where the voice had come from. She didn't know who exactly said it, but the voice did sound rather feminine, so she just kinda guessed as she talked to a general direction rather than a sound place.

"Yes yes yes, oh my god yes," she started, folding her hands together. "First of all, I think 'desperate' is an understatement, if I'm being honest, and again, yes, I would absolutely love a place to stay. If you could recommend one, you-," she paused (Still not knowing who she was talking to), "-you would would be the sweetest angel, and I will literally do anything to make it up to you, I swear, because I'd rather die than sleep in my car again." Aaaand now she had said too much. Yet again, which wasn't surprising. She paused a bit awkwardly after that, giving a little "ahem" at the end and hoping she wasn't coming off as overbearing.
During that time, Kejirah had noticed out of the corner of her eye that quite a few more people had entered the small cafe; all of them who created the same hushed environment she had endured earlier. Also all of whom were quite attractive as well, if she may add. But as far as she knew, she didn't know any of them, not that she would in the first place, considering this town wasn't the kind of place you'd find her friends. Strangely enough though, there was one person in particular who'd caught her attention: This guy she could've swore she's seen before, but couldn't place it, which aggravated her. It was similar to the feeling of not knowing a word, but to have it sit on the tip of your tongue instead.

Wait a minute. Kejirah knew who that was. Ho-ly fucking cow. She definitely didn't want to overreact or anything but ho-ly fucking cow. At that point she was probably staring unashamedly, her eyes widened as soon as she realized who it was: Ravi Callum. Basically a super star. Here. At Coalfell. Anyone who didn't know him basically lived under a rock. She needed to go over there. For him to sign her anything would be.. literally so cool. But she couldn't just leave mid-conversation, because that would obviously be rude, so her next train of thought was to just yell. And that's what she did.
Without thinking too much, she cupped one of her hands over her mouth and said, "Ravi!" Shit, shit, shit, this was happening right now. "Ravi!" She exclaimed, about to raise her hand to wave at him, but then she decided otherwise. She needed to act cool. So instead, the young woman stuck her hands in her pockets and smiled, leaning her shoulders back. Now, Kejirah had three options to go from here to not make things awkward.

One: To act like they're old friends and say, "Heyy, what're you doing all the way down here in Coalfell?"

Two: Just say, "How's it goin'?" (No, that'd be weird)

Or three: Just not say anything and have him come to her.

Logically, she decided to go with option number one.
"Hey! What're you doing all the way down in Coalfell?" But as soon as the words escaped her lips, she regretted them. Why was this so hard? She was able to talk to anyone else without crashing and burning so hard. Now it was time to resort to option number three. And maybe try not to mentally die in the process.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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James Matei

James was still working on his novel, ignoring the other patrons and staff working around him. He sipped more of his coffee form his cup, Tapping loudly on the keys of his computer however he had only gotten four paragraphs of broken grammar and jumbled words. Rubbing the bridge of his nose and eyebrows feeling like he could not focus in this loud and crowded area, finishing his coffee inside of his cup letting out another tired sigh. His attention turning to the man another woman was speaking with, her voice was louder then the rest of the clients and staff in the cafe.

The person she was speaking with was Ravi Callum, another novelist he had heard about but had not read or knew alot of his work. Staring at them and listening to their conversation feeling jealously that he would be recognized and revered by other people. His recent writing has been lambasted for the past couple of years which has put him off form writing, his publishers had offered one last chance to pet a best seller. Or at the very least a book that would give his publishers a good amount of money.

He hated how his life was in the shitter and everyone around him were happy, Calling over the waitress wanting to pay his bill and go back to his room so he could work in peace.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SamaraJayne96
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SamaraJayne96 Just Another Otaku~

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Momma May's Cafe & Bar

While waiting for service Ravi did his best to survey the area discretely. It was... quaint. All right let's be frank. This place was a real shithole. The furniture, as well as the decor, looked as if it stumbled out of a 1950s Home & Garden at best. The staff did not look hospitable at all. In fact, they looked like they would rather be anywhere else in the world. Even some of the locals seemed as if they wanted to take Ravi outback and put a bullet between his eyes.
But he didn't care. This town was away from reporters. Away from interviews and book signings. Far, far, away from any obligation or strict schedule. And he loved it. Deep down his introverted self was doing cartwheels. Cartwheels over a rainbow into a freakin cotton candy explosion. Finally this overwhelming sense of freedom. A freedom that he had not experienced since his rise to fame. He had missed it terribly, and only now did he realize how much.

"Hi! Such a lovely little place you have here. Do you serve anything cold? A frappé maybe?" A lyrical yet perky voice spoke right next to him pulling the writer out of his reverie. The shock caused him to practically leap out of his chair. Next to him was a petite young woman with hair that reminded him of the sunrise. She seemed to be talking to the waitress at the other end of the counter. The waitress who had spent the last few minutes gossiping with a co-worker. The chef maybe. The server glared at her, her eyes shooting daggers. Probably due to the fact that she had interrupted the conversation that took precedence over her job. The awkward silence hung in the air for a moment stifling the energy in the room.

"Yeah... Point taken. Just a lemonade, then. And you? Did you want to order something?" The girl spoke, a whirlwind of energy. Turning so fast that Ravi thought she had bent time and space in order to face him.

