Name: FreezeFlame
Gender: Male
Age: 130000
Species: Primal Spirit Fox
Freeze Appearance:

Flame Appearance:

Freezes Personality: Freeze is a calm and collected person. He enjoys fighting like his other half however he is not as violent or as aggressive. Freeze is more logical and thinks about things more clearly than Flame.
While Flame may ask questions and have things explained to him in order to understand them better Freeze can understand and give input.
Flames Personality: Flame is smart and quick thinking person. He enjoys fighting and when in a battle he thinks more clearly. Flame may be harsh at times as well as brutally honest with his opinions but he means well.
Power 1: Winter Moon/ Summer Sun Manipulation
Power 2: Magic
Freeze Friend’s: Swaol, Ryiaroar, Raphi, Palka, Daigon, Jane, Bella, Erik, Lami, Sky, Blue, Astrid, Helena, Kat, Zack, Kinna, Kiyu, Elfarian, Azaci, Hell, Neo, Wolf, Sokolov, Susano, Shade, Shadeling, Earth, Lightning, Wind, Fire Light.
Flame: Friends: Kinoa, Kori, Jane, Lavar, Bella, Lighting, Sky, Blue, Kat, Ragnorok, Urca, Kiyu, Pyri, Azaci, Darlton, Sanca, Hell, Ocean, Neo, Wolf, Sokolov, Igna, Ethereal, Susano, Kinna, Zooma, Shadeling Yama, Dark ,Earth, Lightning, Wind, Fire Light.
Freeze Sentimental Attachment: Wolf, Water, Rena, Kiwi, Raphi, Ryiaroar, Palka, Erik, Neo, Elfariam, Urca.
Flame Sentimental Attachment: Wolf, Ethereal, Firebird, Fire, Bella, Jane.
Other: While FreezeFlames two forms both have their own power sets some of their abilities do cross over in to their other self’s domain.
Flame: can access minor power from Freeze such as Liquid Nitrogen and Liquid Fire.
Freeze: Can access Freezeflame and Cold Fire. Freezeframe burns with cold and freezes the enemy. Cold Fire burns with a cold fire that doesn't freeze but purely burns leaving cold burn marks.
Intelligence Level:
Flame = Ming
Freeze = Kuro