Adinraen Barriurden
"The Demon Elf"
(Audin = Monstrou.
Raen = Desciple
Barri - Spawn of
Urden = the Darkness) [/Indent]
- Nickname:Devil Elf
-- Infamous Names:Devil Elf
Demon Elf of the Dark Forest
Age: 241
- Feigned Age: 110
Sex: Male
Date of birth: First Winter during the Year of the Demon Elf Emergence
Character Tier: High.
Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant
Lineage: Brother: Rosuto BarriurdenBorn during the First Fall, Year of the White Elf Queen, Rosuto was meant to inherit the small fortune of the Barriurden clan. However, his dreams were not realized, for he was given a brother. Adinraen. Barriurden, in itself, means Spawn of the Darkness, and Adinraen strived to live up to this ideal. When the Demon Elf King declared war during the 80th Year of the Emergence, Adinraen made his first act of loyalty slaughtering his entire family, proving that the name Barriurden would live as it should; in utter darkness.
-- Rank: C
He was never a fighter, but inherited some degree of military tacticianism.
Father: 'The Hunter' Barriurden Adinraen never knew his father by real name, for all called him 'The Hunter'. A famed warrior turned War Strategist for the Elven Clan they belonged. During the 80th Year of Emergence, he was horrifically killed by his son, Adinraen. His head was offered to the Demon Elf King.
-- Rank: High Class S
A name etched into every mind of school-age elves. 'The Hunter' was best known for making strategies that led the Elves in numerous wars, to unfathomable victories. His fame became so much that, should he have wanted too, he could have easily been a top military advisor for the Elf Queen. Instead, he chose to start a small business. His military strategies and intelligence were second to none, and passed down to his sons, Rosuto and Adinraen.
Class/Major: Demon Elf Elite
As an elite in the armies of the Demon Elf King, Adinraen boasts significant martial abilities. His skill with twin elven blade, his skill in nature manipulation, particularly thick forests, and his uncanny ability to form strategies(reminiscent of his father) quickly saw him rise through the ranks. However, for each level he rose, the mark of the Demon Elf grew upon his body and disfigured it into the horrific shape it takes today.
Class/Minor: Military Strategist [Intermediate]
Were not for his father's untimely death, Adinraen probably would have made him proud with his knowledge in military sequences, movements, history, and strategy. With intelligence on par with his father's, Adinraen has effectively solidified himself as a valuable asset. By virtue of pure knowledge of all existing forests, Adinraen can, will, and has, provided logistics for them all; down to the last blade of grass.
Occupation:Demon Elf Elite Strategist [Intermediate]
His father's position became his own in under the new lord, the Demon Elf King. Mixing his intellect with his intricate knowledge of the land and armies at his disposal, Adinraen threatens the entire wellbeing of the world. Even on his own, as a emissary of the Demon Elf King, he is highly dangerous. There are whispers that he has been plotting to take over as Demon Elf King, even if it means massacring the ruling family.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Martial Status: Single, aside from those he's raped and enslaved.
Birthplace: The Forest of the Black Elf
His father and mother were traveling with the armies of the White Elf Queen, when he was born. The elves of the forest, dark in complexion, allowed them several weeks reprieve in their abodes. Only when the first glimmer of darkness tainted Adinraen's skin did they find they overstayed their welcome.
Blood Type: Unknown
Eye Color:Once they were a vibrant green, but now, due to the influence of the Demon Elf Mark, they are all white.
Height: Fix foot flat
-- With Shoes: six foot one
Weight: One hundred fifty
Hair Color/Style: Long, flowing, black hair.
Handed: - Left:
Perfected - Uses for powered strikes
-- Right:
Perfected - Uses for deceptive, quick strikes.
--- Both:
Perfected - In conjunction, his strikes become nearly unavoidable without getting out of the reach of his arms and blades.
Skin Tone/Condition: Ghastly white, coated with blood and scars.
