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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Brigadier General Lorne sighed as he took a seat in the SGC, the crew of the Nyx the first completed X-307 type vessel the newest ship in the fleet. Of course if the mission didn't get result she'd be the only one in her class, however that wasn't Lorne's problem he just ran the base and the SGC teams. As the senior officers all arrived he took his seat and looked around, this would be be the first time since the Pegasus Expedition a completely mixed background group had taken on a mission. "Now, you are all the senior members of the expeditionary team that is being sent out to explore Ida, I don't need to tell you how big a deal this mission is. This is expedition could be as important as Pegasus, however I'm not exactly sure what the hell you are all doing other than locating a star gate building ship. So I'll let Doctor Fletcher explain, if you will doctor."

Fletcher smiled standing up, a power point appearing on the wall as the lights dimmed. "Thank you General, now the expedition is two fold my research into the Asgard talks about another race. One that the Ancients met around the same time as the Asgard, they were a long lived but delicate race whose technology equaled the Asgard. In Norse mythology they were friends of the Asgard who visited many worlds through the gates. References to them and dwarves, though I can't be certain if both exist still are found in the Asgard's records which they gifted us. The Asgard supposedly helped them to hide long ago when the Replicators became a threat further in the Ida galaxy while they went to war." He seemed excited almost a bounce in his step as his blue eyes darted across the screen, his hand move to brush his red headed bangs out of his eyes.

"Now, while trying to search for ancient technology of that level in Ida using long range probes left behind to monitor the system. We figured ancient signals and... It turned out one of their Seed Ships never completed it's return home journey. It's sitting above from what we can tell is a garden world. One that used to have an Asgard research base on it, now the research there was fairly mundane but from thousands of years back." The tall young man spoke as he showed several dozen pictures of the planet from taken by the probes and passed around detail analysis of the planet.

"But that Seed Ship could allow us a means of learning how to produce our own Stargates, or even improve upon them. If this works out we could build our Gate bridge home like they did in Pegasus." He explained as he showed them the theories and calculations. "But, we don't know what threats our out there. I mean... We have the entire Asgard knowledge base at our fingertips but, it seems they weren't really explorers like we were." He scratched his head as he took his seat again. "So... Questions?"

Colonel Tyler raised his hand before asking anyway. "Yeah so Doc, what if we get there and we don't find squat? We just run home with out tail between our legs."

"That's a uh... Good question... I've been told we aren't allowed to make the return trip unless we know nothing from that galaxy could follow us back... We only got rid of all our major threats a few years ago, the IOA isn't exactly thrilled about jumping into the deep end where we might meet something worse." Doctor Fletcher answered scratching his head. "But, that's why they are assigning a mostly small and contained military force. If we can prove something valuable is out there... We can bring more people over to explore and build a permenant outpost." He sighed as he looked at everyone else.
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

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Another year, another mission. When Catherine Black received the news that she was being relieved of the command of the ES Catherine Langford, she was outraged. They have just found evidence that the man of the IOA on board was himself a Lucian Alliance spy. As a reward, she got to drive a desk for half a year. She almost went home to Germany, only O'Neill's intervention stopping her in her tracks. As it turned out, the general had some insider information regarding her future. While the IOA was not happy with her, the spoils of war she brought home greatly impresses the military people, so she got a promotion and a much more important command post out of it.

Moreover, she was allowed to bring with her a sizeable portion of the Langford's crew, and her old chief engineer was actually the person to design the Nyx, pretty much tailoring the ship to her and crews ran by her. All in all, she couldn't wait for the mission to begin, so she could get on board. And speaking of the mission...

The captain cleared her throat and took the word. "Our mission has several objectives, so there will be no shortage of things to do. This is the home galaxy of the Asgard, after all." she said, sharing a list on the projector. "The expedition has two primary objectives. Number one is to research and if possible make contact with the 'Elf' civilization. Number two is to locate, explore and, if possible, deliver the seed ship to Earth. Secondary objectives are, one, establish the Iota site in the Ida galaxy to serve as an entry point, two, establish a gate bridge between milky way and Ida, three, explore former Asgard colonies and recover anything of value." she listed, nodding over to Morrigan.

