Avatar of Idea


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Current Unpopular Opinion: "Because I'm bored" is a terrible roleplay pitch.
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Happy Birthday Nallore!
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It's not a replacement but... *headpats*
5 yrs ago
Its alright, sorry for the mini-rant. RPN is still among my favorite places, but certain events made them hit home hard... anyways, ya're nice Nesi. I hope I didn't come off too aggressive or anything
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~The Bishop's Memories~

The bishop nodded her head at the request, beginning to drag her staff across the ground, following lines seemingly drawn in chalk that connected the various shelves and instruments in that basement room. The lines began to glow from where the staff had touched them, but it quickly spread even beyond where there was contact, until the full pattern, even right under Totsurugi’s and my feet. Then the screen flashed white, and it all went black for a few moments (while the game loaded the event).



























~Friends Sometimes...~

“Actually, I’ll waiting out here. There’s something I wanna quickly check on my menu. Is that ok?”

Testurugi left to get the quest without me, and as soon as she was out of sight, I opened the menu again, and scrolled through that friends list until I found the name I was looking for, (name). Wood armor seemed perfectly fitting for her class, so I figured a woodworker might just have the right tips.

Huh? What do you mean a new player? And you haven’t come introduce them yet?! I’m disappointed :P

Come on, I just didn’t want to get so much attention on her. Someone would tattle tale, plus you know annoying it can be.

True, but I still wanna! Why do you have to be so stingy even when you’re asking for a favor?

Is it really so difficult to just make some low-level wood armor? All I’m asking for.

But I can’t give her new clothes without measurements, you know?

It’s a game, of course you can!

Oh no! bzzzzt It seems we are getting intet-killjoy-fierence. I might bzzzt cut bzzzt off any moment.

I looked at that written message for a few moments, before sighing when I began to hear footsteps.

Fine. I’ll take her to meet you later. Gotta go now, it seems she’s coming now.

I’ll anxiously await! ;)

Totsurugi returned with a grin, having just gotten the new quest. She commented about this new spell, seemingly referring to the one from the quest. I didn’t even need to think about it before I shook my head. Sometimes it was easy to forget, but Totsurugi wasn’t used to these kinds of games yet, it was her first time in one.

“The spell? No way, no way. It’s just one of those spells the NPCs get for the plot, you know? It’s not like you’re gonna learn the Frost King’s [Eternal Blizzard] or [Wave of Undeath] that Kul-Kadam… ah crap, almost spoiled it. Well, the point is that it’s really not a thing for players, just for story. Even if it was for players, the odds that it would be fit for your class would be low at best, you know? Since these are quests everyone can do. You can still get equipment, gold and experience at least though. All of those things help you get stronger, not just the equipment. You were right when you said equipment improves your stats, but experience points help you level up! You can get new abilities and skills from leveling up. Even entirely new classes or races if you’re at the right levels for it and you’ve managed to unlock them. Even gold can be useful, as you could spend it getting better equipment or improving the one you already have, or you could spend it getting important items like potions or spell scrolls, or you could even use it for more.... ‘strategic’ purposes. Oh, and there are some guards that are actually programmed to take bribes if they are large enough. I even heard that the top guild even used that system to disable a lot of the guards, lowering the city’s defenses and allowing them to infiltrate the city despite being hostiles. It’s really an impressive thing, taking over an entire city like that! Did you know that- Ah, we’re here!”

It seemed we had arrived at what appeared to be a sewer hole cover with an NPC standing next to it. He was a crooked and very thin man, really skin and bones, but seemed to be practically wearing this puppet stage like a vest, with the red curtains covering his chest. Several different kinds of puppets hung from him, attached by strings to his eyebrows, nose, fingers and arms. The man’s boots were elongated and wooden, and ended in a pair of wheels each. He waved slightly at us when he saw us, barely lifting his arm and showing a mostly-toothed smile, before bending down and picking up the lid of the sewer entrance.

“Go inside, we took the liberty of painting some signs you can follow. It may be something of a risk, but I’m a foot in the coffin anyway, am I right? Then again if live’s a stage, then I suppose I might live for a long time! Hahahaha!” the man laughed rather laudly, all the while holding the sewer hole cover. “Well, enough wasting time. Go on, hurry! We can only last so long with the bishop lady occupied at the Tea Party District. We should have come up with a better chain of command...”

Following these words, the man regained his composure, and gestured more towards the sewer hole. Totsurugi leaned a bit over it, and quickly pulled back from the stench with a hand pressing on her nose.

“Uh… Beardo, do we really have to go in there? Do you not know a way around it perhaps? I’m fine with going the long way around when the quick path is...this.”

I shook my head in response.

“Unfortunately, there is no path other than this one. You follow the path in the sewers, and that leads to the ritual room for the memory spell. The room inside the sewers, and there are only a few entrances to the sewers, to my knowledge this is the closest one to the room though, since it’s the one you’re supposed to use for the quest.”

Totsu looked back into the sewer hole.

“If I really have no choice, I guess I have to do it. That’s how my life usually goes…”

I raised an eyebrow at the comment, but seeing her hesitating, putting a feet forward and immediately pulling it back again, I realized she needed a little push. Literally. With a grin, I advanced and gave her a strong pat on the back, causing her to nearly loose her balance, and to leap into the sewer by instinct.