Physical Condition: [High]Optimal. His body functions at a high rate, increased reflexes and speed. His durability is just a tinge higher than a normal elves, but still relatively less than a humans. Well trained muscles lay coiled, increasing the power of his strikes, past their normal limits.
Markings: Demon Elf Mark
Appearance: A knobbed ended arrow. The arrow points go out and downward, pointing back to the knobbed end.
Function: Given by the Demon Elf King to all under his kingdom, the mark horridly distorts the image of the person it is bestowed upon. In reward, subjected people gain more power in both mental, physical, and metaphysical artforms. The longer one holds the mark, and the more ranks they gain, the more the marking does to them.
Voice: Raspy, devoid of anything other than killing intent
Reach: Two Feet
Birthmark: Originally the mark of the Barriurden Clan, but it has long since been consumed by the Demon Elf Mark.
Personality:Adinraen, as described earlier, is nothing short of a socio-psychopathic murderer. In his mind, only the organized Chaos od the Demon Elves is worthy of his attention and this has greatly affected his mind. While he does possess grand social skills, these are only afforded to those in his clan, to anyone else his appearance is indicative of his mindstate. Often it sounds as though the Demon Elf, many are unaware that this is him formulating strategy on top of strategy in a multitude of mixed langauges, some dead and some newly formed. The rest of his mannerisms are more-or-less ingrained into the minds of young elves, to love nature and all its inhabitants, and while he does, he is also subject to using them as pawns in his dangerous war games. More than one facet of nature has been subject to these and has never been the same since.
Fighting Skills: [High]In battle he is ruthlessly aggressive to the point of seeming like a berserker. This could not be further from the truth. Combining his hellish skill with blades, ring blade, or a bow and arrow, with his high intellect and tactical prowess, Adinraen can effectively back and lead his opponent into any position he wishes. He shows no mercy, for he believes his weapons, the Bones of the Devil Elf, need the taste of blood to quench their thirst.
Spirit Animal: Unknown
The adverse effects of the mark on his mind, and his outright disregard for his own well-being and spiritual upbringing have caused his spirit animal to become naught more than a broken haze.
Equipment: [Intermediate]-Upper Body:--Demon Elf Chestplate:
Appearance: Made from the most durable, lightweight elven metals of the new Demon Elf world, this armor features bi-ridged layovers, that increase the defensive capabilities.
Function: At a glance, it is meant to ward off any would-be physical attack; however, its truest properties lay in minor spell deflection. Anything with one-charge or less glances off with minimal damage done and nullified effects.
--Demon Elf Arm Coverings:
Appearance: Similar to that of the above in appearance, with the addition of three blades jutting out on the back of the elbow; the smallest of which on the side of his hand, and the longest on the side of his head. Gloves are included as well.
Function: To slash opponents behind him, as well as the added effect of the above.
--Elf-Metal Sheathes:
Appearance: For Bones of the Devil Elf, they rest on his back and follow the curvature of the oddly shaped blades. For the Ring of the Demon, it as well rests on his back, however layering on top of the sheathe for the swords.
Function: To hold his weapons, and offer defense from attacks from behind.
-Lower Body:--Demon Elf Greaves:
Appearance: Light-weight, yet highly durable. Sharp objects out of the knees.
Function: Defense and a potential weapon
---Left/Right Leg: Demon Elf Greaves
--Devil Elf Belt:
Appearance: A Elf-Metal Fashion, Demon-Elf Marked belt
Function: A secondary sheathe, and a designator of his rank. It carries his insignia.
Weapons:Bones of the Devil Elf [High]
While not actual bone, these blades were blessed by the Devil Elf himself. To Adinraen these blades are akin to his family, the only family he refused to part with. His mind tells him they speak to him and whine for fresh blood. In his hands, these blades carve through obstacles with obscene ease. They are also made out of an abnormally strong metal, that feels lightweight in his hands. Just his skill with these weapons alone gained him a great deal of respect and rank within the Demon Elf Militia.