The Goa'Uld queen could at times still hardly believe her position. Now Tok'Ra in name, sitting in Stargate Command without a naquadria bomb with her. Absurd proposition, yet here she was. "From what I and the obnoxious AI could tell, the Seed ship appears to be in decent state of repair. The Destiny crew is unavailable to confirm with their records, but we believe this particular seed ship was the first launched, responsible for seeding the galaxies close to us - Milky way itself, Ida and Pegasus. It will be up to us to discover if any others are on the list. From what we know, the Ancients and the Asgard updated the gate systems of all these galaxies to the newer models later, and the seed ship is only equipped to manufacture the Destiny type gate. That may however be more to our advantage, as their construction should be simpler to understand."

Changing the display, the ship's schematic, the XO addressed the posted question: "Should we fail to accomplish the primary objectives, we will remain in Ida for the time being and focus on the secondaries. The Nyx comes equipped with it's own gate, and Ida galaxy is rich in neutronium - We should be able to build neutrino-ion generator to create intergalactic gate connection to return personnel home, as well as resources for SGC to build one on their side to allow for a return trip in the absence of a gate bridge."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

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"So... If there are no more questions, mind if we see the ship? I couldn't sleep last night, it's my first proper off world trip. Not to mention it'll be a whole new galaxy! Perhaps one without a bunch humans or things that just eat, use, or convert us..." He froze remembering the former Goa'uld at the table. "Uh... No offense intended..." He gave a blush nervous, though he looked rather the part of the brute. Flynn was obviously the most green of the group, though his knowledge and enthusiasm for the work were commendable. He was one of the top minds here at the SGC getting him as their own personal nerd meant they were avoiding the more cynical McKay and the more all knowing self righteous Daniel. Of course, both were annoyed they were not going on the trip, but of course the military was barely okay with one civilian, even if they had trained before all this.

The Colonel got up smiling, as he pushed the brim of his Stetson up. "Well, maybe when we get there we can get some proper army boys instead of the jarheads... Cap'n I just don't plum get how you put with 'dem crayola loving navy lovers." Chuckled the army soldier as got up from the table. "And kid, don't worry... Alien's only try to kill most of the tame... And hey once in awhile you meet one that can talk all pretty and helps ya out." He gave the XO a wink as he turned to head for the stairs. "So... Where did ya park the ship? Is it in orbit or did we least put further out to shorten the trip?" James asked as he turned leaning on the railing looking back the crew.
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"None taken. You are not wrong. Even I have to admit to being disturbed to some degree when I learned of the Wraith. To think that with our ability to heal the host, the process might take even longer... I shudder to think." Morrigan said, visibly uncomfortable with the idea. "But I would not worry. The replicators probably did a thorough job of eliminating any civilization that was advanced enough for them to assimilate, and it is likely that we can stand up to whomever they left behind. I would be most worried about any automated Asgard defenses we might stumble upon."

"Well, fortunately during our stay on the Langford, we've had ample practice fighting against the odds and treading carefully." The captain added, "Hence why we will carry two puddle jumpers to act as recon craft. If there is a civilization that can well and truly hide even form Asgard sensors, the Lanteans are it." and if it came to slugging, she believed that the asgard shields would be able to hold out long enough for a quick jump out of range.

Turning to the colonel, the captain grinned: "The marines are trained to repel boarders on ships, so they will do nicely for ship security and for protecting whoever explores the seed ship. But I concur that once we establish ourselves and start exploring planets, gating in a few good old SG teams or fresh PBI is a good idea. No sense carrying them with us immediately though, we can carry only so many supplies. Hopefully we will be able to set up on the garden world, from what the doc said, it should be able to feed quite a few mouths. Maybe even a bunch of livestock. I would not say no to fresh cheese after a few months." she sighed. While she enjoyed her command of the Langford, the cuisine despite the best efforts of the mess staff was severely lacking in variety and flavor, and that was with considerably shorter supply lines from Earth.

"Speaking of, the Nyx should finish beaming up supplies by the end of the hour. Falnore is overseeing the preparations on board, so he should give you an echo when it's your time to beam aboard. although if you excuse me, I have to catch a plane to Edwards. I will be taking one of the 302s up, it will probably be the last chance I get to fly for quite some time." Black dismissed them, heading out.

"I believe the captain is one of the people who believe they do not survive usage of modern transportation means and are replaced by an identical clone." Morrigan observed, "I don't think I have ever seen her walk through a gate, ring or beam aboard. She flown one of your fighters aboard the Langford as well."

