(picture-credit: Anime / Manga Journal: Yumiero Patissiere - Episode 44
animemangajournal.blogspot.com )
Genre: supernatural ,romance, maybe some drama, some comedy, some fantasy, and so on.
Short description of roleplay:
"In the middle of Crystal meadow, there is a mansion. The mansion had stood for hundreds of years. There was a group of supernatural creatures that lived there. They were the royal family of the land, so to speak. Anyway, once a year, they would open the mansion gates to the public. They would hold a costume ball. The ball lasts for a month or so. The various creatures from all over the land would show up to attend, wearing various costumes. They would come to have fun, but to also find love. Maybe they will find love at the costume ball this year. One can hope. One can dream. And so, it begins. Have fun. Find love. Enjoy yourselves various supernatural creatures."
That was the plot of the original roleplay. Now, years have passed. It is a new generation. The great grandson of the one who held the ball in the original story is now in charge. Many girls and/or guys are seeking him, just as those who attended sought his great grandfather. Anyway, it is an all new ball, an all new story. What will happen this time? Will there be more drama? more romance? or both perhaps? Who knows? The one big change is that there is an increase of wealth for the family of the great grandson, as well as a rare power that could be inherited by his descendants because of his mothers' bloodline.
Anyway, let the new story begin!
no fighting(among players)
be nice
no bullies
no name calling
no nagging
no text talk
no text talk
no mary sues or gary stus
no godmodding
no controlling each others characters
be respectful
take 'certain' scenes to pm
please leave certain topics out of this as this roleplay is for fun.
no angel characters. please.
follow site rules