Expedition convoy, just outside of South of the Border
The convoy had found a clear stretch of highway a few hours ago they had begun to cruise, Finn sat back looking at his driver. The entire expedition packed into nine vehicles, rolling along the road there had been a couple eventfully moment back in Virginia, swiftly ended with fifty caliber fire from the support truck. The five deuce and half, trucks were cloth covered three of which carried power armor, supplies, weapons, and computers. The remaining two carried the forces from up north, Devils Brigade as they were known, and the other carried the scribes and volunteers from their allies back in the capital wasteland. Bringing up the rear were two pre-war infantry fighting vehicles, carrying the knights and enclave troops. Ten soldiers in each, two up front and eight in the back they took the rear as to cover the convoy from attack from behind with their thicker armor plating. Second in line in all this mess was the hummer, the support vehicle the once gas powered car had been converted and refitted for service, like most of the vehicles here they had it's shocks had been replaced. So most of the convoy rode in relative comfort, save for one the lead vehicles.
The lead vehicle, was pre-war jeep with a mortar mounted to the back that Finn sat shotgun on as it tore ahead of the convoy Finn advising the driver where to go. As it had always been it bounced like mad Finn swore he'd kill whoever told him he'd have to ride in the lead vehicles instead of in the hummer with the other officers or riding with the troops. They had spent the morning driving through the old north state heading for the outpost sight that had been selected in South Carolina, Parris Island formerly a US military base one that had no local through they would be crossing several swampy areas to reach it.
The pine trees and grassy areas rolled past Finn the occasional stares of farmers or waves from travelers as they stared in awe at the convoy. While the south east had escaped worst of the destruction few had seen anything like what the expedition had brought with them, even fewer didn't have at least some apprehensiveness about the strangers and the military convoy. Finn finally came on the radio after what felt forever to send a message back towards the support vehicle with the commanders in it. "We are coming up on South of the Border, towns the last big trading hub before we get in bandit country. Locals here will have plenty to trade and we should be able to meet up with the Marshal post here to try and get in good with the local leaders. Finn clicked off the radio as the jeep came over the hill he stared down at the scene below, a fucking mess is what it was.
The town as it was was built up around the the old hotel and nearby fireworks warehouse the area around them had been built up with brick, sandbags, and destroyed vehicles to create the walled town. Having been fortified by both the North and South each time it had traded hands, though now it remained firmly under Tarheel and Marshal protection a full platoon stationed there constantly and Marshal station here meant the place was well defended. Bodies were strewn across the field up to half a mile out, closer to the walls the were piles on top of each other almost like addition barricades. Hundreds of them at least, rumor had been that the muties were running raiders up from the southern states but, this was fucking nuts. Even with all the corpses he see at a hundred of them making another charge at the main gate a few other groups in the dozens charging at weak points in the walls. This had to be several days of siege, he could see far off beyond the town a camp of sorts, no doubt where the fuckers were camped. "Uh guys, might wanna bring the IFV's upfront we've got... Well a lot fucking raiders, not smart ones but... A shit load to say the least, they got the town in a siege.
Soon the hummer had pulled up alongside, Finn gave a long whistle as he muttered looked at the IFV's drivers preparing to head for the town as soon they got the green light. Finn flipped his radio to open channel and broadcast to the town below. "This Knight Captain Cassidy of the Brotherhood of Steel. We are sending reinforcements to clear hostiles assaulting the town, do not fire. I repeat do not fire on the incoming vehicles they are friendly." With that Finn waited for the rest of the expedition leaders verdict before signalling the drivers to begin the assault.
Meanwhile in the town below...