Her large chocolate-colored eyes watched him eagerly as she waited for a response. One that he was not particularly prepared for. Glancing around he noticed that all eyes seemed to be focusing on the blinding ray of sunshine next to him.

Not good. I need to blend in.
If word gets out that I am here then Hector will find out and-

Ravi gulped thinking of the armageddon his publisher was sure to deliver once he got back home.
Moving away from those thoughts he realized that he had not answered Sunshine's question yet.

"I suppose a sweet tea would be alright... But honestly, I was looking for a place to-"

"Ravi!" A voice shouted from across the eatery interrupting him.


"Hey! What're you doing all the way down in Coalfell?"

This. Cannot. Be. Happening.

Slowly, almost painfully, he turned in his seat. His heart had stopped and immediately began a rapid pace that was definitely an unnatural rhythm. Eyes wide and pupils slightly dilated, he stared across the room at a woman he had never seen before.

God dammit.

His mouth felt dry as he stared at her momentarily. Sort of in a frozen trance, unable to move and unsure of what to do. He noticed that a male patron had been staring intently, glancing back and forth between the two of them. He was definitely listening in on the conversation. His face looked as if he had sucked on a lemon.
Drawing his attention back to the source, Ravi contemplated on what he should do from here. With his vehicle out of order he had no way of leaving this town. And if word should get out that he was here...
He had no way to escape.

"Excuse me." He murmured politely while cautiously rising from his seat.
"I'll... um... I gotta..."

He cleared his throat before shaking his head and striding across the restaurant. In doing so he attempted not to look to startled. To make his pace seem normal and unhurried. He failed.
Taking her arm firmly but in a way that did not hurt her, he pulled the ebony tomboy to the side where no patrons were present. After all this place was practically a ghost town.
He did not ignore the incredulous look on her face. Her shocked expression was palpable. But he didn't care. He needed to get his point across.

"Look. I know I have never met you before." He stated throwing all propriety out the window.
"And I know how you know my name." He paused for a moment in an attempt to slow his breathing.

"Of coarse I do! She spoke with an impish half-smile.
"You're Ra-" Before she could finsih her sentence he interrupted her by placing a finger to her lips.

"SHHHH!" He frowned looking up at nothing in exasperation.

Turning his head, he glanced around the diner once more to make sure that no one had noticed the commotion. Other than a few curious eyes, no one seemed to be in ear shot.

"Okay. Listen. I'm here because I DON'T want people to know where I am. Understand? I need a break from all that... recognition. I would be eternally grateful if you could just keep my identity on the down-low for now. Okay? At least until my car gets fixed and I can leave this dead-end town."

Noticing how close they were he muttered something unintelligible under his breath and pulled back effectively releasing her. Aggravated he rubbed his face with a heavy sigh.

"Look. I'll sign whatever you want. Just... please? Do me a solid." He didn't look her in the eye. Instead Ravi stared at the floor as he waited for her response.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cio
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Cio dumb of ass, pure of heart

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Place: Momma May's Cafe & Bar, 1 p.m.
Interactions: @SamaraJayne96, open for new interactions

Becca didn't have much time taking in the tortured man beside her before the statuesquely beautiful woman from earlier piped up again, stealing his attention. Becca's eyebrows rose in surprise and mild amusement as the energetic beauty was gently ushered to the side by the man. Did they know each other? If so, that was such a strange little coincidence. They certainly had very contrasting personalities: the man seemed rather reserved and the woman was much more Becca's level of... energetic? Was that the right word?
Becca smiled to herself, turning back to the waitress who was looking at her expectingly.

"Yes! So that'd be a lemonade for me and a sweet tea for that gentleman over there," Becca concluded with a sunny smile, nodding towards the corner where the man was currently, talking to his friend in hushed tones. The petite brunette took a second glance at the menu hanging above the bar. "Since I'm in the mood, throw in a strawberry milkshake too. For me," Becca added. The waitress didn't seem to be all that impressed by Becca's sunny smile, she just nodded and got to work, preparing the drinks ordered. It didn't seem she was particularly enthusiastic about her job, or maybe she was just not fond of talkative strangers who interrupted their gossip sessions with co-workers.

While waiting Becca let her eyes scan over the café, taking in all the customers and the general atmosphere. This kind of reminded Becca of the diner she worked in, except this was much more sun faded and remote, for the lack of better words. The brunette tapped her finely manicured fingers against the counter until the small taps turned into a rhythm of sorts. And when there was a rhythm, there ought to be music too.
Becca began humming to herself, head gently bopping along the melody. Music had always been her escape, be it boredom or unwanted situations.

After some time, the waitress returned with all of Becca's orders. The brunette beamed and handed the waitress a fifty dollar bill. In the spur of the moment, Becca made a decision.
"You know what? Keep the change," Becca declared, smiling innocently when the waitress' eyes widened comically. The bill she'd given her was entirely too much for what Becca had ordered. It was a fifty dollar bill for an order that cost maximum of five dollars, leaving an astronomical tip. The waitress looked as if she was about to protest, but when their eyes met and the waitress saw the full sincerity in Becca's, she seemed to think better of it. Mumbling a dumbfounded 'thank you', the waitress, went back to doing her job. It was clear that now the waitress thought Becca was out of her mind, a sentiment which wasn't compeletely untrue given the brunette's careless nature.
Becca closed her wallet full of cash, returning it to her satchel. She had a lot of money - one fifty dollar bill wouldn't make a dent either way. That, and Becca had always been a bit generous (or careless) with her money, especially when it wasn't exactly her own. Vince wouldn't miss it, the Brunette reasoned. He had a lot of money himself, and besides... he kind of owed Becca for saving his ass that one time. So really, this wasn't a big deal. It was totally worth it for seeing that waitress' face of disbelief.

