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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aragorn
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Aragorn The Gentleman of Light

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jacob sat back on his chair, looking over the hall. It was a little different since the old russian castle had become a military base. The tables, instead of being stacked with weapons and ammo, now had maps, blueprints, and laptops scattered wily nily. The sound of helicopters and planes taking off could be heard occasionally, going off to seperate parts of the worlds to take care of trouble. Which was why he was there today. It was, once again, time for the old team to gather up to take on the next big threat, which was part of the reason for the messy hall. Where he was sitting, there was a tablet computer with a holographic map of several dimensions hovering above it, which he was occasionally glancing at. His head was too full of thoughts to be able to concentrate on the map. One of which was about the map itself. The map SHOULD have only been showing a single dimension. The boundaries between the dimensions were getting so weak that the map itself couldn't tell the difference between the borders. That was one of the major reasons why he was so majorly worried. And why he had called everybody together for this meeting. His eyes had slight bags underneath them from sleepless nights trying to figure out the reason behind the instability. His uniform had wrinkles in it from being slept in the previous night. He was, obviously, not the carefree boy he had been four years ago.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Sitting in the darkness of the high ceiling of the large meeting hall, within the wooden rafters that spread across every direction Sat a young Demon\Angel Hybrid. Her back rested against an upright beam with her odd Demonic and angelic wings hanging lazily around it, her now tattooed arm quietly tapping a rhythm into the beam she was sitting on and her hair that she grew out hanging over her right shoulder.
It was like when she first found this group and before she joined the bunch, hiding in the shadows so not to be seen though she knew Jacob could sense her there like he did back then. Rachel didn't feel like going down to meet her brother and decided she would only show herself when the room got full, having that growing hate for her own siblings she wondered why she bothered to answer his call. Thinking about it Rachel remembered that the only people she liked in the whole universe were to show up here, she felt a little lost without them and would rather not return to being a lost soul.
Sighing a little Rachel leaned over to her side, her purple eyes piercing the darkness and scanning the room to see if anyone had yet joined Jacob. Contemplated whether she should show herself now or wait until someone noticed her like before, the hybrid decided to stay right where she was. Tapping her rhythm against the wood again and gazing out of the high, dark ceiling of the room.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

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A black helicopter was flying from an unknown location, inside it were it's pilots and two passengers, when the helicopter landed on a helipad outside of the castle the side door to the chopper opened revealing Jun, but something was different about her, she wasn't her old fun loving self, she had more of a stern face, it lacked her usual smile, she also had on a different attire than she use to wear, and changed her hair, she wore a beret on her head and had a different hair style. Next to her was a younger woman Eiko, she wore an all black outfit with no sleeves showing her tattoos on her arms, she wore no shoes on her feet and had dirty blonde hair, her outfit had a black hood attached to her outfit that looks like a snake's head, she looked at the castle's giant form." He just better have a good reason to be calling me here." Jun said before walking inside with Eiko."

When Jun and Eiko entered the castle, they wondered around a bit before they found Jacob, they went around the castle looking at some of the old things that weren't broken and at some of the military goons that were hanging around the castle, some of them gave the two looks like who the hell were them two, Eiko was right behind of Jun and was ready for anything to happen. Jun and Eiko found themselves in front of Jacob in the room he was waiting in, Jun greeted him with a stern look, she felt that Rachel was in the room hiding somewhere in the shadows." Jacob, you don't look good, now explain why you called me. Rachel come out of where ever your hiding !" Jun said in a loud and almost angered tone. Eiko just waved at Jacob and was kinda confused when Jun called out the name of a person that wasn't there.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FrogfishMadii


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Keirr nervously peaked around a birch tree, scraping her arm on the bark. She'd heard about a meeting that a few people were having three days ago. Keirr was curious, so she tried to find the people who were going to this mysterious meeting. "Hopefully they won't mind me there." she stated to herself as she kept swiftly walking. Stepping out of the forest, she saw a building in the distance. "I've got to get there, and fast. They could have already started the meeting. I need to see what is going on." Her emerald eyes blazed with determination as she started to run, her beloved stick in hand, grasped tightly. White dress fluttering in the wind, Keirr finally came up to the castle. She rested up against a tall tree, the shade preventing her eyes from seeing the sunlight, which was shining right above. Afraid of someone finding her, she climbed up higher on the tree, the leaves brushing up against her, making a loud enough noise for anyone who was paying attention to hear. "That's not good..." she whispered to herself. Keirr sat there, fearing what could happen next to her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aragorn
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Aragorn The Gentleman of Light