The Marshals and Tarheels had been under siege for nearly three days, while supplies were still fine it was manpower that was the issue. While they had few deaths among the troops, they had to focus their defense on the north and south gates. So when a man was wounded, made an ammo run, or whatever it opened up holes along the east and west walls which they had to pull with volunteers from the town or traps when they could. This allowed the occasional group to scramble inside and attack the civilians, half starved raiders with nothing to lose and everything to gain with a crazed psychopath whipping them into a frenzy over a 'promise land' of soft people and food had them willing to throw themselves into weapons fire again and again. The Constable who ran the Marshal's in town and acted as commander to the Tarheels had died covering the north gate when they caravan who didn't know what had happened came to the town.
Stanton Danforth sat in the radio office, one he usually worked in to help out his brother in the Marshals, with the entire platoon and all Marshals on the walls Danforth had taken over the radio operation. He'd sent several distress calls to the Speedway but he didn't know if they got through yet as he'd yet to get a proper response from anyone. Outside on the wall the attack was in full swing, raiders rushing the walls either firing wildly with their salvaged guns or trying to get into close enough to use melee weapons. While they didn't think they would be over run, if it continued for a few more days at this pace ammo could become a problem, all these years of Confederate idiots trying to take the place all they needed were bodies than they had bullets.
Danforth sighed and cleared the channel as he sat back listening to the sound of gunfire outside, then turned the radio's back on letting music drift out to cover up the noises outside. The Senior Marshal didn't like the music from the nearby radio station's but it calmed the civilians and drowned out the fighting at least somewhat. Before he set the station for music a new sound cut through on the receiver picked up something else coming in clear as bells, across the town even outside. "This Knight Captain Cassidy of the Brotherhood of Steel. We are sending reinforcements to clear hostiles assaulting the town, do not fire. I repeat do not fire on the incoming vehicles they are friendly." Came the message and Danforth couldn't believe not only was it reinforcements but those big lugs he'd heard had an outpost over at the Creamery, maybe a few sets of power could get the out of the this mess.
Meanwhile across the town Tarheels gave a cheer, waiting for the reinforcements to hit their enemy from the rear. It was at this moment a small group of raiders manage to scramble over a few corpses heading right for the old hotel where most of the civilians were staying. They were hungry and where there were people, there was food. The Marshals stayed quiet most of them unsure if this would be the relief they wanted or people looking to earn favor with the Trade Union government.
Back on the hill...
The two IFV's rolled forward aiming the one-hundred-five millimetre carefully before at the ground in front of the north gate. The explosion would rock the town suddenly changing the attention of all the remaining raiders. On to the two metal behemoths as Finn picked up the radio clicking it two the command channel, smirking slightly. "Lancers, put the fear of god in these morons. Engage at will, don't stop until you reach the south gate. We'll be thirty seconds behind you, everyone else get your shit ready might be hostiles in town."
With that the IFV's took the lead firing another salvo from their main guns, high explosives rocking the town once more as both guns shredded the enemy forces they turned and fled. Even raiders as dumb as these moron's understood they couldn't take on a armored vehicles, the whisker seventy-six millimetres opened up now firing into them as they split a part going east or west trying to run around the outside walls. The IFV's split apart chasing them around the walls firing into them again and again, as those got to close became speed bumps as the raiders at the south gate were broken ranks first and run for the camps.
The deuce and half trucks came rolling down, the hummer and jeep leading the way, Finn stood up waving towards the town as they moved towards the north gate and it slowly pushed open. As the convoy rolled in Finn hopped down from the jeep, he was dressed BoS officer's suit the black jumpsuit had combat armor pieces over painted in BoS blue. A stetson cowboy hat on his head as it always was along with his old rifle, bomber jacket he wore along with a proud smile. "Howdy folks! I heard you could use a hand and we are happy to give it." The IFV's backed up to the south gate stopping there and letting the Enclave and BoS troops pile out. While not a one of them was in power armor, the shock and awe of the attack had sent the raiders running and the IFV's at the south gate meant they wouldn't be back anytime soon.
A good time to clean up and chat about what the hell was going on for the few in the town who knew at least some of the stories of the wider Wasteland Enclave, BoS, and more turning up here meant something big.