Becca motioned the staff to take the sweet tea to the man, not really expecting him to come back anyway. It wasn't like she'd done some big favour to him, Becca did this sort of thing a lot when she had money from which to spend.
Taking a big sip of her strawberry milkshake, Becca crossed her legs on the bar stool she was sitting on. She'd have to ask someone for the location of a gas station, but first Becca just wanted to enjoy her cold refreshments. Becca began humming to herself once more, eyes wandering around the café, straw between her lips.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by queenoftheages
Avatar of queenoftheages

queenoftheages How to be a ghost

Member Seen 7 mos ago

"Watch out hun, I'm feelin' a bit dangerous~"

Now, Kejirah wasn't normally an impatient person per se, she just liked things to go fast. Her life was always kind of a blur: From choreography to running red lights when no one was looking or penthouse parties that lasted till dawn, her surroundings were always in motion. The high life was her style, but not exactly the "Kardashians" kind of life, but more like "Jersey Shore Beach Bonfire". Wild. Dramatic. Fiery romances. Being extra because they had money and just because they can. And she loved every single bit of it. Kejirah loved all of the new people she'd meet running around, whether that be for a long lasting friendship or just for the night, she had a habit of surrounding herself with people. To where no matter what time it was, there'd always be someone there to talk to. Hence the reason she'd even decided to travel in the first place. Yeah, she could've taken a plane, but what about that moment when you've gotta stop and help someone fix their car on the side of the road and it ends up they were just the type of person you were looking for? Probably never going to happen, but it definitely wouldn't have on a plane, she knew that much. She was a sucker for a romantic happy ending, but plane stories weren't that exciting.

Coalfell wasn't romantic in the least, as far as she knew, but it was different. In both a good and bad way. The young woman had never planned to come to this town. She would've liked to picture the tall skyscrapers and huge signs saying, Billboard's "Top 100", and the horrible traffic of the inner city, but with this dusty town, it was hard to get creative. Plus, any kind of cell service for her was down to scratch off talking to any living soul (Because she didn't think the residents of Coalfell even had a soul), so there goes the high life she was so comfortably living in. But honestly, she didn't really mind. The cafe was certainly charming in its own way, even though the customers were a bit...well...unpredictable, she would have to say. And the style was...out of style. Other than trying to escape death by fire and looking for a place to stay, she guessed she was also looking for a story, really. Just something to say, "Yo, you wouldn't believe what happened to me!" While showing off the cool scars you'd get from a place like this that were probably made from rabid coyotes or something dangerous like that.

But meeting new people was definitely on her top 5 to-do list when travelling. And luckily, she had found just the right person.

After Kejirah had called out his name, the young man had quickly ushered his way over to her, looking almost terrified if she wasn't mistaken. He pulled her over to the side and spoke at a whisper, his eyes wide. Now, it didn't take but two brain cells to realize he didn't want to be found. Any celebrity found within a hundred miles within this town was obviously running from something, but she really didn't enjoy being hushed. She wasn't gonna make a huge deal out of it or anything, but she was mildly uncomfortable.

"Ok, ok, that's my fault. But I can probably assure you that literally not one of these people know who you are," she laughed quietly, leaning in a bit.

"But you sure are interesting," she added, "I would love the attention. If I were you, I would want to be one of those celebs who always got put on the news for doing something insane, honestly. Or like, doing those fake photo things. 'Oh! Does Kejirah have a kid?! Who's the dad?!' But then be like, 'Nope! Gotcha, haha.' She paused, realizing she was babbling to a person she had just met ten seconds ago. She coughed awkwardly into her arm. "Anyway, I'm Kejirah. Big fan, if you couldn't tell already," she said, looking around the room since Ravi's eyes were currently cast down at the floor. Not too far away, she noticed a woman around her age sending a drink over to them, most likely to Ravi instead of herself (She was a bit disappointed, if she were being honest).

Blinking a few times, she leaned over to Ravi, watching the woman curiously as she was seemingly creating some sort of beat to herself. "Hey, is that your friend? She's cute. Is she single?...No, I shouldn't ask that, that's kinda rude...though I am curious."

Closer to them, Kejirah noticed that one guy had been continuously looking back and forth between her and Ravi. She recognized him as being one of the newer gentlemen that had walked through the door earlier, a little bit after she had arrived herself. She gave him a little smile and waved, since he looked to be just a tad friendlier than the other people of this town.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Darcs
Avatar of Darcs

Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 22 days ago

1 P.M-ish
Momma May's
Interactions : @queenoftheages @SamaraJayne96 @Cio

"Yes yes yes, oh my god yes," The woman responded, almost immediately upon hearing Clementine's snark. Well she was definitely enthusiastic in her response, that much couldn't be denied. Another interesting thing, Clementine noted that the woman wasn't facing her-- she couldn't tell who was talking to her, so she was just speaking, loudly and enthusiastically, in her general direction of whoever she thought was helping her. That was fair, even in her bikini top, Clem hadn't completely turned to face her-- and she was still rather unassuming to most. She gave an internal shrug.