As she said that, their earpieces came to life. "XO, Colonel, doctor Fletcher? We are ready for you up here." the voice of the Tollan engineer said.
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

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James gave a grin. "Well if we're getting cattle when we get there I'll call up mom and pop arrange for some horses and longhorns! I know how you loved it when I slipped steak onboard." He chuckled as he moved towards Morrigan adjusting his hat, before taking it off giving a small bow the former Queen, placing his hat over his heart. "Morrigan, might I accompany our wonderful XO to her ship? Give us a bit to catch up, I missed ya something fierce while they had me down learning to play nice with all the flyboys, water jockeys, and jarheads." James put his hat back on and offered his elbow as if he was planning to escort her to fancy dinner party, not onto the latest battleship built by humanity.

James chuckled as he watched the Captain leave the ship. "She's not a big fan of anything she can't control... Like what I do in my off hours, she's great fun off duty though." He stated looking at Flynn with a chuckle as stood next to Morrigan cracking a sly grin. "When your working she's all business... Unless you got the luxury rations to bribe her. Speaking of which, I hope that cooler made onboard... Picked out a few choices steaks, wine, and a few other tidbits from back home. I figured if I make all personal items food she'll be a little less mean about the whole drinking on her ship thing?" James tilted his head curious if Morrigan knew if the Captain was still particular upset about him and his rather... Unorthodox methods of relaxation and creative use of his time.

Flynn was simply confused deciding to ignore all of it, mostly because he didn't really understand all the science behind it nor did he want to really. He heard from Daniel that Samantha Carter could make even interesting topics go right over anyone's head with techno babble skills, he decided he didn't want to chance it. "Well... Were ready down here. Just finished our briefing and the Captain's already gone." he explained to the Engineer turning again shaking his head at James and his seemingly unimpressed attitude to all of this.

A second chirp could be heard in the earpiece before the AI of Hermiod spoke through the comms. "It would be faster if the captain would also simply use the transporter herself. Should I start factoring this human illogical stubbornness into all of my calculations involving the Captain of this vessel?"
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"Listen to none of this nonsense, Doctor." Morrigan chuckled dryly. "Only that about alcohol. There is a time and place for it, and that is not 'my cabin, every evening'. The captain has an uncanny instinct where to look, and the cleaning staff appreciates the additional degreaser. If the colonel here wants to drink, he will have to generate a victory worth toasting to." the XO deadpanned at the recon team leader.

"The fighters need to be flight tested and brought up in either case, Hermiod. No reason why the Captain can not enjoy herself in the process. In either case, it is just a theory. Although I am baffled that an Asgard would fail to realize that organic beings are not free form emotion and illogical behavior. How did you ever defeat us?" the XO snarked to the comms. "Falnore, three to beam."

One white flash of interrupted existence later, the XO found herself stood upon the bridge, with the two men being beamed to their cabins so they could unpack. "Falnore. Dr. Lawson. Status report, please." she said, moving to her station.

The bridge of the 307 was anything but similar to the 304. Where the Daedalus-class ships had the bridge in the command tower on the aft, the 307 had a control room tucked safely on the inside of the ship, with enough monitors and holographic projectors to create a full sphere view of the outside if necessary. In the center was a slightly dipped space with a holo table where the Captain and herself commanded the other crew from.

Said table lit up with a checklist that reported most things in the green as the lead designer and chief engineer approached. "She is ready to go. All that remains is for the captain to arrive with Viper squadron and you are ready to go. I'm going to miss it here." Dr. Lawson noted, unfortunately not allowed to join the expedition due to his worsening health.

"You've done enough, Phil." Morrigan attempted to console him, "She is beautiful and everything we asked for. I promise we will bring her back in one piece."

After that, the intercom came online. "Nyx, Viper-1. We are orbital and closing in. Don't leave without us."

Half an hour later, the crew was all on their posts, listening to the shipwide broadcast. "Nyx, this is Lorne. You are departing on what is a mission of an importance in the big league. The Abydos expedition. The Atlantis expedition. The Destiny expedition. You will be up there with them. The bar has been set high, but I have every confidence you can do it. You are on this mission, because you are the best at what you do. What you can fins in Ida can potentially catapult us to the same level as the Ancients technologically. We are all looking forward to you bringing us some cool souvenirs. Godspeed."

Taking a breath and straightening her uniform, Catherine looked upon the projection of the Earth one last time for what she assumed would be a long time. "Thank you, general. We will get this done. Homeworld command, ES Nyx requesting authorization for departure."

The voice of O'Neill came through: "Permission granted. Good hunting, captain."

"Helm, take us out." she gave the order, switching the display to show the ship's movement.

