Humanity has been living in their comfortable lifestyle in a world that has become overly dependent on technology for decades. As bacterias and viruses are adapting to antibiotics at an alarming rate, some people began to question this dependency. Then, a deadly virus infected millions of Africans and killed thousands in a matter of months. A few foreigners were affected but were contained before they could spread. It caused widespread panic among the populations of the world. After developing a treatment for the virus, the CDC designed and released a preparedness guide for combating outbreaks. It was adopted by the governments of the world shortly after the release.
The United States of America was worried about a possible outbreak hitting America, resulting in the collapse of their government. That was when a presidential directive was quietly signed into law as a response to the entire situation. It's known as Directive 18, a directive that puts forth several plans from the US government and military in case of an outbreak in the country. The public didn't know of the directive's existence and their plans for tomorrow. However, the CDC and the American government partnered up to issued preparedness messages to watch for the warning signs of any virus outbreak. And they also started a massive nationwide health campaign that is making positive changes to personal health and personal hygiene in America. Meanwhile, the United States Military also launched several programs of their own about health and maintaining control during an outbreak, becoming more strict as a result.
It had been seven years since the last major outbreak to occur in the world. The world handled itself during minor epidemics and illnesses, but what if the world was introduced to a different kind of virus? A new type of infection capable of killing its victims and reviving them within hours. No one has the answers or the cure to this question, but it will happen. Either in a small town or a large metropolis, the virus will spread and slowly wipe out its target. In doing so, the virus will cause fear and selfish intentions to take over the avenge person. Will the government be able to deal with the most potent virus that mankind ever face? Or will it be another chapter of mass extinction of man? Can people manage to save civilization?
Or will it be too late?
The United States of America was worried about a possible outbreak hitting America, resulting in the collapse of their government. That was when a presidential directive was quietly signed into law as a response to the entire situation. It's known as Directive 18, a directive that puts forth several plans from the US government and military in case of an outbreak in the country. The public didn't know of the directive's existence and their plans for tomorrow. However, the CDC and the American government partnered up to issued preparedness messages to watch for the warning signs of any virus outbreak. And they also started a massive nationwide health campaign that is making positive changes to personal health and personal hygiene in America. Meanwhile, the United States Military also launched several programs of their own about health and maintaining control during an outbreak, becoming more strict as a result.
It had been seven years since the last major outbreak to occur in the world. The world handled itself during minor epidemics and illnesses, but what if the world was introduced to a different kind of virus? A new type of infection capable of killing its victims and reviving them within hours. No one has the answers or the cure to this question, but it will happen. Either in a small town or a large metropolis, the virus will spread and slowly wipe out its target. In doing so, the virus will cause fear and selfish intentions to take over the avenge person. Will the government be able to deal with the most potent virus that mankind ever face? Or will it be another chapter of mass extinction of man? Can people manage to save civilization?
Or will it be too late?