"First of all, I think 'desperate' is an understatement, if I'm being honest, and again, yes, I would absolutely love a place to stay. If you could recommend one, you-," She continued. Clementine knew the feeling well, the org had told her absolutely nothing about this place she'd be calling home for the indeterminate future. When the independent contractor... mercenary... whatever's dropped her off here, in the middle of Coalfell's main street, from the back of their black van. It had taken Clem at least two days of wandering around to discover the Cadillac. At least. It didn't advertise itself as a motel since the sign was so faded, no one spoke to you if you went in, and good luck getting the residents to tell you about it. Clem didn't feel like letting anyone else go through that hellpuzzle if they didn't have to.

"-you would would be the sweetest angel, and I will literally do anything to make it up to you--" 'Literally do anything,' she had said. Clem turned a little more in her bar stool at this, eerily featureless bottle of beer now resting on her thigh, instantly turning a spot of her jeans into a coaster. She wanted to get a closer look at the loud woman-- she was definitely pretty, she'd caught that at just a side glance-- but noticing the difference between the two was a bit unnerving. This girl could easily be a model! She was so tall! Probably a foot taller than her from what Clem could tell sitting from the bar. Her skin, her body, and her hair were all nicer than Clem's as well. Th--Clementine wasn't a particularly self conscious person, but it was definitely a reminder fully seeing this woman that she was closer to the plain side of the spectrum when it came to looks. Which she had no problem with, looking nice was for actors and her partners.

As the woman continued, "--I swear, because I'd rather die than sleep in my car again." Clem's mind followed a different train of thinking, almost completely ignoring that she'd been sleeping in her car. While that was tragic-- Clem also noticed that this woman was also very young-- much younger than her, for sure. She could still be in school-- high school, even. What had she meant by 'literally anything?' Had Clem just let her lustful mind go too far? While Clementine mulled over the potential of this possibility, before she could get out another response to the woman, she'd apparently lost interest and turned her attention to something else. "Ravi!" Ravi? A friend of hers? Small world. She turned to slowly finish her beer. Unconsciously turning the name over in her head as she did, until--


Wait, wait, wait... She was definitely a little buzzed, but she knew that name, she thought.

Ravi. She knew that fucking name.

Ravi... She fished out an indiscriminate amount of bills from her pocket and placed them messily on the counter-- a bonus of having a staff that just didn't care was that they really didn't keep track of tabs all that closely, she was positive she was underpaying them. Further, she'd get no complaints of it when she was back here for dinner and more booze later. Clem's not even sure their memories of her lasted that long.

But-- her attention turned to the pair, now talking a good ways away, Ravi, Ravi, Ravi... She continued to turn the name around in her head, placing her bottle on the counter-- she was fairly sure they brewed their own booze in this town, hence the lack of labels, the utter lack of a good taste, and why it was served in a fucking cafe of all places. Took her a few weeks to figure out that local secret. As bad as it tasted, she respected it as an art form, so she never threw away the bottles-- maybe that's why they let her get away with the discounts? She was getting distracted-- Ravi-- She got a better look at him as started dragging the brown woman with the nice hair away to a secluded corner of the cafe. Definitely recognized him from... somewhere...

Clementine got up as the two began to talk, she covered her blindfolded eye with her hat as she did. Narrowing her other as she focused on the pair's lips, attempting to read them. You know, it was moments like this that she wished she'd paid more attention to those lessons in basic espionage, like lip reading the Org had taught all it's higher ranking members who regularly went out on field missions. She should have put more effort in to things lip reading lips, but that skill simply didn't fulfill her need for artistic indulgence during her time in the Org. Annnnnnnd maybe if they had put a guy in charge of teaching her instead of Daisy, I mean... Clem was was certainly focused on a pair of lips during the lessons! Two pairs of them, in fact! She did pick some things up, she she supposed, but just barely above the bare minimum, like most of her skills gained with the Org.

The "SHHHH!" was easy enough to gather even for an amateur like her, what came next was... difficult. Before he continued though, he glanced around the cafe, clearly checking to see if anyone was listening in on their conversation. Clementine was obviously out of earshot, but didn't want to draw any undue attention to herself and escalate anything, she quickly turned and leaned against the bar as his gaze came to her. By the time she turned around again, attempting to read the whispers from his lips with her minimal training he'd already begun speaking.

"I'm here... DON'T want... to know where... (and?) I need a break... ...if ... on the down-low... my car gets fix(ed?) and I can leave this dead-end town."

Hmmmmm. Clementine's eye shifted to the ground as she began to think. She couldn't gather much, since she could really only accurately read single syllable words from people's lips. But from what her alcohol and migraine addled mind could put together, it seemed like he didn't want to be here, but he had to be here because of his car? Getting his car fixed in a town like this... ha! Good luck with that one, buddy. Clementine wasn't sure the citizens of Coalfell had cars, or even knew how to drive-- let alone had a place dedicated to fixing vehicles. Clem was no engineer, but she'd always been a tinkerer at heart-- she probably had more expertise in fixing whatever was ailing this man's broken car than all these goons combined.

