Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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(Thanks for posting while my net was out!)

Breden stepped into the smith's hut, and he immediately felt a burst of warm air, along with the unusual sensation of heat on the floor, something his goblin feet could detect quite well. Clearly, Koglan had been busy. He waited for the others to say their piece, as was polite for someone bringing guests over to a friend's place. Finally, when he could get a word in, the young goblin spoke.

"Also, Siwa's about to have her children. She's asked that you visit her tomorrow, when the younglings are born. If I may say so, it would definitely help if you could bring her a bit of food. There's not a whole lot of it in her hut, at least. I plan on seeing her tomorrow as well, in between doing other things with Twig, Vox, and Griz."

Somewhat nervously, Breden turned to Twig and Vox. "I have no idea where you'd get a sickle like that. It looks like something a human might use." Perhaps it had been taken from a human farm, although its size suggested that it was too small to be of human make. Maybe a halfling or a gnome village instead?

"And not that it matters much, but this sword of mine was 'born' right in this very room." He carefully drew the blade. "Kog made it himself. It's the first tool I've been told is basically irreplaceable. He's not going to easily replace it if I lose it. In fact, if not for Kog here, we'd have very few iron weapons at all. In case you need to know, it's no secret that Siwa's been eager to, ah, provide him with an apprentice. One of her sons has been promised to Koglan's service."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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Gurs was yet again humbled by the old smith. Almost being unable to look at the older goblin, he respectfully declines the offer. Gurs then mutters something about being fine with his spear and that he still had his set of treebark armor in his hut so there wasn't any real need for selection.

Though he wouldn't let any goblin present know, but he did not feel like he deserved a new iron weapon or armor; even less one of both.

The other goblins simply left after giving thanks to the smith, not wanting to be close to the wolf any longer than needed. Griz, however, chose to stay behind and learn more of the strange green-eyed goblin by the name of Twig. Despite Vox explaining that they'd been welcomed to the tribe by the chief and the shaman herself, Griz was slightly wary of the druid himself. He thinks it to be justified as, to the inevitable conflict they will have with the only recently hostile Blue Feet Tribe, trust was difficult to give out to outsiders. Or in Twig's case, new villagers.

But for now, he would trust Breden, the chief, and the shaman's individual judgment of the druid goblin.

"I agree with Breden. It looks too clean to be of goblin make...no offense, Koglan."
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Koglan looked at Gurs, but didn't try to force him, the offer was there. He nodded to the others as they left, and started to examine the items, armor and weapons left to him.

He lifted his gaze though, "Twig." He nods slowly, "As you have likely heard I am Koglan Ironweaver, Master smith of this tribe." He hums and sets some of the weapons onto the heat so he can work them while warm. He hums and quirks his head to the side, "A Druid...stories from my mother many years ago spoke of them. One with Nature, strong in mind and body." He nods respectfully. he places the axe he was working on back on the heat to get hot again.

It's then the sickle is offered to him, he hums and takes it almost reverently. A smith can tell alot about a weapon just looking at it, holding it. "Metal when it's shaped and forge gains a life of it's own." He turns the blade, rolling the handle in hand. Running a practiced and careful hand over the blade, edge and curve. And carefully making a few somewhat experienced movements, cuts, slashes, jabs and lashes with it. He nods, "A fine weapon, who ever or whatever made it was a master of their craft indeed." He flips the blade and offers it back to Twig handle first.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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Twig took the handle of the ornate sickle and sheathed it, as he did Twig nodded "Your eyes are keen Koglan," He quickly glanced at the other goblins and his expression doured "I'd love to tell you the full story of this blade but you and the rest of us have to get back to work" admittedly Twig would have continued but he had other things to attend as did the rest of the goblins gathered within the now cramped smithy.

The druid stood to get up but turned to Koglan with a smile "The next time I need to sharpen this blade I'll have to come here and maybe I'll tell you it's tale," he paused momentarily watching the flames dancing yet again before looking back at the old smith "See you soon Koglan," Twig strided past Breden and the goblin clad in black "May your hammer strike true!" he called then looking at Vox he motioned for his apprentice to follow him. "Vox come with me," Twig told the young goblin "I need to teach you a few more basic things because tomorrow the hardest part of your training will begin!" he said as he left the forge and into the cool welcoming air outside.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Zillanilla


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Vox could not believe at how excited he was to get started with his training. Questions filled the goblins mind, but he held his tongue he would learn soon enough. He never thought a druid would chose to live in the village, he had always thought he would have to leave the tribe in order to find one. Wait...living in the village?
"Teacher...I have room...in my den if you wish..
For you and Greslarch..."

He certainly did have enough room in the hollowed out bears den , he had made into his home at the edge of the village. Even he did not the roots to the old tree were strong and Greslarch could help dig.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Breden overheard Vox's offer of a home for Twig and his wolf companion.

"In the village? I-I can't speak for the chief, but- never mind. It should be okay. While I can't say the rest of the tribe will be thrilled to know that there's a wolf living in our village, I'm sure they'll get used to Greslarch once they see he isn't going to hurt anyone here." They left Koglan's forge and started towards Vox's place. It was barely within the wooden palisade wall which protected their settlement, in an area separated from most of the other huts by about 50 meters. By goblin standards, that was quite a bit of space.

