Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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"So soon? No bachelor party? Wedding shower? Appeal?" Lawrence whimpered. He looked down, now suddenly wearing the tackiest red suit he'd ever seen. Red wasn't really his color. He yelped as an invisible force drug him next to the demon, and looked down in horror at the tiny skeleton priest. What the hell was going on?

The priest began to rattle off the typical wedding bullshit, but Lawrence wasn't really listening. Adam and Barbara were behind them, scrambling to search the Handbook for a way to banish a demon.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Do you, Lyd-" The priest started to say before Lydia cut him off. "Ahh! Don't even think about it, slim." She growled.

"Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The skeleton finished. Lydia walked away a little from them. "I don't really know, I said I'd do it just this once so..." She quickly returned, now confident. "Yeah, sure, I do." She replied.

"And do you, Lawrence take this demon to be your wife?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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"Uh," Lawrence croaked. Behind him, Adam jumped up.

"Banishing spells!" He cried, picking up the book. "Winter light, raven's flight-" He began to read.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lydia let out a deafening wail of pain, arching her back inhumanly as the spell began to work on her. Eyes turned darker than her dress as she hissed at Adam before making a throwing motion at him, a piece of metal bolted over his mouth. "Say it!" She growled at Lawrence.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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"Uhhh," Lawrence was stalling. Barbara picked up the book and read a couple more words.

"Darkest night, somber rite-"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lydia shrieked again, a part of her showing her true demon self as tendrils flailed in raged pain. Her attention turned to Barbara before trapping her in a sound proof box away from the book. "Quit stalling and say it!" Lydia snapped, the right side of her face covered in multiple crimson eyes and sharp fanged mouths.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Lawrence yelped and shrunk away from her. Holy shit holy shit holy shit he was marrying an honest to god fucking demon.

"I-I do!" He finally squeaked.

"You may now kiss the bride," The priest said, as if nothing was amiss.

Lawrence cringed, looking at her. "Do I have to?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lydia managed to return herself to normal as she moved closer to him. "We have to make it official now. So pucker up, snookums." She said, not really caring if she loved him or not. She just wanted to be human, all she needed was that kiss to bring her to life.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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He make a face, pulling away from her. He glanced at the two cinnamon buns trying desperately to free themselves. He was doing this for them. Lawrence squeezed his eyes shut and leaned forward, puckering his lips.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


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Lydia's soon found his before lightening flashed, her cackling sounding out just like when she was first summoned. "I liiiiive!" She exclaimed joyously. Wait, she could feel joy! She could feel her once dead heart now beating in her ribcage. So this was what it was like to be human. So much...power...

She turned to Lawrence, grinning. "Thank you for bringing me to life dear, but unfortunately there's no honeymoon. I'm going to make everyone who made your life miserable pay, starting with that little fucker at the bank! From there, other dumbass Breathers!" She exclaimed, the power and feeling of being alive going to her head.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Lawrence backed away from her in terror. "What? Hold on, you can't just go around murdering people!" He had to stop her. His eyes landed on a broken hockey stick on the floor, and he dove for it. As she headed for the door, he charged at her without thinking. The hockey stick rammed right through her chest, and Lawrence let go, backing away in horror at what he'd done. He felt like he might be sick.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


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A choked cry of shock and pain escaped her as blood exploded from her chest. Lydia let out little gasping breaths as she slowly turned to look at him. "W...wh...yy...?" She managed to choke out, collapsing into the floor. She glanced at him weakly, the life draining from her eyes.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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"Holyshitholyshitholyshit I just killed somebody!" Lawrence cried. The Maitlands, now back to normal, came over to comfort him. Barbara rubbed his back gently.

"You did what you had to do, hun," She said, grimacing at the body.

"What do we do with her? I'm gonna go to jail! Holy shit!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


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"Lawrence! What the fuck are you wearing?! Who the hell is this woman and- OH MY GOD!" The shrill voice of his mother rang out as she walked in, seeing Lydia's dead body with blood pooling beneath.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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It was just too much. Lawrence couldn't handle any more. He crumpled onto the floor, crying loudly as his mom stomped over to him and threatened to call the police.

"I always knew you'd get wrapped up in something like this!" She shouted. "You got this shit from your dad's side of the family! You sick, Ted Bundy wannabe! They'll lock your ass up for life!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 6 mos ago

THUD! Something big hit the wall, causing the plaster and woodwork to crack. THUD! THUD! THUD! Three more rang out before the wall finally broke, a large black and white snake like creature that had a second face under the first appeared with a roar. Upon its back was a familiar face.

"YEE-HAW! Sic 'er, Big Sandy!" Lydia shouted, dressed in full cowgirl attire as she held onto the Sandworm. Sandy roared again before going after Lawrence's mother.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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His mom shrieked as she looked up at the worm, which immediately swallowed her whole. Lawrence looked up, too, in disbelief.

"Lydia?! You came back! And you're, well, not alive, but okay?" He stood shakily and wiped his face on his jacket sleeve.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lydia hopped off Sandy, giving her a pat before sending her home. She looked sheepishly at him and the Maitlands. "Yeah...I...uh...Look, what I did was messed up, I admit that. But being alive for those few seconds made me appreciate life more. What I'm saying is...I'm sorry. For-For everything. Think you guys can forgive me?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Lawrence sniffed. Forgive her? After all she put him and the Maitlands through? The house arrest? The exorcism? The fifteen years full time therapy he was going to need after this?

"Yeah, I guess," He said softly. "But only if you get rid of that." He pointed to the body on the floor. It was really skeeving him out to look at it.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lydia chuckled softly, snapping her fingers as the body disappeared. "For the record, that really fucking hurt." She said before rubbing the back of her neck. "I was also thinking that...maybe I should head back home. Talk with Dad and Delia about how I feel. Maybe see my dead therapist too."
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