"The Gods fell silent in the face of this horror..."
The world of Etheria was once filled with many people. It was a world of dwarves, elves, orcs, beast-kin, and men. It was only natural that the people of Etheria would proudly go to war for many different reasons. Perhaps they would go to war for a difference in belief, simple glory, or even something as petty as race. The people of Etheria would ebb and flow between periods of peace and war as all people do.
War would be waged by steel and magic. The humble warrior were many times assisted by mages or were adept at magic use themselves. Some of these warriors might become champions and heroes after distinguishing themselves on the fields of battle. Each nation may have many of these champions or perhaps just the one. Whatever the case, the nations of Etheria chose to settle disputes through these champions rather than with their armies. This practice was common, but soured agreements and sore losers always ensured that all out war and armies had their place.
However, this way of life would be disrupted by a force foreign from this world. A darkness rose from the north and swept its way to the southern reaches. The lands died to its touch and a cold chill persists wherever it marches. The legion of monsters assisted by enslaved Etherian peoples, their minds lost to the great evil. One by one the nations of the north fell and many who are escape become refugees.
The nations have fought with their armies independently. However, without a united front, these once stalwart and victorious nations tasted defeat after defeat. To make things worse, the nations of Etheria continued in their pointless struggles against each other. It wasn't until several nations of the north were lost and the darkness marched through the southern reaches that these nations realized that a united front was perhaps their best chance.
The nations of Etheria then decided to form a mighty host. A champion and a regiment of chosen men from each nation. Their final stand against the darkness. They fight to free their people and to cleanse their world of this foreign invader.

"... A champion and a regiment from each nation. A small price for our last hope."
The Roleplay
This role-play involves the players taking control of a champion from their nation and leading their regiment into battle against a foreign threat to this world. To those who know the anime trope of "the demon lord", that's basically this.
Players will be allowed to determine what kind of country they're from. How they reacted to the darkness marching through their land and enslaving their people. What kind of champion they have, and what regiment they'll bring.
Etheria is a fantasy world with magic, swords, shields, and bows & arrows. The pictures provided should give a rough idea of what equivalents you should try and set. However, as this is a fantasy world, that is more of a soft rule. Which means, as long as it's something you'd see in a medieval setting its fair game.
Humans: Your vanilla human. They're not bad at magic, but not great either.
Half-Elves: A result of humans and elves. They're more nimble than their Human counter parts and are stronger too.
Dwarves: Short and stubborn - your regular dwarf. Masters of the forge, always have the best equipment, masters of earthen and fire magic,
Elves: Tall, pointy-eared, and light footed. The elf. They come in two flavors: the fair skinned Solaris Elves and the dark skinned Lunaris Elves. Solaris elves excel in magic of the sun, light, and fire. Lunaris elves excel in the magic of moon, shadows, and water.
Orcs: Green, tusked, and muscular. The orcish race rival the dwarves in physical strength. They are tribal and shamanistic, thus excelling in wind and spiritual magic. This presents itself as an aura that visibly flows out of a fighter that increases strength and resilience.
Beast-kin: Varried. There are many types of beast-kin. Werewolves, lamias, minotaurs, and more. They practice spiritual magic and are the most diverse in physical distinction of all races.
- Elemental Magic - The ability to command and conjure: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Ice, Lightning.
- Spiritual Magic - Focuses on the self and nature. Influences growth in both strength and resilience.
- Light & Shadow - Channels the power of the sun and moon. Either harnessing the power of light or the veils of shadow.
This is for the reference of all players who wish to see a map when trying to visualize their nation. To give a general idea, the darkness moved in a general direction from North-West to South-East. Keep this in mind when trying to make your nation and backstory.
- BE NICE - This is a must. If you have a problem, please resolve it outside of the RP or have me mitigate. I'm open for it.
- ASK BEFORE ACT - Before you act, ask first whether it will negatively impact the other players. If so, ask before acting so that everyone's prepared.
- DON'T BE OP - Making super powerful characters, writing impossible scenarios, metagaming, etc. You know what this means, don't do it. It ruins everyone else's fun.
- HAVE FUN - After all these three rules, remember that at the end of the day that this is a game that we all have agreed to play together. Follow the rules and have some fun with what you can do.