Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler Word Walker

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Blue Shield

Devin looked at his Fitbit and then up at the subway station just ahead. Supposedly he had four minutes till the next train left his home station; however, this was never the case. Four minutes could either mean it was already leaving or it was four stops late. Thankfully through what could only be described as divine intervention it arrived 6 minutes later. Riding the blue line five stops and then getting out he walked out of the subway station and crossed the street.

Whenever Devin came into work he had one thing that separated himself from most. He never had a cup of coffee in his hand. Not everyone drank coffee, but everyone was a future coffee drinker according to the vets in the building. Thankfully Devin didn't need or want it. Living above a Starbucks made that choice easy. Still he was in need of some sort of morning jolt. He had been out with a friend of his who was celebrating getting assigned a big case at his law firm.

Reaching the special case floor and walking into the squads bullpen he made a B line to the break room and found the hot chocolate packages he stashed in the break room. Grabbing some hot water and throwing it all in a cup it was only a few minutes until he started to feel alive. The bullpen wasn't too busy this morning as the holiday weekend meant some of the crew was out. He had taken his time off before the holiday so he was avoiding the paperwork he knew was on his desk.

"OOooooo Please let there be a call today..." He bemoaned to no one in particular. A few glanced at him with a slightly awkward look. "I called into a physicist hotline to see if you all ever find your sense of humor." He said dryly and the looks stopped. More than a few rolled their eyes rather then laughed. "Seriously whoever invented alcohol must have had the most love hate relationship with people." Sitting at his desk he looked at the paperwork and muttered to himself "Anyone please just call."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LunasRose
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LunasRose Sigh.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Talking to yourself is the first sign of madness."

Detective Johnson had arrived painfully early for her shift, mainly because she was trying to avoid her parents. It was all well and good moving back home when your life fell apart, but it was not okay when your parents started treating you like a fifteen year old all over again. Still, the cafeteria served a good breakfast, and she could eat without anybody twittering in her ear about the menopause or what the neighbour might be doing to their garage.

The blonde took a seat at her desk and shuffled a few things around. There wasn't really a dress code when you hit that level, and Harper was rocking a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and and old navy blue College hoodie. The unruly blonde hair was pulled into a messy topknot, and leopard print converse completed the look.

"When did you get in?"

Devin amused Harper greatly. He sorta' just haphazardly bumped through his day. It was an entertaining spectacle, but he was also pretty frustrating with his lame jokes and inability to do things the way they were supposed to be done. There were certainly worse partners to have.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler Word Walker

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Devin had leaned back in his chair and started to toss a baseball up and down when his partner started to get ready for the day. Several of the uniform officers had watched her after she got off the elevator. With another toss of the baseball he caught it and sat back up in his chair and leaned towards his partner. "I will have you know that I am perfectly sane. All the voices in my head told me." He then stood up and sat on Harper's desk.

Pursing the folders on her desk he found what he was looking for. He pushed open the file and started signing his name next to Detective Johnson. It was an old trick that cops could do when working with a partner. One person does a report and then both sign it. Devin did it every time his partner was made the primary so this wasn't out of the ordinary for him. Plus it saves him hours each case.

"Bout 7:15" He said answering her follow up on what time he got in. It was a little early for him as he normally was in around 8, but considering he basically came straight from his friends apartment he knew he couldn't go home. Looking at his partner he then at himself he realized he might need to go to his emergency clothes.

Having gone to a rather expensive restaurant and lounge afterwards Devin looked like a classic case of male walk of shame. his white shirt was buttoned and he had his favorite baseball cuff links. The blue sports jacket matched well with his grey dress pants and brown shoes, but everything was in a perfect stat of 'I wore these while I slept on a couch' look with wrinkles.

Devin liked his partner. They had good arrest records and both seemed to care about getting the bad guy. The only points of real friction were when the nitty-gritty as he called it started to make them but heads. Harper called them rules and regulations that the higher ups expected to be done while Devin was more of a push it up the ladder guy.

