Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 1 mo ago

For all the confident crowing coming from Clarissa and Prince Hresvelg, the sight that greeted them in the brief moment when the fog cleared wasn’t made much better. It was as daunting as they come: Surrounded on all sides by mages on rooftops, brigands in the mist, and capped off with the eerie thrumming of pegusi churning the air above their heads. The nurse raised a shield in time to stop a rain of fire and arrows from bearing down on them, saving their lives but also demonstrating the sheer might of the force that met them here. Or rather, ambushed them. Dammit. Lienna rarely took any pleasure in being right.

No wonder Kellen looked like his knees were about to go out from under him. By the looks of the rest of the party, he was the only one with any sense.

The fog closed around them too soon, concealing the bandits before Lienna had a good idea of exactly where they were. In an instant, she was alone, mist pressing in on all sides, her comrades reduced to dark silhouettes if she could see them at all. Without a weapon, she felt strangely empty-handed – but of course, she was here with a different arsenal. Drawing a deep breath, she stretched her hands out in front of her, frost crawling over her fingertips as she readied a spell. Her magic felt taut, like a bowstring held back by a pinky, ready to fly at the slightest twitch – and not made any easier by the knowledge that her magic was reluctant to cooperate on a good day.

Sounds of confrontation clamored around her, their origin distorted by the fog; the ring of clashing steel, grunts of effort in voices both familiar and foreign, the heavy thuds of bodies hitting grass. Add in a little more screaming and some fire and she’d feel right at home.

Lienna might have smirked if she wasn’t gripped with fear. She peered frantically around at the fog, forearms twitching with the effort of holding back a spell that increasingly wanted to escape. She was reminded too much of Luin, too much of home – were there woods nearby? That could afford her some cover, if she could make it, but damn her, she hadn’t paid enough attention when they—


All of a sudden, Lienna’s shoulder exploded with pain. In the space of an instant, she registered a few things: the flash of a symbol instantly recognizable as the Crest of Gautier in the air before her; a painful yelp in the fog somewhere off to her left; and, most importantly, the forceful snap of her spell going off halfway through her turn to see what had hit her. Just like in Luin, chest-high spikes of ice erupted from the ground before her, ripping a curved, jagged path into the fog until they found purchase in her enemy, as confirmed by a much louder – and wetter – cry of agony.

Stunned and pissed in equal measure, Lienna pawed her freezing hand – the one whose shoulder wasn’t killing her – at her shoulder, finding an arrow twisted in the fabric of her robe. She struggled a moment to free it from the thick fabric, casting it aside in disgust before exposing her shoulder to assess the damage. The wound oozed blood and hurt like hell, but fortunately, it wasn’t very deep; she figured the arrow probably would have kept flying past her if not for the robe. A shiver wormed up her spine when she realized the wound was mere inches from her throat.

Off to her right, the fog flashed gold; that had to be Clarissa. She recognized the colour from their magic classes; it was some kind of hybrid healing spell. What shocked her, though, was that Clarissa was not at all where Lienna thought she should have been. It was so easy to get disoriented in this mess, she must have gotten turned around.

Wait. Where did Kellen go?

Lienna’s heart jumped in her throat, and her feet moved before her brain could quite catch up. Dammit, as turned around as she was, she had no idea what she just shot at – what if she hit Kellen by mistake? The arrow almost got her, but it was a clumsy shot. So where was their clumsy archer?

Pulse filling her ears, Lienna followed her spell’s path of destruction through the mist until a huge, dark figure loomed before her. After swallowing her heart attack, she realized she’d come up to the side of a house – ah, and there was her quarry. It was a gruesome sight, much like the ones that haunted her nightmares from Luin, but there was enough left of the man to tell that it wasn’t Kellen. The relief allowed her to come back to the present, and immediately, she pushed her back against the wall, looking left and right for more bandits, for all the good it did.

"Does anyone have eyes on Rudolph?" Clarissa’s voice rang clear through the fog.