“Hey!” She protested among my chuckles.

“Watch out now!” I leapt into the sewers behind her, some dirty water splashing around me as I landed. Fortunately at least there were no mobs right at the entrance of the sewer like in some poorly designed areas. Still, a few of them were already visible. I squinted my eyes, counting them by hand in the poor lighting.

“One, two, three, four...five. Sorry Totsu, those are too many to let you do it.” With a swift motion of my axe, I called out the skill’s name to send a wave of force from my axe towards those toy slimes (now made enormous [about child sized] and with various other kinds of toys “floating” inside them). They promptly burst open and dissolved on the ground. It was a little gross, but there was a worse part. “There’s a bug, you see, with these slimes. Sometimes if you kill them at melee range they’ll stick in your armor and weapon. I’m not talking about a little stain either, I mean the entirely slime will just become stuck frozen in you or your equipment. It doesn’t happen that often, but it’s a pretty big deal when it does. We’ll have to stick to ranged attacks as much as we can.”

~Pause For Dinner~

“Alright, we’ll talk later!” I waved Totsumi goodbye while grinning. It would have been nice if we could have just kept playing, but one can’t just do it on an empty stomach! Perhaps I should go grab a snack myself while I waited? They might still take a bit. I reached a hand out in front and opened the menu again. “Hmm… It’s a little early, but this seems like a good time to pick her up, now that I think about it. I’ll just have to pray I don’t get stuck in traffic or anything...Damn just saying it out loud is making me worry more. Should I send some preemptive apologies? No, that would just seem like I was trying to ditch her. Argh, this is hard! I’ll just do it!”

I pressed the button to log out as well. There was nothing but black in my vision for a moment as the machine disconnected from my brain and gradually my sensory input was my own body’s again. I blinked as I stared at the ceiling and its decaying paint job and that old lamp corked inside the bowl-shaped hole at the center. The rather neutral scent of my room was mixed with ashen one from the neighbours in the apartment above ours, and my lips felt dry due to how long I had been immersed in the game. Osmosis-based-nutrition might keep one alive, after all, but it sure didn’t signal to the body that you didn’t need to eat or drink, or rather not enough to correct little symptoms like dry lips.

I felt something ruffling my left arm, and groggily turned my head towards it, head still ‘attached’ to the pillow: I spotted a number of papers, from simple sheets to post-its, reading “remember!”, others with a time written on them. I blinked a little more, and looked around the room, spotting even more of those messages spread around or sticking to a wall, and I couldn’t help chuckling.

“I guess maybe I went too far.” I commented as I left the machine and slowly stood up proper again. “Heck, I even ended up being earl-”

Outside that room, I heard the sound of a key turning the door lock. I nearly stumbled and fell as I rushed out of the room, then nearly hit my foot on that small wooden table and ended up skipping a bit going around it, before making it out of the living and onto the corridor with the front door. My daughter was just over the threshold, one arm leaning on it while she adjusted her shoe. Her black sailor uniform was a little loose, partly due to being a little bigger than maybe it should, and partially because she just didn’t care to adjust it, unlike the dark brown hair she kept pulling back behind her ear, not far from the pony tail.

“H-hey… you’re a bit early.” I forced a little nervous smile.

“Uh?” Her greyish blue eyes glanced for a moment, then her attention returned to her shoe. “Oh, yeah.”

Silence fell between us. I wasn’t quite sure what to say, until she eventually graced me with another brief glance when she was done with her shoe, and sighed.

“I just didn’t have as many classes today.”

“Ah, is that so? They kind of seem to change every time..:” I let out a skittish chuckle while she closed the door behind her.

“Yeah, well, that’s how things are and all. School. Now, mind if I pass? Just walked all the way here, I’d like to get my things down at least.” She advanced towards me, so I just moved out of the way, pressing my back against the corridor wall while she passed under the doorless frame. if she walked all the way from school, it was normal for her to be tired and just want to get rid of the weight those school bags had to be, even if she never seemed to carry all of the books for the day. I found myself looking down at my feet. I guess picking her up would not be necessary after all. Honestly it was a little disappointing. There were days when she came home so much later, and then there were days like this. Well, at the very least, if she was already home we could have dinner together, no?

I headed over to her room and knocked on the door, then opened it ever so slightly, and slowly.

“Heeeey dear, what would you like for dinner?”

She fiddled with her phone a little more, alone in that dark except for the little creak escaping from the open door and the light of the device, before sighing again and looking at me.

“I’ll just heat something up.”

“W-well, I was hoping we could maybe have dinner together. It’s been a while, and-” I was interrupted by a phone ringing. It wasn’t hers.

“See? I’ll just heat something up.”

When she turned back to her phone I knew the conversation was over, and slowly closed the door, then picked up the phone. It was my boss, as expected. I better head to my room, it was best if she didn’t hear it even by accident. Plus, she was probably hungry. I didn’t want to make her wait too much before she could sneak out of her room to heat her dinner while I was on my phonecall.

