Kingdom Hearts has always annoyed me with how it's supposed to be a Final Fantasy/Disney crossover, yet the actual Final Fantasy stuff is mostly relegated to a few cameo's and kinda pointless/boring supporting characters, whilst the Disney stuff is mostly completely inconsequential to the story at large. It's its own original story that is chock full of all of the stuff that makes me hate modern Final Fantasy stuff. I want to love the franchise as a whole, i really do, but the only thing about it that keeps me interested is the stuff that is completely inconsequential to the story, and the things that i hate about it ((Mostly Orginization XIII and almost everything to do with them)) are the actual driving force of the plot. It wasn't so bad in the first game, because it was "All your favourite Disney villains have been gathered to help take over the world under a mysterious Final Fantasy-like, yet completely original villain." and, quite frankly, that is what i think they really should have stuck with.
Ok, so, rant over, i don't have an entire idea for what this will be about YET, but here's the idea so far:
*Keeping the "Multiple Worlds" idea, where every Final Fantasy game and Disney movie are separated into their own completely self contained world. (Yes, this will include Marvel and Star Wars, since Disney owns them and made an entire Wreck-It-Ralph movie about reminding you of this fact.)
*There are powerful forces that can strip you of your heart (It's your soul, but the game insists on calling it your Heart.) If this happens, then your consciousness creates a Heartless that will instinctively run around trying to find your heart, or replace it with someone elses, and your mortal remains become a Nobody.
*Each player takes control of a Key Warrior, each Key Warrior has a Key Weapon, not necessarily a sword. Your Key weapon can be anything, but it is key themed. This Key weapon is designed to open and close specific doors around the multiverse in order to allow certain entities to travel and to prevent others.
*Everyone starts off with a Destiny Link or "D-Link" with a canon Disney/Final Fantasy character of their choice. Your Key-Weapon will be usually be assosiated with this D-Linked individual. E.G. If you choose Merida from Brave, then you get a Key-Bow. If you choose Han Solo, you get a Key-Pistol. If you choose Freya from Final Fantasy IX, then you get a Key-Spear. If you choose Captain America, then you get a Key-Shield.
*Your character can come from pretty much any world from these two behemoth franchises. Maybe you are a Bangaa Warrior from Ivalice, or a high prince suitor from Agrabah, a Moogle from World of Balance, or a Tangean from Buzz Lightyear of Star Command?
*Your character's D-Link doesn't have to be with a character from their own world. People accidentally stumble through the cracks in the universe all the time, when they do, their heart will find another to latch onto to act as sort of a lighthouse to guide you. This is when your Key-weapon is forged and you have, unwittingly, become a Key-Warrior. I should also note that, because the person you are D-Linked to isn't aware of the link, you can link with a villain if you so choose, without having to play an evil character.
*Different Worlds will have differences from their canon counterparts, with invasions from other worlds. E.G. One episode finds you in the Pirates of the Caribbean world, however, instead of Davey Jones and his Kraken to worry about, the terror of the high seas is Captain Hook and his pet monstrosity, Sin from FFX, building their army of Heartless.
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