Psychic powers exist. And they're terrifying.
Like with any powerful tool, accidents happen, and malicious people can do much worse. Your brain could be rewritten, the floor could catch fire right where you stood, or you'd suddenly find yourself fifty miles due north! The fact that anything could happen in the blink of an eye, and it was impossible to see coming, meant that the world of psychicstry was a dangerous one.
In an effort to combat the nebulous powder keg that was psy-crime, the Extrasensory Securement & Protection (ESP) Agency was formed, which picks up the slack the rest of the world's governments leave behind - they might be able to identify and watch over those who have psychic powers, but they can't realistically stop anything bad from happening. The ESP does that and more, from psychic clean-up to extrasensory protection.
People are complicated, though. The most dangerous psychics are the ones that fall through the cracks. The ones that can't overcome the problems in their own head. When an insecure mind gains phenomenal powers, there's no telling what could happen. So there's another, much more secretive facet to the ESP: projecting into a person's psyche and manipulating it from within. These operations are rare, however, as precious few psychics are truly able to do so.
Luckily, you're one of those psychics!
Unluckily, that fact just got you in a heap of trouble with the ESP.
Something big is happening, though, and your detainment might have come at the best possible time, both for them and for you. You new skills will be put to good use, for the greater good of course, and you might just learn how to use 'em right while you're at it.
It doesn't matter who you are, where you came from, or what you can't do. With the ESP, everyone will be...

Like with any powerful tool, accidents happen, and malicious people can do much worse. Your brain could be rewritten, the floor could catch fire right where you stood, or you'd suddenly find yourself fifty miles due north! The fact that anything could happen in the blink of an eye, and it was impossible to see coming, meant that the world of psychicstry was a dangerous one.
In an effort to combat the nebulous powder keg that was psy-crime, the Extrasensory Securement & Protection (ESP) Agency was formed, which picks up the slack the rest of the world's governments leave behind - they might be able to identify and watch over those who have psychic powers, but they can't realistically stop anything bad from happening. The ESP does that and more, from psychic clean-up to extrasensory protection.
People are complicated, though. The most dangerous psychics are the ones that fall through the cracks. The ones that can't overcome the problems in their own head. When an insecure mind gains phenomenal powers, there's no telling what could happen. So there's another, much more secretive facet to the ESP: projecting into a person's psyche and manipulating it from within. These operations are rare, however, as precious few psychics are truly able to do so.
Luckily, you're one of those psychics!
Unluckily, that fact just got you in a heap of trouble with the ESP.
Something big is happening, though, and your detainment might have come at the best possible time, both for them and for you. You new skills will be put to good use, for the greater good of course, and you might just learn how to use 'em right while you're at it.
It doesn't matter who you are, where you came from, or what you can't do. With the ESP, everyone will be...

Hi there, thanks for clickin' the Interest Check! Inspired by Mob Psycho 100 and Psychonauts, Kept In Mind is a roleplay about psychics, people that can do crazy things using only the power of their mind, and how that actually might be a scary world to live in! It's also about a clandestine taskforce, exploring mental worlds made manifest, power and how to wield it, empathy towards others, and some really cool stuff happening.
I'll go into further details on how things work should this get off the ground, so for now, I'll put in the important elements down below.
• Psychic Powers, the Common and the Unique: Telekinesis, pyrokinesis, all the kinesises,telepathy, teleportation, clairvoyance - things psychics do. To keep things interesting, though, characters will have a Psychic Specialty (Pspecialty?). The Pspecialty can be anything, ranging from being able to do a certain class of common psychic activity really well to being able to create mental constructs, control and commune with machinery, or reshape the very structure of metal! Of course, you can't have strengths without weaknesses, so your characters will also have a Weak Link, a facet of their powers that they truly struggle with. With time, they may improve where they lack, or branch out their reach of the psychic realm.
• Pscoping, Mental Exploration and Archetypal Projection: A big part of this roleplay will be entering the minds of other characters, exploring a strange manifestation of their psyche for one purpose or another. Everyone's mind is different, so each 'Pscope' will vary from the rest, but it's not something to be done lightly; while you're in there, your actions can affect the mental state of who you're inside. Personality is important for psychics, so entering a person's mind means you need to project an Archetype in there, a simplified version of yourself - someone can't handle another person's entire consciousness in their head, after all. Doing so is a very rare talent for psychics, something that isn't able to be learned, so having this skill makes you quite the important figure.
• Structure & Player Choice: This roleplay will be structured in two ways: in Arcs and in Chapters. Arcs will be big long, well, arcs, concerning a long-term goal, a plan, or a major event occurring throughout. Arcs are made up in Chapters, detailing individual, short-term goals either furthering or connected to the ongoing Arc. So that this doesn't feel like you guys going from point A to point B, just along for the ride, you, as players, will be able to control the direction a Chapter takes! Basically, each Chapter will have a planned 'ending', a plot-critical mind to explore or some big task to do. How you get to that point will largely be up to you - you'll get to decide whose minds to enter, how you go about your time, and so on. Adding to that, your actions will have consequences - if you screw up, do the wrong thing, or just plain decide to go against better judgement, that will affect the story moving forward.
Like I said, everyone will be laid out in more, better detail, should I get enough of a following to make a thread for this. I'll also answer questions anyone might have, or if you have suggestions for anything involved, I'll be happy to hear 'em! Check your Interest at the door, and thanks again for reading!