As if on cue, the sickening sound of retching drew Lienna’s attention up the wall to the roof. It looked like her spell didn’t stop with the archer; the spikes clawed their way up the wall, throwing stones from the masonry as they went, until they came to a stop at the edge of the roof. They were beginning to melt now, but strangely, the water dripping off the topmost ones ran pink…

She stepped away from the wall for a better view, and was greeted by the sight of a black-clad figure slumped near the edge of the roof with a body lying prone next to him, the hilt of some blade still embedded in its back. That was Rudolph alright; scarlet eyes wide with terror, vomit on his chin, and transfixed on something she didn’t need to see to know was probably the reason blood was dripping all over her icicles.

“I found him!” Lienna shouted, before turning her attention back to Rudolph. “What are you doing?!” she called, “Get down! You’re Pegasus bait up there!”

As if to prove her point, the air above was disturbed by the intimidating whump of wingbeats. She crouched down instinctively and backed up against the wall, frost gathering on her good arm as she readied another Blizzard.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Interacting with:Lienna@Obscene Symphony, Rudolf@Scribe of Thoth

As enemy forces charged forth from the thick fog in a storm of wind and flame, Ezekial could not help but mutter a curse under his breath as he quickly backsteps to protect Celeste from any coming attacks, his blade drawn and at the ready as he noted the sniveling form of the Mage scamper into the mist.

" Simpering coward. . .," The young man took advantage of the dense fog to let his disgust for the move show on his face, but didn't have the time to say more as the sound of footsteps from behind cut through the cries of battle that surrounded him.

Turning with a quickness, he barely managed to catch the blade of the footsolider attacking, deflecting it off to the side and then shoulder checking the man before he had a chance to fix his footing, making space between him and Celeste.

"Leave him to me, Celeste. Keep to the middle and watch for more attacks from the fog." *He didn't bother to made sure she heard, having to trust in her for now as he steps forth to face the soldier, who had now recovered and charge forth to swing at the Gloucester boy. He answers with a quick twist of his blade, deflecting the strike tot eh side at the last moment as he takes a quick side step.

Back straight, foot forward, breathe calm. Another strike, another deflection, the man's anger apparent in his gait as he charges now, holding his blade in two hands. The soldier swings wide. . . and Ezekial spots his opening. Drawing in a breath as the glow of his crest sparks over his forehead, the young swordsman ducks under the blade swing in a moment of superhuman speed. Before his assailant could even finish his swing, Ezekial's rapier launches out from below to pierce through his neck and turns his cry of surprise into a strangled gurgle. Ezekial klet his gaze meet the dying soldier's as their weight suddenly fell onto him, expecting some feeling of guilt, revulsion, or even fear to come over him as he made his first true kill. He'd heard time and again that such things were normal to feel, that it was no simple thing to take the life of your fellow man. But as he pushes the man off himself, the red stain that covered his gloves and armor did no more to distrub him than if they'd been the result of spilt wine.

There was nothing.

He felt nothing for this ma- no, this pile of cooling meat that had once been a man. A simple fact that left him feeling colder than the mist that seemed to cling to him so strongly now, the sounds of battle fading away as he took a moment to gather his wits. It wasn't until he heard one of the other student's yelling that he came to his sneses, looking to stare at the source of the commotion. It was a girl, he couldn't remember who she was, but she seems to have struck by a stray arrow. Her attention, however, was more focused on. . .

"By all the. . . if you're going to be a coward, at least do it properly." Ezekial once more drew a breath, digging into the power of his crest ot surge forward, moving past the caster in order to get to the mage boy. THey needed every source of firepower they had if they were going ot get out of this, and if the idipot wasn't going to hide in a corner, then Ezekial wans't about to let him die now if he could help it.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Michail had never been so proud of Auberon. While he could feel both Euphemia and Lavender's looks of disproval, he had the utmost confidence in the Lion. Both Jorah and Auberon could keep the ponytailed idiot busy while the rest of them could ensure that the enemy wouldn't get the jump on them. One wyvern rider was down, but he'd bet his next pay that there were more waiting.

No sooner had the thought crossed his mind that another emerged. Unlike before, though, this one was charging at them. Michail found his spear fending off the wyvern's jaws as he was pushed back. Celeste let out a shriek of surprise, having been knocked over by Michail. Both Derec and Isolde looked to her, though neither could help as a pair of soldiers had decided to attack them as well.

