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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Roxy was surprised by the suggestion. It hadn't even occurred to her to use her legs. She had taken kick boxing for years. It was something she knew she excelled at even if she rarely used it. With a click grin Roxy said. "Why not indeed."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shiv


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"See, you gotta trust me. I'm full of surprises and excitement."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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As Ricelle listened to their conversation he smiled, knowing that eventually lead to Tony and Roxy falling in love. Maybe if Tony dumped Adamaris Ricelle could explain to her that she didn't need a boyfriend. "You two seem to be quite close."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Roxy growled as the lion approached. She was glad that he kept her distance. She didn't want another fight right now but she wouldn't walk away from one. "Tony actually seems to like me like me. Unlike some people."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Ricelle clapped and nodded, his smile grew wider by the second. "Well who said that was bad? Do you two have anything more, lets say romantic going on? That would be some great news for me." He waited for them to hopefully pronounce a relationship or show signs of something going on between them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shiv


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In the most sarcastic fake reaction he could muster "Well well It speaks, but does it have anything to say that isnt self serving or rude?...Hmm Doubtfull. Now for future reference the way you should have stared the conversation to get a nice response would have been Hello Roxy and Tony how are you today? maybe then tried a similar take on your question as to the nature of our connection that wasnt so obvious. Now Shoo Lion and remember next time that manners go a long way"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Ricelle only smirked and stood his ground. "I thought this was a free country, Tony. I also thought that I should have some authority over my sister, and since you don't seem to really care for her I would think that I can tell her that. She is so sweet in her ways, I know that she will believe me. And if you do have feelings then don't worry, she will recover. I suppose I should "shoo" now, give you two some private time. He winked and let out a chuckle as he walked out if the gym and started heading to Adamaris' room. He had enough evidence to convince her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Mac just yawned at hearing them, still jooging at the runing belt. Starting to sweat a little he smiled finally getting some work out " You know mac maybe you know we should fake good feelings towards Roxy so that she might also seach for us on her own " Björn was standing beside the runing belt, reading a book. Mac couldnt reply to bjorn as it would gain atantion that he was talking to a person that is totally air and only in his head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shiv


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As Ricelle walked away Tony was less than impressed, if he was more like his father Ricelle would be a bloody mess on the ground but that wasnt Tony. Adamaris wouldnt forgive him if he crushed her brother so on the option scale letting him leave seemed best for now. He turned back to Roxy "Well thats a crappy way to start the day. I'm suddenly in more of a mood to hit something, want to learn a proper punch maybe even a combo or two?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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When Ricelle got to Adamaris' room he knocked on the door and Adamaeis came to unlock it. He smiled at her and sat on the bed. "I am absolutely satisfied that everyone here hates me." He said with a strange pride, Adamaris shook her head and laughed. "Why is that Rice?" She asked, using the old nickname of his that he only accepted when she said it. Ricelle shrugged and crossed his arms. "Well I found out that Tony is head over heels for Roxy, when I threatened him I knew he wasn't impressed but I can't blame him. The snake guy is of course not a fan, Marshall is just as much of a smart-ass as me witch makes him competitive. And Roxy, well Roxy is with Tony." He said all of this with smile, Adamaris shrugged and sat on the bed. "It isn't the first time me and Tony fell apart. I guess it is inevitable."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Shiv said
As Ricelle walked away Tony was less than impressed, if he was more like his father Ricelle would be a bloody mess on the ground but that wasnt Tony. Adamaris wouldnt forgive him if he crushed her brother so on the option scale letting him leave seemed best for now. He turned back to Roxy "Well thats a crappy way to start the day. I'm suddenly in more of a mood to hit something, want to learn a proper punch maybe even a combo or two?"

Roxy shook her head as Ricelle walked away. Apparently the loin was an idiot. Anyone who knew anything about attraction could see that Tony wasn't into her that way. Just because he was nice didn't me he wanted her. Plus he seemed to think Tony was with Adamaris which wasn't true at all. The two had hardly done more then talk. Adamaris was paired with someone else and Ricelle would have to deal with it whether he liked it or not. "I would like that. Hitting something sounds like an excellent idea right now."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shiv


