Amanda Elizabeth Briar-Montimez
First of all, I am a God Damned Queen!
Secondly, a woman doesn't need a fucking man.
Age: 25
Height: 5'2"
Weight: Ruuude.
Build: Slender, non-athletic
_-~' Receptionist, Wildn, and Day Drinking '-~_

Amanda was raised among her siblings, in a loving home. She was the quiet girl who never stirred up trouble, but somehow... by her senior year of high-school she had fallen in with a rough crowd. She smoked pot, had been picked up a couple times for underage drinking, and once more for shoplifting.
Her boyfriend Nathaniel, or Nathan... was even worse off, he had run with the crowd long enough to join a gang... he never graduated. Amanda took pride in backing her boyfriend and husband up, she rode or died. For the human filth, doing everything in her power to please him.
He was never happy, and those frustrations were taken out on Amanda's body and mind. He tormented her into an eating disorder, and working out all the time. Even as doctors told her she was underweight, if he saw her eat... she was fat.
She was moved out into his home in the middle of no where. He attacked her verbally and physically over her social media accounts, until she deleted them. She thought that was just how love worked, he had been her first love... and he had separated her from every outlet that would have told her differently.
She bent her life and devotion to him into a twisted romance that controlled her life for 6 years, in a steady decline. Things changed when she had to get a job, she was hired at an amazing rate to answer the phone at an investing office.
Of course after a few weeks, he managed to find regular money again. He wanted her to quit, but she loved her job! She got to get dressed, and do her make-up... people complimented her all the time! She loved the feeling, even if she knew she didn't deserve it.
After a few months, he started to get very upset about the littlest slip up in her chores. She bought him dinner on her way home, and he would complain about eating out... she would beg to leave early, and cook him a fine meal... and he would complain about the littlest problem. Complaints turned to violence as the weeks kept ticking by.
Around the time of her 1 year anniversary at her job, she was so excited. She had never had a job so long before, and her boss surprised her with a 2 dollar raise! She was making 18 dollars an hour to schedule appointments and answer a phone! She was so excited to tell Nathan! With that much money, they could start saving to buy her a car!
Nathan didn't hear anything beyond a 2 dollar raise. what did you do? Get on your knees and blow him, whore? the words ripped out her heart. The distrust hurt more than any beating or berating he had delivered in the past.
She ran off to the bedroom, and cried... she didn't remember falling asleep, but when she did only more heartbreak befell her. Nathan was drunk, and he had slipped into the room. He crawled over the top of her. And started kissing the back of her neck. She had fallen asleep face down. When she said No, he didn't stop... he didn't stop any of the times she cried that night.
She pulled herself together the next morning, and got ready for work. Work noticing something was wrong, kind of pried until she told them about the fight. She never talked about the events that happened when she woke up.
They convinced her to stay with her parents... and after a long grueling couple of months she divorced the sick bastard. Her confidence in herself still ruined she started to party hard.
She drank every night, and there was a noticeable uptick in her weed consumption. She didn't stop there, she got into bars(XANAX, if your not street savy) and even a few times she partied with extra sugar.
She has somewhat calmed down now, but still has days that she dives off. Most days now, she entertains herself with a bottle of alcohol... and a fat sack of weed.
I'm trashed on life, girlfriend. Ain't nothing going to get me down. <3