Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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"Miami Beach is where neon goes to die."
Lenny Bruce

Welcome to Neon Miami: Royals of Miami, a satirical roleplay of sorts heavily inspired by crime stories - primarily inspired by Saints Row, Party Hard, and Bully. Opposed to being a gritty and dull tale of the ugly side of crime, Neon Miami is meant to be an irreverent and comedic play on the tropes put under a colorful aesthetic light. The RP is ultimately meant to be a criticism of hyper commercialization of urban settings, and the over glorification of criminal stories and the characters in them.
The storyline of Neon Miami: Royals of Miami is straightforward as it gets... it takes place in an alternate history of sorts where Miami was turned into a bright and vibrant city by corporations and marketed as the great place to go and have fun... while also turning into a warzone. You see, by making Miami into such a great place to go and visit and make it sooo pretty vibrant, it was made to be extremely expensive (well, more expensive than usual). Causing it to become a warzone like any other as gang violence and organized crime runs rampant in the city. What is unique about Neon Miami's warzone is that Neon Rainbow is ruled by the Colors, which essentially means each gang in Miami has taken a color for themselves after proving themselves to be tough enough to own that color. If you go around Miami, you'll see the place change "colors" when you realize its each gang's individual turf... and wearing the wrong colors in the wrong turf can spell disaster for you. Miami's Colors changes constantly as gangs are wiped out and new ones pop up in their place, however there has been a stagnation as each gang has owned their spot and aren't letting go.

This story follows the Royals., what started out as a lowly street racing group that accidentally rose to power through sheer dumb luck and everyone around them fucking up. They became mid-tier, owning Overton and having a huge hand in the car parts trade. Most of the time the Royals go around and steal expensive cars from other gangs and largely stay out of the gang war... however, it won't be long before the feds decide to put their foot down hard when the Royals get a bit too deep.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"When you think of Miami you think of sunny beaches? Maybe you watched too many of those stupid eighties movies which show the place like some kinda neon paradise? Well, apparently so did some jackass. Welcome to Neon Miami, where Neon goes to die apparently. It looks like regular old Miami, U would kinda prefer it that because all these fucking neon lights hurt my eyes. It's okay during the day but during the night? God damn. All you see is pink, blue, red, and all sorts of colors, I don't know, this fucking place is starting to make me color blind."

"Ahem. The place looks nice for the tourists at least, it's the only way this place stops from more or less fucking sinking into the Ocean. Because it's expensive as all hell here and it's rife with crime. Drug lords, pimps, degenerates, dumbasses, Florida men, and corporations are bleeding the soul of this city dry. You probably heard about the massive gang wars that are
constantly going on. Well, unless you're rich, a tourist, or a drug lord, you don't get too many options here. Either you're prey or the predator... and I think you'd be fed up with staring down a shotgun every other week, too. Unless you're into that shit, freak."

"But, if you're a degenerate crook, Neon Miami has everything you want. Drugs, parties, weed, prostitutes, and lots of people just begging to be victim, you psychopath. Though there are some people you shouldn't cross, friend. I'd say don't fuck with the Royals most of all. They'll royally fuck you over. Eh?
Eh? Ah, everybody's a critic. Neon Miami is ruled by Colors. And which color you Rep here in Neon Miami determines whether or not you get shot full of holes the second you cross a street. And if you're wondered what the Colors are? Here, I'll tell you."

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Well, well, well. I have something ready for review (Hopefully, I didn't miss anything due to being sleepy).

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by silvermist1116


Member Seen 12 days ago

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sorry I'm late boiz and gals.

@Mao Mao I was caught off guard by the helmet, but long as you're aware this isn't cyberpunk, accepted.

@silvermist1116 Veddy nice, accepted.
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Zombiedude101
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Zombiedude101 Urban

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