Devin's stomach suddenly growled and he looked up at his partners desk one more time. "Did your mom pack you a lunch again?" He asked with an actual fun but serious tone. "I didn't get breakfast and that home made muffin from last week was great." he started going through her things and desk with the confidence of having done this before even though he knew she wasn't always thrilled by him doing so.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LunasRose
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LunasRose Sigh.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Do you have to sit your ass on my paperwork?" A blonde eyebrow perked in good humour, but not before Harper reached out and poked Devin on the nose with her pen. They had a natural sorta' rapport between the pair of them. A level of comfort tangled together with a healthy amount of irritation. Had Detective Johnson been honest with herself, she might have admitted to a fleeting ounce of attraction too. Perhaps more than fleeting, but she wasn't one to delve into semantics.

The blonde eyed her partner for a moment or two in curiosity, seemingly unbothered by him raiding through her stuff. Eventually, she spoke. "I don't get it.. Smart, yet crinkled. What's that about? Get lucky, huh?" And with a dorky waggle of her brows, she stood up. With her own love life in tatters, it only right that she took an interest in somebody elses.

Harper had been dating Joel for a year and a half. It had all been going smoothly. They'd brought an apartment. Shared the grocery shopping, chosen carpet. All that grown up coupling stuff. But the dude was a jealous ass. And in the end, it was him that had cheated. Charming, huh? Charming and ironic.

"And here.." The female reached into her drawer and threw a bagel in Devin's direction. "Knock yourself out."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler Word Walker

Member Seen 4 mos ago

“Thanks!” Devin said with a smile. He then expected to be hit with some schmear, but it never game. Even though it was a naked bagel he bit into it and stood up as the conversation naturally went to his current attire.

“Harper these are what good looking and good at their jobs men wear when they go out.” He spun which earned a joking whistle from one of the beat cops. Devin pointed at them and laughed. “Besides, in your case.” Devin then nodded to her choice in foot wear. “The only thing spectacular is you’ve found a way to piss off both fashion and PETA.”

The two continued to banter here and there as work started to really kick in. Devin talked baseball out loud to anyone within ear shot for some time and then mentioned his night out last night. “O that reminds me!” He then popped up in his chair and suddenly had the posture of a schoolboy pretending to be proper.

“James asked about you again. Am I still playing defense for you or should I finally tell him you are single again?” Devin smiled just as the schoolboy would after having gotten away with something. James had been pining for a date with Harper since they first met a year ago. The crush had been harmless, but now that there was a reality due to Harper being single things were changing. Devin didn't ask about the break up. He didn't really have to considering how well rumors and facts fly around the office. They talked here and there about it but more often than not she just deflected.

“I mean It has been a few weeks at this point Harper. Might be time to jump back in the dating saddle.” He then lowered his voice. “Especially since… its been like... a month?” Devin simply made a few wide eye looks as if to say "It is time to start listening to me because I know what I am talking about looks.

“Also the whole one of us dating and the other note really doesn’t work for me. It is starting to make me depressed.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by LunasRose
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LunasRose Sigh.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I don't want to date. I'm too busy."

Of course she wasn't. In fact, Harper wasn't really sure why she didn't want to date - but she told herself that she didn't and that was that. It was probably an accurate assumption to assume that she was still being cautious and stubborn after finding out that the apparent love of her life had cheated. It wasn't pleasant to find out that you clearly weren't enough for somene. It stung. Alot.

"And I'm sure your love life will pick up soon. With snazzy cufflinks like that, who could resist?"

A small chuckle escaped the Detectives lips, but that's when her attention diverted elsewhere. Captain Scott appeared in the doorway. He was a tall man, and had a constitution that sugesstion he ate far too many doughnuts.

"You guys are up. Get over to 5th and meet the medical examiner for me." And with that, he tossed the keys to the department SUV in her direction. Harper nodded and pocketed them.

"Come on then." She turned back to Devin. "You wanna drive?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler Word Walker

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Like a broken record Devin thought as his partner gave the same advice again and again. He figured he would get that answer, but didn't have the energy this morning to yet again explain that he in no way was recommending his partner actually date. My sister used to just go on a date cause she was expecting to be hungry for goodness sake.

"Detective Johnson these are tax player provided police issued equipment." Devin said in a loud voice so those around could hear. He then spoke normally "Besides I made that mistake as a cadet. They are not forgiving with the activities you are referring to." He then gave a silly wink and added "They may be cliche but the ones with the pink cuffs are actually surprising comfy. Haven't had any complaints since I got them. I think someone left them after last years Halloween party."