Meanwhile, the eyepatched bandit was amused by Auberon. He seemed to recognize his strike. "Oh? Didn't you promise me an audience with the Goddess?" He asked, giving a small 'tut' of disappointment. "You're much too green to be writing checks your mouth can't keep, aren't you boy? This is how you swing an axe!"

He brought his weapon up with a tight grip and employed what could only be described as wild, powerful strikes. Anything the axe hit would likely be sliced to ribbons--not to speak of what would happen should it connect to any flesh.

The chaos of battle was not a foreign one.

What was supposed to be a simple rescue mission quickly turned into a fight for survival. The enemy saw vulnerable, inexperienced children and they had little choice but to stand their ground. He could already hear Sirius berating them on their failure. He only hoped Michail and the others were having an easier time, but it was unlikely that they could be counted on for rescue. He couldn't rely on his Crest either--though the lack of one of their students caught him off guard. He looked in the direction where Rudolf was sensed last, but he was as good as gone. The only solace was that things weren't as hopeless as they seemed, as their enemy clearly underestimated them.

Meanwhile, Veronica kept her eyes on the sky. At Kellen's sighting, she let loose two arrows. The first missed, but the second hit its mark. The man scarcely let out any sound as the arrow had found his neck, and he fell off the pegasus. She was shocked--somehow, she wasn't expecting to actually kill him, for some reason. At Clarissa's call, she realized that the Eagle was nowhere to be found.

"Here I assumed he would've been cowering at our ankles," She couldn't help but note.

At Lienna's call, Tomai looked. At that moment, the fog began to fade--it looked like the slumped over mage had been the source of the spell. Lucky. "Everyone, we need to move forward and regroup with the advanced team, I'm more than certain they've also gotten ambushed" He ordered, a glyph quickly forming in front of him. With its release, a surge of thunderbolts littered the area surrounding them, clearing the way ahead and giving them space to breathe. "Go get him and catch up with us!" He urged Kaira.

He wasn't quite finished yet. Turning to Kellen, he held out his staff once more. "Tell Michail we need help and that we have to regroup," He told him, a glyph appearing under Kellen and spiriting him away without giving the poor boy a chance to respond.

The green haired girl nodded. Without any hesitation, she ran over to one of the fallen soldiers and took their sword. She made sure to know where Rudolf was before breaking into a full sprint. One soldier that hadn't been struck by Tomai's spell met his unfortunate end with a quick slice from Kaira's sword, and she followed Rudolf's route.

Unfortunately, the other mages took note of the shaking boy. As one decided to go after him, Kaira held her hand out as she cast a familiar spell. Rudolf would find himself suddenly pulled off the roof, though he would land safely next to her. Her heart splintered at seeing his state, but she couldn't comfort him here. "Get up, we need to return to the others," She told him, pulling him to his feet.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The building Rudolf was parked atop shuddered with the force of Lienna's blizzard as the spell crashed into it, but the danger barely registered to him. A spear of ice peeked out from under the awning of the roof just before him, jostling the remnants of the man he'd just ki-

Another heave shook through his frame, but only a mewling whine came out this time; there was nothing left for Rudolf to throw up. It didn't help much - his abdomen ached dully and his throat burned all the same, and he still couldn't muster the strength to move no matter how much they yelled at him. Why were they yelling? If his legs could go anywhere, did those idiots really think he'd still have his nose lodged inches above a corpse? It was all his trembling arms could do just to keep him from diving face first into the blood still pooling underneath him. They got his participation in their stupid little battle out of him, and now they wanted more. This village could burn for all he cared, he just wanted to leave. The flapping of wings melded into the heartbeat in his ears, far off noises that had no relevance to the boy right now. All his thoughts had been drowned out by the overwhelming desire to curl up into a ball and wait for the skirmish to pass him by. Maybe they'd think he died too. Maybe he'd get lucky and disappear like he always does. If Noa's cursed blood could get him into this situation, it was the least that long-dead harlot could do to deliver him from the violence unscathed.