"Will Greslarch be able to feed himself? Letting him stay with us is one thing, but there's no way the chief will let him eat from our food supplies." He asked Twig as gently as he could, knowing that a food shortage this winter was very possible. Being a wolf, Greslarch could probably smell the meat stored away in the granary, a scent which would certainly prove to be tempting if he was hungry, overwhelming if he was starving. Goblins had no qualms about eating wolves if they had to, so that was also a possibility if the food situation were to become desperate. He tried not to think about it too much.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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Despite their departure from the forge, Griz kept following the trio through the village and to the wall.

His curiosity, more than anything, driving him to figure out how such a goblin can tame a wild beast like a wolf. Perhaps by observing Twig teaching...whatever druids teach their apprentices...to Vox, he could comprehend how the green-eyed one does it? Maybe he can even determine if Twig's supposed ability over the power of nature be a useful tool or a danger to the village? He hoped that it would be a useful tool. He could already imagine the advantage of having a small army of wild beasts at their beck and call when their foes arrive.

The thought made the goblin hunter smile.
They could even wipe out enemy villages if they so wished.

Though the smile was wiped from his face when Breden made the observation that despite wild beasts being a great asset, the cost of maintaining them would be a hefty one. Especially the large carnivorous ones.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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As they walked towards Vox's den, Twig listened closely to what Breden said and walked slowly as Greslarch padded along besides him after catching up with the group. The goblin he hadn't formally met following them but not too close, Twig glanced at the goblin but turned and addressed Breden instead "Greslarch can fend for himself and hunt his own prey even with winters arrival," the wolf snorted communicating his agreement to Twig "He agrees," Twig patted the wolfs head softly "A predator hunts for fresh prey not preserved foodstuffs" he explained with an indignant laugh.

Hunters and druids know how predator and prey interact, for the predator it's game is to hunt and it's prey must flee or die trying.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Zillanilla


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Vox had lead the group to his den. Vox had originally planned on making a base outside the village, but due to the wishes and orders of the chief and shaman Vox had settled for being along the farthest edge. It was by chance that he had found this bear den, it was made by the bear Vox had used me make his cloak. He thought the more animal he looked the easier it would be easier to hunt, a idea that proved to be very effective, especially with an bow or makeshift javalin.

The den was made at the base of an old Oak, Vox had spent about 2 years digging and expanding it, careful not to damage the roots as much as possible. Through his efforts he made his base into his eventual workshop. Outside was a large flatstone Vox used for sharpening his stone knives, strips of meat and a few leather pelts were hung left to dry in the sun home from the branches that were too high for the wildlife to reach. Currently another one of his projects was also left to dry in the sun, he would have to check on its progress later.

The inside of the den was slightly circular, with smooth walls of dried mud to give it structure. Connected to center were 3 small rooms Vox had used primarily used for his work. One room contained a medium size kiln Vox used for baking mud and sometimes clay when he could get a hold of it. Another acted as a makeshift pantry which he used to make and test out methods for preserving food. The last room acted as Vox's sleeping quarters but he rarely used it. He preferred to sleep near the small firepit in the center room with all this tools, and other projects.
"Welcome..." he welcomed his visitors to his home. He placed his leather bag on a small table he had crafted, and began to disrobe his cloak. "Please sit...I must check on something...". Vox gestured toward the center of the room near the fire pit, before making his way toward his pantry room.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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"Smells earthy" Twig speculated as Greslarch walked the perimeter of the den then stuck his nose into the air and sniffed 'Smell of nature far from small green cowards,' he padded past Breden hesitating to look at the other 'Smells suspicious but fearful' his yellow eyes narrowed 'Who is this?' Greslarch went to the druids side and he let out a laugh "You don't trust anyone Gres," but Twig nodded to the stranger "Who are you that followed us? The wolf wishes to know..." he said without humor in his tone.

Twig didn't know what to make of the goblin but Greslarch was suspicious of the one clad in black so Twig asked more for the strangers sake than his own since his wolf sensed something about the goblin. They stood waiting for Vox to fetch whatever he had to get.
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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Griz was about to thank Vox for the offer but was interrupted by the narrowing of the predator's eyes. A mere look caused him to flinch and take a couple of steps back. The green-eyed goblin then talked to the wolf as if he could understand the beast, which the goblin druid likely could, before asking Griz a question. "...My name is Griz. An experienced hunter of this tribe. If my presence is disconcerting, let it be known that I won't be here for long." Griz then takes a little more relaxed stance, letting the people present know that he wasn't here for trouble. Simply for answers.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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The experienced hunter named Griz seemed to relax, Greslarch snorted then sat on his haunches by a tree giving the goblins space 'Rest before hunt...' the wolf barked at Twig to which he nodded "Yes brother," turning his gaze to Griz, Twig looked the hunter up and down noting the scars and other distinguishing features of Griz with his pale green eyes "Your company is welcome," finalky the druid answered "You look like you've experienced some...Interesting hunts" he said carefully deliberating on his use of the word 'interesting' cause he was sure Griz had experienced something a bit worse than a botched hunt.

