Username: Usernames (online handle) | Imperia
(Abridged) Personality: They are a very laid-back and generally cheerful person, except that they tend to get dragged into a spiral of negative emotions when they get wrapped up in them, be it thinking about their miseries or getting angry. It's not so much that it's easy for them to get depressed or angry, as much as that they tend to go very deep in those emotions. They love to chat about new ideas they came up with, and always like to be on top of everything, really hating it when things start veering from the plan.
(Abridged) Backstory: They had little control of their life, always felt like everything was out of their control. They spoke of how even though they were supposed to be in charge of their team, they always ended up bossed around, about how his to-be-wife left him at the alter, and his daughter was going through "a rebellious phase". They wanted to do something more creative, and quit that dastardly job already.
Level: 180 Titles: <Rider> ; <Melter of Icejail> Skills: Races (75) Spirit (Main) (15) Stat: -Luck -Strength +Magic Power -Unliving: (Passive) Immune to hunger, thirst and suffocation. -Phase: Temporarily become wholly immaterial, causing you to go through objects and physical attacks undamaged. -Spirit Lash: Send out a spiritual blade to strike at an enemy's soul. -Jealous Cry: Reduces the target's luck. -Levitate Self: Float lightly above ground and obstacles up to your height. -Ethereal Drain: [Drain] health from a target you are in contact with. -Spirit Lash Lvl 2: (See Spirit Lash) -Incarnation: (Passive) Your base form now resembles a living humanoid. Immune to passive detection as an undead. You gain (+Strength) -Binding Regret: Choose- Anger: (Passive) Spirit Lash becomes [Vengeful Lash]; Envy: (Passive) Jealous Cry reduces the enemy's luck more, and you gain that luck. ; Sadness: (Passive) [Ethereal Drain] becomes a ranged ability and can last for an increased period. ; Despair: (Passive) Phasing now turns the user invisible. -Haunting Chains: Create ghostly chains binding you to a target. Pull yourself or the target towards the other. After that, for the duration, the one with the least magical power is compelled to follow the other's movements. -Possession: You temporarily loose control of your own body and instead gain control of the target's. Half the duration if they have more MP than you, and after the effect ends, they gain an immunity against this skill for 24 hours. Yuki-Onna (5) Stat: +Magic Power +Intelligence -Ethereal Cold: [Freeze] an area around the target and any enemies within. -Frost Resistance: (Passive) Grants you [Forst Resistance]. Halves duration of [Freeze] status effects. -Frost Shot: Shoot a shard of ice from your palms. Can be cast twice simultaneously. -Chill Screech: You screech ghoulishly, inflicting [Fear] on enemies in front of you. -Haunting Blizzard: Create a blizzard tornado over a large area around you causing damage and [Slowing] those within. Those without [Frost Resistance] have their vision blurred. Elder Lich (5) Stat: +Magic Power +Expertize +Intelligence -Lich King: (Passive) This level grants you 2 levels in necromancy or medium (your choice). Further levels grant you 1 level in the chosen class. Ignore if you had no previous levels in either class. -Create Greater Phylactery: Create a [Greater Phylactery] item. You can only have 1 [Greater Phylactery] in your inventory at a time. -Create Lich: Target a corpse lvl 40 or higher. The corpse becomes a [Lich] monster under your command, of a level equal to the minimum between an average of your level and the corpse's, and your level. After duration, the [Lich] dies. -Death Itself: Inflict [Fear] on all nearby enemies, and curse them with damage over time. -Raise Foe: Target a corpse up to 1 level above yours. They become a [Raised One] until the end of the duration. Enemies raised this way cannot resurrect on their own, nor be targeted by resurrection spells except [Miracle] tier spells. The same corpse cannot be used more than once. Passively gives one level in necromancy or medium. Vampire (5) Stat: +Strength +Strength -Vitality -Blood Drinker: You bite someone, drinking their blood. Deals continuous damage, while restoring your own HP. Also serves as sustenance. -Night Dweller: You are harder to spot in the shadows. When exposed to sunlight, you take periodic damage. -Shadow Travel: You meld into the shadows, dashing a set distance in a single direction and emerging on the other end of that distance. There