The boy dimly registered that the fog had retreated for now, bringing the carnage he currently wallowed in into greater clarity. Footsteps resounded across the rooftop, as muffled as the wings of the knight that surely intended to skewer him on his next dive. It felt like he'd dunked his head into a lake and could hear only the muted echoes of what was happening on shore. They could see him. Repeatedly drilled mental exercises went off in Rudolf's subconscious, sigils he'd traced again and again appeared in the forefront of his mind, yet he lacked the conviction to manifest them into spell. He didn't want to kill someone again, he just wanted to disappear. Saint Noa was likely cackling at him from on high right now, bereft of her protection as he was.

Deliverance came at last, though not from his Crest, nor magic, nor the tip of a pegasus rider's lance; instead Rudolf found himself hoisted from the roof and dropped unceremoniously back on the ground. Though the metallic tang of blood no longer filled his nose, a quick glance around left him certain the odor of death would return any moment, corpses littered across the village as they were. A hand yanked him to his feet before he could even get his bearings, accompanied by orders that denied him his chance to curl up in a corner somewhere and hide. Haggard eyes finally raised themselves to look at his captor, silently pleading with Kaira to just drop him and let him rest.

"I-I... I don't..." The words wouldn't come. He wanted them to discard him at their earliest convenience, to throw him into a bush to wait out the battle invisibly until they came back for him. None of his limbs obeyed him and whatever seed of magical talent had been embedded within him failed to sprout in the garden of primal terror that had overgrown his mind; he couldn't fight. He never could, they just couldn't see it. Everyone saw him now, though. A hand fumbled at his side for his sword, grasping at nothing a few times before Rudolf finally realized that his current lack of coordination was not at fault for him not finding the handle, but that the weapon still protruded from that poor mage's back. He couldn't go back. He wouldn't. "Don't- don't make me-" If Kaira had been the target of his mumbling before, she wasn't any longer - just a generalized plea to whoever or whatever was listening to extricate him from the fight.

Rudolf was granted no such reprieve. Worse, the unit seemed to be advancing for some reason. They'd blunder into another ambush and the mages they'd missed would bring up the rear and pick them off like fish in a barrel. The dark-haired boy trudged after them weakly at first, then bolted toward the main host with all the vigor of a terriied child. There was no choice but to acquiesce and regroup; he couldn't risk hiding so close to the enemy, one of the mages or pegasi might still know where he was.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 1 mo ago

On some level, Jorah was thoroughly cowed by the sight of the bandit with the axe going absolutely gangbusters on Auberon and everything nearby, but to his surprise more than anyone else’s, his feet stayed firm. He recognized the danger, knew it should - and did - scare the shit out of him, but he didn’t falter; for his fear was drowned out like a whisper in a crowd by the bright, screaming aura emanating from Auberon. The Lion didn’t even flinch - he was excited for the chance to test his mettle against a raving heretic. It was enough to embolden even Jorah, to the point that he found himself breaking ranks, circling around to the side in order to get a clearer shot on the bandit without as much risk of shooting Auberon.

“To your left!” he cried, repeating a hunter’s warning as he drew his bow. But rather than mess with the axeman, Jorah took aim at the man accompanying him. Unlike the others, he didn’t recognize the man; he simply aligned his sights and shot, loosing another two arrows in quick succession for good measure.

However, a commotion behind them caught Jorah’s attention, a scream and a spike of someone else’s shock jolting him. He whirled around to see another wyvern charging at the rest of the party, Michail fending it off as Isolde and Derec were fallen upon by more soldiers.

Caught between an axeman and a wyvern, Jorah spun back and forth comically for a moment, his prior religious fervor chastened by uncertainty. “Look out!” he called, loosing a few arrows in Isolde and Derec’s direction, as well. However, they landed wide, splintering loudly against a building to their side; an intentional miss, it being too risky to shoot at the bandits with his comrades just beyond.

“HEY!” Jorah yelled to get the bandits’ attention, nocking another arrow. Unsurprisingly, it worked; however, Jorah hadn’t really planned that far ahead. Saints dammit, he always had to be the centre of attention, didn’t he? Couldn’t lay that to rest for a single second?!

