cs right here.
Name: Ivory
Gender: Built female
Age: Designed to look 17, but really 10
-Swiss army limbs ( Has a mini wielder in her pointer finger that fixes machines, both a shotgun and pistol within each of her arms, grapnel hook that reaches 18 feet,
-Bionic Physiology
-Anatomical Liberation (can control the weapons within her arms if they are cut off, and can control her arms)
-Gun protrusion (has both an AA 12 shot gun built into her arms, along with 45 caliber pistols as well but they are in panels on her wrist )
- Dermal Armor (most of her body is made from durable metals)
- Scanner (Can identify people and tell what they are)
- Machine strength (pull over 9,000 pounds of weight without being crushed)
- Self evolution program, allows her to learn and problem solve on a human level, and also gain strength from fighting
- Weapon proficiently ( Can operate nearly any weapon made by human beings at an expert level )
- Room clearing procedure ( Ivory would crouch and grenades would come out of her thighs and shoulders blasting away or killing any one in close proximity to her )
- Adaptive body ( Can add on or remove weapons to herself )
Race: Android, first generation adaptive battle android
Bio: Ivory was made to be a body guard to her creator and someone to keep him company when he was alone and didn't have anyone to talk to, she was built when her creator was only 17 years old, but she wasn't the only one made by her creator, he soon created more robots that were similar to Ivory, with learning systems and different weaponry. When people figured out about his robots, two things happened, he was flooded with request to make people robots, and authorities tried to arrest him and stop him feeling that he was making the wrong call, but in the end Ivory and the other bots protected him with non-lethal tactics and split up around the world, Ivory was the only one to stay with the creator being his defender, later on Cole built at least 17 more robots that were sentient curious about the world and it's inhabitants.
10 years later her creator Coleton Hale also known as Cole, works with the operation group from a distance, as an informant for Jacob. to tell what's happening around the world. When the universal tear happened Cole and Ivory were some of the first to fight against the creatures that came from the other side, before Cole and Ivory could fight against the creatures from the other side Cole ordered Ivory to find the group in order to let them know that the problem is more serious than he told them before.
Personality: Like all of Cole's robots, Ivory is sentient and human like, with curiosity and worries about her creator since she his defender, but if she has to fight she can turn off her emotions to make herself brutal, tougher, and more lethal. Since Ivory is a learning machine she learns from experience and asks lots of questions about certain things, she cares deeply about living things and can't stand seeing things die. Ivory can be very good natured even though she was built to be a killing machine.
Name: Nao
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female, ( Only a handful of people, think shes possibly a Futanari or Transgender person )
Race: Immortal
-Power Learning ( Can only learn up to three powers )
-Superhuman Durability
-Electrical control
- Master marksmen
- Adept in both knife and hand to hand combat
- Master Strategist
- Crack Pilot
Bio: Nao use to be a whole different person before she met with Archer 40 years before the meet up with everyone before the mission, Nao use to be a human man, but after she and a large group of mercenaries were in one of Archer's labs to be apart of a fake super soldier program, but two different mercenary groups got into a fire, and that expanded into a large fire fight. Nao's group weren't injured by any of the groups, but when Nao's team saw a survivor, they went to finish the man off but were surprised when the survivor pulled out a grenade and killed Nao's men and almost her, she was knocked out from the blast.
When Nao came to she was missing most of the lower half of her body, her entire right arm, left eye, and was bleeding out, Archer who was near by offered Nao a chance to live from the attack, Nao laughed and doubted Archer, but in the end accepted Archer's escape from death to live, but what Nao didn't expect was to be turned into a woman, when she had awakened in her new state she was surprised and felt different, once she noticed it she cursed out Archer but thanked her as well.
Personality: Nao doesn't think Much of her life feeling that it's not much, she also feels very loyal to Archer feeling that shes in much gratitude to the doctor for keeping her alive. Nao has a love of fighting against others, even treating some people harshly till she either gets to know them, or fights them one on one; no matter the outcome of the fight she will respect the person and think of them to be brave.
- FAMAS ( Three attachments, 1 Tactical strap, 2 thermal scope, 3 Silencer
- Custom M1911a1 pistol
- Survival knife with serrated edges
- Multi tool

Age: 420
- Demonic Physiology
- Immortal ( can still be killed will just live forever )
- Energy hand blast
- Weapon manipulation
- Super strength
Race: Demon
Bio: Jun has been with the group for a long time and the first time she left them she left them for a long time, during this time she created an entire Island state named Mizuki Island, the people were called the Kitsunebi, the island had a large military presence with the military as the only law enforcement with strict rules and regulations, Jun was the general and the leader of the state keeping the peace on the island and the population on the island began to grow. One bright summer day on the Island turned bad, in just a matter of minutes there were airstrike bombings in public places killing dozens and wounding more; the Kitsunebi only needed one week to figure out who the bombers were, it was the Arashikage, in retaliation Jun used the prototype orbital kinetic bombardment Satellite (Eden) to attack them directly and gave them a message saying they are waging war against them. .
Personality:Over the years Jun changed a lot, she grew out of her old childish like ways and began to be more cold, harsh, and a bit ruthless, she still shows love for her friends and think of them as family, she still watches over both her daughters and cares for them greatly and will do anything to make sure they are safe. After making a state and military Jun learned all she could about leading and military tactics, she is very skilled with her sword Edge, which she uses a lot to punish people or to protect herself, she hates the Arashikage and is loyal to her people.
After her revival she became more carefree and more childish again, losing her cold, harsh and ruthless personality.
- Multi tool
- Small bright Flashlight
- Cell phone
- Adept of Close quarters combat
- Adept Marksmen
- Adept at free running
- Knows 3 languages, Russian, English, and Japanese
- FN-P90
- Two talon knives
- Desert Eagle