"Morning Captain!" Devin said as the man walked past them and gave them their instructions. He smiled as Harper asked if he wanted to drive. "I might have to. People honk less when I drive." He said but he didn't grab the keys. Instead he looked at his phone and then frowned. There wasn't a text or call from Mia which could mean any number of things. Mia was the crime scene tech that he had been sort of dating for the past while but ended things a few days ago.

"Crap.." He said with a sigh. The fact that there was no text more than likely meant her team was working the scene and she was just waiting for him to arrive so she can ask yet again what went wrong. Needless to say it was not something that he wanted to do. Nothing went wrong until she asked if he wanted to meet her parents. Why is everyone always wanting relationships to move forward? Why can't people just be happy with them being fun?

The two made their way to the elevator and started to ride it down to the garage where the units vehicles were parked. "But seriously my hangover wont survive your driving. Let me get the keys." Devin said.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by LunasRose
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LunasRose Sigh.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"You'll riffle through my stuff, but you won't retrieve the keys from my pocket, huh? Disappointing."

A smirk crossed Harper's features as she handed over the keys, and the pair made their way to the crime scene. On arrival, it was a section of a one way street. The area was cordoned off with yellow tape, and three patrol officers stood along the perimeter. To Johson's distress, one of said officers was Joel. The delightfully arrogant, I know everything, Ex boyfriend.


"Great. Thank you universe." The blonde let out a huff as she got out of the car, turning to Devin. "Of all the patrol officers it could be, why him? Why hasn't he transferred to Jersey yet?!" Of course she knew that her partner didn't know any of the answers.. She was merely venting.

"You might as well shoot me."

A little dramatic perhaps, but everytime she saw Joel, he gave her a hard time
Which was spectacular, because he'd already gotten every damn thing that they had. After a deep breath, and a moment to compose herself, the detective closed her door with a loud click.

"I really need to get drunk."

When was the last time that she'd gone out? In fact, she couldn't even remember. Too long. But still, she had a job to do. And hell, she was a senior detective. If Joel caused trouble, she'd write him up and be done with it.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler Word Walker

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The drive over featured little in the way of small talk. Between Devin's hangover requiring no music and Harper lost in her own thoughts it was an oddly quiet ride. Still neither seemed to complain as they parked the car next to the massive high rise building on 5th named so creatively the Fifth Avenue Apartments. The normally busy central park street was slowed to a crawl due to everyone slowing down to see why so many police cars were parked out front.

Getting out and walking towards the ever mysterious yellow tape Devin did a quick scan by the tech team and saw a big 183 on the side of the truck. A massive sigh of relief washed over him. Mia was positioned with another team and wouldn't be working this scene. The off chance of her working or covering for someone was slim considering her role, but he felt the likelihood of a 'Why did we break up?' conversation was low now.

Fortune favored Devin, but forgot about Harper. After his own slightly selfish relaxation he caught sight of his partners ex. Joel and Devin never saw eye to eye, nor had they ever squared off. Devin figured it was male ego that caused them to butt heads as it always seemed to be a competition between the two. Devin was perfectly happy with how competitive he was and it even helped that Harper had a touch of the needtowinitis. It made them better detectives after all, but the competitive nature of Devin and Joel made him feel like he was back in middle school.

"I really need to get drunk."

Devin turned back to his partner after she let her inner thoughts escape. Before he could pounce on what was clearly an opportunity to help Harper get out of her dating rut another tiger was already on it.

"That we can make happen." Jordan said with a big smile. "But you will need heels and a dress, cause when I go out I don't buy my own drinks." The woman who said it was none other than their favorite medical examiner Jordan Hennessy. This immediately made Devin a lot happier. He always loved it when they got to work with Jordan; primarily because she was a complete flirt like him and it was always a nice ego boost.

"Jordan!" Devin said with a happy tone. "I thought Mia said you were on vacation for the next few weeks. Something about a sunny island and a cabana boy?" The three of them walked towards the dead body which seemed to be the doorman of the apartment building.

"Things change my cabana boy in training." Jordan said with a sly smile. "Was this conversation with Mia before or after she asked you to meet her parents?" She then gave what could be only described as a humorously sly look at Devin. Something that she and Harper enjoyed almost as much as solving cases was making fun of Devin's love life. More than a few times their tag teaming made him have to tap out.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by LunasRose
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LunasRose Sigh.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I don't own a pair of heels, Jordan. If it's not flat and converse, I don't wear it. And to be honest, the only dress I own, is a wedding dress - and shock horror, I'm not going to be wearing that either. But if you're free tonight, I'm on it. And Dev, you too, gorgeous.." And with that, she reached out and squeezed her partner's cheek, blowing him a kiss.