“Hope you had a good day at school… Lily.” I whispered, before walking away from the door. I pressed the green button and brought the phone to my ear.

“Hello? Yes. Yes, I’m sorry. I’m very sorry Sir…”


By the time I re-logged into DSO, Totsurugi was already back inside. I hoped she hadn’t been waiting too long. Damn it, why the heck did I have to get a scolding over Josh being a lazy… No, no, forget about that. Besides, the scolding I could handle, but why did he have to sick extra work on me at that hour…

I shook my head. Relax, relax. Just get your head into the silver lining. You’ll be fine.


“Oi Totsu!” I waved at her again, with a big bright grin on my face. “Sorry to keep you waiting! Woosh, I see you’ve been making a skeleton collection over here.”

~Two Kinds of First-Timers~

Only twice? It seemed Totsu was a really fast learner, picking up on the patterns of the first trial so quickly, not to mention that running, her stats were pretty balanced so it was around the expected for the developers, but still, I think I might’ve clapped if I didn’t fear it would distract her. Part of me was a little anxious about when I’d get to show her my actual character (and what her reaction would be at the time), but at this rate it might not take nearly as long as I thought for her to reach enough of a level that I wouldn’t need to use Beardo. By the end of it, she seemed exasperated, so I walked up to her to give some words of comfort.

"Don't worry, there is a checkpoint after each section... after enough protests from the players" I shrugged. "Didn't make it any better that he took so long to respawn after... I... uh…."


“Huff, huff, huff…” I panted as I attempted to reach that last torch, until one hoot hit my leg and next thing I knew I spread on the floor with my face covered in dust and dirt which soon disappeared as if by magic (well, it was video game magic in a way). My character was supposed to be a runner, they had low agility precisely because their classes would stay in place a lot! I was even dressed in a black hoodie with pictographic flames that a guildmate had given to me for roleplay reasons (well, it was better than what I had previously anyway) and it really didn’t help me go any faster towards those torches! Who designed a system like this, so unfair, so annoying, weren’t games supposed to be for fun, weren’t-

“Slacking off, are you?” Are you kidding? This was my fourth time already you know? My head turned slowly, and glanced at the offuscating reflecting of the sunlight on onyx armor. He whipped my back with his rapier, then scoffed. “Another brain-dead squire who can only follow orders and not think logically for themselves, typical. What will you do in a field of battle when communications with your commander is cut off? Sit on your ass an invite death? Get out of my sight and call someone worthwhile."


The screen appeared in front of me, asking if I wanted to repeat the quest.


Since I didn’t properly reset the quest, it ended up taking even longer just to do that…

“Grrrr….” I clenched both my teeth and my fists, bent down over the steps of the training grounds. Ah, fine! I couldn’t take it anymore. They needed someone to be the guinea pig for that revenge plan, right? Well, here it was folks! I opened my friend’s list, and pressed Karz name. “Come. Let’s get this done and over with.”


As I finally managed to get out of that humiliating second trial, I witnessed as the orange-haired man drew his blade, and as his colors changed to indicate he had become an enemy now.

“For your final trial, you must prove yourself worthy of drawing a blade by my side. Or, well, at least try to do the bare minimum and keep up with me. I’ll be sure to give you myself an appropriate handicap.” When he smirked, so did I.

“Finally…finally I reached this point. You turned to enemy status. Which means… IT’S TIME EVERYONE!”

Players of every race and many of the classes lept out onto the training grounds, some already there before, others using skills or glitches to get in, and we all stroke at the self-professed knight together.

We should have probably realized it though: the jerk actually scaled with how many people were nearby...

~~~~~Flashback Over~~~~~

“...Well I am glad they fixed it for the new players." So many losses that day… And sometimes people brought it up just to tease us. Even just thinking about it was reddening the tips of my cheeks a little. Fortunately for me, the knight interrupted us to insist on continuing the trials. I made sure to give Totsu a little push of encouragement and sent her on her way.

Honestly, I couldn’t help but just blink a couple of times at how quickly Totsu answered sir Laig’s questions. It was as if she read a cheater’s manual or something, coming up with that kind of answer right off the bat.

“She’s way better at this than I ever was, isn’t she?” I made a mental note to make double and triple sure to get her into our guild before any other managed to scoop her up. Then again, I would have to be subtle about it, after the incident with the jerks earlier today she might not feel so great about people trying to get her to join their guilds. Possibly even me. For now I’d just continue to keep an eye on her. Whether she became a guildmate or not, she was already a friend. Yes indeed!

I nodded to myself, then opened my menu, and selected an option that projected an image of Totsu’s ongoing trial after she touched the orb. Now that I looked at it, Totsurugi was a very well-made character aesthetically. Before with her robe and the way her hair dropped just a bit in front of her face but mostly straight on her back, it gave that really foresty-elven look, but now that her hair looked more well-cared for all straight, combined with a long dress so thin and delicate it waved from the breeze of the opening door.

“Are you kidding me, that looks so much comfier that it made me wear.” I growled again without thinking.


“There are just… so many layers… I’m sitting over.” The pillow, the dress, and the enormous amount of frills in between. Maybe it was because my avatar was younger, but this formal dress was really puffy everywhere. Well, I just had to be polite and eat dinner or something right? I reached out to grab a spoon for the soup and -

“How disgraceful! You mean you do not know even the proper order of silverware? Shoo you incompetent bafoon shoo!”