Who was he, though? The way the brown girl approached him and the subsequent pull to the side, they definitely weren't friends. Ex's perhaps? Then why did she recognize him? She looked back up at the man and things began to click. "I need a break." He had said. Clementine remembered getting a book from a member of the Org for Christmas a few years back by a breakout author, a certain Ravi Callum. She recognized the picture from the back of the book, some tale about about a woman who has the romance of her life-- the twist is that she was dying the whole time, and it was just a fantasy of what she wished she'd pursued. It was alright. He looked younger than her-- but much more aged, he'd been through a lot of stress, it seemed. But there was no doubting it, it was him. And apparently he'd made quite a name quite a name for himself since her time out of the States. This worried Clementine.

Ravi fucking Callum? HERE?

This was bad, right? The fact that her head was more pumping migraine than booze buzzing right now told her 'yes.' He didn't seem to want to be here, that was a good thing. But still, even Coalfell's bullshit barrier could only keep out the press for so long, and then it was only a matter of time before super fans were here, then next thing you knew the fucking pigs were here. She had it on good authority that they didn't have her picture-- but they did have description. She was practically a sitting a sitting duck! Beginning to approach the pair, she considered her options.

The most direct plan was just killing him. Might not be the cleanest option, given her 'methods,' but it would definitely get rid of him attracting anyone for the moment... Or would it? There seemed to be more new people coming into this shithole excuse for a town by the second. They weren't as desensitized to and weird as Coalfellites, they'd definitely try to to report the death-- death by explosion-- to the pigs-- and even if she could manage to kill them all, he definitely had his phone on him, and if he was that big of a deal probably had a car with a tracker in it. So people already knew where he was. If he just stopped here forever people would come looking eventually no matter what.

So, the better plan, it seemed, was the more tedious one. Helping him fix his car. Like she had said before-- Clementine was no classically trained engineer, but she respected it as an art form, as she did many things, and paid attention whenever instructed in it's intricacies. Usually. If it wasn't being taught to her by a woman. Luckily that wasn't often!

By the time she was closer to the pair, she managed to catch the pretty brown woman with nice hair, Kejirah's name as she introduced herself to Ravi. "Hey, is that your friend? She's cute. Is she single?...No, I shouldn't ask that, that's kinda rude...though I am curious." Kejirah said, prompting Clementine's curiosity, she followed her eye's over to where the woman in question-- another young woman that could have been some flavor of celebrity. It made her feel... really...

Got that out of your system?



Turning her attention away from the humming brunette, she focused again on Kejirah and Ravi. Deciding she'd just pretend she hadn't gathered what she had, and that she didn't know what she did-- she injected herself into their conversation. "Hey, you, looking for the place to stay...?" Clem considered addressing her as Kejirah, but she felt that would've been giving away too much of her eavesdropping. So she opted for the option of just, being in her field of vision, looking up at her, speaking directly to her. "It's pretty shit-- the AC's only barely work sometimes because I've spent the past couple months fixing them in the empty rooms when I can, the entire place smells like mildew, cum, and dead bodies--" She rolled her eye under the shade of her hat, "Don't ask." She sighed, "But it's got beds, that pass for beds, carpets that aren't too sticky, TV that sometimes isn't static-- the staff and other people there will talk to you about anything random except the fact that it's a motel, and the vending machines will always be randomly full. It's definitely a place you can... exist." She paused for a moment, glancing over to Ravi, "I caught your name-- Ravi, right? I'm a assuming you're a friend of hers?" She lied, putting on a convincing polite smile to convey that she didn't know Ravi's true identity, "If you both need a place to stay I can definitely lead you there, it's a little out of the way... and poorly advertised... and good luck getting one of these racist ass natives to talk to you about something that isn't completely batshit." Turning back to Kejirah, she added, "And maybe I can get your name!"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cio
Avatar of Cio

Cio dumb of ass, pure of heart

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Place: Coalfell, 1PM
Interactions: None (so far)

Carolina felt like she was walking in a memory. It wasn't a happy memory, exactly, more one of those distant and clouded ones, but the woman couldn't say she despised it either. The street she now walked was the same old street she'd been running up and down as a young girl. Even the intensity of the sun felt familiar, as much as Carrie hated it.

Coalfell still stood here, frozen in time. Everything was looking a bit more worn down and faded by the burning sun. A significant amount of establishments had closed down since Carolina's last visit nearly two decades ago. Even still, it felt like Coalfell hadn't changed a bit.

Carolina, however, had changed.

There was a certain sense of nostalgia to being here. Carrie hadn't been sure if she'd be able to handle it, but now that she was present, roaming the barren streets... She felt nothing, nothing at all. Carrie definitely stood out like a sore thumb, standing in the middle of a dusty street with cracked pavement in her stylish trousers and a white tank top. She'd once left Coalfell behind, and hadn't looked back since. She'd gotten a life for herself. She wasn't the same girl who everyone in the town knew. No longer was she running to bring her father lunch to the gas station. Hell, the gas station was probably well out of business, by now. No one visited the town.