Well, now he was committed. And alone. And being stared down by angry bandits. “Yeah! You!” he called again, sending a few more poorly-aimed arrows downrange for good measure. His nerves must have been getting to him, because against his intention, one of them actually hit; however, the bandit must have had a breastplate, because the arrow exploded into splinters on impact. Shit. Hopefully his compatriots would take the hint and use their opening before the bandits sicced another wyvern on him - or clobbered him themselves.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by ThatCharacter
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

An arrow flew a short distance below a bandit on a Pegasus as Kellen Fraldarius let out another half-cocked shot. Despite trembling hands, he did what he could to draw and set another arrow as quickly thereafter as he could. The act of drawing, loosing, and readying another was not much of a tactical decision. One out of three arrows finding their mark was not much of a record he could take pride in. But as long as he was focused on firing his bow, a feat which still required a fair amount of focus from the inexperienced archer, he could forget about the battle raging around him.

It was hard to tell whether it was Clarissa’s bolstering words, the fact he had been able to keep himself away from the melee, but so long as Kellen remained focused on the sky and his weapon, he could maintain, if not a sense of calm, at least a dull numbness that made it easier to ignore the knots in his stomach and his throbbing temples.

As Kayden and the new Adrestian boy took to the melee, striking down their opponents, Kellen heard Clarissa call out on their missing classmate. His face set slightly as he began to draw back on the bowstring, hoping desperately to find a target lest his mind be allowed to wander, but none presented itself. The flash of light of Clarissa’s magic and the yelps of pain that accompanied it made him wince, and he heard, from somewhere in the fog, Lienna call out that she had spotted Rudolf. Where had Lienna even been? With a pang of guilt, he realized that in his careful stewardship of the sky, he had lost track of her.

As the fog faded, Kellen caught a glimpse of her. Her shoulder was bloodied, but the presumed perpetrator was hardly recognizable amidst a jagged row of icicles. Kellen shivered. He had seen Lienna’s magic in training, but not demonstrated on a real, breathing adversary.

“Are you okay?” He heard himself whisper. His eyes didn’t leave the scene until he heard Professor Malathice’s voice cut through, followed by the hairs on his neck raising as lightning began to collapse around them. As his head swivelled to look at his professor, he was alarmed to realize the professor was also looking at him, his staff raised.

"Tell Michail we need help and that we have to regroup," Kellen's mouth shot open as he turned to see if there was anyone else he could recommend for the mission, but in an instant, he was gone.

And then, Kellen was in hell. There was no other explanation for the flash of light that was followed by the vision of his House Leader being confronted by the same bandit that had nearly taken Kellen’s arm off in Luin village. He felt his bow slip from his hand, but a small bit of instinct helped him catch it by the string before it clattered to the ground. There had to be a rational explanation for the reappearance of the man they had all struck down, and he was sure once he communicated the rear guard’s precarious situation to Michail, he’d explain it.

As he turned around to seek his professor, Kellen realized that Michail too was occupied. A large wyvern was bearing down on his professor, with Derec and Isolde a short distance away fending off some armed bandits. Kellen’s head swivelled around trying to spot anyone who wasn’t currently fighting for their lives, and noticed the other Professor Kalonic, Euphemia, standing a short distance from him, her bow drawn as she surveyed the field. Jorah was some distance away, but appeared to be taunting the brigands who had previously been occupied by Derec and Isolde. Kellen re-adjusted the grip of his bow as he tried his best to shout over the din to those who could hear him.

“Er, umm-” Kellen was caught off by the loud clang of a blade clashing with another. “The uh, rear unit is requesting help. There are mages and pegasus riders!” It was all a bit too much like the situation unfolding before him, and Kellen realized after he said those words that there weren’t any spare hands who would be able to retreat to support the rear unit.

This revelation having cemented itself in his mind, Kellen re-adjusted the grip of his bow and drew an arrow. He looked at the melee his professor and classmates were engaged in, but remarked not a moment too soon that Jorah, a far more accomplished marksman, was taking care not to fire directly towards those enemies. This was a new consideration for Kellen, who until now had been practising on targets that were always far away from any ally. He frowned as he looked down at the sword still sheathed at his hip, but shook his head quickly. His limited effectiveness would be hampered even further were he to lose himself to his nerves, and the best way to do so would be to get up close and personal with one of the bloodthirsty brigands, he rationalized.

