The Red Hoods: Rebirth is open once again for applications.
In short, this is the 2nd RP is a series that hovers around fantasy/horror. Whereas the first installment has a medieval setting, this one is set in modern times.
Vampires, werewolves, fairies, demons... These aren't fantastical monsters. These are your neighbors. Welcome to the city of Duncaster, fabled home of the now defunct Red Hoods. Centuries ago, the Red Hoods were sanctioned monster hunters whose ranks were composed of humans and devilish creatures alike, ready to take on the darkness at a moment's notice and led by the great Blanchette Rouge, the original Red Riding Hood of legend.
The Red Hoods: Initiates and the medieval iteration ended with a fight against a powerful mage, Samael, with necromantic abilities who raised an army of the undead. As the Red Hoods and, indeed, all the forces the lands could muster, attacked the horde of zombies the tide was slowly beginning to turn in their favor. Once the Red Hoods had Samael cornered, the despicable sorcerer opened a portal in time and escaped into the future. Seizing the opportunity to continue their pursuit, some of the Red Hoods jumped in after him.
That brings us to The Red Hoods: Rebirth. The Red Hoods, as an organization, is historically recognized but practically disbanded. The portal opens up and Samael is now loose in the city in this new modern world. The Red Hoods of old, too, find themselves the proverbial fish out of water as they land into a new version of Duncaster with cars, electricity and automatic weapons.
A Unity Celebration commemorating the memory of the Red Hoods is currently underway and several people, including the Hoods Out Of Time, are drawn to the congregation. Meanwhile the seedy underworld of Duncaster has an agenda of its own.
Do you have what it takes to answer the call? Can you don the hood and stare down the Devil?
Applications are open for a limited time and there really aren't many spots to fill, so make haste and let's go kick some monster ass!