Elf Skeletonbow with Devil Hair String [Intermediate]
This Bow and Arrow set is arguably the most feared in the ranks of the Demon Elves. It is never shown to be on Adinraen before usage, in fact, it is rumored he can pull it from any portion of nature he chooses. The bowstring comes from his own hair, magicked to have a high tension and release at a high rate of speed, 2,000 feet a second. It is called a SkeletonBow due to the fact that the design is indictative of a creatures spine, curved to form the base. His accuracy is high, and his profiecency with nature makes his arrow supply starts at 25, and are made of something representative of the land around him. However, when dominating the land, at the lost of not using a magical attack during the term he can create five more.
Ring of the Devil Elf [Intermediate]
By far his most unique weapon, the ring blade is essentially a close-long range mixed weapon. Using his dominance over the natural energies of nature, when he tosses it, he can control it without touching it. When its in his hands, its true prowess is shown. His already unpredictable movements and his unstable mind, make this weapon a prodigy in destruction up-close. The sharp edges cut as easily as those of the Bones of the Devil Elf. However the drawback is, it is easy for him to damage himself with his double-edged weapon.
Abilities:They Never See the Devil [Low/Intermediate]
In nature, when dominant, he becomes camouflaged. This breaks when he attacks but reinstates when the attack is finished. It remains so, even if he is prepping an attack. Moving lessens the effective nature of this passive ability, but overall it remains intact.
I am Nature, but it is not me! [Intermediate]
When he gains his dominance over nature, he also gains the ability to hear through it, effectively making hiding useless. Normally, this works two ways if the opposer has the ability to manage it, however this is moot to Adinraen. As he is the dominator, nature actively cancels attempts to backtrace, or affect, him via his magical effects on nature. Also, pinpointing him via nature is impossible, as his energies and nature's energy becomes mirrored. This also grants him some degree of resistance to illusions, particularly environment changing ones. He also gains some resistance to natures elements, however the resistance to element that opposes his current domination is only an increased 25% instead of the decreased 25% to the rest, and 75% to his current domination. This means, for Forest to Fire, the latter will cause 25 percent more damage. However, for Fire to say, Earth, he'd have 25% more resistance to it. For Fire to Fire, he'd have 75% Resistance.
All roads lead to Rome! [High]
Nature for him is nothing but a compilation passive portals. Once he exerts the needed energy to gain dominance over nature, then he can pass through them and appear at similar areas. Examples include ice-berg to icebergs, fires to fires, bodies of water to bodies of water, etc., etc. He cannot appear within five-feet of an opponent, however.
Asepsis [Intermediate]
Quite simply Adinraen is somewhat immune to contaminants, that cause disease. However, he is adapt at using these on his weapons, if he can find such things that contain them.
Magic:Nature Dominance [High]
In the myths, there are three types of nature control. Famaliar, the lowest and most commonly accessed. Control, the mid-rank that is the highest many can achieve. Finally, Dominance, the complete and utter mastery over nature. Not only does the forest protect him from the ones that would do him harm, but quite literally bends to him. For the exchange of minimal energies, his powerful magic is cast at full strength. The wildlife in any given area becomes naught more than a pawn to his chessboard if he expends the required amount of energy to exert his dominance, this includes slight poison generation. Once done, his mastery is so absolute that it is said he literally becomes the forest in some abstract way. This does not simply include the forest, but all areas of Nature. However, others require a bit more of his energy to be expended.
Drudic Magics [Intermediate]
In addition to being Dominant over Nature, he is also a practiced Druid. Capable in healing arts, shape-shifting, and animal control, Adinraen can effectively treat his environment like a giant game of chess. In terms of his shape-shifting he is quite adapt at its application and is steadily gaining new forms to fit any situation he is thrown in. He is not adapt at healing, however, due to his merciless personality. His control of animals extends to mythical ones as well, but the rarer and bigger they are, the harder they are to control. He once had a totem pole to symbolize his Druidic nature, but he left it behind at the Demon Elf Stronghold, thinking it useless.