There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt. Love is the law, love under will.
Greetings and salutations to all you men, women, fellow non-binary pals, and Lovecraftian beings that lurk beyond the Veil! My name is "QueenAmaranth," though you can just refer to me as "Amaranth" instead if you'd like to. I am a hobbyist writer and role-player whose ultimate ambition is to publish my own books and to even head my very own comic company one day. I have been writing and creating made-up stories ever since I was a youngling in elementary school, as it served as a good way to express myself and my creative mind despite having autism and several other mental disadvantages when it came to proper social interaction. You know how it is.
My first initial exposure to the world of role-playing on the other hand was as a young teen in middle school thanks to a CAH clone known as PretendYoureXyzzy, which sported its very own role-playing community within its global chat. Not the most impressive or remarkable place to role-play. Some would even say it's extremely cringy to role-play on a CAH clone, which I completely agree with. But hey, everyone needs to begin somewhere, and it remains a landmark of my life to this day. If it wasn't for PretendYoureXyzzy, I feel like I'd be a far worse person than I am today. It was through the bonds and friendships this established that I developed and matured.
But yeah, that was the start of my journey into growing an obsession with this hobby, with many of the more active and "prominent" role-players that were on the site (which includes me of course) transferring to our own Discord in 2016. From there I began to enhance my writing skills as I went from a simple one-liner to someone who can dish out many paragraphs quickly. I began to explore various servers, join different communities, and establish relationships that remain important to this day.
I joined this community because of my ambition. See, my ultimate goal when I'm role-playing or just writing in general is to share my creativity and ideas with the world however I can. I love to entertain others and it is my life passion to create fascinating worlds, characters, and stories. So, perhaps you can tell where this going then. My main hope with this community is to try my hand at becoming a better Game Master by exploring a medium that is still somewhat foreign to me. That medium happens to be forum role-playing, as I have far better experience doing this in Discord servers and groups instead. With that being said, I do hope that I can make a good name for myself here and that I can create many new memories within these forums. This community seems interesting to me, and so I really do want to become part of it.
Anyway... To those who read this, thank you, and I really appreciate you for taking your time to do so. I hope that this wasn't too long of a read, and I also hope that my formatting was alright as well. Well, that more or less wraps up what I wanted to say. With much love and care, this is Amaranth signing off. Do stay awesome gamers.