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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago
Zeroth Post


Passive Perception:
Einkil Torunn: 11
Bartholomew Strongheart: 10
Dreeda Brom: 10
Thel'dek: 10
Krusk'Morn: 10

Bartholomew Strongheart: +2
Thel'dek: + 1
Dreeda Brom: 0
Einkil Torunn: 0
Krusk'Morn: 0

Main Questline: -
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 1 day ago

The humid Swampmuck air clung to your clothes as you thought over the ramifications of what you'd just heard. The sound of construction and shouting voices surrounded you, as people made final preparations for the village faire tomorrow.

1000 gold - each! You had never heard of so much gold in all your days. There were people living in Swampmuck who had never so much as seen a gold piece in the worst cases, and this dwarf was offering you a thousand? All to yourself?

It was the kind of gold even adventurers would take note of. It was the kind of gold that made someone a noble, that could change a life - nay, a dynasty - forever. And all the dwarf was asking was that you play around with a bunch of fancy sticks?

"They're wands of magic missile, actually." he had said slowly, opening up a nearby crate. It was chock full of them, from the bottom to the top. Each wand was finely crafted, looking whittled almost, two hands in length and ever so slightly tapered to one end. You'd heard of magic items, of course. Swampmuck had none as far as you knew, but there were plenty of raunchy ballads and tales of woe and mischief that leant a certain awe and distrust to the situation. Woodsworth, the next town over, had it's own magic chicken that had won first prize in last year's autumn faire. It's feathers made great arrows, but the owner had refused to let anyone take them unless they brought with them a hefty sum of coin. Coin no commoner could ever hope to get.

But you could pay to pluck the whole of Pilsner's chicken, that's how much money you would have - nay, more! You could own all the chickens in the world! You could be... the Poultry Prince. People would come from far and wide to gawk at your sightly feathered hat and pluck your chickens and win your favor with fancy struts and dances.

Oh dear, the dwarf had been talking all this time. "-horribly dangerous. There are about 300 of them to be tested and they will all fire magic missiles. The thing is, the Mage's Guild reckons each has a unique and consistent-" he hesitated and articulated slowly, "...quirk... that happens when the missiles are fired as well. So that would be your job, testing out all the wands of magic missile and working out their quirks. Ideally, returning them safely to the Mage's Guild once the job is done. I wouldn't lose them if I were you. So what do you reckon, up for the task?" You quickly scribble down your name or mark on the parchment in his hand, and while you didn't like using your own blood for ink it seemed a small price to pay for near limitless wealth. A few other villagefolk you recognised had gathered around you take up the mantle of Wand Custodians as well, and soon the Dwarf seemed satisfied.

"Well then, folks! My wagon and the crates are yours. Any last questions before I head down to the cracking Adamant Tankard for a good long drink?" he said with a wink.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud πŸ’€Vibin' beyond the VeilπŸ’€

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Admittedly the kobold wished he had brought his cat with him from his cart, yet Thel'dek was wary of bringing his little ball of fur into such a loud busy place right as they arrived to Swampmuck. Snowball would be safe in the cart as it was locked tight with plenty of toys for his most treasured pet that he loved second to gold.

In his loose cloak he walked towards the sound of shouting, consciously aware of the stares he was getting while he made his way towards the center of the chaos going on in the race to get ready for the burgeoning Spring Faire. He wasn't unfamiliar with the hushed words between people as he passed by, he was a kobold after all and new in town.

He ignored it though and overheard someone that said "...1000 gold..." which nearly gave Thel'dek a heart attack 'Gold...So much...Gold' in an instant he was running to the individual who threw out such an offer of gold for something, finally reaching the bold character who was a dwarf.

Thel'dek was hesitant to speak yet after a few moments of listening his attention drifted to thoughts of what he would do with such a large amount of gold. Thel'dek didn't hesitate however to sign the parchment albeit it did bother him when he had to use his blood to sign it.