The dreamy woman looked around the main plaza, the memory of the buildings around her coming back slowly. Some she'd already forgotten, if not most. If there was one thing she hadn't forgotten, it was Momma May's. Looking at the modest café across the street, Carrie smiled ruefully. She could recall all the good times she'd been to there with her brothers, eating chocolate chip pancakes and milkshake with that fancy whipped cream on top. Of course Carrie now knew it hadn't been anything special - just whipped cream from a bottle - but as a child it had been the best treat in town.
She also remembered the bad times. All the times she'd gone there to drag her father home from the bar late at night when he hadn't shown up home. The times when he was too drunk to stand straight, words slurring and mixing with the acrid stench of alcohol. Yeah. Carrie wasn't sure if she was ready to go inside, not yet. There was a certain safety, observing from a small distance. She wasn't ready to face all those old memories, nor was she ready to see how the place had inevitably changed in her absence. Was the place even run by the kind old lady anymore? The one who had sometimes given little Carolina something sweet for free, practically spoiling her when no one else would, but who could still kick the drunk people's asses if they started any trouble? Carrie wasn't sure if she wanted to know.

There was a gang of men in biker jackets smoking in the corner of Momma May's. Carolina instantly recognised them. She couldn't believe Red Wolves were still a thing, but she supposed not many things changed around here after all. They were all relatively young, too young to be the same members Carolina had seen cruising around as a kid, but the aesthetic was the same. They weren't to be messed around with, that much Carolina knew. There was still a small childlike part of her that feared them, but they were the only ones she could see around, so...

"'scuse me," Carrie spoke up, her voice almost cracking from the dry, dusty air. She walked towards the bikers who were leaning on their shiny motorcycles, gaining their attention. Steeling herself, Carrie kept her head held high.

"Whassa lovely lady like yourself want from us boys?" one of the bikers sneered, his crooked teeth forming a nasty smile. He looked young, maybe in his mid-twenties. Carolina tried to study his face, all of their faces really, to see if she recognised any of them. It was a shame her face memory was absolute rubbish.
"I'm lookin' to find--" Carrie began, only to be interrupted by a scoff that sounded half a cough, half a laughter.

"Looking? In this town we ain't taking so kindly to strangers who are lookin' for stuff," another biker bit back.

"Yea, we don't like outsiders snoopin' around," a third agreed. He had a patchy stubble and wildly styled hair, face littered with piercings that didn't quite honestly suit him. Carrie's nerves flared, her voice gaining firmness as she quipped back:
"Good thing I'm not a stranger, then. I grew up here, for fuck's sake."

Carrie let her eyes meet with each of the bikers. There were six of them. A few looked taken aback, one - the older looking one - seemed puzzled, and the three remaining ones stayed unfazed.
"An' I know who you are. Since when don't the Red Wolves have no manners?" Carrie challenged. Mister patchy beard seemed to be provoked by that, since his hands balled into fists and he took a step forward, about to tell Carrie off. However he was paused by the oldest looking biker, probably well in his forties, by a forceful hand on the shoulder.
"Hold on," he said, "you do look oddly familiar."
"Oh come o--"
"Shut the fuck up," he barked as the younger biker protested, his eyes never leaving Carrie's. "Who are you?"

Carrie smiled despite herself, corners of her mouth twitching up even though her gaze remained challenging.
"I'm Jefforey's daughter," Carrie replied, her Southern accent twisting the words. "Which is what I was here to ask you gentlemen. Is he still around?"
It took a moment, but soon realisation dawned on the oldest biker's face. He looked astonished, the tobacco actually dropping from between his fingers.
"No fucking way," he deadpanned. "Jefforey? As in Jenkins?" he asked, although it seemed he already knew the answer. Carrie tried to remember if she'd met this man while she still lived here, but she couldn't match the face to a name. It was all so distant.

"Guys, this is Jefforey and June Jenkins' youngest -- this is Christian's baby sister right here! Little Carrie, my fucking god you've grown into a woman," the biker boss exclaimed, shock still written all over his face. Carolina frowned at the mention of her name, confused that this man would recognise her. She'd aimed for them to recognise her father, but apparently Carrie had known this man too? What was his name again...

"It's me, Dave. Don'tcha remember me? Fuck, I can't believe it really is you lil Carrie. It's been a while, you're all sexy and grown up. How's Chris?"
Oh. Of course. A more genuine smile overtook Carrie's face as she remembered Dave. He'd just graduated high school by the time Carrie was ten. He'd been very tight with Carrie's older brother Christian back then. They'd gotten into all kinds of trouble back then, much to her parents' and Matthew's annoyment.
Wow, he looked so different now.
"Oh yeah, Dave! I think I remember you," Carrie nodded as she evaded a touchy feely bear hug with a firm handshake instead. All the other bikers seemed thoroughly confused, and what seemed like the newest addition looked also annoyed.
"Chris' fine or at least he was the last I heard from him. He hasn't really kept in touch, you know how it is between him and Matt."
Dave grinned, saying something to his buddies before turning back to Carolina.
"And you? What are you doing back in this shitass excuse of a town? No wait, you said you were lookin' for your old man," Dave said.
"Yeah... I mean, I didn't anticipate I'd be ever coming back, but... Got the news that mom passed away so."
Dave's gaze softened at Carrie's words.
"I'd say I'm sorry for your loss, but I know how you lot felt about her. Still, blood's tight. She was your momma after all." Carrie gave a curt nod, her mind wandering away briefly. What was she doing here, anyway?

"Anyhow, Jeff's around though. Haven't seen him in a while but I know he hasn't left the town..." Dave begun, an ounce of hesitation entering his voice.
"Yea, he lost his job like ten years ago when the gas station closed down. He's still around, just ain't doin' so hot," one of the other bikers added in. Carrie frowned, nodding at the information. It didn't really surprise her, but it still wasn't nice to hear.

