⚫ Some call them wizards, witches, and sorcerers.
⚫ Others call them monsters, fiends, and devils.
⚫ A few may even gaze upon these individuals with absolute awe, and brand them angels from the heavens.
⚫ Of course, one ought to consider the nature of every specific entity before affording them a title infernal, or divine.
⚫ Mutants, the term used by scholars and Silvermist Academy, would, however, ring far truer.
⚫ Where attempts have been made in unearthing the origin of these spectacular individuals, an undying belief tying them to the concept of magic is not soon to fade.
⚫ Feared, and equally respected, mutants come in varying shapes and sizes.
⚫ Where some appear largely human, others are entirely unable to pass as such, and rather maintain glaring features confessing another nature, altogether.
⚫ These creatures, these mutants, they have a place to call home.
⚫ Though not the only venue of such prestige, Silvermist Academy is known throughout the West as a high-standing monument in its own rights.
⚫ A spectacular castle for any who would view its daunting shape, Silvermist Academy is located in one of the largest cities in the Western world, a trade hub for far more than simply wares of material value.

⚫ People born with extraordinary powers, and often also inhuman weaknesses, mutants are what people invoke when speaking of ancient tales involving heroes, villains, and even Gods.
⚫ Born from human parents, scholars, and biologists reason that the chances of a mutant entering our world brush north of 0,9 percent.
⚫ It is unknown what causes pregnancies to result in a mutant offspring, but it has been established that all mutants are sterile, and cannot reproduce further.
⚫ Every mutant is born with something dubbed 'The Mutant's Mark', among many other names.
⚫ This is a physical alteration that varies drastically from one mutant to the other.
⚫ Where one mutant may possess horns, another may display eyes with an unnatural color.
⚫ Meanwhile, some mutants do not even appear human, to the extent where they have scales, or fur.
⚫ The Mutant's Mark can be incredibly subtle, or encompass the mutant's entire body.
⚫ Powers vary to an equal amount.
⚫ Where some mutants have very subtle abilities, others may display vastly bombastic powers.
⚫ It has, however, been noted that powers and weaknesses go hand in hand.
⚫ For every power a mutant possesses, they have an accompanying weakness.
⚫ Many have far more.
⚫ It is speculated that this is the side effect of a human body mutating to such large degrees within the womb.

⚫ Silvermist Academy is not merely a home for mutants, but also a school, and military installation.
⚫ The Academy teaches every mutant enrolled to harness their powers, before eventually allowing the student to accept contracts from third parties.
⚫ These contracts stretch from a plea of healing to those with fitting abilities, to protection detail for high-standing officials, to soldiers in a lord's army.
⚫ It is impossible to narrow down the exact number of contracts flowing into the academy, but it is clear that Silvermist is not merely a school.
⚫ The building is also known as a nexus of superpowered mercenaries, to which others often turn.
⚫ At twelve years of age, a mutant child is enrolled in the academy, which is obligatory.
⚫ Considering the small number of mutants, accommodating the growth is fairly easy, especially considering the more risky nature of many Silvermist contracts.
⚫ It is easy to spot a mutant at birth, due to their Mark.
⚫ Every mutant is documented, and Silvermist is informed of the eventual student, which twelve years later will enter their halls.
⚫ This has become a way of both monitoring and using mutants to better society.
⚫ Silvermist is ran by mutants, which was a very early requirement when this system was set in place, which was incidentally done by a mutant.
⚫ This was an attempt at lowering public hostility, and ensuring the safety of not only humans, but mutants, as well.
⚫ Considering how not all Silvermist contracts are battle-oriented, mutants with 'peaceful' abilities tend to find more peaceful work.
⚫ Silvermist does not have 'grades', but rather, by the time a student reaches fifteen years of age, they will be offered their first contracts.
⚫ From twelve to the last day of fourteen, students solely focus on harnessing their powers.
⚫ At fifteen, they graduate into fully-fledged mercenaries, balancing academy development with contract work.
⚫ It is a gradual process, where both faculty and older students are expected to guide the younger generations with every step.
⚫ Silvermist has three principals acting like a leading council.
⚫ They are also considered a national authority on all mutant matters.
⚫ These principals are ironically dubbed 'The Fates', due to being three very mysterious women.
⚫ Very little is known about them, other than their names, Wisp, Shale, and Spin.
⚫ Students may very well come in contact with them on a daily basis, and they are generally considered motherly and loving towards mutants, but cold and calculated towards humans.
⚫ It is very clear that they are triplets, but their ages are unknown.