"Sir," the kobold waved his hand trying to get the dwarf to look at him, while also stepping back slightly out of natural fear "We keep wands after using them?" Thel'dek spoke better Common than most of his kind yet the inflection and pattern in which he spoke seemed off to most.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

In a quiet corner of Swampmuck, two men respectfully made their way around the graves that made up the town cemetery. One of them was a tall and impressively burly human with a black curly mustache and short black hair. His name was Bartholomew Strongheart and the man he was walking with was his adopted aasimar uncle, Gabriel Strongheart. Gabriel was average in height by the standard of his race, but standing next to Bartholomew and no one else made him look shorter than he truly was. He was clean shaven and had long white hair. And though he was reaching the time of his life that people knew as the middle age, he showed few notable signs of it.

Bartholomew and Gabriel eventually came to a stop on front of a grave surrounded by small offerings and bowed their heads respectfully to it before laying down offerings of their own. The name Horatio Strongheart was carved into the headstone, marking the final resting place of Bartholomew's father, Gabriel's adoptive brother, and the previous innkeeper of the Adamant Tankard. The two men stood there for some time. Even though it had been 5 years since the night Horatio died, many people who knew him, his family especially, still felt the pain of his loss. He had been a dear friend to everyone who lived in Swampmuck. And a loving father, husband, brother, and uncle to his family. Even if they were only family by adoption.

"I wonder what he'd say to us all if he were still around." Bartholomew finally broke the silence.

"He'd probably tell me that I need to come visit more often, as he always did when I came by for my yearly visit." Gabriel said. "I should probably consider taking that advice."

"Definitely." Bartholomew agreed. "We don't see you nearly as much as we'd like to. Should you ever find the time to visit us, we'll always have a place ready for you at the Tankard."

"Don't deny anyone else a room because you're keeping one for me though." Gabriel said. "I'd feel bad if I knew someone couldn't get a room because of me".

"Don't worry, I won't" Bartholomew promised.

"I think we've bothered Horatio enough for one day." Gabriel said. "Let's go."

"Indeed." Bartholomew said as they began making their way out of the cemetery. "I believe you'll be spending much of the day with my sister and cousin."

Bartholomew waited a good spell for a response from his uncle. But when he received no reply, he became a little confused. Bartholomew looked to his side to find that Gabriel was no longer there. Taking a moment to look around, Bartholomew found Gabriel had stopped dead in his tracks a few feet back. His eyes were fixed on a crowd gathered around a wizardly looking dwarf. As he joined his uncle, Bartholomew noticed some of the crowd signing some parchment provided by the dwarf... in blood. Bartholomew had heard enough of his uncle's adventuring stories to be concerned by this. "Trouble?" Bartholomew asked.

"Possibly." Gabriel answered. "It's hard to tell with wizards... Make sure the villagers don't hurt themselves. I'm going to look into this."

Bartholomew nodded before making his way over to the crowd just in time to hear the dwarf ask for questions. A quick whispered conversation was more than enough to get Bartholomew up to speed while Thel'dek asked his question. As the dwarf gave his answer, Bartholomew melded with the crowd, making sure to keep an eye out for any signs of trouble as he did.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Necroes
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Necroes Dice Lord

Member Seen 7 days ago

Einkil had been busily unloading the crates from the wagons as the dwarf spoke. Being a friendly sort, as well as a fellow dwarf, he was more than happy to lend the older gentleman a hand. His had been the first name signed on the list, before the sum of payment had even been mentioned. Being less than sober, the idea of getting to test a bunch of magical wands-something he'd never done before-seemed like a good time in general. 'What harm,' he reasoned, 'when the man asking is a fellow dwarf? Surely he could be trusted to not put others at risk, especially with money involved.'

So it was that Einkil would use his large battle axe to pry open the lid while the dwarven wizard spoke, reaching in to snatch up a dozen or so of the wands for himself. With one wand in his left hand, and the others carried under his right arm like a bundle of twigs, he began to wave the short rod about above his head. When nothing obvious occurred, he turned to the wizard, pointing the wand at him.