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Tony moved to the heavy bag next to Roxys so she could see his motions. Right Jab, Left Straight followed by a devastating Right Hook that almost broke the chain on the heavy bag. He turned to Roxy "Now you give it a try, remember to not just mimic how my hands move but also the way I stand and use my footing to improve my power and control. I will show you once more just slowed down a touch" He repeated the same combo at half speed so Roxy could learn the technique, before watching her "Now you try"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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As Ricelle and Adamaris talked they had plenty of fun, she was the only one that could shed his tough guy image these days and so she enjoyed the time she had like that. When they finished talking Ricelle jumped up from the bed and tipped an imaginary hat to Adamaris. "When we meet again Ada." Ada got up and curtsied. "I miss you already." They laughed and Ricelle exited, leaving Adamaris there on her own to brood.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Shiv said
Tony moved to the heavy bag next to Roxys so she could see his motions. Right Jab, Left Straight followed by a devastating Right Hook that almost broke the chain on the heavy bag. He turned to Roxy "Now you give it a try, remember to not just mimic how my hands move but also the way I stand and use my footing to improve my power and control. I will show you once more just slowed down a touch" He repeated the same combo at half speed so Roxy could learn the technique, before watching her "Now you try"

Roxy considered herself a fast learner. Especially when it came to things that involved in self-defense. She watched Tony carefully as he showed her a serious of punches. She took not of his footing and hands. Feet where easy. She knew that she would get that right. Roxy copied Tony's stance, but it didn't feel quite right to her. Her footing was right but something was definitely off. Roxy's swings were awkward. Not like the graceful swings Tony throw.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shiv


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KatherinWinter said
Roxy considered herself a fast learner. Especially when it came to things that involved in self-defense. She watched Tony carefully as he showed her a serious of punches. She took not of his footing and hands. Feet where easy. She knew that she would get that right. Roxy copied Tony's stance, but it didn't feel quite right to her. Her footing was right but something was definitely off. Roxy's swings were awkward. Not like the graceful swings Tony throw.

Tony watched her "Good stance, and your hand movements where on the mark, all you missed was one thing, now dont hit me for this but" He walked behind her and place a hand on either hip "as you swing your arms twist your hips" He twists her hips manually ", it will improve power and make it more fluid. The power of a good punch starts with the force of your foot pushing off the ground, continues up your leg and increases with the twist of the hip then its further multiplied by the shoulder and then finally the arm. By the time it connects its got your full bodies power behind it" his hands lingered for a second too long on her hips before he let go and stepped back "Now try again"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Mac watched with his eyes pointed towards Roxy and Tony, which he seem to have some, very intersting hate feelings towards him. Mac though smiled mentaly to see the free technique which he would surely use with some lovely equestment. Blades with his vemon on it now that would be a dream come true but there was still a long way to that. Getting off the runing belt he slowly walked out of the gym and was now heading towards his room to take a bath and think about something really intesting
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Adamaris realized that she wasn't saddened by Tony's lack of interest, she took a few more napkins from the kitchen and made a smallish heart-shaped wreath. Inside were a small dagger and a komodo dragon, she laughed a little and walked to what she thought was Tony's door. She slipped the small wreath beneath the doorway and smiled happily. "Whats next on my list?" She sighed and realized that she had to go and apologize to Mac, whoever he was. She started to walk towards Bjorn's room and when she got there knocked on the door, waiting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Mac yawned as he walked towards his rooim " Yo Bjorn do you wonder if that thing would work ?" Mac asked a little worried about it " Sure if we can get people to follow a leader we choose we can do it after all we might as well Improve vlad." Bjorn smiled wondering what reward he would get for if this grand scheme of his would be completed. Nearing his own room he looked towards Bj¨¨orn still seeing him reading his book " You know i know that The art of war is a good book but please stop reading it " Mac said in a clam voice but still irretated that he wasnt talking as much as he did before " You know mac i am just re-reading what is important for this to work so no " Mac sighed but then taking his head towards his door seeing Adamaris at his door " Okey didnt expedt to see you infront of my door. What will you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Adamaris calmly turned to face Mac with a small and delicate smile on her face. "I would like to apologize for my behavior earlier today. It was rude of me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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" Well sure in normal peoples eyes you were rude beond all limits, but i used to do much worse when i was still a normal human so i can forgive you for it at least." Mac walked op towards her standing op close towards her " But i do say ada if you do that again i will not hold back even if you are a woman and quite good looking got that " Mac said in a cold sharp voice trying to at least show who was boss. " Oi Mac carefull that could turn backwards and bite in our ass the way you talk to her "
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