Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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This was the moment everyone had been waiting for. The Capitol, nearly as a whole, were glued to their television screens. Final bets flew back and forth, as the 77th Hunger Games neared it’s gory end. 24 Tributes entered, and now it was down to just 2. Which one would reign victorious? Even the Gamemaker and his cronies stared through the hundreds, maybe thousands of cameras around the area, waiting for the two to finally encounter one another. They had already done their part with strategically placed bombs, ringing the outside of the area and forcing the tributes ever inward, toward each other.

This year, they had gone from a theme of the past. A war zone. The arena had been filled with devastating, but not quite lethal land mines. It hadn’t stopped raining inside since the game began. There were landslides in one area, missiles from above in the next, and the whole place was ringed by a large trench, that they could easily fill with water if a tribute got too cozy. The tributes themselves were fitted with camouflage gear and dog tags from ancient days.

The tribute from District 6 had collected 4 such tags. She was currently moving through the dense underbrush of the bushes, a large, bloodied hunting knife clutched in one hand. The Cornucopia had a white flag on it, making it stand out like a beacon amid all the muck and rain. It was the only place that would be dry, and she knew that. Now to get there before the other tribute did.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t going to happen. Just as she had, the male from District 4 was going toward the Cornucopia from the opposite side, and he was bigger and moving faster. All that District 6 had going for her was the element of surprise.

District 4 popped out first, his gear coated with mud and worse. He reached the Cornucopia and marveled at how dry it was. Eagerly, he started to ring out his soaking wet clothes. The sound of the rain not 10 feet away masked the rustle of the bushes. District 6 was on her way.

“Here it is… the final confrontation.” Caeser Flickerman and his partner watched on the giant screen behind them, priming the Capitol crowd for one last kill.

District 6 popped out of the bushes, and took a running leap at District 4’s back. Her small size made this easier than most, and she drove her knife into his back. Alas, she missed the heart by several inches. The other District flipped her off his back, and to the ground. Then he wrapped his hands around her slender neck. She started to gasp and claw at him, grasping for air and the knife that had fallen away. Her vision was going red. Suddenly, she grasped the handle of the knife, and drove it into the side of other tribute’s neck. He released her immediately, but she kept going, stabbing and stabbing until he no longer moved and she was covered in blood.

A cannon fired.

And she began to scream.

“That’s it – that’s it! Panem, we now present to you the winner of the 77th Hunger Games! Your Victor! Jetta Riti!”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Youmu
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I was a wealthy Capitalite, got everything I own from my parents without even having to earn a penny. And, since I was an only child, I didn't even have to share.

I watched The Hunger Games not because I wanted to, but because I had to. The Hunger Games would be the talk of the Capitol. And, if I had no knowledge of what occurred during the games, then I would be accused of being a traitor, which was something I wished to avoid.

It was a sickening bloodbath as usual, such a waste of life. It would have been better to simply have the children given to citizens of the Capitol who would like to adopt them rather than force the children to slaughter each other without any real purpose.

Suddenly, my eyes widened. Oh, no! He got her! And her knife flew way over there? There was no way she'd be able to reach it. I quickly grabbed my phone and did a sponsor transaction. Soon, a knife that looked exactly like the one she had appeared right by her hand and she stabbed the guy in the throat.

I sigh with relief. At least she will live to see another day. I normally didn't sponsor. I usually just watched The Hunger Games without interrelating. I wondered why I did what I did.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

-The next day-

My throat was still raw as the prep team made me over, for the second time this month. They're working on covering my bruises with makeup and doing up my hair, trying to hide the various wounds and scars I received in the arena. They chattered away about the other Tributes and their favorite kills, while I do my best to block it all out. I can't help but shiver. The look on his face - Neptune - the last boy I killed. He had a score of 11, I remembered that from training. He should have won, shouldn't he? I remembered his strength, his hands wrapped around my slender throat, his eyes boring down with a wild and panicked fury.

I felt my stomach churn, so I try to push the too-fresh memories away.

Instead I thought of home. All of District 6 will be waiting for me. I don't really care about all of them, frankly. Just two. My fathers Corolla and Piston will be the first in line to congratulate me when I'm taken home. I won this for them, because I had to go home. I had to. I had to.

The 5 kids you killed had to go home too, Jetta.

That echoes around inside my head for a while, too long for me to stop. I felt my eyes welling up with tears.