"Anyway.." Harper cleared her throat as she slid into Professional mode. "Hit us with it, what's the story?" The sly comment about Mia made the blonde chuckle, and she sent the Medical Examiner an appreciative wink. "Devin doesn't do serious. If you ever want to turn him off, just offer him a meet and greet. Job done." Johnson made a humorous whooshing noise, and made her hand shoot up a little like a rocket.

Joel was trying his best to look like he wasn't staring, He noticed the cheek squeeze and couldn't prevent himseld from scowling. Just glaring at the three as he awaited the rebuttal.

Damn Devin.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler Word Walker

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Devin let out an audible moan at the fact that he had been roped into the plan for drinks tonight. His head was in no mood to comply with this expectation, but he also knew there wasn't an alternate option. The team, by which he meant Harper, needed him so he would show up even if he had to order a virgin rum and coke to save his liver.

Devin chuckled at Harper's seemingly comforting play. Maybe she knows I'm not fit to go out tonight was what he thought, but then the kiss made it very clear this was likely a stage. O god I am stuck in the middle of this break up somehow.

"Wait you own a wedding dress already?" Both him and Jordan said somewhat surprised. Only Devin said it way louder and was immediately chastised by Jordan who jabbed him in the rib with an elbow.

Like clock work within a few minutes the two were back at it and making fun of his dating patterns. "The only one sent to the moon are my dance partners." Devin said in response. "Besides Mia was running a little to fast for me. I mean who invites someone to their parents house after 4 months of dating?" Devin said this in a tone that might have convinced some but didn't convince his current audience. Still it was a mostly rhetorical question. Looking down the team saw the crime scene in full view now.

Jordan pulled the sheet off the body and the course of cell phone cameras taking pictures began as the beat cops kept people away from the crime scene tape. One or two were familiar faces as journalists or crime scene fans. The doorman was on his back with three bullet holes in his chest. The blood was minimal as it was likely mostly trapped under his body around the exit wounds. He was in uniform so they knew he was the one on duty. They hadn't gotten notes yet so Devin had to do something he wasn't happy with. "Joel!"

Harper's ex walked over obviously reluctant. "Yes Detective?" he asked obviously not looking at Harper and only barely looking at Devin.

"Radio said you were first on the scene give me the summary?" Devin said in a very matter of fact tone.

"Just like I radioed in as well Detective." Joel said with a pretty cold voice. "Witnesses say the doorman was working the door. Then suddenly a man ran up to him shot him three or four times in the chest and then ran into the park. By the time they called it in and we got on the scene he was long gone."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by LunasRose
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LunasRose Sigh.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"What? Why are you two looking at me like that?"

Harper blinked, "We were engaged.. Gee.. Thanks for listening to me for the last two years." And with a roll of her pretty green eyes, she flicked her focus to the body. "Looks a little like overkill to me. I'm guessing it's someone that he knows. Some sort of beef. It's definitely not a simple hit."

When Joel came over, the Detective gave the dude a brief and curt nod, before ducking under the tape to talk to Jordan some more. She needed to get a little look at the nearby area. Get a feel for the situation. That sorta' thing was surprisingly crucial in piecing it all together.

As she was glancing at the floor of the parking lot, Harps mind wandered to, of all people - Devin. More accurately, that rather ill advised, and incredibly drunken night that they'd shared. It was probably dangerous to think about it now, but she couldn't stop herself. Her hormones were just all over the place. Hormones, head.. Common sense. Everything was all over the place. Maybe she should buy a bloody dress. She was single, after all. Couldn't be a bitter Ex forever, and truth be told - Joel had never really felt like the one. More of the, one right now. New York was full of single, not asshole like guys. Right?


Jordan was actually the only other person that knew.. Not that Devin knew that she knew. Some things were just between girls.

"Jordan, what's with the lack of blood? Were some of the shots post mortem? I'm sorta' confused.." Harper chewed the end of her pen, "Was he definitely shot here?"

