__ years ago a group of paranormal exterminators saved New York City and possibly all of humanity from certain annihilation. Since their second foray into the business of saving the planet, the original Ghostbusters have taken gotten jobs from all across America and even some long distance calls they refuse to take (those phone long distance charges are just too high to justify). With their newfound brand recognition and fame, the OG-GBs were stretched too thin so they began to take on a couple more college interns to ease the load. This small step into expanding the brand eventually lead to the (arguably) lucrative business venture of franchising!
Whether this is a get rich quick scheme to you, a chance to understand the un-understandable, or you just like the idea of having what's essentially a nuclear reactor strapped to your back; you decided to buy into the Ghostbusters franchise and bring your own brand of Ghostbusting to your own front door.