There was a clearer target, Kellen realized. But to sight it, he’d have to turn back in the direction of Auberon and the all-too-similar bandit who had occupied his nightmares for the past several weeks. A quick glance at his sword was enough for him to decide that he'd take the risk.

Jorah’s position on the field hadn’t made sense to Kellen when he had first surveyed the situation, but he understood it now. It provided a cleaner line of sight to the other bandit that appeared to be ready to bear down on Auberon. This one, thankfully, did not bear the same resemblance to a dead man. However, the Deer’s position was currently being borne down by bandits, and Kellen knew there was no world he’d be able to fire, let alone aim, if he knew bandits were pushing him from behind.

Instead, Kellen took three steps forward, towards Auberon. There was still a comfortable distance between them, but the added proximity left a wider angle between his House Leader and his target. Instinctually, and with some guilt, Kellen noted that his new position more directly put Auberon in between the familiar-looking bandit, but he had no time to criticize himself for that cowardice. He could tell instinctually that Auberon was in the same place he had found himself in Luin village, righteous fury fueling his strikes. He wouldn't be able to assist him, not yet. Taking a deep breath in, Kellen drew his arm back and only hesitated for half a second before he let the arrow loose towards the pony-tailed brigand.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The heathen's words glanced off Auberon's armor as surely as his pitiful strikes would, preoccupied as the blond was with the rest of the battle raging around him. At this rate, they'd be overrun in no time. Another wyvern had swooped in, and there was no guarantee there weren't more on their way. Worse, any thoughts of a tactical withdrawal - Auberon Casimir Galatea did not retreat, after all - were stopped dead in their tracks by a hauntingly familiar voice requesting backup for the rear unit. Was that Kellen? They'd been utterly outmaneuvered on all fronts. If they tried to regroup now, they'd likely just end up surrounded.

"Kel-" Auberon started to ask, only to be cut off by the whoosh of an axe sundering the air before him. He had no idea how his Housemate had gotten here so fast, but he had no time to dwell on that as the bandit wound up another powerful swing. Jorah's warning went unacknowledged but not unheeded, with Auberon circling away from the eyepatched man's onslaught far away from the Luin lookalike. Such grander musings could be left for later; Auberon wasn't in command here and he needn't concern himself with the entire battle, only cut down the foe before him as he was expected to.

Distractions abated, he waited for the man to overswing in the midst of his reckless attacks and cut an angle with a wide sidestep in stark contrast from the wary backpedalling he'd done previously. With the man's left flank now exposed, Auberon thrust the pointed tip of his weapon toward the man's side. The pike found purchase in the man's tattered armor, briefly convincing the boy he'd scored a fatal hit. Unfortunately, it seemed he'd greatly underestimated his opponent's speed and tenacity. The bandit's axe surged back to slam into Auberon's own, nearly knocking it right from his grip. He spun with his weapon in an attempt to keep it within his grasp, ending with it firmly lodged in the dirt beside him. With no time to rip it free in the face of a second swing coming for him, he regretfully abandoned his axe and ducked to recklessly grasp for the bandit's haft to try and wrestle the weapon away from him.

Expectedly, it ended poorly. His wrist jammed at an awkward angle as the wood slammed into his palm, leading to his elbow buckling as the force transfered and the axe blade continued on a partially-diverted path right into Auberon's pauldron. Thankfully, the armor held, though his shoulder felt as though it had been cleaved through all the same. He could only hope the swing had been the last death throes of a man skewered, and another swipe wasn't poised to send him to the Goddess as he crumpled under the injury. Whatever had occurred, the whistle of arrow through air gave Auberon's assailant pause and the blond didn't squander his chance. Staggering back, he tugged his axe free from its earthy constraints with his uninjured arm and circled back toward the arrow's path, assuming that to be Jorah's position.

"Apologies," He hissed through gritted teeth back toward his incidental savior, "I grew careless."