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler Word Walker

Member Seen 4 mos ago

‘Engaged yea but no date was set or even seemed discussed.’ Devin thought as he watched the two women walk away leaving him with jolly Joel. Forcing himself to look away from Harper and the goofy shoes he brought himself back to the conversation. “So, did anyone get a good look at our shooter?”

Joel was even more out of it than Devin. He was still looking and seemingly shooting daggers at Harper when the question was asked. Without looking back at Devin, he kept the minuscule amount of conversation going. “Like I said they think they saw the person run into central park.”

“Think they saw?” Devin put his notebook away. Anytime he was told someone said they think they saw he knew it was likely BS. Most of the time the think they saw translates to I think they said because I can’t remember. It meant Devin was going to have to repeat the interviews Joel was too distracted to do correctly.

As he passively thanked Joel for his time and where the people who witnessed the murder were standing, he saw a small collection of women seemingly out for a jog. God Bless Yoga Pants he thought as he walked over to them and began to interview them. "Hello Ladies my name is Detective Coal. I am so sorry your morning jog was interrupted, but could you answer some of my questions?" He flashed a classic all american smile that earned some friendly replies.


Jordan bent down and looked at the body. It was weird that there wasn’t that much blood. Three shots in the chest usually makes a body bleed. Especially since she could tell there was exit wounds on the back. What is more there didn’t seem to be that much blood anywhere else.

“The lack of blood is…. Odd.” She said finally. "The shots were the kill points, but I won’t know more till a full autopsy. As for where he was shot, I can’t see this being an easy man to move. Must be at least six feet tall and likely never passed on a free meal.” Jordan stood back up and watched Harper start to case the space around the scene.

“Welp my job is done till we get him on the slab. So now can we talk about more important things?” her question was very much rhetorical as she barely paused to listen to any sort of reply. “Am I supposed to plan this drinks plan tonight and not show up or are you going to chick out and not show up unless I do?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by LunasRose
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LunasRose Sigh.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Why wouldn't you show up?!" Harper's head snapped up quicker then lightening. "It's a friendly co-worker drink. There isn't any reason for me to chicken out, and there is no reason for you to not show up."

You're terrible at lying Harper.

"What happened was a very long time ago, I'm not his type - and I really have nothing else to say on the matter." Naturally, she couldn't bring herself to make eye contact with Jordan for fear of laughing. "Perhaps I should wear my yoga pants, huh?" A more playful expression crossed her features, and it was clear that she was just goofing around.

"He'll bring James anyway. If you don't show up, that's an awkward number."

Unfortunately, the conversation was disturbed. Joel. It was Joel. Always bloody Joel.

"Harper, a word - please." The tone was less than civil, and Harper wasn't too inclined to give him what he wanted..

"Sorry Joel, I'm a bit busy."

"No you aren't. You're just being a bitch." He delivered the final part rather quietly. Joel was a grade A example of a spoilt Mummies boy. The word no wasn't in his vocabulary.

Harper sighed, and ran her index finger along the bridge of her nose. In all truth, she felt defeated by this whole break up. Sure she was still goofy, rule loving Harper. Didn't give much away.. Carried on like a trooper, but she was pretty on the edge of it all.

"What do you want? I'm trying to do my job."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler Word Walker

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Jordan remained silent as Joel walked over and began to talk to Harper. She never liked the guy and when everything went to kingdom come she held nothing back as far as voicing her distaste in him. She always had a good sense for people even if they normally were dead. Still She knew what he wanted to talk about. Damage control was always on his mind these days.

"You sleep with a Bodega Bimbo and all of a sudden your worried how that reflects on you at work..." she muttered to herself. Jordan couldn't completely hear what they were talking about but she was sure it was yet another installment of 'I think you are over reacting and lets figure something out so i don't look like a bad guy even though I am totally the bad guy' play he had been trying to write with Harper for the past month.


Joel nearly walked off after Harper tried to blow him off and saying she was busy. How many times when she first arrived at a scene did she come and talk to him before even go to the body? He knew she was just avoiding him which was why they weren't working things out. 'Why the hell can't she just listen to me!' he thought in his head.

"You didn't reply to any of my texts last night." Joel said harshly. "I thought we agreed we would talk last night and then you blew me off?"

Of course Joel was the only one who had agreed to this meeting he planned. Every time one of his calls went to voicemail or his texts go unread it annoyed him more and more. She was a detective and they had to have their work phone on them when on call and Harper was on call at least twice when he called and texted.