~~~~~Flashback Over~~~~~

I waved at Totsurugi as she returned from the second trial, not feeling any less of a blush, or any less impressed at her performance than before. Honestly, it was over pretty quick for her, but she already looked pretty pissed. Not that I couldn’t very well picture why.

“Come on, don’t have such a grumpy face, you did spectacular out there! It’s like you’ve done this before or something.”

“Y-you saw that?” Totsu’s voice squeaked a bit. She was taken to an entirely different place, so she probably didn’t realize I could watch her. I shrugged.

“Yeah, there’s an option on the menu that lets you take a look at your party. It’s really useful for visualizing, though it does only work if they are close enough and in relative line of sight. If you’d like, I can show it to you after you’re done with your last trial. Speaking of which, I think it’s here.”

After seeming to gather himself (or load the last part of the trial data), the orange-hair knight slowly turned to Totsurugi and drew his blade at her, much like he once did with me:

“For your final trial, you must prove yourself worthy of drawing a blade by my side. Or, well, at least try to do the bare minimum and keep up with me. I’ll be sure to give you myself an appropriate handicap.” He smirked. Totsurugi looked at Sir Laig, then back at me.

“Now I have to fight him too? Seriously?” I grinned while giving her a thumbs up.

“Don’t worry, you can do this. Even if you ended up failing, it’s not like you wouldn’t be in good company. Go get ‘im Totsu!”

She nodded, and descended down the stairs, readying her staff against the knight’s neverending grin. It felt like the would-be-grains on the stairs were getting louder with every step my friend went down, seeming to glance around a lot. She took a short breath before the last one, and pointed her staff somewhere even as she was still going down. It wasn’t against the knight, however, but against the ground next to her.

“Essence absorb!” I heard what seemed like a squeak or a deflating balloon noise. Meanwhile the knight didn’t move an inch. Then, Totsu pointed at him instead. “Adaptive bolt!”

A bolt of grey energy shot out at the knight, who took it head on. His feet just slightly a little back.

“Hoh? Maybe there’s some bite to your kind after all. I shall be the judge of it in the end, of course. Dash Dance!” For a second, he seemed to run straight at Totsu, but then he suddenly turned a few degrees to the side and seemed to vanish, reappearing as he lept sideways behind Totsu and kicked her in the back, pushing her to the center of the ring. He then pointed his sword at the sky. “Heaven Joust!”

Several spiritual jousting lances with stripe patterns appeared above the training grounds, and rained down on the sand part near the center where Totsu had been kicked into. From there on out, Sir Laig would simply continue his unfair barrage of attacks. Dance Dash could move the opponent around, and interrupt long spellcasting without proper set up (though it had a cooldown some players had exploited before). Heaven Joust was an AOE strike he often used when he got his opponent on the center of the training grounds. Fight Properly! was an attack where he stabbed his sword into the ground, and it created quicksand that pulled escaping opponents back into the center. And finally there was the crosssilk spider name, and having to say it as an attack was the only reason to explain why he always spoke so fast: After all, it was an instant, melee, high damage attack with his sword. If he didn’t have so many ways to move you, it probably wouldn’t be so hard to dodge, but as it stood it was a real threat. Still, knowing his advantage was based on you being in the center could make a potential answer obvious. Especially if you also knew there was a barrier dealing damage for any who tried escaping the duel. Fear-effect spam had made the developers give this guy an immunity to it for a reason.

Until then though, he would simply continue to smuggly yell out stuff like “you require more training”, “please tell me these aren’t your serious skills” and “I am not even trying yet- how can you be so lowly?”.

Yeah, this guy was a real pain in the ass.

@Idea That sucks.

It happens
@Idea Uh why is it full if your the only person?

Because the other people who were in the RP with me never made an actual post or an actual character until months had passed and I lost interest.
~Awkward Dialogue~

From the way she spoke, it didn’t appear as though Totsurugi was quite fond of her educational choices- or lack thereof. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the sort of thing one could resolve by bringing it up. What was done was done after all, but that wasn’t of much comfort for the remorseful, and asking why probably wouldn’t do much for either (though from Totsu’s previous mention of her family owning a company, I could somewhat guess what might have happened). It was probably better that I let go of that conversation, so I just left the silence alone until Totsurugi was done fetching the new quest.

“You can’t use your skill? Greyed out? Maybe it’s on cooldown, or maybe there’s some requirement you don’t meet for using it?” Totsurugi seemed to find her answer shortly after, and moved the topic back to my game. Her proposal brought back a grin to my face, and I went to pat her back. “Well, of course I’d love that! What are you even talking about “how else you could help me”, just being willing to do that much is already quite plenty! Having someone there willing to test drive it without making my wallet emptier than SelfTime. Hahahaha! Really though, are you really ok with doing that for me? Cause if you are… man, thank you so much!”

