Let me tell you the stupid legend of 4 kingdoms and 4 lords...
Setting: A plane of 4 different realms with its own corresponding lord.
The Party: The brute Borpis (My 1st mate), a Ranger that I can't clearly recall, kobold Sorcerer/Dragon Apostle (me)...
Resident Power Gamer: Dre lets call him for short wanted to play a Magus...we begged and begged our benevolent GM to not allow this but our prayers went unheard. Dre loved to brag about his abilities and our GM allowed his character to be the high priest of....Nethys! You know Magic God? Ego amiright?
Backstory:Our party before meeting Dre's character, sailed upon the oceans blue! My Kobold Rethek'hep becoming fast friends with the first mate Borpis the Porpis. There is a different story relating to the seafaring adventures we went on but that is a story for another day. We set out for the kingdom my character hailed from: The Iron Kingdom ruled by the great dragon lord my master. Long story short the ancient dragon sent us to the forest kingdom to see the goings on.
How it went down: Oddly Dre's character (whom I forgot to mention is a
tiefling) instantly (for no logical reason) found my character suspicious...so he interrogated me and the Ranger...at sword point!
The Fall of the Party: After the intense interrogation that took (I shit you not) 2 hours IRL the Ranger and I met up with Borpis and told him what went down...
"We're killin that sunofa bitch" said Borpis IC, our foolishness was to be our demise....
Two Deaths & One Narrow Escape: Our mistake was not preparing for the fight, we should have lit the temple he was in on fire and blockade the exits. But we were foolish and brash so we faced him like he was the final BBG of a dungeon. The first round was spent with us starting then Dre and his temple guard...and his familiar...a pseudodragon.
We should have killed him in his sleep or killed his familiar but we didn't, Borpis was stung by the pseudodragon as was the Ranger opening them to a Coup-de-Gra. I was the last standing I flung a spell uselessly and dodged the sting of the dragon while Dre killed my friends. Decisions were made I had one goal: Escape.
The End & Escape: I have been known to be lucky when it comes to my party members attempts to kill me. I will always love the spell that saved me: Fly. Several times I nearly succumbed to the sleep toxins but the dice gods took pitty on me that fateful day. I escaped barely to return to my kingdom to never return...