"And... he's still living in our old house?" the brunette asked, turning the leather bracelet around her wrist nervously. Dave and a few of the other bikers exchanged looks that didn't make Carrie feel any more at ease. A sense of dread coiled in the bottom of her stomach.
"Our house, it... It still exists, right?" she asked, eyes studying the tiniest change in their faces. Anything that could give away the bad news.
"It does," Dave nodded, though he wouldn't meet Carrie's gaze, "it's just not exactly... uh, in a habitable condition." He seemed to pick his words carefully.
Carrie wasn't sure why the news made her feel so empty inside. Why did she care? She'd left Coalfell almost twenty years ago with no intention of ever looking back. So why was the news that their old house was probably no more than an overgrown backyard and broken windows so crushing?

"Thanks, Dave. I'll... I'll see you around," Carrie nodded before turning to leave.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by queenoftheages
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queenoftheages How to be a ghost

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Place | Hotel room > Momma May's
Interactions | No one as of yet

Sitting cross legged in the middle of the worn down bed, or at least what she thought was one (honestly, it could've been sheets of plywood with a blanket on top), the small blonde stared listlessly at the t.v. in front of her. It wasn't on of course, she couldn't stand the sound of the fuzzy speakers or the glitchy movements of the characters on screen, she had given up trying to fix it a long time ago. She listened to the sound the faucet dripping slowly. Repeatedly. And the light hum of the mini fridge that hardly worked. The AC had shut off some time ago, making the dark room unbearingly hot, but she stayed put, her tee shirt hung around her neck and the blanket pushed to the edges of the bed.

She felt like she was suffocating.

Although this town had more space than one could ask for, the townsfolk sure helped with that, the pressure in her head only worsened at every small sound. She was irritated and stressed, and she knew from past experiences that it never went well in the end. For her nor for other people. God, she needed a drink; a whole bottle of wine would do. Maybe two.

Her last visit with her parents hadn't gone as well as she planned. Of course, yet another argument had brewed, old but not forgotten about feelings had stirred up, and of course knowing herself, she just couldn't hold her fucking tongue. It happened every time. Every goddamned time. A conversation turned into a banter which turned into an argument and then quickly a fight, that led to Meredith yelling, "Fuck you!" Before storming out. But it was different this time. This time they didn't try to stop her. This time she didn't apologize. This time...felt final. She left and didn't look back and ended up in Coalfell. It made her angry.

Sighing, Meredith pulled her shirt over her body and slid a pair of black shorts on, wincing at how pale her legs looked, which would only look worse when the sun hit them. She pulled her hair back into a messy bun and left the bed the way it was: no need to make it just yet. She grabbed her car keys as she put her shoes on, grunting as she struggled a little bit with the tight shoelaces. She needed to do something. The feeling of unproductivity was overwhelming, but there was nothing to do in this town, and she needed stimulation or she'd drive herself crazy. But first, she needed food.

The cafe she was searching for was a little ways away, but luckily gas here was cheap. She pulled into its parking lot, blocking the sunlight with one hand, trying her best to maneuver her way into one of the spaces, but the asphalt was choppy and she really really didn't want to ruin her tires. Plus, parking had never been her strong suit, but she was trying her best goddammit. Putting her car into park, the young woman sighed loudly, enjoying the last few good seconds of AC before she had to face the sun. She was already stressed as is, she did not need a giant ass sunburn to top it off.

Turning the car off and getting out, she noticed a woman not too far off in some kind of discussion with the neighborhood delinquents. Her neat figure seemed out of place compared to them and at first Meredith believed they were going to beat her up, but with further investigation it looked as if the woman was holding her own.

Shrugging, Mer closed the car door and-




"I better fucking not have," she said firmly to herself, her heart in her stomach. She checked her pockets. Not there. Looking inside the window, she noticed them sitting there. In the seat. Looking almost tauntingly at her.

Her fucking keys.

Leaning her head against the window, her body tense but exhausted. The window looked very tempting to punch in right now, but she wasn't looking to break her knuckles at this point. Or her car window. She was already short and angry and so so tired. She took a deep breath and-

"Shiiiiiiiit!" The blonde yelled. "Ho-ly FUCKING hell! I swear to fucking GOD!

This was it. This was the last straw.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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James Matei

James was hoping to just pay his bill and leave, he couldn't focus with all of these people talking and the loud noises was starting to give him a headache. He paid his bill to the young waitress that looked like she came right out of highschool, Their interaction was brief with James wordlessly paying his bill with cash. "Thank you sir" The woman was smiling at him which made his face grimace as he put away his wallet back into his pocket.Closing his laptop and picking it up, getting up and walking towards the door when he heard his name being called. "Are you James Matei?" A voice called out to him just as he was about to leave the dinner, turning around to face the person speaking to him.

It was a middle aged woman with raven hair and small strains of grey hair, "Yes i am" James gave her a very curt answer staring passed her and staring at the diner's walls. "I loved your last book, especially the part where Matthew has to use the Ja'raw ritual to send Daimon Rich back to his dimension. But what was up with Daimon's true form being a giant butterfly?, It was so weird and what was up with that gangbang scene so they could be connected to beat Daimon?" The woman was stroking Jame's ego which he he was pleased, however her question soured the good feeling moment dissipated.