must be an uninterrupted path of shadows between yourself and the target location. -Bat Form: Your transform into a bat. At 15th (total) level, gain [Flight]. -Vampiric Strikes: You regain 5% of damage dealt by your attacks and skills as HP. -Blood Master: As a passive, whenever a humanoid dies near you, gain 1 blood shard. You can have up to three blood shards. Spend a charge to use this skill, then choose one- Gain temporary HP; create and equip a [Blood Weapon]; Recover MP; Gain (+ Strength) Vampire Lord (10) Stat: +Vitality -Higher Blood: (Passive) You count as having 20% higher constitution and intelligence when affected with will and psychic effects. Instead of a [Blood Weapon], your [Blood Master] skill now can create a [Greater Blood Weapon] -Bat Swarm: You send a swarm of bats that emerge from your shadow to attack the opponent, dealing a minor amount of damage and inflicting [Confusion]. -Blood Lord: (Passive) Increase your blood shard maximum by 1. You can now choose two with the [Blood Master] skill. You can choose the same option twice. -Dominate: You attempt to [Charm] a target within line of sight, with you also being in their line of sight. -Summon Wildkin: Summon three [Shadow Wolf] minions to fight alongside you. -Prime Specimen: (Passive) (+Strength) (+Dexterity) -Blood Strings: Take control of an enemy's movements by controlling their blood. You can cannot have them attack or use any skills. They can still speak on their own. -Summon Kin: Summon a [Vampire] minion for each blood shard you expend. -Blood Theft: (Passive) Your critical strikes and those of minions you summon have a 50% chance of giving you a blood shard. -Make Kin: (Passive) If you use [Blooddrinker] on a target and they survive, temporarily randomly swap one of their common races with [Vampire]. If they die, raise their corpse as a [Vampire] minion whose level is the average between yourself and their former level. Slime (10) Stat: +Vitality +Vitality -Intelligence -Intelligence -Bubble Blaster: Shoot out a torrent of bubbly water. -Amorphous Bubble: Switch form between a mostly humanoid form and a round blob. This changes the your size and slightly increases dodge rate for a moment. Can be done without verbal command. -Liquid Regeneration: (Passive) Your liquid body is capable of slowly regenerating HP even during combat. -Tentacle Trap: You form tentacles that [Root] a nearby target. -Acid Body: (Passive) Reduces armor of enemies that attack you at melee distance. -Liquid Regeneration Lvl2: (See [Liquid Regeneration]) -Absorbant: (Passive) You gains triple the benefit from food buffs and they last thrice as long. When you attack, you have a chance to inflict negative status effects from food you ate that is currently affecting you unto successfully damaged opponents. -Split: You split into two copies of yourself with half your stats, health and everything else. They attack together as reflections of one another. After a period, the copy not directly controlled by you reverts into a puddle, while you regain you former maximums, but not the former amounts, until you touch the puddle, at which point it is absorbed back into you. -Harden Slime: Temporarily increase your armor and gain (+strength). -Liqui Regeneration Lvl3: (See [Liquid Regeneration]) -Piercing Critical Hit Immunity: (Passive) Immune against critical hits from piercing attacks Changeling (10) Stat: +Intelligence +Dexterity -Strength -Impersonate: Attain the shape of a humanoid, including their full form, voice and equipment. Shoulder another use the "inspect" function on you, a false status will appear that is a copy of the copied humanoid's status. However, this skill only affects appearance, and your real stats, level, race, skills and so on remain the same as before. -Fluid Claws: Uses your morphing body to create spikes and claws with which you strike the opponent. -Liquid Regeneration Lvl6: Increases the regeneration speed from [Liquid Regeneration Lvl5]. If you do not have that skill, this skill becomes [Liquid Regeneration Lvln] (N=Your current liquid regeneration level +1) -Store Forms: (Passive) You can now store a number of fixed copied forms up to the number of levels you have in the [Slime] race line. You can shapeshift into these at will. These forms can copy the stats and skills of the original up to 50% efficiency. -Life of Lies: (Passive) Gain (+Expertise) -Selective: (Passive) You can now edit your base form as if you were in the character creation screen. You can also shapeshift into the form of an equivalent