Name: Red Zeruel Chorister
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Human (Witch)
Magic specialties:Theurgy - Red’s quest for the divine, which would be heretical to many sects, allows him to work what he believes to be ‘miracles’, miracles from The One Deity. These miracles allow him to call forth magical energy/mana from the Universe itself to power his and others’ spells, as well as inscribe ‘Angelic Names’ into his weapons and armor to grant them the power to withstand physical force (including bullets) and Magic.
Not merely that, but he can also call on the ‘holy fires’ of the Divine to create flames that do not burn living flesh, but merely inflict pain on them while damaging their weapons and armor and (depending on their strength) magical items. Note that these ‘holy fires’ can and do inflict physical damage on the undead, demons, and those with Dark Magic flowing through their veins.
Angelology - Red ‘Invites’ Angels into this world, to temporarily ‘sojourn’ in it, or failing that, to lend the coven their blessings and powers through minor ‘miracles’. Note that while said miracles are more powerful than their Demonic equivalents, the difference is that Angels cannot be compelled to give information and blessings to a cause they themselves do not believe in, even if the caller themselves is pious.
Healing - Red can heal people through his touch, calling on the power of the divine to heal wounds and replenish blood, knit injuries together, and even regrow limbs, although the latter requires immense reserves of magical energy/mana.
Personality: Red tries to fit his own views of what a ‘paragon of virtue’ should be, to be kind and compassionate and pure-hearted; the last part is made more complicated by his strong attraction to both men and women, as well as his liking for the finer things in life, which conflict with his contradicting desire for asceticism. Nevertheless, he is diligent in his duties towards the coven and other people and also generous with both time and money. And of course, he is no coward in the face of combat even when faced with stiff opposition.
History: Red was born into the Brethren of the Free Spirits, an ancient heretical group dating from the Medieval Era which believed that The Church was corrupt and that “nothing is a sin except that which is thought to be a sin”, putting themselves morally above the Church hierarchy and thus free to consort with any supernatural they pleased, including ‘Witches’. Obviously, these resulted in fierce persecutions, but the Brethren managed to survive due to luck, fierce fighting, and finally, a measure of actual supernatural power they believed to be from God. In time, the Brethren merged with other occultists who wished to retain faith in an omnipotent, omnipresent, and omnibenevolent deity, such as those who followed the Christian Kabbalah.
Red was thus born in an unconventional, but still loving home, somewhere in the United States, close to New York City. His parents were members of the Brethren who dedicated their lives to protecting those neglected and marginalized by society from mundane and supernatural threats and also providing for them with charitable work. He himself was taught the various beliefs of the Brethren, as well as the art of combat, theurgy, and angiology. As for his natural power to heal, it should have been an occasion of joy when it manifested, but instead, it led to the destruction of his family and all he once knew.
For when he was sixteen, he saw a wounded bird, a pigeon which had survived being shot with an air gun long enough for him to arrive. Picking it up, the boy was going to rush to try and take it to the nearest veterinarian, but knew it was too late… Until a voice whispered to him, asking, “Would you ask The One for his benevolence, despite the price you might pay?”
Yes, was his thought, and a surge of warmth flowed through him and all of a sudden, the bird flew off from his arms, fully healed. Red rejoiced in that, and hurried to tell his parents of what had happened - He didn’t know that there were watchers in the woods.
For a month or so, life continued to be normal, until one day, his mother received a warning in her dreams, which caused her to go with Red to New York City in order to put him under the protection of the ‘coven’ there. They then heard the news that Red’s father had been hunted down and their house set on fire, presumably by Witch Hunters.
Grief came and went, and Red’s mother continued to raise her son until he was 20. Then, she went off to attempt to retrieve her husband’s body, and vanished too, leaving Red alone for the first time, adrift from both his ‘coven-mates’ and ‘The Church’ and self-tasked with protecting the people of New York City from dark threats…