The Hideout

It was the night before the heist, the crew had assembled in the hideout. Yes the fucking hide out - it use to be a hover-skate park back when those things were cool in New Wealth then it was an arcade and abandoned. No one pokes around in this part of town, aka shit hole central but it's still flashy and reeks of neon wealth and style. Style was fucking everything and anyone who was anyone knew that and the Dead Presidents reeked of it. Klaus like usual was nowhere to be seen, but he would be around - word gets around fast in this city. The plans were laid out at least, a mysterious cloaked figure presented itself before the group that circled around a ping-pong table of beer-pong's past.
That person was the fence also known as 'Fake ID'. He wore a mask of 100$ Neo-Dollars, it was tacky and appeared to be some kind of statement. Money isn't the only thing people see, but for the DP you could say it was up until now. "Well..." The man's voice croaked it reeked of a Dead-Mexico City's accent. "Heard you all want out, this is our last job. I almost want to cry eh?" He says chuckling a bit before cutting his antics as usual - and heading right to the meat of the presentation. "Fairview-Clearweather Credit Union, not the biggest thing you have hit but it's juicy. Has alot of gold, metals and enough to make us all rich." He pulled up the credit union which was in a rural New Wealth suburb on a coroner near some fancy looking houses. "Nice neighborhood," he says unimpressed, there were better places in mid-town.
"Small branch, a few employees one security guard. Vault is underground, you need a manager's key. Very shit simple stuff, there's a delivery area that goes sub-ground behind the bank near a park. Going to be something like 3-4 guards down there, you can approach through there. Or go front doors, flashy style as usual. Or split up and take both, up to you guys. Just do it right, and we'll never have to meet again. Bury this once and for all." Fake said, the humming of the hologram buzzed faintly in the open skate park. Which by the way was totally pimped the fuck out by the crew - but that's for later."