ys, dropping us in mojoworld with spiderman's rogue gallery was a bit over the top.
knighthawk said
ys, dropping us in mojoworld with spiderman's rogue gallery was a bit over the top.
Assallya said
I'm also pretty sure I'm not fond of the third person omniscient format for non-protagonists. I think I would prefer the third person limited format with the subject being our protagonists. To use the third person omniscient is implying a certain amount of importance on secondary characters and draws attention away from the protagonists.
Solemn said
She's saying that side-characters should be as such and shouldn't be the main focus of any given post or set of posts, seeing as the primary characters are just that - primary. Rather than making an entire plotline up for someone who may not even be used or go on missions (such as Bloom in this example) it's not really necessary to come up with and promote a dramatic storyline because that takes away from the focus which is, well, the X-Men.