of your base form in another race in which you have levels. -Crib Swap Charm: Redirect one skill whose target is someone whose form you are using to yourself. -Frightful Visage: Reveal your true form, inflicting [Fear] or [Confusion] on nearby enemies. -Inhumanity: [Impersonate] can now be used on non-humanoid targets. -Halfshaped: Choose a form you have stored. You temporarily become a hybrid of the two forms, with each stat being the highest among the two individual forms and gaining access to each skill of either form at 70% efficiency. Doppelganger (5) Stat: +Expertise +Expertise -True Falsehood: (Passive) Your [ Impersonate ] skill now makes you a real copy of the chosen target, changing your stats, classes and races into those of the new form at 90% efficiency, except you keep a number of pseudo levels in [Slime], [Changeling] and [Doppelganger] equivalent to your level in them in your base form. Raises the efficiency of copied stats and skills with [Store Forms] to 95%. -Liquid Regeneration Lvl7: (See [Liquid Regeneration Lvl6]) -Ever-changing Personna: (Passive) You gain (+Expertise) for each [Doppelganger] level you have. -Amorphous Essence: (Passive) You count as a member of every race in terms of equipment requirements. -Ultimate Impostor: Switch places with someone whose form you are currently using. Also swaps temporary status effects, then [Roots] the target. Imp(5) Stat: +Intelligence +Dexterity -Vitality -Luck -Impish Flame: Shoot a felfireball from your hands. -Pyro Festival: Shoot out flames like fireworks around you. -Imp-lode: Deas a heavy amount of damage to you and all nearby creatures. -Pyromaniac Inspiration: Temporarily gain (+intelligence) (+intelligence) (+intelligence) and hurl 10 exploding fireballs in random directions. - Malevolent Leap: You take some damage to gain (+Dexterity) (+Dexterity) -[Fire Coating]: You gain [Fire Resistance] temporarily. For that duration, whenever an enemy attacks you at melee distance, the enemy takes damage. Succubus (5) +Expertise -Seduce: You attempt to [Charm] a target using expertise instead of intelligence. -Tail Whip: Smacks the target with your whip-like tail. -Tempting Kiss: Blow a kiss at the target, [Slowing] them with a chance to [Charm] them. -Love Nectar: (Passive) Whenever you or one of your minions afflicts one of your targets with [Sleep] or [Charm], you recover HP and satiates you. -Love Queen: (Passive) You can give basic commands to enemies [Charmed] by you. Combat Classes (65) Summoner (main) (8) -Summon Lesser (Beast) / (Elemental) / (Spirit) / (Angel) / (Demon): Choose one. Summons a single unit, among a choice of options that grows with (total) level. -Familiar: Turn a temporary lesser summon into a permanent one by making them one's own familiar. One can only have one familiar at a time per class with this skill. -Second Lesser Summon: (Passive) Choose One- Unlock a second time of summon OR able to summon one more unit at once for an increased cost. -Fast Summon: (Passive) Time for summoning is reduced to 1/3 -Advanced Summoning: Choose One- [Summon Greater (Beast) / (Elemental) / (Spirit) / (Angel) / (Demon)] OR [Threefold Lesser Summon] -Familiar 2nd: (Passive) Increases the number of familiar slots by 1. Depending on the previous choice, either 1 familiar can be a Greater Summon or increase the slots by 2 instead. -Summon Blades: Summons a shower of blades at an enemy. -Summon Guardian: Summons a [Guardian] minion. -Familiar Storage: You can now any permanent minions into a pocket dimension and re-summon them at 1/5 their current summoning speed. Tamer (15) -Tame: You spend some time taking control of a smal to medium sized non-humanoid non-sentient target of lower or equal level to your own. They become a permanent minion for you. The higher level, the longer this takes, and the target must be either [Rooted], [Charmed] or at 15% or less health throughout the process. You can only have 1 [Tamed] minion with you at a time. -Net Toss: Throws a net in an attempt to [Root] an enemy. Deals mild damage. -Kill Command: Orders your [Tamed] minion to attack. -Companion Skill 2: (Passive) Unlocks the 2nd ability of your [Tamed] minion. -Share Lifeforce: Take a little damage. Heal your [Tamed] companion. -Pincer Strike: (Passive) When your or your [Tamed] minion's attack is [Parried], [Dodged] or [Blocked], reduce the target's [Parry] rate, [Dodge] rate and [Block] rate to 0 against the next attack by the other. -Mounting Pet: (Passive) Your [Tame] skill can now time large sized enemies. If you have