I went for a couple more backpats before giving her some rest from it. We would obviously have to figure out how to set it all up and all, but the picture of it was already forming in my mind… along with that typical dread of showcasing what you’ve come up with. It reminded me of school group projects back when I was young. I always thought of something I could propose, but just thinking of how it would get shut down and everyone would think poorly of me for it… Well, in the end they did anyway because they thought I didn’t contribute (and I never really responded back either), and ended up dropping their work on me too for “compensation”.

I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when Totsurugi declared it was time to move on to the next quest after fiddling with her menu for a bit.

“Oh, right, the next objective. Which one is it?” I tilted my head slightly in her direction.

“It says here it’s called…” Totsurugi looked at their menu again. “The Practice Grounds.”

“Ah, yes, that one. Man that guy’s insufferable. Don’t attack him outside what the quest asks though, or he’ll end up killing you. He is one of those NPCs that’s just way stronger than his level would suggest you know? And even if you did manage to kill him, he takes forever to respawn cause he isn’t supposed to be killed at all, and you can’t do the quest if he isn’t alive.”

With that warning spoken, we departed towards the training grounds. It wasn’t that long a “journey”, maybe five minutes walking, but even so that awkward silence was something that built up quickly. I had to say something, if nothing else than just to break that tension.

“So, uh, do you have any siblings Totsurugi?”

She didn’t respond immediately, instead made a fate guise of looking away thoughtfully, while ever so slightly biting her lower lip. I opted not to comment on it.

“Yeah, I’ve got a younger brother. I bet you’d love him. He always does what he’s told. My parents sure do.”

Crap. I probably hit a sore spot, her voice was a much harder pressed than usual. I looked ahead, we were pretty close but not quite there yet. I forced a chuckle.

“Well, I bet he’d just boss me around like the rest of the folks that were supposedly under me.” I gave Totsu a grin.

“Yeah. I still got dibs on bossing you around first though.” She rubbed an elbow on me teasingly. “Sorry if I got all moody, sometimes I just think they forget there is an older si-”

The sound of the next quest objective interrupted her, popping the message in front of her as we arrived at our destination.

Practice Grounds
-Enter the Training Grounds and listen to Laíg’s explanation 0/1

The training grounds. They had an admittedly different feel from the rest of town: Circular steps of stone descending onto a sand field around the size of a soccer field, with a wooden fence around it and some random objects in it. More wood formed pillars at the top of the stairs, holding up ruined banners at the top, and with iron rods closer to the ground, with baskets hanging from them. In the sand there was a looping animation of man repeatedly striking a set of training dummies with his refined silvery rapier, and occasionally doing some variation move like a spin or a jump before striking. He wore a polished onyx-black armor with some elaborate markings over it, in contrast with his windblown orange hair. While his neck and face were visibly thinner than the armor he was wearing would suggest, he still kept his fencing form rather perfect, and had a permanent smug smile stuck to him. As soon as we entered the training grounds,however, the looping animation would cease, and in a single imperceivable strike (read: a lot of flashy lights and little actual movement animated), took down all the dummies. Then the man would turn to us and his smile would drop after a scoff.

“I knew we were a little short handed, but this is what they send me?” As if emerging from the shadows, a small crowd of toy-merged-people in various shapes and sizes gathered on the stone steps of the training grounds. The messy hair dude looked through the crowd, then sighed. “Well, whatever. My name is Sir Laíg, and today you’ll have the honor of competing for the role of my official squire. I will test your mettle with three challenges to see if you are worthy.”

He raised three fingers as he spoke.

“You need only complete these trials with results that impress me. I doubt you can do that much though, so I’ll be generous and lower the bar to “coming close to impress me”. Fail to do so in a single trial and you are disqualified, even if that means none of you will get the position. When the trials are over, the remaining will have duels, PROPER duels, for the honor of becoming my squire. Now I shall move to explain the trials....”

He proceeded to sheathe his sword and search his bag for something, and took out what seemed like an unlit torch. He slowly walking to various points in the sand, and place a torch which was immediately replaced in his hand, but the one left on the ground lit with a different colored flame each time.

“A good squire ought to be able to act quickly, with grace and obediently. For your first trial, you will be given several patterns of colors, and you must go from one torch to the next in the specified order. If I say yellow red green, then you will go from the yellow torch, to the red torch to the green torch. If you fail to follow the order or stray too far from a straight line, you will fail the trial. Furthermore, this trial can only be completed while carrying one of the lances stashed back there.”

Next, he used some sort of spell to create a short hexagonal pillar of stone, about half his height. He then placed a perfectly spherical sapphire on top of it.

“For your second trial, you must demonstrate the manners adequate to a squire. I will ask you three questions. Should you fail to answer them properly you fail the trial as well. Success will allow you to reach the second part, in which you will touch this orb which will project an illusion inside your mind. Within that illusion, showcase the proper manners and you will pass the trial.”

Finally, he unsheathed his sword again and pointed it at the crowd.

“And third, my squire ought to be strong. Normally of course, a knight’s squire ought to be competent at swordsmanship at least, but given the circumstances I will offer even greater generosity this time and permit that anyone who can at least put me on my toes has the right to be my squire. Fear not, I recognize how impossible of a task this is, so I will be giving myself a handicap.”