"Well the reason for them having sex with each other because their psychic link had been severed when they left the town as teenagers, And the symbolism of Daimon being a butterfly is his horrible transformation of being a charismatic business man to an monster" James was explaining the reasoning of his creative decisions. He was surprised someone liked his last book beside the lambasting he got form critics and fans for it, So it was nice to see someone liked his last book.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Faith
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Penelope was no stranger to the merciless heat of Coalfell, but damn, did it ever threaten to sizzle her to a pathetic little crisp. After several hours of cleaning her way through the shoddy rooms at the Cadillac, the precious little air conditioning the motel had to offer was really getting to her. The place was home, but she'd worked up a strong appetite for an ice cold Coke, and maybe even a heaping helping of blueberry pancakes to top it off. After all, Momma May's served breakfast all day.

So, without bothering to tell anybody, she took off from the motel in her old clunker, still in uniform. The drive was short, but the air in her car was nice and cold and there was just enough time for a quick smoke on the way. Feeling refreshed, she pulled into the parking lot of May's just in time for what appeared to be an exchange between a couple of the local biker gang members and a girl she did not recognize. Not to mention, she was right next to yet another stranger swearing at her car.

Hopping out of her own deathtrap, she couldn't resist peeking in the opposite window of the other girl's car, wanting to see what the commotion was about. It took her a matter of seconds to spot the keys she assumed had been locked inside, and she did her very best to hold back a laugh. "Sorry, sorry. That's shit luck, really," she said, sympathetic. "But there's a payphone inside. Standing there in the heat won't do you any good."

She beckoned the girl as she headed for the door, without waiting to see if she'd follow. If she had any brains, she would. The payphone would be her only option to call for help, unless she wanted to sweet talk one of the Red Wolves outside to break into her vehicle. Hell, they'd probably be faster than any other option, but she wasn't about to tell her that and make her day even worse.

Once she'd set foot in Momma May's, she waved a quick hello to everybody, strange and familiar faces alike. This place had been her go-to ever since she was a kid. Some would argue that the diner was as run-down as it's employees, but they made damn good food and jukebox privileges were cheap. Plus, karaoke night there was about as exciting as Coalfell ever got.

It took her a few moments to truly adjust to the room, but her eyes soon settled on the nearby, somewhat familiar figure of James Matei. He happened to be a guest at the motel where she worked. The man had always seemed rather quiet, and she got the idea that he liked his own company better than anybody else's.

Still, she had an unshakable habit of trying to befriend some of the more interesting guests there when they rolled into town. She was near enough to at least catch the tail end of his conversation with another lady, no doubt about one of his books. She regarded him with a soft smile. "Hi! I hope I’m not interrupting. I'm Penny. We met when you checked into the Cadillac."

She seemed to have caught him leaving. Still, it couldn’t hurt to linger for a moment while she waited there near the door. Her new friend would probably be joining her shortly, anyway, and she figured she’d offer to get them a table while she called somebody.

@Eviledd1984 @queenoftheages
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by queenoftheages
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queenoftheages How to be a ghost

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Interactions > @Darcs

It didn't take long for Kejirah's attention talking to Ravi to thin out. It's not like she purposefully did it, it's just a lot of things were happening around her (kind of), and her mind just liked to jump from one topic to another. She wanted to talk to everyone, but couldn't decide who. Of course she wanted to stay with Ravi, but he didn't seem to want her company too badly, and she thought it'd be weird to just go over and start up a conversation with the woman across the room, so for a moment, she was just standing there, staring into space as she buffered. Both don't exactly need my company right now, but…-"

"Hey, you, looking for the place to stay...?"

The young woman turned her head at the voice, a voice she recognized. The one from earlier. She smiled as she looked down at her, the eyepatch first drawing her attention.
"Heyy! So you're the person who spoke up before, I wasn't exactly sure who I was talking to then." she started, chuckling and turning her body to face the much smaller woman. She pulled her hair back behind her shoulders before sticking her hands into her pockets. "And oh! I'm Kejirah, new in town, if that wasn't obvious enough,"she said, giving off another laugh.
"But honestly, I'll take whatever right now, as long as it's not a cardboard box on the side of the road, although the way you describe it makes it seem that way, so if you could show me the way, I'd appreciate that very much," Kejirah paused, waiting for a response.
"Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot to ask you your name!

But as she stood there, she remembered yet another thing. She'd actually come in there to find a place to stay, and to order food, like one did when entering a diner. She sighed internally and hoped there would be a Taco Bell or something along the way, though she highly doubted it since there was literally nothing in the town so far but dirt. Dammit. Kejirah frowned for a split second before realizing she probably looked like an idiot making faces to herself, so she put on a small smile instead and making plans to come back later.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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James Matei

James felt he was not doing such a great job defending the ideas of his last book, "Well it's been nice talking to you, but i have work to do" James was about to make his quick escape form the dinner. But he was interrupted when someone was calling his name, quickly turning to face her still holding his laptop underneath his armpit. "You must've been the woman i saw while i was checking in, Using that rickety vacuum" He was tapping his fingers on his laptop. He wondered if she wanted to discuss his last book, or would inquire about the new book he was writing.

"So what is it you wanted to talk about?" He asked her scanning his eyes across the room, as if he was surrounded by hostile people.
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