So now I definitely need those answers about the Tree Walk questions :P
We will see. :D
I have a couple of questions regarding the 'Tree Walk':
- Is it an ability so innate to every individual that one can do it perfectly from scratch or does it require extensive training?
- Is the illusion stationary or can one move with it?
- Is it only optical or does it involve other senses as well to some degree, such as touch for example?
- How long does it last at best?
Also... I read that comment about Dwarves being the best fantasy race in another OOC. How dare you!
If my schedule allows, I will update the RP and provide @DrRtron their boon by wednesday!
I mean, at least he is turning into a tree...
Hey gang, due to some unforeseen circumstances and also some life stuff, we'll need to make a small hiatus. However I wont hold off on Faeril's boon any longer!
You can choose from 4 different options!
* +3 skill points
* An uncommon or magic item
* A favor to call on later. Essentially getting a heroe's kind of luck for a desperate moment!
* A feat. Basically an assigned special attack or move that you can use that has a bonus modifier or damage!
Of course, I choose what these consist of. But you get to pick the option! Which will you choose?
She is hoping that they do walk towards her and capture her because if they do she can use her magic on them!
We will be back to our regular schedule next week!