"Normally I run the north south route on Central Park West" Devin said. The women told him what they saw, but quickly the conversation seemed to go in the direction of jogging. One had asked if he ran and he was happy to say he did. "Every morning except Sunday." he added when he could tell the next question was what days did he run.

The women continued to chat him up now seemingly completely over the trauma of what they might have seen. From what they had told Devin it turns out there wasn't as much of a scene made than Joel had reported. A few things made him wonder, but the women seemed pretty upfront and he wasn't worried they were lying.

"If you give us your card maybe we can call you if we remember something?" The attractive Indian woman said with a smile. This earned a smile back from Devin who would have given her a card no matter what, but could pick up the vibes and felt good.

"Would be my pleasure." he said handing the cards out. They all took them and then after more than one tucked it under their sports bra another beat cop showed them out.

Devin walked back towards the scene to find Jordan waving him down to come and save Harper. "I guess we don't need another body..." He muttered as he saw Harper and Joel speaking in hushed tones that were getting louder.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by LunasRose
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LunasRose Sigh.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Did it ever cross your tiny little mind that I actually don't want to talk to you?" The blonde snapped, tired of trying to be reasonable. Or even friendly. Friendly had flown right out of the window too.

"Don't be stupid, it doesn't suit you. Let's just go out for a meal like civilised people and sort this mess out."

"I don't want to sort anything out. I'm done. Hell, I'm so done I'm halfway to friggin' Australia right now."

Joel quirked a brow, "You really did get outta' bed the wrong side huh?" He slipped his hands into his pockets, "And I know your schedule backwards. You aren't busy, so don't try and feed me that shit."

"You aren't even listening." Harper was exasperated, and she knew that this wasn't getting anyone anywhere - so she turned to walk away. Confrontation wasn't something she liked, nor did she see it as productive.

"Hey! You can't just saunter off!" He reached out and grabbed her wrist, a little harshly, one might add. "I'll pick you up at six.."

"I'm busy, now take your hand off of my wrist before I write you up.."

"You wouldn't write me up. And busy doing what, exactly? "
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler Word Walker

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Same badge same team people." Devin said loud enough to draw most peoples attention. He figured the only way to stop Joel was to put him center stage. The rumor mill was not being friendly to him or Harper, but when she wants to be left alone by him he figured he would run from the spotlight.

He watched Joel go quiet and kept the gas on while also throwing his partner a life line. "So the joggers didn't see much of anything really. They heard some gun shots and then saw a guy run across the street." Devin then looked down at his notes. "They didn't actually see the shooting though as I guess there was some sort of vehicle in the way..." Something clicked in his head and he started to look around.

"Hey Joel did you see a vehicle parked in front of the apartments when you got here?" Again this was loud enough that he had to answer and get further drawn into the work in front of them instead of the drama behind him.

"No when we got here the place was only full of spectators." He said with a slight clench of his body.

"Well then that means we have a missing piece of the puzzle I think. Lets get your badges over to traffic and see if you can't find any cameras posted around here that could have taken some video. I am sure we already have people doing that, but lets see if they can learn from you how to force an unwanted conversation?" Devin didn't give Joel the time to reply as he walked over to Jordan and motioned for Harper which gave her the exit she desperately needed.

"Honestly the only thing about that man of note is his ass." Jordan said to Devin. It made him smile. "You know when we first met you were mentioning my ass. Your eyes aren't wandering are they Jordan?

"I was talking about your head sweetie." Jordan said with a flirty laugh. She then turned to Harper. "So what did officer can't read a scene want? "
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LunasRose
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LunasRose Sigh.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"To take me out to dinner, and smooth this mess all over. His words.. Not mine." Harper watched as Joel walked off, "Roughly how long do you think I'd get for shooting him in the back right now? I reckon I could get off on fifteen for a crime of passion.." Of course she would never shoot Joel, but as she cocked her head to one side, she was fairly sure that she could make the shot. Back in her academy days, she was actually a pretty good shot.

"Anyway, fuck him. Jordan.." The blonde turned to face her friend, "I'm going to need to borrow a dress."

That was it. Right there. The moment that she needed to turn this all around. It was finally over. Harper was over him, and that was that. There wasn't going to be any buying into this drama anymore.