"Say, cousin," he began, speaking in only slightly slurred dwarven. "How does one go about using these kinds of fancy magic tools? Thinking about it, actually, what exactly are we meant to use them on?" While Einkil was not entirely estranged to magic-the world was full of it, after all-his teachings on the matter essentially amounted to his parents warning him to steer clear of it; A fact that often crossed his mins when faced with similar predicaments, but which he was currently too intoxicated to recall.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 1 day ago

The dwarf looked down at Thel'dek in surprise, scratching under his neck thoughtfully. If he took afront to a kobold speaking to him, it didn't show on his face. "Well, the Mage's Guild wants them accounted for. But perhaps you can get on their good side and they'll let you keep them. They're an enigmatic sort of lot and don't always keep track of their magical inventions, so I wouldn't be surprised. A little above my paygrade though, I'm afraid. I would suggest you start buttering them up once you're settled in to your new work." His eyes crinkled as he turned to look thoughtfully at the dwarf unpacking some of the boxes.

"You wouldn't happen to be a gent named Einkil would you? Scuse my manners, I haven't seen many dwarves in Swampmuck and my cousin Theldrik went on and on about your booze from when he travelled this way last." Seeing his kinsfolk raise the wand, his face broke out in a big grin and he rubbed his hands together. "That's the spirit! Here, let me give you some pointers." He reached into the open crate and pulled out another wand, giving it a quick look over before pointing it carefully at a nearby bush.

"It's good to have a target," he explained, and then muttered something under his breath you couldn't quite make out. He squinted one eye and fired, three brilliant balls of blue light zipping towards the target. The crowd ooe'd and ahh'd as the magic missiles fizzled out of existence moments later, the bush looking worse for wear. He turned to face Thel'dek, the wrinkles around his eyes smoothing out.

"The magic feels a little funny but I hear you get used to it. Why don't you have a go there, fella?" he said, offering the kobold a fresh wand as he dropped the other back into the crate absentmindedly.

The crowd had gone awfully quiet. No one was looking at the frayed bush anymore. The dwarf's clothes sagged around him as he scratched absently at a pimple on his face. The middleaged fellow had regressed in age, his hair growing more vibrant in colour, his ears shrinking and his wrinkles fading away. Before you stood a dwarf on the cusp of manhood, totally unaware of how he looked.

That didn't stop him spotting the two humans on the edge of the crowd however, one tall enough to see over the bobbing heads. "Ayye! he called, "No need to be shy, it's unbecoming of a man of your size. My gosh, they do build them strong out here in the Swamp, ey? You're exactly the type of folk who I'm looking for! I'll get an earful if I don't at least try to convince you to take this work from the Mage's Guild. Come hither," he waved a hand to call them over, but the peasants were starting to whisper among themselves as his voice broke midway through the sentance.

The crowd is stunned by what they have just seen but they will recover soon and act quickly.

You can roll perception to try to hear what the dwarf was saying or to see which wand is the one he dropped into the crate if you were close enough to see where it went. You can roll insight towards the dwarf or crowd to get more information about their state.

You can roll other abilities as well depending on what you'd like to do, I'm still gauging how much encouragement to give for this group, although I'm assuming we'll end up chugging along once we settle into the swing of things. If you're unsure, let me know OOC and I can give you more info :D

@Necroes Add 14 x Wands to your inventory unless Einkil drops them or puts them in the crates.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Bartholomew and Gabriel perked up as they came to the attention of the dwarf wizard. "I'll keep an eye on him from the side lines for now." Gabriel said quietly to Bartholomew. "You go speak to him. Keep the attention off of me."