the Riding skill, you may use that [Tamed] minion as a mount. -Soothing Song: You sing or exude a melody that inflicts charges of [Exhaustion] in an area around you or toward a single target. Applies charges quicker on a single target. -: -Companion Skill 3: (Passive) Unlocks the 3rd ability of your [Tamed] minion. -Camouflage: You become [Stealthed]. Any movement or action breaks this. -Second Companion: (Passive) You can now have two [Tamed] minions at once. -Companionship: (Passive) You and your [Tamed] minion gain (+Strength) (+Strength) while near each other. -Companion Skill 4: (Passive) Unlocks the 4th ability of your [Tamed] minion. -Kindred Spirits: Turns into a copy of your companion's first skill. -Ultimate Sacrifice: (Passive) If you would be killed while your [Tamed] minion is nearby, they move to you instantly and take the damage instead. If a [Tamed] minion takes damage this way, they take 150% of that damage instead. Druid (1) - Woodland Spikes: Plant-like thorns grow from your hand and you throw them at the target. -Wildshape: Grants you the ability to transform into an animal, and unlock new forms as you level up their [Druid] class line. Maximum level of the animal equals total amount of levels in the [Druid] class line. Can only choose flying animals at 15th (total) level. Start with three form slots. Psion (1) -Psionic Blast: Send a ball of psionic energy flying at a target. -Levitate Object: Uses your mind to telepathically levitate a nearby small object. Requires concentration. Cultist (15) -Old One: (Passive) You have a maximum of 10 orbs in addition to your magic power bar. Choose One- The Flare: cult of [Fire]; The Eye: cult of [Psychic] ; The Ancient: Cult of [Nature]; the Frost Queen: Cult of [Frost]; The Deep One: Cult of [Water]; The Vagabond: Cult of [wind]; The Invincible: Cult of [Earth]; -Ceremonial Weapon: Imbues a weapon with the mark of your chosen cult, allowing it to be used to ceremonial sacrifices. Whenever you hit an enemy with an attack or with damage of the element corresponding to the cult, you have a 50% chance to generate 1 orb. Killing someone with your attack grants you 3 orbs if they were humanoid and 2 orbs if they were not. -Sign of Power: Shoots out a bolt created from the element of your chosen cult. -Mysterious Vanish: Your body becomes like mist and seemingly evaporates, teleporting you to a location outside of any player sight except members of your chosen cult. -Great One's Hold:Invokes the power of one you serve to [Root] an enemy in place. -Spire Summoning Ritual: (Ritual) You must remain still during a ritual. Rituals last until willingly ended or interrupted, and periodically place 1 orb into the ritual zone or target. If interrupted, the ritual still takes effect, but as if cast by a neutral hostile party. More cultists can join your ritual, adding their own orbs into it, and the ritual is not interrupted until all cultists are interrupted at least once, until which point cultists can rejoin the ritual. Summon 1 lesser minion per orb placed, the minion depends on your chosen cult. -Power Rush: Gain (+Strength) (+Strength) or (+Intelligence) (+Intelligence), as well as 5 orbs. -Hypnosis: (Ritual) Place one charge of [Hypnotized] on the target per orb. -Expanded Connection lvl1: (Passive) You raise your orb maximum by 5 and your orb gaining chance increases to 65%. You loose orbs more slowly when out of combat. -Awakening by Pain: (Ritual) Deal damage to all enemies within the area surrounding you. Amount of damage and area size depend on the number of orbs given. -Dedication: Choose One- [Parallel Service] or [Incarnate Avatar] -Summon Greater Kin: (Ritual) Summons one [Servant of the Great One] minion. It's level is 1/20th of your level times the number of orbs you put in. -Expanded Connection lvl2: (Passive) You raise your orb maximum by 5 and your orb gaining chance increases to 80%. You do not loose orbs until you expend them or log out. -Servial Madness: (Passive) You gain [resistance] against knock-back effects and can be moved slightly without interruption. 