Practice Grounds
-Enter the Training Grounds and listen to Laíg’s explanation 1/1
-Complete the Three Trials 0/1

~Poor Habits~

I took a hand to my beard and scratched it, pondering on Totsurugi’s words.

“I guess that is a good point. There’s so much to pick, but only so much time one can really explore it. In fact, when one starts there’s no way to even know all the options or to really get a grasp on what you could find. Defeat the bosses in a certain order and you might get a whole class with an entirely different set of skills, it would be pretty hard to keep up with that.” For someone like me, picking out the things that fit my strategy or theme as they came, it didn’t seem like a big deal, but I couldn’t even begin to imagine what kind of headaches those really competitive players in those high-up guilds even went through, probably, trying to keep up with all the new things that were constantly being discovered, and all those millions of different little interactions each ability could have in the game. The balance of the game was also pretty out of whack, but it wasn’t like the choices were bad, plus it was all kind of overshadowed by the focus on glitches of high-level play, cheats and counter-cheats if you will. Nonetheless… “It’s definitely a matter to take into consideration. I don’t think one should get rid of this ability to find new skills and abilities by exploring the game, but perhaps it should be less uhm...prominent? Less extensive? Something like that?”

Our little chat had to end momentarily as we entered the store. My later question seemed to prompt Totsurugi to stop and think for just a bit, before explaining his conclusion that she was looking for some manner of manual on how to defeat the other quest’s foe. I grinned and nodded.

“Yep, that’s exactly right! That was some good thinking! Much better than a certain fellow who had to look it up online…” I slowly looked away as my grin grew a little faulty from embarrassment. Even after my little cheating, I still remembered taking quite a bit of time with the whole mini-game in my attempt to track down the book, but it seemed as though Totsurugi had a different thought. I raised an eyebrow as I approached and leaned over her, while her hands fiddled with the insides of the drawers as though they were palping through mud in search of a quarter. I whistled when she “bumped into” the book she was searching for, followed by a small clap from me. “Hahaha, I’d never have thought of that! But ya kinda lucked out this time. You should be careful Totsu, you never know what kind of glitch might show up. Sometimes they only happen for very specific reasons, others are more persistent. Players take advantage of the later all the time, but if you go searching for new ones, you could get stuck on infinite dying loops, or your character could start bugging out, there’s even been players who tried to play with bugs only to find they were botched hacking attempts that connected to their devices instead as a result.”

A moment of awkward silence followed that small exchange, fortunately broken by Totsurugi’s inquiry on my personal life, and my ramble. Even she seemed to have caught on to that bad habit of mine. She chuckled too, reminding me of a certain someone.

“I really should get it under control, shouldn’t I? My daughter used to make fun of me for it all the time too. I just can’t help it though, the thoughts and the worries just flood in one after the other, like I hope she’s ok, it would be nice if she hadn’t gotten involve with any more nasty people like that one bast- Ah, uh, nevermind. Not an appropriate train of thought right now…”

I sighed.

“In any case you’re right. We need to get those thoughts behind us. So, what do you say we get a move on? What’s done is done, but we can still make a better job in whatever we do come tomorrow, whichever kind of tomorrow it may turn out to be in the end.”

“Well, I can’t really tell you everything. I trust you, I really do, but you never know, right? Like you could be hacked or someone might be listen in or you might end up trusting someone with it whom you shouldn’t. If you’d still listen I’d be happy to share some of it, but not all of it, not until I get a more solid deal underway that I can be sure won’t be lost to half-assed plagiarism, get what I mean?” I raised a finger and waved it around a bit as I talked, then I looked up and scratched my beard again. “Now, for the sample, I suppose the logical place to start would be what my project even is or something along those lines, right? So, uh, here goes nothing: I’m working on a VRMMORPG. Actually, it may be more accurate to say I’m designing it. It’s been a hassle, having to deal with those back and forths with the assigned programmer. It’s like one of those public lawyers who for whatever reason barely seem to do their job because they are just assigned as the “option you take if you can’t afford anything better”. You know what I mean? Anyways, I was thinking about this system where you pick classes and as the classes get stronger you can pick between abilities the classes could get, each letting you tap into a different playstyle of the class’s core mechanics. I’ve got some in mind already, races too. I was thinking the races could maybe level up too, or at least get some sort of evolution… But I don’t know how I could implement that yet. What is your first impression, just hearing that? I guess compared to this it probably seems like a really small thing, doesn’t it? Maybe boring or unimaginative even… Maybe my job’s routine is getting to me… all those assignments, always the same thing over and over again, and then I come home, and my wife is…”

~Sharing Thoughts~

“Right... Ah, an hour is it? I suppose we’ve been here for a few already. Sorry about keeping you this long, I just kinda, you know, get a little carried away and loose sense of time. Time flies when you’re having fun, that’s what they say, right?” I rubbed the back of my head, cheeks slightly reddened. Fortunately for me, Totsurugi didn’t seem to make much of a case of it, and we moved along to continue his quest. Ah, but man, I was shaking inside! In the back of my head, I was once more considering all the possible conspiracies and double-meanings under which he might actually not have enjoyed the game so far. All because he suddenly seemed like he’d have to leave. Silly, right?