The six engines at the back of the Nyx roared to life, and the sleek frame broke free of the orbit and started accelerating to the departure point. "Last chance to jump the bus." Morrigan grinned. "Not for the World." Black grinned back. The Earth slowly shrunk and vanished, the display shutting down and being replaced by the standard data feed.

"Captain, we have reached the departure point." the helm reported from under their VR helmet.

"Take us out."

A blue tear opened in the space past the moon, and the Nyx was swallowed by hyperspace.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

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Flynn couldn't help but smile as they made the jump, however he knew who he wanted to meet first. He'd gotten to know the Colonel a bit and the Captain and her XO were interest as well but... He was more interested in Falnore, heading over to the engineering section he hummed a song as he walked down.

James for his part waited until after the captain and XO has settled then, like so many times before pulled his vanishing act no doubt off finding materials and ingredients for his still. If he wasn't doing that probably finding somewhere to hang a hammock where he could nap undisturbed when he wasn't working. When he worked he did an outstanding job but when he wanted to be lazy well... It was hard to find someone more dedicated to achieving the goal of doing nothing for hours at a time. Usually he could be found watching cow boy movies, listening to music, or goofing around at some point. While he did annoy some of the crew he was resourceful and clever, claiming laziness was the mother of invention.

Flynn stopped as he stepped into engineering before calling out to what he believed to be the engineer. "Falnore? It's Flynn Fletcher, I'm the Ancient expert for the expedition. I've been looking forward to meeting you personally." He called trying to spot the engineer from among the half dozen or so in the room busying themselves. Flynn had mostly been interested to get to know his fellow team member and someone else who would have a rank within the team. He understood the Tollan were usually not to thrilled to be doing anything like this. He hoped this one would be different at least, after all they had volunteered to be here like many others.

Hermiod muttered something Asgardian a hold over from his biological self. "The Asgardians defeated you because you preyed on others technology when while we innovated our own... Also because of your baser instincts guided impulses we had long ago eradicated."He paused a moment the hologram appearing near a console." Were it not for the degradation of our species and the Replicators we would have wiped out your people long before humans on Earth achieved space flight." He added as if a point of pride, perhaps more of the Asgard lived on through the memory matrix than let on.

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It took a while for the door to open and reveal a rather young Tollan with a mess of blond hair on top of his head. "Apologies doctor, I fell asleep in the chair. We were up all night getting her ready to go. Come in!" the engineer invited, enthusiastic despite the bags under his eyes. The Tollan's quarters were quite different form the others, furnished in the style of his home planet. Which, curiously, was the colony of Pellor, the last surviving few of their people after the Goa'Uld attack on Tollana. If anything, the furniture looked closer to Lantean style, featuring metal frames and transparent materials. From the first look, it was obvious that ergonomics were the primary focus, as Flynn would notice immediately after sitting in one of the chairs.

The cabins on the 307 were a bit more spacious than on the 304, Dr. Lawson citing the need for larger comfort on long term expeditions to improve crew morale. As such, everyone got their own cabin, and the department heads even had an office space attached to it. Out of the corner of his eye, Flynn might have noticed a hologram above Falnore's desk displaying a supergate of all things.

The engineer took a seat opposite to Flynn and offered him a bowl of what he could assume were some Pelloran dried fruits. "What can I do for you, doctor?"

The bridge...

"And yet, here we are, with your people dead, and mine alive, after a fashion. Yes, you have innovated and meddled with yourself to eradicate undesirable traits, until you genetically modified yourself to death. Really, all we ever had to do was patient and you would just go away on your own. Alas, others of my species do not share my patience, regretfully." Maorrigan snarked back at the AI.

"Enough, children." Cap rolled her eyes. "We have three weeks to spend in hyperspace before we arrive at..." she actually had to look the name of the planet up, "Ragnarok... Really?" she looked at the AI's avatar. She knew the outpost was founded in the later stages of the replicator war, but even to her such a name was far too fatalistic. "Anyway, you'll be stuck with each other for a while, so get over yourselves. Both of you are millennia old, you should know better." she scolded them.

"I liked the Langford better. It didn't talk back." Morrigan sighed. "I believe I need to go inspect the quarters and supplies. Make sure that Falnore didn't forget anything and there is no... illegal production lines... being set up. Captain." she excused herself.