The visor over his face, though he dared not take it off with one wound to nurse already, was beginning to become more hinderance than help. With so many enemies to contend with and his peripheral vision compromised as it was, Jorah's earlier chatter felt almost welcome in retrospect. His breaths echoed inside the steel case, heavy and forceful in the face of the pain radiating from his shoulder but still measured. The last thing he needed to do was run out of breath so early into the confrontation. Though he felt less a stone wall and more a crumpling wooden palisade, his resolution to stand between his allies and the men before him remained unwavering. He'd just have to stall until Jorah picked them off, as shameful as it felt to simply deflect and evade rather than part these heretics' heads from their necks.

At least, that was the plan until Auberon heard the Deer's fearless leader squawking at the other soldiers from a position decidedly not where he'd thought the man was. A quick tilt of his head in that direction revealed Jorah had moved from supporting Auberon to Derec and Isolde, and Euphemia was still with the other professors, which meant-

Saints above, his safety was in the hands of Kellen of all people.

The Goddess protects, of course, but She certainly did it in inscrutable ways. Though if he was being told to have faith in his friend, Auberon supposed he had no choice but to oblige. That, or hold the line until someone else untangled themselves from the conflict and aided him.

"I'll keep him off you," The blond avowed as he replaced his wounded arm on his weapon, "Shut this bastard up for me, will you?" The limb throbbed but wasn't entirely compromised yet - the flesh might be weak but his spirit was still willing, he'd manage. Hopefully.

His arm protested when he went to hold his weapon as he normally would, so Auberon instead inched forward with his axe held out like a spear, peppering the eyepatched bandit with hounding jabs, generating force mostly with his rear arm and delegating the injured one to aiming. He stayed light on his feet, retreating after every few strikes to draw the man in a new direction like a wolf nipping at its prey. And because he was just as likely to eat an arrow from Kellen as the bandit was, and he wasn't too keen on staying nearby.

@ThatCharacter@Obscene Symphony
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

Admin Seen 11 hrs ago

Kayden tasted a coppery substance in his mouth and spat on the ground, lightly marring his otherwise dashing image. The fog permeated his vision, and he nearly stumbled over a corpse as he moved. Thankfully, the fresh cadaver was no one he knew. He could smell the stench of death, and it didn't displease him, and that displeased him. He was growing a bit too used to the battlefield. No doubt his father would approve, but he had always been a heartless bastard.

The melee had been too long for his taste, and yet disturbingly quick. Judging by the flashes of light in the gloom, Clarissa had set off a spell, and Kayden had rushed toward her to aid her, only to be distracted by happenstance as he passed by Lienna, catching the tail end of her ice-magic and hearing about Rudolph's disappearance. Kayden knew he was a coward, but he also had faith in his fellow eagle. He surmised it was more than likely his crest that made them lose him in the mist rather than having high-tailed it out of there.

Though he had to admit, once the fog cleared and Rudolph had been found still present, Kayden let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding. As the mist dissipated, he saw the carnage that had been wrought. To his generals it would have been naught but a skirmish, but a number of bodies littered the ground and he looked away, knowing they had only done what they had to. He moved to the group, dancing over bodies and fallen weaponry as the professor acknowledged everyone. He saw Ezekial's contempt for the fallen Eagle, but Tomai spoke before Kayden could give a glib reply.

"Everyone, we need to move forward and regroup with the advanced team, I'm more than certain they've also gotten ambushed" Tomai ordered, forming a glyph to help make way for them. Lighting crackled and ozone filled the air as a path was laid out for them. Kayden knew they could not hesitate. In war, initiative was a significant factor in deciding battles. If they could catch up to the advanced team quicker than the enemy thought likely, they would have the element of surprise. He didn't like that Lienna had been hit and Kellen was being sent back, not to mention Rudolph was not entirely responsive at the moment. But Kaira would have tended to Lienna if she needed to, and though Kellen was a good archer and a swell person, he was probably best suited for the task. Rudolph, well...he had come through in a clutch. Kayden knew he'd follow. The Prince gave the professor a salute with his blade to acknowledge the orders, drawing the blade up to his face to gleam in the light, before swiping it down as he gave a small bow.