Aaah, what was I gonna do with myself at this rate…

Well, for now at least, I suppose the right answer would be something along the lines of “don’t screw this up. If you already did, you can at least do your best to not make it any worse”. Just keeping to the same strategy wouldn’t do much for us though. I had to know where to aim before I shot.

“Say, Totsurugi, I know you just started and all, but what’s your favorite part about this game so far? To you.” I inquired as we strolled through the emptied streets occasionally interspersed by random bodies of monsters which the game had yet to make disappear. My legs occasionally kicked the air as I walked as though seeking something to do, and my gaze raised up to the partially hidden perpetual moonlight of this area. “For me it’s all these choices. You just get to choose to be and act as you like. No one has to know, and there is just so much to choose from, so why would they care? There aren’t even wrong choices. There may be better choices, but wrong ones? Nah, nothing’s going to get you stuck forever, and even the worst classes may have that one in a million chance to prove why they are there someday, when the stars align. Even if the weather controls need to glitch for that happen. I mean, it’s Dissonant Steel Online. Sooner or later, everything glitches.”

A kicked a rock into a nearby alleyway with the corpse of one of the monsters still laying next ot it, it’s hand seemingly split in two. The rock flew in an arc above it, but seemingly became stuck while entering the alley, perpetually rotating in place midair.

“See?” I turned to Totsurugi and grinned, chuckling. Then I focused back on our path, and noticed it, the sign on that building we where looking for. “Oh look, we’re here.”

The building was mostly made of rustic wood seemingly painted in a dark blue greyish color which blended well into the darkness. The bits of light from outside the windows allowed for some shine from the yet to dry spilled ink, some of which seemingly came from within the toys lying around with their backs against the walls or the floor. While Totsurugi went ahead, seemingly more focused on the objective for the moment, I stayed behind poking around with things, pulling on drawers (with varying degrees of success due to some drawers not actually existing in the code and therefore being impossible to open) and helping myself to some of the random supplies within the building. They probably weren’t worth that much, but any good gamer is a good hoarder, if they don’t have to worry about using their bag space in an economically sound manner.

Eventually, I grew a little bored of what I was doing and hummed in search of Totsurugi, whom I eventually found within the archive’s space.

“Hey, you’re still looking. What are you trying to find? Do you even know?” if she asked, or if her answer seemed too far off from the real answer, then I’d tell her what the right one was. Otherwise, it would probably be best that she get to experience this part of the game, this exploration and adventure. Totsurugi just kept going right towards things without really enjoying the in-between… I sighed, but suddenly she inquired about my life IRL. I rubbed the back of my head, facing away from her. ”That’s… I, know, I… I’ve just been working on something. A little pet project of mine, well not so little anymore, I’ve kinda just been going at it and they want results, but there is no room and the time and the…. ah my wife’s going to kill me…”

I shook my head and growled.

“Ah, damnit! Sorry, I just started kind of rambling… I guess you’re right, I have been a little stressed out. They are asking something pretty demanding of me and I’ve just been trying to figure out how in the world I’m ever going to make it into the deadline. I guess that’s another point for a game like this, eh? Helping us get our mind off those worries, staving off the nausea for a bit. Not to mention, for this particular project it probably counts as research or something like that. A little less on my mind, or maybe it’s only refreshing because it’s a little different at least. It was a hard pick, the games or the chats. I’m really happy you didn’t make me choose, Totsu!”

I attempted to pat her on the back, though maybe I used a little too much strength.

~In the Meanwhile~

At first, I did stay and watched as Totsurugi held their own against the knight. That sort of marked ground mechanic was a pretty common thing in DSO and other VRMMORPGs like it, but then again from what I understood Totsurugi herself wasn’t familiar with those other games either. Nonetheless, she seemed to be fairing reasonably well, and thus there was no need for me to keep watching like a vulture watching a dying animal. I headed a bit deeper into the woods out of sight, but still staying as sure as I could that I wasn’t in the trapped territory before I opened my menu, pressed that “Local Info” button and began scrolling through.

There were some news on the event today, with info on location sites, some major guilds taking part in it, even some early interviews and adds for a few contests with supposedly exotic prices. Honestly I would have dismissed as a bullcrap if it was in real life, but people were actually far more generous with actually giving those prizes in games. I heard somewhere it had to do with the “etherealness” of the things here, giving up ones and zeros is simply easier than giving up something real, or so they had mentioned. Who was it again? Zhacksneil? Corincorin?

“There is it, local player info… And scan!” I hummed to myself as I waited for the system scanner to show nearby unhidden players. It didn’t tell me their locations, but it could tell how relatively populated the area was. Totsurugi probably wouldn’t reach level 40 in this area, but if there were few players around it was a good opportunity to show them my real avatar. Unfortunately, however… “Five, huh. That’s more and less than I’m comfortable with. Just a few more and they might be here for the dungeon, a few less and the risk of being spotted would be less of a concern. Maybe they’ll go away soon…”

Of course, that still left the question of what to do in the meantime while I waited for that chance. Was there anything of quality to grind around this place?