Sighing, Catherine shook her head. "While on topic of Ragnarok, what exactly was happening there, Hermiod? Anything your people might have left behind that will be immediately useful?"
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

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Flynn smiled and took his seat carefully noting the comfort of it for a moment. "Oh I came to discuss your thoughts on what Ancient technology we should prioritize looking for?" He explained as he sat forward excitedly. "Also because I've never really gotten to work with anyone from off world, so it's my first time getting to hear thoughts and ideas from someone with a different point of view." He explained happily as took one of the fruits with a smile eating it. "Not to mention... Ask what's its like to explore through the Star Gate... I never got to go through it before we left."

"That and... Well I figured we could talk since we are both non-military for the trip." He answered as he scratched his head seeming a bit nervous now that he was in the room.

Hermiod paused bringing up the system. "It was planet for last ditch weapon testing, hence the fatalistic name as you put it. We called it such because the weapons we researched there would be far beyond the scope of normal equipment. Far more dangerous than anything we gave you. However the site was abandoned after your assistance in defeating the replicators." The AI answered then muttered in Asgard annoyed with the question.

"We selected the site as the Ancients used for testing their work when they seeded this galaxy." He explained as he looked over at the captain. "The city itself is similar to Atlantis, in fact we believe the city there was used as a model for Atlantis." Explained Hermiod as he blinked out of the room, his voice now coming from the speakers only. "As for the exact research the Council decided it was better left unknown however nothing dangerous remains there, please try not to change that."
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"Don't discard the value of pre-constructed housing." The captain beamed, "I know our species experience emotions differently, but I guarantee you submarine disease is common. You'll be glad for half the crew leaving the ship soon, I bet you. Besides, your timeline puts the city after the Destiny launched, and prior to the Lanteans leaving Earth. It's historical value alone is worth documenting every bit of it." Black reasoned, showing a rare trait among the SGC commanders of caring for more than the technological and military sides of their exploration.

"And I'm with you on the technology mind you. If it wasn't for the Ori, we shouldn't have been given even as much as you gave us before the end. I don't want to stumble upon half finished Asgard experiments. I'll leave that to Disaster McKay. I'll settle for 'everything we have and know that is complete, tested and proven."

Somewhere in the guts of the ship...

"Is it ready?" Morrigan snapped at the Colonel as soon as she discovered him fiddling with the still. "Don't look so surprised, this place is easy to point out as the ideal hiding place for it." She sighed. "Our ship has a cancer, James, and I boost my host's natural ability to dispose of ethanol. I will keep your secret as long as you can provide proper glider fuel." The Tok'Ra offered a deal.

Falnore's cabin...

"I'm afraid I can not be of much help on the latter, doctor. My own experience with the Stargate is limited to the occasional trip to Tollana before..." He paused, looking rather sad for a second, "you have to understand, my people were very isolationist on the peak of their civilization. We did not put much stock in exploration until history proven us wrong. Suffice to say, if the gate works well, and the second generation gates that are present in Ida have worked well without maintenance for eons, you hardly feel the trip. In fact, I believe it was only the first expeditions of the SGC who suffered some discomfort until thay updated their dialing mechanism." The engineer explained to the vest of his abilities.

"As for the technologies, well. This very ship is powered in part by the same system as the seed ship, so that is one thing off the list. But as for everything else? Not a matter of if, only in what order. We shall see what state the seed ship is in, it likely lost all power over the years at the very least, so as soon as we plug a reactor in, the AI will send it towards the star to refuel unless damage to critical systems would prevent it from surviving the refuelling." The Tollan hypothesized.

"Hence why we will either have to separate examined systems before powering them, which would limit their function, create the condition that would prevent the refuelling, which would mean taking the engines or shield offline, or ride out with it wherever it goes." He took a sip of his tea.

"First order of business would be safing it's databases. The value of the sheer asytronomical and geological data on the worlds it visited is immense. It would point us where to go to establish mining operations and what planets are viable for colonization. Naturally, the stargate assembly line is of high value. If only we could learn to build supergates like the Ori did, the logistics of Atlantis and our own are drastically improved. Perhaps we could even send a 304 to assist Destiny." He dreamed.

"I've rambled long enough." He smiled, "What do you hope to find, other than the Elves that is?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

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Flynn listened happily, hearing just the thoughts on what they might find made him smile he knew he'd be happier here than he ever was stuck down in the mountain working on reading books and translating text. "Well, I'm curious about these Dwarves as well, I admit though they are much more of a long shot... Supposedly they a species who made gifts for others, even made a weapon for Thor his favorite if you believe the texts." He sighed paused pulling out a small journal as he kept for interesting things he wanted to note for research as he flipped through it.

