The Finley Zoo is known for their great love and devotion towards animals - which is the main reason why they are the most successful zoo in the country - but some might find their treatment towards its employees brutal and inhuman. The employees are forced to stay in the zoo all day and all night long. They cannot go out to do groceries or any kind of shopping and they cannot visit family or friends. All their attention should go to the animals. In addition, they have to attend courses each day to make sure that their knowledge about the animals is up-to-date. Employees who do not agree with the methods of the zoo get fired and somehow never find another job afterwards. Their only way of getting any source of income is coming back to the zoo. People are very suspicious about what is happening out there, but during the inspections, they aren't able to discover anything special.

Some people disappear, others get hurt, so what is really happening? Well, all of the zookeepers are... misshapen. Some have retractable wings, others have supernatural abilities, some have tails or horns. They stay at the zoo to avoid getting experimented on by scientist. A long time ago, one of the zookeepers didn't agree at all with the method of hiding their existence from the citizens. She tried to escape and tell everyone, but she got locked in the cabin close the cafeteria for employees. However, the people who locked her in 'for her own safety' forgot she was in there for a couple of weeks. After that period of time, they remembered and opened the door to find her dead. Some say that she is still around as a ghost and attacks the employees as revenge for locking her in there. Others say that she simply hopes for citizens to find out the secret of the zoo.

Will the citizens discover their existence?
Will the employees survive the ghost's attacks?
Is it really just revenge the ghost is after?

You will be able to play as one of the employees working for The Finley Zoo, named after its founder Julien Finley. Your character can be from any kind of species that can still be linked to humans (fairies, giants, mermaids, humans with animal characteristics, ...).

Let me know if you are interested in participating! :)