Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 mo ago


I just caught up with the last movie in the Maze Runner trilogy and while I didn't really like the direction it went, I would love to do something within that realm as well as Hunger Games, which I am more confident in. Essentially, I am looking for a Newt to my Katniss. I am open to doing another pair alongside them but my primary interest is Newt and Katniss. Doubling is cool with me. I have adjusted ages accordingly so any NSFW content is appropriate.

Plot: Taking place in Panem, Tributes in each District are Reaped from ags 18 to 24 at random through lottery. It is the 74th Annual Hunger Games and Katniss (age 20) volunteers for her sister Prim (age 18) when she’s reaped. Peeta is also selected (age 19). Together, the two travel to the Capitol with Haymitch, their mentor. There, the pair from District 12 meet two from District 8, one of them being named Newt (age 21). The twenty-four Tributes begin to train and during this time, Katniss and Newt begin to develop a tentative friendship with one another. As the Games begin, Katniss ends up teaming up with Rue and Newt as Peeta is off with the careers. In the end, Peeta is betrayed by the pack he aligned himself with and eventually it’s Katniss and Newt with their backs against the wall.

As the sun begins to rise over the bloody arena, Katniss and Newt have bonded over their disdain for Snow and the Games. Like in 12, 8 is greatly unhappy with President Snow and his wife, Ava, Katniss and Newt decide they’d would rather die than be part of the endless cycle but before they can both eat a handful of Nightlock berries, the Gamemaker intervenes. Both are taken to celebrate in the eye of the public before Snow and Ava decide to teach them a lesson. Newt and Katniss are drugged and wake up in The Glade.

There had been rumors of rebellious people vanishing and this is where they end up.

The Glade was designed to harvest the special blood produced when under great duress. This blood is purchased by those sick in the Capitol. Katniss and Newt don’t have any memory of how they arrived or even who they are. They meet others, a hunky looking blonde named Finnick who is 22, a stubborn woman named Johanna, age 23. As well as others. The group decides to try to survive where they are but as the stone gates open up, creatures and traps await them.


Okay sooo that's what I have thus far. It does need some work, I admit. I am happy to make plot adjustments if something feels off so we're merging both YAs fairly. I would love someone who is comfortable with both YA lore. Again, I am more comfortable with THG (I have read the books, seen the movies and read the prequel book with Snow as the protagonist) so if your knowledge is TMR leaning, that's fine.

I am looking for someone who is capable of writing about 4 decent paragraphs. I love details and emotion. Despite my plot, I want us to start at the very beginning and work through the development of friendship to more, ourselves. I expect this to be very slow-burn and gradual. Think romance, not lust at first sight.

I am 30F and as such, I have stuff to do offline so I won't always be around. My partner should respect my time, as I do theirs. I'd love to befriend my partner but if you're just looking for a writing partner and not a friend, I understand. Discord is also my preferred mode of communication. But if you wanna stay on-site via PMs, that might be doable but just know I won't be as active here as I am on discord.

At any rate, if you have an idea to add or are interested, please reach out to me! Thanks for reading.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Still looking.
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