35% chance to ignore [Interrupt] or [Silence] effects. -Convertion: Any willing nearby allies gain 3 pseudo-levels in the [Cultist] class, automatically choosing the same cult as you. If they already belonged to that class, their cult of choice is temporarily altered into your own, keeping the same level they had. You both gain a buff depending on your chosen cult. -Summon Master: Depending on your choice in [Dedication], you either gain [Incarnate Avatar] or [Create Avatar] Grand Tamer (10) -Higher Tame: (Passive) Your [Tame] skill now can tame creatures up to one level higher than yours. -Exotic Companion: (Passive) -Dominant Vision: You take direct control of one of your minions. -Kindred Spirits 2: Turns into a copy of your companion's second skill. -Adjusted Armor: (Passive) You can now equip your companions with up to Uncommon rarity armor. Starting from 70th (total) level, you can equip them with Rare rarity armor. Starting from 110th (total) level you can equip them with Mythic rarity armor. -Companion Skill 5: (Passive) Unlocks the 5th ability of your [Tamed] minion. If you do not have [Companion Skill 4] you gain that skill instead of this one. -Third Companion: (Passive) Replaces [Second Companion]. You can now have three [Tamed] minions at once. If you don't have [Second Companion] you gain that skill instead of this one. -Kindred Spirits 3: Turns into a copy of your companion's third skill. -Pet Mastery: Inflict [Fear], [Charm] or [Confusion] on all nearby enemy minions. -Taming Crest: Choose One- Lord Crest: Your [Tame] skill now can tame sentient non-humanoids OR Pack Crest: Your [Tame] skill now can now tame non-sentient humanoids. Necromancer (3) (7 free levels) - Summon Lesser Skeleton: Creates a lesser [Skeleton] minion that fights for you until defeated or dismissed. Lesser undead occupy two orbs while summoned, unless if summoned using an NPC corpse of lower level than the caster. - Necrobolt: Hurls a mass of necrotic energy at an opponent. - Summon Lesser Zombie: Creates a lesser [Zombie] minion that fights for you until defeated or dismissed. Lesser undead occupy two orbs while summoned, unless if summoned using an NPC corpse of lower level than the caster. - Summon Lesser Ghost: Creates a lesser [Spirit] (ghosts exclusively) minion that fights for you until defeated or dismissed. Lesser undead occupy two orbs while summoned, unless if summoned using an NPC corpse of lower level than the caster. - Necrotic Aura: Temporarily grants (-Vitality) (+Intelligence) (+Intelligence) (+Magic Power) - Advanced Necromancy: (Passive) Allows the summoning of greater undead. However, greater undead occupy three orbs while summoned. Raise your orb maximum by 10. - Bone Wall: Summons a wall of bones. - Bind Undead: (Ritual) Temporarily binds an undead up to 1 level above you to your service. Duration depends on orbs spent. -Forbidden Necromancy: (Passive) Allows the summoning of champion tier undead. However, champion tier undead occupy three orbs while summoned. Raise your orb maximum by 2. -Lichdom: Places a curse upon yourself that causes you to, upon death, return to life with (-Vitality) (-Vitality) (-Vitality) (-Vitality) and half the maximum HP you can have that way. After resurrecting you will be considered undead for 24 hours during which time you cannot use this skill, and recover (+Vitality) every 6 hours. If you were already a [Lich] or [Elder Lich], you may choose not to take a vitality penalty by instead destroying a [Phylactery] or [Greater Phylactery]. You can now hold two of those in your inventory. Commander (5) - Commander's Presence: (Passive) While you are nearby, all allies gain a 2% increase to their heighest and lowest stats. - Battlefield's Eye: (Passive) You are able to see through the senses of your minions by focusing on them, and have a general passive detection area that expands around your minions and your allies. Using this information you can summon a [Map] that catalogs what you've seen where and where your minions are. You are able to command your minions from a distance. - Commanding Shout: Greatly increases the volume of one's voice, causing it to boom over a great distance. Chance to inflict [Fear] on enemies within distance, and temporarily vastly increases the range of [Commander's Presence]. Greatly increases aggro as well. - Expanded Conscript: (Passive) If your summons were summoned at least 10 seconds prior to engaging in combat, increase their duration by 25 seconds. - Equip Minions: (Passive) You may equip minions with items from your inventory of rarity uncommon or lower. Puppetteer (5) - Animate Puppet: Binds a spirit into a puppet, doll or other toy, creating a [Living Puppet] minion. Alternatively, control it with your psychic energy. -Binding Strings: [Root] a target with psychic strings. -Animate Armor: Select a set of armor including [Torso], [Legs], [Boots] and [Gloves] at minimum, that is in your inventory or not held by anyone. It becomes a [Living Armor] minion