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jacob motioned at the hologram. "This is why I called you here." He replied, looking at Jun. "I'll explain once everybody gets here." He then glanced vaguely at where Rachel was hiding and raised his voice just enough so Rachel could hear him. "I know you don't want to be anywhere near me, but it would still be nice if you were down here, Rachel." As he said this, he waved at Eiko, waiting to introduce himself until everyone was there.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Rachel heard the almost angered voice of Jun call out to her telling her to stop hiding, glancing over she gazed towards Jun and the younger woman beside her. It wasn't long after Jun called out that she then heard Jacob call to her, the hybrid scoffed a little and glared towards her sibling "You have no idea brother" she growled under her breath.
The hybrid continued to contemplate whether she should come down yet or not until she heard something from outside through the window, glancing over with her purple eyes and a tilted head trying to see who was outside though again wondered if she should be bothered to check. Shrugging Rachel resumed her previous position and chose to ignore the sound of leaves, figuring it was just another lost soul coming to see what was going on.
Reaching into her bag Rachel grabbed a cigar fro the half empty pack she had, lifting it to her lips and lighting the end with a spark of her magic as she then spoke to those below "I will show myself when I feel like it" She answered Jun and Jacob with a bored tone before going to stick the lit cigar back between her lips.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

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Jun inspected the table and saw the bags under Jacob's eyes." Jacob you are you fit to be telling us this information ? You don't look well in fact you look tired and unable to give this meeting ?" Jun was serious ," You also called at the wrong time Jacob I'm in mourning at this moment, one of my daughters Alex was killed by Doctor Archer." Jun looked away from Jacob and let out a depressing sigh.

Eiko was staring at the holographic map and poked it a couple of times, the way how it was confused her and made her wonder what the map was about," This map it's odd really odd, what the hell is it about ?" she asked out loud.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FrogfishMadii


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Keirr, puny stick in hand, slid down from the tree. "I will go in," she told herself, "I don't care if I could die... I will." Mustering all her courage, she walked up to the door. "Go in, Keirr. Just open the door..." The door, which was about twice Keirr's size, took some strength to pull open. Finally, when they did open, Keirr needed to make a choice; either find the meeting place, or lay low and hope something would become clear. "It's all about risk versus reward, and I'm going to find the meeting, whether I die on the way, or not!" she muttered under her breath. With all her energy, she started to make her way around the place, very quietly, which was odd for Keirr, as she was never good at stealth. Another door stood in her face, this was was much smaller but still intimidating. She hesitated, she wanted to open the doors, but fear was consuming her. Instead, she softly banged her stick on the door, hoping she wouldn't interrupt anything. She tugged on a string of her dress in nervousness, tying knots relaxed her. "Good luck..." she told herself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aragorn
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Aragorn The Gentleman of Light

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jacob sighed and turned away to look at Jun. "I didn't know. I'm sorry about that. " He said, frowning. "And as for my state of health, it's now or never." Glancing at Eiko, he scowled. "It's supposed to be a map of our dimension." He grumbled, his mood already soured at the mention of the map and Rachel's attitude. To think there was a time when I wouldn't be so bothered by such little things...