"Ah, ah! None of that, darling, you'll ruin your mascara." One of the prep team, I think her name is Fitz, or Fizz, or something with an F, gently chides me. "You're on with Caeser Flickerman in thirty minutes. Now let's get you dressed."

My stylist, Aristotle, has picked out a beautiful, purple flowered gown for me to wear. I swear I can still feel the hot blood coating my hands as I stared at it. I don't deserve this. I'm a murderer. Why don't they see that?

Something in the chatter pricks my ears up. "-and you'll get to meet your sponsors and do autographs!"

"What sponsors? Besides D6, who sponsored me?" My voice is still a little hoarse.

"You'll see, darling, you'll see. Now, let's get you into that dress, Jetta."
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Not long after the games, a Peacekeeper showed up at the door and informed me that since I was one of the sponsors for the Victor I was required to be in attendance within the audience at the Caeser Flickerman's show.

I sighed. I knew there was a reason I never sponsored anyone before. Now I remembered what it was. That show was soooo lame. Oh, well... I only had to watch the show once while being in the audience. It wasn't as if I would be part of the show. It shouldn't be too hard, right?

I followed the Peacekeeper to the sitting area and sat at my assigned seat.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Caesar Flickerman’s voice echoed through televisions across Panem.

“And now, here she is! Your Victor, Jetta Riti!”

The crowd clapped, whooped and cheered as I made my way onstage. I was wearing the soft, pale lavender dress that my stylist had picked for me. My short, black hair was curled at the tips as well. She said it would soften my edges, whatever that meant. Flickerman was wearing pale pink this year, which wasn’t a bad color in Jetta’s view. However, she sort of thought it made him look like a piglet, which was a thought she kept buried to keep a smile on her face.

“Jetta, take a seat. Well, all eyes are on you, Victor, and I’m sure you must be proud of yourself.”

“Yes, Caeser, I am proud. I brought glory to my District." This was a line personally forced upon me by my organizer, Sienna. The lie tingled my lips. "I can’t wait to see my family and my home again.” This was at least true.

“Ah, someone’s homesick. They’ll be waiting for you when the train arrives. Would you like to say anything to your family back home?”

I blinked, not realizing I’d be on the spot like that. “Um, yeah, actually. Thank you for getting me that parachute with the antidote. I would have been lost if not for you.” I knew that Corolla had been behind that. He was a cook, a great one, someone who knew the plants of D6 forward and back. When I’d gotten poisoned by some strange fruit in the arena, he knew just what to send to snap me out of it and save my life.

“Speaking of lost, you came very close to losing yourself.” Caeser looked to the screen as footage from my final battle started to play. There I was, missing the fatal back blow, and there I was, being choked out. The knife was too far away for me to reach, and I was grasping at air. Then, just there, a second knife appeared just by my fingertips. I grabbed it, and – I had to look away from the screen for the rest of it.

“But, how did that happen? I should’ve been a goner.”

“Ah, that’s a surprise to us all. A last minute – literally – sponsorship to buy you a knife, and your life.”

I was surprised to find my eyes welling up with tears. “Oh wait. Not supposed to cry, I’ll ruin my mascara.” Evidently I had said something hilarious, as the crowd and host both cracked up at my comment.

“As a special treat, we’ve brought him here to meet you.”

The spotlights swung around to a red-haired boy in the crowd. He barely looked older than me. I wondered why he’d shown me such mercy.

“You’ll be meeting him personally after the show! Isn’t that great?”

"Yes, Caeser. That is great!" For once I wasn't lying.
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I blinked. As a special treat, we’ve brought him here to meet you? Wait... What? He can't seriously mean...

My eyes widen as the spotlights swung around to go right into my face. So much for not being part of the show... Well, at least I was too blinded to notice the other members of the audience staring at me, which they probably were by now.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The rest of the interview passed in a blur of light and sound. Soon I was shuffled backstage, makeup reapplied and dressed smoothed, to be presented to my sponsor. I genuinely wished they could have brought my parents instead. Instead, I was brought before the red-haired boy.

"Ah... h-hello." I didn't know what to say. "My name's Jetta." I chuckle weakly. "But I guess you know that. Um... What's your name?"
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After the interview, I was led backstage where I met the Victor. She was so beautiful, even more so that I finally got to meet her up close and personal. Without thinking, I quickly went close to her and hugged her, holding her close. "It's Sam."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I was startled to be hugged so suddenly. But I remembered that Capitol folk were just like that - very touchy feely. I wasn't sure if I liked this, but my heart was pounding.