for you. -Puppeteer Mind: Temporarily take control of an enemy. They periodically have a chande to end the effect early. The chance increases depending on their constitution. -Puppeteer Self: Enchant yourself with mystical strings. You gain (+Dexterity). If you would drop below 1 health, the strings cause you to dodge that attack or skill and any other for a small duration, during which time you gain (+Dexterity) and (+Strength) and go on a rampage attacking your enemies. You become [Paralyzed] when the effect ends. Dominator (2) -Bow!: Places a hold on the mind of nearby enemies [Stunning] them for a period. -True Influence: (Passive) You can take direct control of those you inflict with [Charm], [Fear], [Confusion] or [Hypnotized] -Absolute Mental Chain: Takes permanent control over any below boss tier NPC not controlled by a different player or guild. They become friendly, but are not added as a minion to the player. The player may still direct their actions with orders. Other not controlled nearby NPCs have a chance to become hostile. Profession Classes (40) Charlattan (5) - Rudimentary Disguise: (Passive) Mass detection skills are unable to reveal you or your characteristics if you are using a skill that hides your true form, equipment, status or anything else. Also, lowers chance of being revealed by random revealing skills. Starting from you 30th (total) level, a second casting of individual revealing skills is required to reveal yours. -Parlor Trick: Store a spell you have or witnessed. When you use this skill, you create an illusory copy of that skill to momentarily distract or trick observers. -False Life/Magic: Choose One- Create a fake life bar OR create a false MP bar. -Create Fake Item: Using a method from another profession class, you create a fake copy of an item you possess. Until worn, used or one attempts to sell it to an NPC, the item will appear genuine. -Feign Death: You pretend to die, and remain in such pretense until you attempt to move or use a skill. -Basic Forgery: Using a non-soulbound written item or identification item of [Uncommon] rarity or lower, you create a fake one. Alchemist (10) -Destillation Brewing: Allows you to create the potion ingridients. -Accidental Boom: You fail to create a potion, resulting instead in an explosion that deals damage to you and those around you. Chance to inflict [Burning]. -Concoct Lesser Potion: Allows you to learn [Common] alchemic recipes. Create one potion. -Concoct Poison: Allows you to learn alchemical poison recipes of equivalent rarity to the rarity of potion recipes you can learn. Create one poison. -Packaged Explosions: Replaces [Accidental Boom]You learned to control your explosions, allowing you to safely contain them within their own potions. Choose one- Create [Basic Exploding Potion]; Create [Basic Gas Potion] OR Create [Basic Blast Potion] -Lesser Transmutation: Allows you to learn [Common] transmutation recipes. Transform one material of that rarity into another material of that rarity using the recipe. -Concoct Greater Potion:: Allows you to learn [Uncommon] alchemic recipes. Create one potion. -Destill Potion: Transform on potion of at least [Uncommon] rarity and breaks it down into two to three equivalent potions of one lower rarity. If there are none, creates 1 [Powerless Potion] per rarity tier instead. -Greater Transmutation: Allows you to learn [Uncommon] transmutation recipes. Transform one material of that rarity into another material of that rarity using the recipe. -Create Gold: 20% chance to create an amount of gold dependent on your level. Can only be used once per day. -Create Homunculus: Create a permanent [Home Homunculus] that follows your orders. If not adequately fed, they perish. Blacksmith (5) - Reforge: Repairs damage done to the durability of metal armors and weapons. - Smelt: Melts down ores or metal items to create temporary molten metal. If it goes unused it becomes [Worthless Metal]. - Forge Lesser Armor or Weapon: Allows you to use [Common] blacksmithing recipes. - Upgrade Reforge: (Passive) When using [Reforge] on a weapon with at least 90% of its original durability left, you can give it a minor upgrade. - Blacksmith's Eye: (Passive) Your critical hit chance is increased against opponents wearing armor and mechanic opponents. - Forge Greater Armor or Weapon: Allows you to use [Uncommon] blacksmithing recipes. Cursed Crafter (10) - Create Lingering Item: Creates an item that is especially receptive to being engraved with curses. -Engrave Curse: Places a curse on an item that is receptive to curses. -Unbound Curse: Reduces the target's luck. -Expell Curse: Removes a curse from an item up to the level of curses you can place. -Curse Material: Converts a material you can currently use for another profession class into a [Cursed] material. -Create Cursed Item: You create an item similar to any other item using a method available to you from another profession class, but using [Cursed] material. -Curse Self: You gain (+Strength) (+Strength) (+Strength) (-Luck) or (+Intelligence) (+Intelligence) (+Intelligence) (-Luck). Randomly inflict [Slow], [Confusion] or [Burning] on yourself, or get (- Luck) or take damage. 