Hearing the soft banging on the doors, he reached out a finger and made a small motion, causing the doors to open by themselves. "Come on in. You aren't disturbing anything important at the moment." He said wearily.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FrogfishMadii


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Keirr nervously stepped in the room. Looking around at all the people, she saw they all looked decently off and intelligent. "Sorry, I was just curious after all this talk..." she apologized. She pulled on her ivory dress, embarrassed, trying to find out the motive after this meeting. Keirr asked, "May I ask why you are all here? Are you explorers?" That seemed like the most likely option, but she didn't want to make assumptions.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Rachel had gone still and the cigar hung loosely from her lips and the world going silent around her, ignoring everything that was going on down below as Jun's news reached her. Alex was dead? the only one of her own kind she knew and her best friend was now gone from that psycho she didn't have the courage to face.
On the fingers that was tapping against the wooden rafter claws grew, now instead digging into the wood in anger and sadness though her face remained void of expression. Rachel had her reputation to keep up she couldn't let being seen getting upset over the death of a loved one, no one would care anyway like no one did with Jacob's death though she would find someone to avenge her best friend.
Giving a frustrated sigh Rachel glanced over the side again to the others below, spotting the new girl who just walked in looking and speaking rather nervously and her 'brother' greeting her. The hybrid decided that she would show herself when one more person entered the room, mainly so she could regain her composure and have some time to plot her revenge again that psycho who called herself a scientist.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aragorn said
Jacob sighed and turned away to look at Jun. "I didn't know. I'm sorry about that. " He said, frowning. "And as for my state of health, it's now or never." Glancing at Eiko, he scowled. "It's supposed to be a map of our dimension." He grumbled, his mood already soured at the mention of the map and Rachel's attitude. Hearing the soft banging on the doors, he reached out a finger and made a small motion, causing the doors to open by themselves. "Come on in. You aren't disturbing anything important at the moment." He said wearily.

Jun turned away from Jacob," You couldn't have known about it, she was carved up and dismembered and there was nothing I could do to help her, she needed my help and I..I couldn't do a thing to help her." Jun didn't cry or show any emotion, she quickly turned around and looked to Jacob like she just shrugged it off," But there are important matters that we have to attend to before personal matters. I know your probably depressed about this as well Rachel but she wouldn't want us to cry about her death."

Eiko shot a mean look at Jacob," How the hell was I suppose to know ? It's not like you labeled it as our dimension and you didn't need to talk to me like that knife ears." Eiko told Jacob angry about how he spoke to her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aragorn
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Aragorn The Gentleman of Light

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"I wasn't yelling at you. I'm just angry about the map itself." Jacob replied to Eiko, bristling slighly at the insult.

Looking over at Keirr, he smiled slightly. "You could say that. You could also say we're warriors." He replied. "We're here to address a big problem that's going on." He once again glanced at the map.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FrogfishMadii


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Gazing around, Keirr saw that there was a seating area with a table. "Mind if I sit down?" she asked. That map must be important, but what is it really? A map of our dimension? What does he mean by that?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Grey
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"Hey boss, not late am I?" a graying dark-purple haired oriental asked rather nonchalantly as he entered the large meeting hall. He wasn't really dressed extravagantly or professionally, just a jacket around the same color as his hair along with sneakers and black pants. He also didn't look very physically imposing, more sick all things considered, but that was a discussion for another day.

A cursory glance around the room revealed that there were indeed quite a few people gathered in the area, some gathered around and about, and at least one hidden in the roof, whom Kazanari took a look up at and gave a nod towards in order to acknowledge that, yes, he can see her. The makeshift mage then shifted his attention from the rest of the group to the one he called 'boss', a man by the name of Jacob Lightwood who had taken him under his wing for the past year and taught him some snazzy tricks to use. He presumed that at least half of the people there were associates of the half-elf he had heard of quite a few times but never actually got to meet. Perhaps the others were like him, other people who got to 'learn from the best,' that'd be an entertaining enough thought.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ataw


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Hello! Ataw said as we walked through the doors. "how is everybody?" no one answered. "well i guess we should get down to business... we know that the boundaries are breaking.." he said sitting down at a old desk covered with half built things lying around. "its good to be back.. anyway im going to start running some basic tests if we can narrow it down whats breaking these boundaries than this will be much easier". He started tapping on his desk. when he did little blue squares appeared were he hit it. suddenly, screens lit up and computer models started forming above projectors. "If we are lucky this might be a spacial multiverse enlightenment issue.. even then we would still be in a lot of trouble".
As the sun started to set outside Ataw's window. He stood up "Aspen call me Aspen" The other looked at him with confused looks on there faces but quickly dismissed it. Aspen Sat back in his chair and started to work.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aragorn
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Aragorn The Gentleman of Light