Bartholomew nodded before making his way through the crowd, closing to speaking distance with the wizard. "I do hope you can forgive a small amount of trepidation on my part." Bartholomew said in a friendly tone of voice. "However, I've heard enough stories from my more adventurous kin to be wary of magic. Especially the kind that requires a signature in blood or reverses the user's age." Though others would have spoken that in a more suspicious or accusatory tone, Bartholomew maintained his usual jolly manner of speaking the whole time. He bore no hostility towards the dwarf, though he was a little concerned by what he was seeing.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Kenshi
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Krusk was busy working in his shop when one eye came to pay him a visit again.
He glanced up at the watchman, One eye Billy eyeing one of his Longswords, "You can't afford it."
"Ha, no one could have afforded it yesterday, but today is a different story."
Krusk stopped what He was doing, and gave the man his whole attention.
"Well, what's so special today?"

"This dwarf shows up outta nowhere see, and offers to pay a thousand in gold if you test his wands or something of that nature."
Krusk rubs his chin, "That sounds strange, doesn't it?"
"Well, that's kinda why I am here, we could use a big fella like you patrolling the roads, in case of trouble."
Krusk nods his head, "Aye, there it is, I knew you weren't here to buy."
"Very well, I will patrol the roads, maybe I run into this dwarf and he gives me a thousand gold." laughed Krusk, as he grabbed "his" spear from the mantle.
Krusk closed down his shop, and barred his door from the outside, it was a huge slab of metal that most here couldn't lift to move it.

He ventured down the road, looking for the dwarf who was offering lots of gold to test wands or such? Is something like that, even safe?
Krusk could see a crowd up ahead and loud boisterous voice, which could only be the dwarf.
"Hey you, what's all this talk about offering people thousands of gold and giving them wands ?"
The half-orc snorted and planted his spear firmly on the ground, "What sort of scam, do you have going on here?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Bartholomew turned towards Krusk as the half-orc blacksmith made his entrance with spear in hand. Bartholomew could feel the tension in the crowd already present increase considerably, as it tends to do when an armed and aggressive half-orc begins causing a ruckus. Deciding that this situation needed to be defused, Bartholomew made his way through the crowd and interposed himself between the wizard and Krusk. "Easy now, Krusk. There's no need for violence." Bartholomew said calmly. "If there is a problem, let's see if we can solve it without spears, yes? I'm sure nobody wants any harm done over what could simply be a misunderstanding."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Kenshi
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Bartholomew turned towards Krusk as the half-orc blacksmith made his entrance with spear in hand. Bartholomew could feel the tension in the crowd already present increase considerably, as it tends to do when an armed and aggressive half-orc begins causing a ruckus. Deciding that this situation needed to be defused, Bartholomew made his way through the crowd and interposed himself between the wizard and Krusk. "Easy now, Krusk. There's no need for violence." Bartholomew said calmly. "If there is a problem, let's see if we can solve it without spears, yes? I'm sure nobody wants any harm done over what could simply be a misunderstanding."

Krusk gave Bartholomew a hard glare, "Did the watchman come to you and ask for help with all this chaos?, no , instead of you, he came to my work shop, and asked me to patrol the roads and look into this matter. "
Krusk stared eye to eye with the bartender, "Do I come to you and tell you how to do your job, again rhetorical question, I do not, therefore stay out of official business unless you would like to be locked up today."
The half - orc walked over to the Dwarf who has caused all this chaos including Krusk to lose his anger, and said "Your coming with me, let's go"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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"Krusk, wait." Bartholomew said as he once more placed himself between the half-orc and the dwarf wizard. "I am aware that you don't make a habit of telling me how to do my job. But loathe as I am to not do the same, I can't just let you arrest this man simply because he seems a little shifty. As suspicious as he might appear, there is no actual proof that he's committed any crime against us. Please Krusk, calm yourself. Let's be reasonable about this."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Necroes
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Necroes Dice Lord

Member Seen 7 days ago

Einkil had been right next to the once-old wizard as he spoke, and had done his best to listen carefully to ensure he knew what needed said to invoke the wands. Having held one in hand, felt the power in it, he was fairly certain he knew what it did, and how to make use of it. Saying he was eager to give it a go was something of an understatement, and with more than a dozen already in hand; He felt he had ammunition aplenty.