2 charges. Charges used in quick succession stack. -Curse Equip: Curses the items worn by the target. Choose one- Inflict [Slow]; Chance to Inflict [Fear] or [Charm]; Chance to Inflict [Confusion]; They get (-Luck) (-Luck); Inflict [Burning]. -Forge Haunted Item: Creates an item meant to carry stronger curses. -Cursed Form: (Passive) You gain an extra charge of [Curse Self]. If all three are used at once, double their cooldown and transform into a cursed form, you do not take any curses from [Curse Self] and gain 10 * (+Strength) and 10 * (+Intelligence) and 5 * (-Luck) instead of what you normally would. In this form, your skills and attacks have a 50% chance to inflict a curse that gives (-Luck) and stacks up to three times (until duration ends and you exit the cursed form.) Temptress (10) -Love Tip: Stabs the target with a poison needle, giving them a [Sweet Poison] charge. -Seduce: You attempt to [Charm] a target using expertise instead of intelligence. -Display: You attempt to [Charm] a target using a different stat instead of intelligence. Choose one- Amazon: Strength; High-Breed: Magic Power; Healthy: Vitality OR Flexible: Deterity -Pheromone Aura: (Toggled) While on, there is a passive chance of one nearby becoming [Charmed]. -Lover Bite: Playfully bite the target, dealing damage. If combat is started with this skill, [Charm] the target. -Desperate Charm: Can only be used if you have 20% or less health. You attempt to [Charm] the target once per stat, using a different stat each time. -: (Passive) Your [Charm] effects have double the duration. If you are attacked while a [Charmed] target is nearby, they will attack your attacker. -Puppy Eyes: [Interrupt] the target's current or next attack or skill. Chance to [Charm] them. -Gold Digger: You have all nearby [Charmed] targets give you a random item from their inventory or some gold. Can be used twice per day. -Kiss and Wink: Kisses the target's cheeks, causing a chance to inflict [Stun] or [Charm] on them. After that, increase your dodge rate against their attacks for the duration, and increase their chance to be [Charmed] with your other skills. Other -Chimera: Required skill to have more than two non-linear races. Replaces [ Hybrid ]. -Ride: Allows you to ride a mount. At 20th (total) level, allows you to ride a flying mount. -Basic Action: Shortcut skill for automatically performing basic actions, such as sleep, eat, pick up, etc... Inventory: -[Hood of Hidden Horrors] (Transformed into [Polar Park Hoodie])
Stats: -[Elder Frost Dragon Mantle]
* Stats: -[Pure Lilly Puff Skirt]
* Stats: -[Wolfsleeve Talons]
* Stats: -[Frost Queen's Rod]
*(Passive) Increases the chance of any [Charm] or [Fear] -inducing effects. *Summon 1 [Frost Elemental Demititan] or 4 [Frost Elementals]. *Project a ray of frost towards a foe or the sky. If targeting a foe and it hits, it deals [Frost] damage to and [Freezes] that foe. If it targets a foe and misses, it creates a blast within a short radius of where it hits, that damages and [Freezes] all enemies in the area. If targeted at the sky, it creates a storm of icicles that damage all enemies within the area. *You can take control of the mobs in and around Icejail, as well as any frost elementals. They become passive unless commanded while under your control. Stats: -[Ring of Gates] (x2)
* Stats: -[Goar's Bottomless Satchel] (Transformed into [Polar Park Pack]) -[Essence Remodelling Fruit] x15 -[Dragonveil Essence Vial] (Etc...) | ![]() Stats Total: Armor: Vitality: Strength: Dexterity: Intelligence: Magic Power: Constitution: Luck: Expertise: Total: 15251723 + 20 * 217882 + + (Armor) Vitality: 3812930 (25%) + 217882 Strength: 554608 (4%) + 3*217882 Dexterity: 415956 (3%) + 3*217882 Intelligence: 3050344 (20%) + 2*217882 Magic Power: 3812930 (25%) + 3*217882 Constitution: 3 (0%) + 0 Luck: 554608 (4%) - 2*217882 Expertise: 3050344 (20%) + 10*217882 |