The ways of shinobi had always been founded in death and destruction. The musings of honor and love were landmarks in a journey that inevitably resulted in the slaughter of sons and daughters. So it was in the Warring States Period, before the rise of shinobi nations, and peace was a false pretense that would be used to hide the building of militaries and gathering of tailed beasts. Again a war would break out, a struggle for power, land, a chance to become gods, the desires of men all originated from a place of avarice. Peace again, and then war. The cycle was unending and would be perpetual, like the coming and going of a harsh winter.
A dense forest seemed like a place to hide away from the winters, and it was a great defense. A village grew, home to orphans, elderly and once-powerful figures that were weary of fighting and death. Peace found them in the natural fortress. For a time, they lived rather happily, even as the signs of war grew more frequent around them, and eventually their position seated between powerful foes brought swift destruction upon their happy lives.
The worst of the Second Shinobi World War was brought to an end through diplomacy between the largest hidden shinobi villages.
The grievances of the weak villages went unheard among the world leaders. Instead, civil unrest plagued the places between the powerful countries. In Kusagakure, a leader once praised for treading harmoniously between its seeds and flowers is lost and thus the balance tips as a new Kage rises, and a call for change sweeps the village into a new era.
A dense forest seemed like a place to hide away from the winters, and it was a great defense. A village grew, home to orphans, elderly and once-powerful figures that were weary of fighting and death. Peace found them in the natural fortress. For a time, they lived rather happily, even as the signs of war grew more frequent around them, and eventually their position seated between powerful foes brought swift destruction upon their happy lives.
The worst of the Second Shinobi World War was brought to an end through diplomacy between the largest hidden shinobi villages.
The grievances of the weak villages went unheard among the world leaders. Instead, civil unrest plagued the places between the powerful countries. In Kusagakure, a leader once praised for treading harmoniously between its seeds and flowers is lost and thus the balance tips as a new Kage rises, and a call for change sweeps the village into a new era.
Let the blood of our foes act as fertilizer for the seeds of our future.