⚫ Every dorm in Silvermist houses a single student.
⚫ A hallway of dorms contains mixed genders.
⚫ The dorms are quaint and large enough to be considered an upper-class chamber.
⚫ Every student is allowed to decorate their own dorm however they see fit, but is solely responsible for tidiness.
⚫ More akin to auditoriums, Silvermist offers its students rooms inspired by Greek forums.
⚫ Circled by students, professors stand in the middle of the room, with a large amount of space available to them.
⚫ This often comes in handy during power displays.
Mess Hall
⚫ Silvermist has a large mess hall that offers the students breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
⚫ Students fifteen and up are required to pay for anything else, if they are in the mood for snacks.
⚫ Mutants that require a larger amount of food are accommodated.
⚫ If anything in the castle is impressive, it's most certainly the library, which houses, allegedly, 'all the world's knowledge'.
⚫ New students find themselves here more often than they'd like.
⚫ Accomplished mercenaries often roam the library halls in search of critical information related to an assignment they have been afforded.
⚫ A common venue of interaction, within the castle.
⚫ Silvermist's lounges are comfortable areas where students can relax, and wind down.
⚫ This is also where they tend to play games with each other, and where awkward drama is birthed.
The Board
⚫ All contracts are gathered in this room, known as 'The Board'.
⚫ One would be forgiven for mistaking is a parchment store, due to the countless rolled-up scrolls neatly slotted into shelves.
⚫ Students frequently visit 'The Board' for assignments.
Underground Gardens
⚫ Silvermist might be surrounded by a giant city, but beneath the castle, one can find an enchantingly beautiful garden.
⚫ Plant-based mutants quickly tend to find themselves at home here.
⚫ They also tend to care for the garden, almost as if it's a natural instinct.
⚫ Following the theme of underground wonders, Silvermist offers its students warm, comfortable marble caverns beneath the castle.
⚫ Again largely inspired by the Greeks, ivory-colored baths bring their heat from hot springs directly located beneath the large structure.
⚫ Students are expected to keep clean, as a means of preserving Silvermist's reputation, and image.
Training Rooms
⚫ Arguably the most used venues of Silvermist, training rooms find themselves in constant rotation.
⚫ New and old use these areas in a constant pursuit to master their otherworldly abilities.
⚫ They are all sleek, stone rooms, and incredibly resilient.
⚫ Everyone needs to register before using the training rooms.

⚫ Students are expected to look out for each other.
⚫ Use of powers outside classes is allowed, but regulated.
⚫ Attacking or otherwise intentionally harming another student will result in incarceration within Silvermist's dungeon.
⚫ Murder of another student will result in a permanent punishment, depending on the perpetrator's powers, which leads to lifetime incarceration or execution.
⚫ Disagreements with faculty should always be brought to the principals.
⚫ Only students and invited officials are allowed within Silvermist.

⚫ This roleplay follows a very easy setup.
⚫ Mutants during medieval times, in a school, where they learn to be mercenaries.
⚫ A combination of action, adventure, and slice of life.
⚫ Every player can choose for themselves which aspect of these types works best for them.
⚫ This is a character-driven RP, and while larger events can always be requested, players are welcome to engage with each other and create memorable stories.
⚫ My inspirations for this was quite simply 'Medieval X-Men,' with a few twists.

⚫ Our character are between fifteen and eighteen.
⚫ Silvermist is located in the biggest trade city in the Western world.
⚫ Your character can have roots from essentially anywhere.
⚫ For simplicity's sake, this RP takes place in medieval England, and the fictional city is named 'Cloud's Reach.'
Mutant's Mark
⚫ This can be anything from eye color, to looking like Nightcrawler.
⚫ A Mutant's Mark has no effects on your powers.
⚫ This is purely aesthetic.
Everyday Skills
Combat Skills
⚫ Keep this balanced.
⚫ You are welcome to have more than one power, but please don't involve a 'typical package' of superstrength, durability, etc, with something wildly different.
⚫ I want at least one weakness per strength, you're welcome to have more than that.
⚫ Weakness builds character.

⚫ Be mature.
⚫ Communicate, and don't be afraid to express yourself.
⚫ Be civil when you do this.
⚫ Don't be passive-aggressive.
⚫ If you have a problem with another player, take it up with me. There is no use in crowding someone.
⚫ I personally do not care how inflammatory you are, but to make it pleasant for everyone, don't actively try to push any buttons.
⚫ I am here every day.
⚫ I do not expect the same level of commitment from others, but I do expect weekly attendance.
⚫ Anyone stuck in a scene for days, waiting for someone else, is welcome to write themselves out of it.
⚫ If you address your vacancy beforehand, you are welcome back whenever you're no longer busy.
⚫ I expect to see fully-fledged characters submitted.
⚫ No WIPs in the OOC, please.
⚫ You are welcome to be as dark and gritty, or colorful and bombastic as you want.
⚫ You can tackle whatever taboo theme you want.
⚫ This takes place during the medievals, so your characters can very well have 'outdated ideals'.
⚫ You can use whatever kind of picture, or lack thereof, that you want, be it drawn or real.
⚫ There are no aliens.
⚫ There is no magic, people just think that mutations are magic.
⚫ When you post your character, do so in hiders.
⚫ Technology in this RP can be narrowed down to 'late medievals', so there are crossbows, but no guns.
⚫ Potatoe 🥔

⚫ I have omitted the 'Biography' section from the character sheet, because what your toon did at eleven and before is not relevant.
⚫ In previous RPs, I have been very strict with powers, but this time, I am willing to be more lenient (to an extent).
⚫ If a character appears overpowered when submitted, I might ask you to reconsider some things.
⚫ However, I will put the most emphasis on what you choose to do in-game.
⚫ Mary and Gary S(t)ues make themselves known rather quickly through writing, and if there is an issue, I'll point it out for you.
⚫ You are welcome to pimp out your character sheet however you want, as long as all the information is there.
⚫ Let's all try to keep things balanced.