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jacob gave Ataw a puzzled look then shrugged and looked at Kazanari. At the sight of his apprentice, he brightened up slightly. "No not late at all! Glad to see you came!" He replied. He motioned at Keirr to sit down as he spoke. "I believe we are only waiting on Spartan and his friends now."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FrogfishMadii


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Keirr sat down, although tense at the sight of this "Ataw" guy. I hope everyone's not this crazy, she thought. She again looked around at all the people and computers. Then, she spotted a small map, which showed an expanse of forest, and at the end, a building which looked to be ancient. With her good comprehension skills, she could almost immediately tell she knew the place.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Rachel noticed more people enter the room like she figured they would, one noticing her and giving a nod of acknowledgment that she gave in return. Giving a sigh the hybrid figured it was time to show herself like she said she would, standing up from the rafters and giving one last glace down to the others from her safe vantage point as she summoned her scythe to stay next to her as she entered the group of people.
Giving a jump Rachel descended down to the ground, landing lightly and almost without a sound on the stone and turning her back to Jacob almost instantly without so much as a glance and headed over to a seat to sit. The first new things the old friends would notice about her would be her now long hair as appose to the short hair she always had, along with that would be the tattoo on her left arm that she had gotten only recently.
Sitting in the seat Rachel lent her scythe next to her against the table then propped her feet up on said table and rested her hands behind her head, her large and odd wings hanging out either side of the chair so she didn't crush them with her body.
Rachel's purple eyes scanned over the new people, giving them sharp and untrusting glares, though when her gaze landed on Jun her eyes softened. Deliberately skipping out on Jacob, Rachel went to gaze out the window and continue smoking her Cigar. She knew Jacob hated it when she smoked so that just made the taste of it even better, and remembering that insult the new woman with Jun made made her snicker a little. she would have to remember that one for later.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aragorn said
"I wasn't yelling at you. I'm just angry about the map itself." Jacob replied to Eiko, bristling slighly at the insult.Looking over at Keirr, he smiled slightly. "You could say that. You could also say we're warriors." He replied. "We're here to address a big problem that's going on." He once again glanced at the map.

Eiko looked at Jacob with a puzzled face," I never said you were yelling, I said I don't like your tone, I was just talking out loud." Eiko did a front flip and landed into a char that was in front of the map, she ignored the Aspen guy and leaned back into the chair.

Lexzah said
Rachel noticed more people enter the room like she figured they would, one noticing her and giving a nod of acknowledgment that she gave in return. Giving a sigh the hybrid figured it was time to show herself like she said she would, standing up from the rafters and giving one last glace down to the others from her safe vantage point as she summoned her scythe to stay next to her as she entered the group of people.Giving a jump Rachel descended down to the ground, landing lightly and almost without a sound on the stone and turning her back to Jacob almost instantly without so much as a glance and headed over to a seat to sit. The first new things the old friends would notice about her would be her now long hair as appose to the short hair she always had, along with that would be the tattoo on her left arm that she had gotten only recently.Sitting in the seat Rachel lent her scythe next to her against the table then propped her feet up on said table and rested her hands behind her head, her large and odd wings hanging out either side of the chair so she didn't crush them with her body.Rachel's purple eyes scanned over the new people, giving them sharp and untrusting glares, though when her gaze landed on Jun her eyes softened. Deliberately skipping out on Jacob, Rachel went to gaze out the window and continue smoking her Cigar. She knew Jacob hated it when she smoked so that just made the taste of it even better, and remembering that insult the new woman with Jun made made her snicker a little. she would have to remember that one for later.

Jun went over to Rachel and stood next to her, Jun was silent for a moment, but said something, she put a hand on Rachel's shoulder, " I'm sorry, I did everything I could but I was just too late, I'm sorry Rachel" Jun turned around and went back to the map, she crossed her arms and looked down to the map, she didn't want to sit down and chose to stand up.
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