"Anyway.." The green eyes now turned to Devin, "Talk to me about this vehicle idea...and oooh, let's go and get doughnuts." The detective turned back to Jordan, "Can you call when you do the autopsy, I'd like to observe." There always had to be a member of the homicide team in an observatory capacity, and she really wanted to find out why there wasn't the blood that there should have been. It was intriguing. This whole case was.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler Word Walker

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Devin walked into the hotel bar with refreshed soul. Both mind and body were thankfully showered, and his clothing changed from last night’s activities and the skip in his step mirrored this. He was always the guy that walked into a room smiling. Be it the morgue, a night club, or his apartment the one thing people counted on Devin for was a smile and some optimism. Looking around the floor plan he saw his friend James sitting by the bar talking to a group of women while ordering a drink.

Walking over to his law school friend he clapped his hands and initiated the time old tradition of being an embarrassing wing man. "O my god Jamie!?!" He called out "Jamie is that really you?" He lifted his hands up and gave his friend a massive bear hug. "Holy cow man what has it been? Four years?" From the silent screams to stop written across James face Devin could only see one direction ahead and that was deeper into the scene.

"O my gosh man let me get you a drink!" He then called the bartender over and gave their orders. "Haven't seen you since my little sister dumped you! Let me get this round." Putting his arm around James and looking over at the women he was talking to he began the dance of being a wing man "Best boyfriend my sister has ever had!" Just then the bartender came by to take his order. "Tears of Llorona for me... and Jamie here I believe his drink of choice was a Old Fashioned! Yes, just like his gentlemanly ways. Seriously I know the older brother is supposed to hate everyone who dates his little sister, but the romance and care that this man gave Erin won the whole family over!"
“James I thought you said we were going to meet your old law school friend…” one of the women asked with a quizzical tone.

Crap… Devin thought with a look over to James who clearly had made plans within their plans after he invited him out to a drink with his coworkers. He wasn't sweating but James clearly looked a little nervous.

“Yes, this is Devin. We went to Law School together.” He was speaking a little too fast as if in a panic. “He was doing this thing where he dresses me up as a really great boyfriend. Normally he is a little less…” He then leaned over and asked in Devin’s ear. “Are you still drunk?”

Collecting himself and smiling at the women Devin started things over. “Sorry about that. I just saw a friend and thought I would help. Name is Devin Coal.” Devin watched as the group began to attract other men in the bar. They seemed happed enough with the attention but seemed focused on James and Devin. He smiled as his orders were delivered by the bartender and the group made a toast. “To an enjoyable story to share at the water cooler tomorrow.” He added and then excused himself and James to a booth.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by LunasRose
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LunasRose Sigh.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I feel totally stupid in this dress."

Jordan rolled her eyes at her friend, and passed their cab driver a crisp twenty. Cabs were just extortionate in New York City. "Don't be an idiot, you look hot, I would totally chat you up."

"Would you?" Harper waggled her eyebrows goofily, "All you have to do is say the word and I'm.."

The brunette shoved her friend in good humour, "You know, you're funny outside of work."

Harper chuckled, but quickly perked an eyebrow. "I'm not funny at work?"

"Well." Jordan scratched the back of her neck uncomfortably as the pair strolled their way towards the bar, "You're professional."

"Professional?! What's that supposed to mean.."

"Nothing, don't dwell on it. I'm just excited that I got you into a dress. My baby is growing up." Jordan pretended to wipe away a tear as Harper smirked. "I know right. High heels, a dress.. What's next? Calling in sick?"

It didn't take long for the duo to make their way into the Hotel bar. It was busy, and they had to weave their way between patrons to make it to the business end. Harper was rocking a black dress. It clung to her curvy frame delightfully, and cut a sophisticated V neck that hinted at what lied beneath. It stopped just below her knee, and a pair of high heeled purple suede Laboutins adorned her feet. The blonde hair was down and wavy, and she looked a total ten.

"What are you drinking?" Jordan asked, waving over a rather exotic looking bartender. The medical examiner had actually gone for a deep purple jumpsuit with pair of black heels. It suited her well, but it certainly wasn't a look that everyone could pull off.

"Rum and coke.."

"We'll have a bottle of champagne. Thank you." And with a wink to Harper, she slid a glass in the blonde's direction.

"Cheers.." The two glasses chimed and Jordan pointed, "Let's find these boys then.."
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