"Yes professor!" He answered, and gave Veronica a look and a quick gesture of his head to follow. He wanted to give encouraging words to Rudolph, but he knew Kaira had it taken care of. By the Goddess, he really was all business during armed conflict wasn't he? And yet he had never felt more alive, the matter of life and death balanced on a knife's edge. He looked to Clarissa and nodded, knowing she would like as not be at the vanguard with him.

"Let's go," He said curtly. There would be time for his usual flowering language later, though as he passed by Lienna he gave a smile he hoped had some camaraderie in it before he said "Glad the wound isn't serious." And then he moved off where Tomai indicated with all speed, sword still out and mind fully focused on what might lie ahead. He severely doubted the enemy had such a small measure of trust in their force that they set up a second ambush for Tomai's party, but he was on edge regardless.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Jorah and Kellen's arrows served to distract--where any of them missed and caused other bandits to flinch, the mark was then met with Euphemia's arrows. The woman didn't know the meaning of 'miss' as each one hit their target. She shot at an impressive speed, though as she heard the roar of the wyvern Michail was wrestling with, she knew exactly where her next one needed to be. She leapt backwards and brandished the bow, light gathering as she drew another arrow from her quiver.

"Move!" She yelled at her brother, though she gave him about two seconds before she fired. The arrow burst forth, covered in brilliant light. Michail hopped backwards from the wyvern, though he was unprepared for the arrow to continue through the wyvern. Isolde let out a small yelp as she barely dodged the arrow as it pierced through the bandit she was fighting, and it only stopped once it hit the larger bandit's leg.

On seeing the opening, Derec jumped to action without hesitation, lance cleaving cleanly through what was left of the massive man's leg. From the shadows, Lavender emerged, hand on her hilt as she came to a stop in front of the large bandit. With what looked like one slice, her katana sliced through his armor, his helmet, and through one side of his head.

Euphemia's knees buckled, and she slowly sank to the ground, exhausted. Celeste approached her, but she shook her head. "Auberon--help Auberon," She urged her.

Celeste nodded, turning towards the blonde axeman as a sigil of light formed in front of her. Despite the distance, her Physic found its way to him, surrounding him with a dim green light as the white magic attended to any surface-level wounds. At Kellen's words, Lavender took off, intent on providing backup to the rear group.

Meanwhile, the eyepatched bandit was less than amused at the arrows aimed at him, easily dispatching them. "Come now, no honor among thieves? We're having a grand ol' time over here!" He barked at Jorah, though he quickly returned his attention to Auberon. "You've got skill. Why waste it for a place that's willing to throw children in front of scary men like me? You're fighting for your life here while they sit back at that school all cushy and unbothered."

Michail scowled at his words, though he joined Auberon on the front. "We came to help the villagers you have so kindly threatened and you dare insult us?"

The man's eyebrows shot up. "Villagers? No one told yous that they all evacuated once we started pillaging?" He outright laughed. "Like a flock of sheep those knights led them out. We made to make this our new camp, but then a little bird told me the Church was sending people here. Never thought they'd send children."

The rest of the students were hastily ushered forward. Tomai's lightning spell had carved through a majority of the forces, his magic a rather impressive display. He was expending much more magic than he was used to, but it was clear his strikes weren't just attacking, they were also greatly discouraging any foes from approaching. One unfortunate pegasus got caught in a lightning strike and promptly threw off its rider as it flew away. The fiercest lightning was closest, but as they continued, a careful observer would notice the bolts getting weaker.

The green haired professor brought up the rear, making sure Rudolf was able to safely rejoin the group. She nearly jumped, however, as something fell off the building and landed in front of her. To her shock, however, it had been the very same staff they had seen back in Luin. She somehow hadn't realized Rudolf must've taken care of the head mage. But if so, that meant there was another mage casting the fog around them. She sighed in disappointment, but didn't linger, instead scooping up the staff and catching up to the group with sword in hand.

The distance between the two groups was closing. However, the bigger threat were still the flyers between them. Veronica followed at Kayden's command, but the other pegasus knights knew there was only one arrow flying at a time. Anyone that was too close got an arrow, but they quickly learned where Veronica was and worked to avoid her.

"They're onto me," She grumbled in annoyance as another arrow missed, clearly frustrated.

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