"How well do you know these woods Griz?" Twig asked glancing off into the woods, he looked west where he knew his old home had been. It was miles away but he could still see it clearly in his memories. The druid frowned sadly, his eyes looked distant as he remembered the past. Twig sighed and shook his head letting his hair out from under the mantle, turning his attention back to Griz.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zillanilla


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"He is my equal...in the hunt" Vox spoke of his rival hunter with respect. He did not mean to interrupt his teachers conversation, but he had just overheard as he left his pantry carrying a medium sized clayish looking jar. He placed it in a corner near the fire pit before quickly going and returning with another similar sized jar. What was in these jars was an experiment, a new way of preserving food for the cold. If this worked then they wouldn't have to worry about the young ones not getting enough nutrition during the winter.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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"I thank you for the welcome but, as I said, I won't be here for long." Griz says with a polite nod of his head. The druid then asked if Griz had 'interesting' hunts over the course of his life. This caused Griz to be at a loss for words for a moment. Twig had only given him a quick once-over and he could already derive that Griz had experienced with the lessons of nature. He was not like other goblins; who only saw scars as proof of bravery or, in more cases than goblins like to admit, idiocy. "Yes...yes, I have." Griz said while unconsciously moving a hand over the freshly healed cut.

The woodland held many manners of beasts and monsters. Any seasoned hunter worth his weight in salt knew that failures and blunders are inevitable. Nature is a cruel but fair teacher; giving an equal opportunity for any creature, a chance to learn its lesson. But it was only those that learned and adapted from those mistakes, were allowed to live.

Griz was no exception.

The druid then asked him how familiar he was with the woods. Vox had answered the question for him. "True. Vox and I are one of the few hunters in the tribe that can navigate through the woods, night or day, like it were the back of our hands." Though he hated navigating at night. It raised too many dangers that he would have liked and was usually not worth leaving the safety of the village.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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"How dense have you travelled?" the druid asked curious if the two hunters ever came close to the Green-Eye's grove. Twig was now slightly more interested in Griz, he seemed slightly more seasoned than his apprentice and a bit more mature.
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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Griz thought back to a number of months ago. "Rather embarrassing to admit, but farthest I've gone was by accident. Beyond the borders of our tribe and others and deep into Orcish territory." His throat still gets sore whenever he remembers that incident. The unnaturally strong orc. The dragon pendant the orc had. The utter desperation to survive. He remembered all of that. "Nearly died because of that too."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Twig grimaced "The orcs," Greslarch snorted and growled 'Murderers' the druid nodded "Yes murderers are what they are" he said angrily kicking a rock "They kill more than they need to and drive wildlife to extinction I hate orcs" the wolf bare his fangs in agreement with Twig "My wolf also hates them" Greslarch stopped showing his teeth and snorted looking away.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zillanilla


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Vox put a small clay pot on the fire before pouring water to boil. He then took a handful of pine needles before breaking them between his hands and then adding them to the pot. He then placed a lid on the pot, before getting 4 small bowlish looking cups. The finished product was pine needle tea, a slightly bitter drink good for the eyes, Vox then poured into the bowls before serving.

"Once when I was hunting...I had followed a stag and encountered a bugbear..he chased me towards the bogs...he couldn't get very far.."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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"Most races would agree with you and your wolf." Griz said getting more and more relaxed around the druid and his wolf. Seeing them in a similar light tends to make the older goblin more amicable than he normally would in front of others. Vox would then put a clay pot and boiled some water within it. Adding some pine needles to perhaps add flavor to the water? It was a little similar to what the shaman did with her cauldron when she prepared to commune with the spirits or ancestors...but someone can actually stomach the stuff with ease with what Vox was brewing. Regardless, Griz would not pass up a good drink willingly given to him.

"The bogs? Ancestors must really like you if you didn't get eaten by a green slime...or encounter something worse. Like a hag or lizard people." The bogs were as dangerous as it was far. Even Griz would refuse to take a step in without great reason to. If the shaman says the bog was off-limits, then he trusted her word.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"We don't have lizard people around here. It sometimes gets too cold in the winter." Breden quickly interjected. "But I have seen some slimes from time to time. Alchemists sometimes use their ooze for potions, but we don't have any use for that stuff in the tribe. I've heard tell that the slimes come out of the bog when enough magic gets inside of it. Nasty things. Not very long-lived either. Most of them tend to die before they get big enough to split in two. They can't get very far from the bog without drying out and dying. They can't reach the village walls."

He turned to Griz. "The orcs are... beyond us. We can't win without superior numbers. Without an alliance with another tribe or maybe the humans, we'd be doomed. Of course, if something has weaken the orcs and made them desperate, that could change things. That owlbear was desperate for food. If it came from the direction the orcs came from... well, let's just say we would have more to worry about than the Bluefoot tribe. Or Bluefeet. Whatever."

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