(Perception check to hear what the wizard said to activate the wand: 19)

When the wizard had reversed in age, though, that gave Einkil pause. As short of words at the moment as the crowd, he could only nod in reply when asked about his brews, something he would normally go on about at great length. While he tried to regain his composure, though, an orc approached the small group-himself, the wizard, and oddly enough a kobold-with his weapon drawn. A firm grip on the wand, Einkil had full intent to unleash its power on the perceived threat if things turned hostile.

(Ready Action: Fire the wand at Krusk if he makes a hostile action against a dwarf.)

Speaking low to the wizard, he addresses him in dwarven. "Do not worry much about the green skin. If he proves a problem, the swamp is filled with places to dump vermin. As it stands, kinsman, I believe you should tend to yourself. Your display seems to have cost you a bit of manhood. You look as young as a pup."

Einkil was about to speak to the orc, but Bartholomew got in the way. The tavern keeper was well known to Einkil, even when he wasn't sober, and trusted as a regular client. He seemed intent on peace, which suited Einkil's preference just fine, but with a kinsman, missing his golden years no less, and himself under the press of an orc given a seemingly self-appointed badge, he was not inclined to lower his guard. He would speak, though, this time in common.

"Aye, orc. Ye'd do bast teh listen teh Bartholomew. Put awey yer stick an stop posturin'. Ken ye nah see when ah man is no a man no more? Begger issues at han' then suckin'the shereff's cock." As always, his accent was thick and his drunkenness did no favors to clearing it. If he recognized the local blacksmith, he showed no signs of it. At this point, his emotions were fairly easy to read; A desire to protect his kinsman, and a lack of respect for law enforcement.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 1 day ago

The dwarf's eyes twinkled.

"A spot of trepidation? Those are fine survival instincts! You see, you are exactly the type of person I've been sent to recruit!" His eyes widened at the human's next words, as he glanced down at his hands. "By Gear's beard..." he murmured as the Orc approached the group.

There was a long pause as the dwarf came to terms with what had happened to him, before the seriousness of the Orc's words registered and he jumped to attention, his eyes darting this way and that. "Quite right, quite right! Yes, it's good to be suspicious of magical objects. I'm an envoy of the Mage's Guild, I bear there seal, hold on- by the by, could I interest you in signing? - ah, we'll speak of that once I clear my name... here-" he pulled up his sleeve to show his wrist, but it was entirely devoid of mark or blemish, and the Dwarf looked utterly perplexed. There was another long, uncomfortable pause as the crowd's mumbling grew louder.

"Oh, that's right..." he said under his breath, "Well, I have some mundane papers here somewhere, one moment..." the dwarf started to rifle through a rucksack absentmindedly tightening his belt to fit his less robust frame. The Human and orc had started their heated discussion by now, and the other dwarf started to speak in his mother tongue.

The dwarf looked grateful for the reassurance, if a little unsure of the strange situation they found themselves in. He went to speak as the dwarf turned to the orc, but he never got to say the words he wanted to utter.
"The orc's right! the man's a criminal! we should confiscate his stuff!"
"-he's got wands of youthfulness what else he got? Screw the wands I want to live forever!"

And the crowd broke around the four of them like a tide, grasping hands and stampeding feet as they moved forwards, about to break over the cart and goods and take whatever they can reach.

We'll use intiative rolls to determine who acts first! Roll your initiative and then let me know what you wish to do. If not, the peasants will descend upon the cart and start looting shortly.

Bartholomew - 9
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Necroes
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Necroes Dice Lord

Member Seen 7 days ago

Looking around at the crowd, Einkil got the distinct impression things were about to turn ugly. That said, everyone was focused on the wands, and someone had already approached on behalf of the sheriff. It was a long shot, but he would rather take the risk and have the attempt fail than see himself and his friends in the line of fire.