“Browser, window three, open. Display, show.” With that command, a loading browser window appeared in front of me. It floated just barely in my field of vision, with an adjustable opacity depending on my focus, and when I moved it moved with me. It was being projected directly into my perception, so I was the only one who could see it. Aside from being an extra paid feature, it was a pretty great feature.

I reached out to it and manually typed in the area name and what I wanted to look for. It seemed [Toy Parts] were the most common farming material here, especially due to the rare and epic drops one occasionally found, it really sped up the [clocksmith]’s and [gearmage]’s crafting, neither of which were classes we had. [Undecaying Organs] were also here and [Necrowool].

“I guess we could make a penny with those, but it would take too long. It ain’t worth it.” Come to think of it, I sure hoped those people I saw earlier didn’t think otherwise. I used the scan again. Dang, there was one more person now. The farming option was out of the picture too. Did I have time to go anywhere? Hmmm… probably not. In that case, there was one thing I for sure could do.

Axe resting on my shoulder, I headed off to the path of the second quest. Out the corner of my eye, I noticed Totsurugi was about halfway through that knight’s health. I gave her a thumbs up in silent encouragement, though she probably didn’t see given I was still behind the treeline and she was a tad busy at the moment, but you know, it’s the thought that counts, right?


I reached the actual place after some walking around, and travelling through a few tunnels and through the ruins of a couple of houses. You could attempt to go above ground through the main street instead of taking these passages, but there were flying drones in a macabre imitation of birds, mostly made from pieced together toy airplanes and other aerial-themed playthings with bugs and actual birds. Most of them weren’t anything dangerous and at worst the AI would make them come down and peck you, so even a low level character could easily deal with them. No the real issue were the broken fences always watched by the dragon imitations. If you tried going through that open path you’d be bombarded with a barrage of flames from up above. Even though it looked empty, attempting to get past the fences was a guaranteed death for anyone that wasn’t far overleveled for this zone. Even Beardo would have taken hefty damage.

Well, the main path still kept the creep factor at least. The least disturbing were giant hunchbacked skeletons with hair, thread (from brooms and the lik) or yarn from the heads of mops, all tangled and dangling like algae on someone who just rose from the sea (or a very dirty river). Their fingers were long lines of knives or sharpened sword replicas and the number of eyes they had was truly a roll of the dice. Their extremely thin, grey, shambling, creaking forms like ungreased gates of a cemetery were only made more haunting with the addition of the heavy fog that permeated the place, and if I had it turned on the lingering horror-esque ambient music. Fighting one was no pretty sight either, since they could shift their bodies to instantly face any direction and those malformed bodies gave them a skill which damaged any that came in contact with them, directly or through melee-ranged armor or weapons or even abilities.

It was a pretty well-crafted visual, showing how the staff that made this game really went all out sometimes. At the same time, however… It wasn’t really made for my kind of situation.

“Reflector Stance.” I swung my weapon in a vertical circle in front of me. A red aura glowed around me for a second, alongside a glint in my eyes of the same color.

“Deflector Shield.” I swung my axe in front of me, creating this deep blue glittering bent barrier in front of me, shaped almost like a visor that was taller than me and floated in the air.

“Clear sight.” Sparks flew out from my eyes, and suddenly I was able to see far past the fog. I smirked, crouching down and aiming my axe towards the furthest of the abandletons.

“Ram charge!” I kicked the ground, lighting pushing me against my own barrier which rammed forward. Seemingly sensing my approach, the creatures turned around, only to themselves quickly pushed by my barrier as my charge would continue until I reached the location I was aiming for. Furthermore, my Reflector Stance and Deflector shield combined absorbed and forced back a portion of the damage from the creature’s damage on the shield, which given our relative levels was about 80%. As I reached the other end, that initial group of them was wiped out already, with exception of a couple of the later ones that weren’t hit for long enough to be destroyed by the reflected damage combined with the side damage from the ram. Naturally, I was counting on it. I raised my axe high above my head, as it sparked with lightning.

“Mountain Fall!” I dropped my weapon in front of me, causing the ground to shake and a wave of lightning-covered rubble to erupt in front of me, destroying part of the buildings ahead and creatures caught within the line of effect.


I waved, still partially covered in dust as I returned from my little detour. I was just in time to witness Totsurugi hop out of the enormous chess board. Given there was no angry message about dying because I wasn’t there, and the satisfied look on her face, I surmized my decision to trust her to pull it off on her own wasn’t wrong. I grinned.

“Hope I’m not late!” She told me that she did find it hard after all, but at the same she looked forward to more. I instinctively reached out for her head. “Ho, is that so? Maybe we can tackle the dungeon together once you’re a little above level hehehe.”

I just smiled in silence for a moment. I guess maybe it was a bit intense for a first-timer, but I was glad she was at least enjoying it. Hopefully it was a sustainable thing.

“So, need a rest, or would you like to move to the next one? I cleared the mobs on the way for quest 2, since you don’t really need to deal with them for the quest, you just need to get to the quest point. It’d just be a waste of time. Of course though, it’s also only a matter of time until everything respawns…”

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