"Sam." Slowly, very slowly, I hugged him back. "You saved my life. Thank you. But - I just, I just have to know... Why?" Why choose me of all people? Did he always bet on the Games? Or maybe he saw something different in me?

"What prompted you to save my life?"
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"I-I, um... Well..." I blushed, being put on the spot like this. It all happened so fast, I just kinda did it without thinking. But, I couldn't really say that. Jetta asked straight up to be given a reason. She deserved a better reason than just I dunno it just kinda happened, so I thought really hard as I looked at her, then brought my head close to her head and whispered into her ear. "You're very beautiful."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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It was a surprise to me to hear that I was beautiful. I heard it from my fathers all the time, but it was a different feeling from a boy my age. "I'm... beautiful, so you saved my life?" I guess that was all it took to win over a Capitolite. They were all so vapid and empty headed, I wondered how they kept their feet on the ground.

"I guess like Finnick Odair from several games ago. He was beautiful too." Maybe it wouldn't be terrible. Finnick had wealth and privilege. Maybe I could use some of that.

"Thank you for thinking I'm beautiful." I whispered into his ear. Then I pulled back, to really look at him.

He seemed so... normal. Aside from a very expensive looking suit, he looked just like any other boy. No makeup, no hair dye (Unless the red wasn't his real color). "So, where is all your finery? Or are you being casual?" I couldn't help the smirk that twisted my lips. Piston always said I challenged people.
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I was a little confused at the question until I remembered most Capitolites liked to dress extravagant. I smile, then gently place my right hand upon her cheek. "My finery is right here." I say, hinting that the money I might have wasted on finery was used to sponsor her instead.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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I could feel my face heating at his touch. This was all so strange. I backed away very slowly. "Well, I like the look. You should keep it." It was this dress and the makeup that was making him addled, I was sure.

If he saw me in my natural habitat, under an engine and half covered in grease, he'd turn his nose up.

"Sam, I'm supposed to sign autographs but you're literally the only one here." I paused a moment, wondering if what I was about to say could get me into trouble. "I'm going back to District 6 tomorrow. Will you show me the most fun place in the Capitol?"
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I just stare at her in shock. I didn't know of any fun places. I usually just locked myself in my apartment all the time. Or, was it a hotel room? I wasn't sure anymore. Staff did all the cleaning. Staff brought meals three times a day. Did they do that in apartments? "The only fun place I know of is my bedroom." I quickly give her a teasing smirk. "And I'm pretty sure that's not the kind of fun you are looking for."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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I could feel my face heating up as Sam mentioned his bedroom. I was not naive - I knew what he was suggesting and couldn't help but reel with embarrassment. "Are all Capitol boys so forward?" I would love for my fathers to meet this boy, just to see which one of them could intimidate him first.

"Do you drive? We could go for a drive." Anything but back to that apartment, where I would sit alone and probably not sleep all night. "I'm from District 6 but I still love vehicles. Even though I work on them all the time. I've driven a little before but nowhere as... busy as this."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Youmu
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I shrugged. "I dunno. I don't know any other Capitol boys."

"Nope, don't know how to drive. Isn't that what limo drivers are for? But, sure." I gently wrap arms around her. "We could go make out in a limo if you'd like?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Make out? N-no thank you. I don't do that." It was true. I'd never had a real boyfriend, though I did have a kiss once when I was about 13. It had been wet and spitty and I wasn't sure what all the fuss was about.

"...can I drive the limo, then?" I grinned, and batted my lashes like I'd seen some women do. "Please? Promise I won't wreck it." After all my years working on Capitol cars, I wanted to drive one.
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I sighed. So much for that idea...

"Sure, I guess that would be fine. I'm sure the limo driver with be thrilled to make out with a girl in back while we do all the driving for once."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Sweet." I flashed a smile at him, a real one, then looked for the door. "Let's get out of here." I dropped my voice. "Hate Caeser Flickerman's show. Way too cheesy."

I explained what I was doing to the prep team and my Mentor, who smiled at me a little funny but let me go. Maybe they also thought I was going to go make out?

We were finally outside. I inhaled the night air, and the thought invaded my head that I was living on the stolen lives of 5 other teens. I shook my head a bit, trying to clear that noise.

"So, where is it?"
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I nod and follow, not daring to say anything out loud.

I point at the limo where a limo driver was making out with a girl. "That one. She was only supposed to keep him occupied while he waited for me while I was in the show. I'm sure he'll be pleased once he learns he'll get to enjoy her company a little longer."
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