"Of course, the Dwarves stopped talking to them even before the Replicators arrived, so they could be gone for all we know. No what I'm interested most in is the fact that when the Ancients came out here they said Ida was already teeming with life. Who knows how many more species could have appeared here since." He spoke as he flipped through the pages. "Honestly... There were rumors that if we were successful out here they might start up the idea of phoenix base here again. Namely bringing together Alien species to explore through the Star Gate themselves."

Down below, in James hideaway

"Yep, got the corn mash ready and the still's good to go." He spoke as he pulled his flask with little need to explain he offered it to Morrigan. "You ain't a fan of Hermiod... Yeah, heard from Sheppard that Hermiod was... Difficult, apparently he is one of the smartest of the bunch, it's why his AI was picked for the ship." James spoke leaning against the wall chuckling a moment as he looked at the Tokra woman with a smile.

"Well whatever ya reckon you'll be needing I'll supply gratefully Commander." He added as tipping his hat to her. "But if'n ya just wanna talk beyond earshot of Hermiod or the others my personal quarters don't have any security recording devices or listening devices. Mostly encase the ship compromised to have a singular spot for meeting to talk in private picked me room just for that... Mostly so I could keep with whomever I please with an Asgard memory nosing in." He answered giving her a wink, as he let her drink from his flask.


"True, though Commander Thor would be more excited by the idea of showing you all around the Ancient's technology and our own system. However, it was the opinion of your superiors was that technical expertise and experience working with humans was... Necessary." Hermiod answered as he reappeared seemingly looking over another console. "I agree that you should not touch many of the items we leave behind, some of them are to dangerous for us, they would certainly be far to dangerous in your hands." He continued about double checking the crew using the hologram system for the moment at least to acclimate them to his presence and leave them aware he was here.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Command and control

"Well, I was the captain who used a mark XI missile as a tripple A against a fleet of Al'Kesh and gliders..." the captain grinned, "Probably best to keep doomsday weapons from the replicator war locked up, or at least in someone else' hands. If you have a list of what's out there do distribute it to the away team with detailed descriptions, a big red 'do not touch' label and a manual of how to disarm whatever it is. Better prepared than sorry." the captain requested.

She looked at the data projection, looking at their estimated position and the estimated time of arrival. Eight days remaining. She looked at the bridge crew: "Anyone brought a deck of cards?"

Bowels of the ship

"I didn't ask whether the materials are ready, I need something to take my mind off of the insufferable not-a-computer now, not in four hours." Morrigan groaned. "That is not to speak of the food. Staying on Earth for a while has given me a sweet tooth. How do you and Catherine prefer meat that is half raw is beyond my understanding." she frowned.

She moved to inspect the still. "Could you improve cycle time if you used the ship's cooling system instead of free air flow?"

Falnore's quarters

"I am looking forward to see the alien fauna as well." The engineer dreamed, "The flying animals on Earth are something amazing. Do you think there is a chance that a spacefaring civilization developed between the replicators wiping them all out and us arriving?" Falnore proposed. "I think we might find someone if they were somewhere on the outskirts of the galaxy, or possibly far off the stargate network."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

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Command and control

"I will make a list of items that could be dangerous to your people that are unaccounted for... It will be a long list, humans find creative ways to blow up things. Like stars." The Hermiod AI chastised for the previous times humanity had used such things as weapons. "Captain you and the bridge crew may rotate off as needed, we will be traveling through well documented space for hours yet to come." He reminded her before blinking from the room.

Bowels of the ship

"Could do but you'd get a weaker end product. That said... I did pack a cooler with treats as well. I've got a got a chocolate cake from home... Also a few different bottles of different stuff for our new friends to try, here I thought you didn't much care for living on Earth." He teased as folded his arms across my chest. "Come on, we can have a drink and chat in my room. I've been wanting to pick your brain on several topics... Since I get the feeling the captain if gonna leave getting the base up to us. Wonder if I can get those horses after all... Great for scouting." He pushed the still back carefully hiding it from view as he offered his flask to the woman. "Come on Queenie."

Falnore's quarters

"I hope personally we can discover the secret to building our own gates... After all if we can build gates we can expand the network... Imagine Union of planets all working together sharing technology and trade!"
He smiled dreamily as he long wistful sigh before also pondering. "Though I admit I am even more curious to learn about the ancient Asgard and their history as warriors, Norse gods were an interesting bunch."
He laughed a bit imagining Thor getting drunk and celebrating with others.
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