"Look out!" He yelled into the crowd, his deep, dwarven voice carrying with ease, as he put on his best city accent. "Sheriff's comin', an he's got the brute squad wit' 'im! Everyone, cheese et!" As he hollers out, he turns to grab the wizard, doing his best to throw them both behind the crate in the hopes his lie causes panic.

(Deception check to lie to crowd:19)
(Athletics check to jump the crate:4)
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 1 day ago

Your words ring out as a series of heads whip around, wide-eyed. One-Eyed Billy, self-imposed sheriff of the watch, had a special, shoddy non-lethal crossbow he liked to use to take pot shots at misbehaving Swampmuckians. He sometimes enjoyed taking a little bit of extra love and care with his work before dumping people in the stocks for all to see. No doubt he would take it as a mark against his pride if things went poorly before the biggest day of the year. The group of peasants closest to you begins to scatter like young street urchins as they themselves duck for cover or scarper away.

You hear a HURK as you grab the dwarf's collar instead of his sleeve in your rush to get moving. You manage to trip over your own feet all right, knocking yourself prone over the crate as you misjudged exactly how much motor control you have right now. It is neither elegant nor out of sight to be splayed out in such a manner. The dwarf from out of town bumps into the side of the crate as well, loosing his footing.

2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud πŸ’€Vibin' beyond the VeilπŸ’€

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Thel'dek yelps as the crowd of gathered peasants mobbed the poor dwarf and his cart of wands, everything about the situation spelt bad news. His reptilian instincts told him to flee very far and very fast, except Thel'dek hesitated as he watched the two dwarves; one clearly inebriated while the other was thrown against the cart and off balance, so instead he skittered over to the wealthy dwarf and righted him up.

"Dwarf need to run," Thel'dek told him as he struggled to help the dwarf stay on his feet "Come with us, for now you need place to stay!" the kobold said with urgency as his eyes darted towards the angry mob.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 1 day ago

The dwarf rolls over to look up at the kobold (may no dwarf speak of this again), wide-eyed as the reality of the situation starts to take shape in his mind. The air is filled with the garbled shouting of Swampmuck's locals as Thel'dek helps him to his feet. His expression grave, he gives a curt nod as he briefly sends a look of trepidation over the kobold's shoulder.

The dwarf's words were brief as he met Thel'dek's gaze. "Lead the way. I trust you." It seems the kobold's sincerity had reached passed the usual distrust between the two species, at least for now.

The main clearing, southwards, in front of the cart was now a mess of grasping hands and stampeding legs. Eastwards lay the main thoroughfare of the festival, where stalls were being errected, banners displayed, and the main square lay beyond, overlooked by the Adament Tankard and home to Thel'dek's own trinket shop. Northwards led, eventually, to the main traderoad out of town. It was mostly clear up to that point, with the occasional demarcation of property or a shambling lean-to watching over some good turnip growing land. Today there were the occasional shambles of supplies and crates from traders still unloading their goods from out of town, mixed in with tents from peasants who weren't lucky enough to get a room at the Tankard. Westward lay more fields that gave way, too quickly, into swampland.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Seeing the unacceptable behavior of the people of Swampmuck, Bartholomew decided now was the time for action. After taking in a deep breath, Bartholomew called out loud enough to be heard over the din. "Your attention please!" Bartholomew called out. "Those of you who do not stop this nonsense immediately will receive a lifetime ban from the Tankard!" A lifetime ban from the Adamant Tankard was something dreaded throughout Swampmuck and was neither given nor taken lightly. The Tankard was the best tavern for miles in any direction, and whenever its keeper threatened a ban of any length, especially a lifetime ban, they meant it. And since Bartholomew knew everyone, those who were banned had no hope of slipping by him as just another face in the crowd. Needless to say, he saw hesitation on many faces in the mob after that.

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