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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Knight Solaire
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Knight Solaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Prelude to commencement

The inner core of Andaluzia has always been a bastion of safety for those who have resided there since the merge of galaxies. Separated from the outer ring by a vast void of over a million light years, the civilizations of the inner ring are insulated from the problems of the outer galaxy. This comes at a high price however, the core of Andaluzia is relatively small and the civilizations who call the core home are large, old and powerful. Space for growth is scarce and there are few unknown planetary bodies within the inner core. Cooperation, subterfuge or Conquest is the only way forward within the core of Andaluzia and there are few places where one could hide away from the powers that be.

For those who call this region of the galaxy home, I would give you a few words of caution. Tread lightly and keep your cards close to your chest for you are being watched. Choose your words, or more importantly, your actions carefully because war in this region will not just devastate the core but inevitably spill out into the wider galaxy.

War within the core cannot be won without a great sacrifice of souls, material, culture and the stability of Andaluzia itself.

The outer core of Andaluzia is the true frontier of the galaxy. Vast nebulae give birth to stars and planets constantly, keeping the outer rim in a perpetual state of change. Vast unknown quantities of planets exist within the outer rim and space for growth is abundant. World full of useful resources remain untapped and easily accessible for exploitation by those who dare to find them.
Isolated from the core, the worlds of the outer rim are completely independent and sovereign, from the political, social, physical and economic threats from the larger nations. This too come at a cost however. The outer ring of the galaxy is the frontier, the wilds of Andaluzia, anything can happen. Space travel should be done slowly and methodically, or one would risk jumping into a rogue planet, star or even one of the “cosmic beasts” that inhabit the outer ring.
As a result of being in constant flux, Magnetars, Neutron Stars, Supernova, Red Giants, Black holes and other cosmic phenomena are relatively common in the outer rim, coming face to face with these “ beasts” would mean a certain and ,maybe a not so, sudden death.
There is more to fear than natural phenomena however, as the civilizations of the outer rim are largely unknown to one another. The outer ring of Andaluzia is a lush jungle brimming to the edge with life. However, and like all jungles, both predators and prey exist within the same space and compete for the same resources. Making yourself known could result in prosperous partnership or a lifetime of destruction.

The choice is yours; will you cut a swath of destruction around the outer ring of Andaluzia or will you tame the wilds of this galaxy with the effort of other civilizations.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The Dornier Parliament on the banks of the Röttinger River.

August, Dornier

The city of August rests along the western bank of the Röttinger River. The river itself measures just over 800 meters across while passing through the Dornier Capital. The banks of the river are lined with Hawthorne Trees following a staggered line of stone walls only two to two and a half feet in height. Along the stone wall winds a tarred running/walking path used regularly by citizens and tourists alike.

Across Messinger Street lies a row of lilac bushes adding their fragrance to the afternoon air. Madelaine Savatier, grew up in the August suburb of Mantua Falls, located about ten kilometers to the south of the city along the Röttinger. As a young girl, she admired the beauty of the city with its public gardens, stone columns and beautiful buildings, some built in marble. The city had been engineered more than three hundred years ago and the population of Dornier insured it was well cared for; well maintained. The Parliament was constructed of 40 million bricks including limestone which is constantly being repaired. Weathering deteriorates the beauty of the stone frequently.

Councilwoman Savatier was elected to the Council of Representatives by the Dornier members of Parliament over a year ago. The CoR is the representative body authorized to represent the Magnus Confederation. Unfortunately, the Council does not receive the same respect as the individual global governments. Madelaine is honored to represent the Confederation, but occasionally wonders if she made a mistake running for a seat on the board.

Within the confines of Dornier fashion, Madelaine wore a light blue ankle length dress with a pattern of Poppies and Asters on the upper half of the dress. She wore a golden broach, clasping the dress together at the throat. Her large curly blonde hair cascaded down her back about ten inches behind the neckline. The blue dress accentuated her bright blue eyes which had acquired crow’s feet, lines at the corners of her eyes from worrying about government procedure or simply advancing to age 50.

She climbed the nine stone steps of the Peppard Building which housed the chambers of the Council of Representatives. It was not as spectacular as the Dornier Parliament building or even the Grand Villa where the Dornier President lived, but it served its purpose for the Confederated government. “Chloé, please get me a copy of the Randolph Bill. I need to review it today. We are voting on the document at the end of the week.” She referred to a referendum the citizens would need to vote on allowing the confederated government to transition to a republic. It would disband the Council of Representatives and realign the Board of Representatives into a unified parliament composed of representatives from all eight planets. The bill or referendum details how the bicameral parliament would be organized. It also would implement a Supreme Judicial Court of Appeals which could overturn planetary legislation or court decisions of it met the requirements for appeal.

As the seasoned politician from Dornier approached the council chambers, she was met by Stapnod Beezlebrox of Rylarot. He represented the Fydler population. At seven foot three inches in height, he was considered just a tad taller than average for his species which were very thin and greyer than any other color. The Fydler native language consisted of several beeps, pops and elongated sounds. Yet, somehow they were able to learn the languages of the other four races in the Confederation.

In his typical relaxed high pitch tone of voice, Stapnod addressed the Dornier woman, “Representative Savatier. Greetings, I bring, my friend.” His smile could be seen beneath the flap of gray flesh covering his mouth. His blackened oval eyes hid any chance of a human determining authenticity of the greeting. One had only the sound of their voice to understand them. Even that could be challenging because they didn’t always follow standard grammatical rules of language.

“Representative Beezlebrox, so very nice to see you.” Madelaine opened the door and held it for her much taller colleague. She waved her arm indicating he should pass through first. At one hundred twenty-five years of age, Stapnod was in his prime. Most Fydler live to be around two hundred years. Stapnod’s attire could best be described as white or eggshell colored robes. They were very bland, but adorned the large creature nicely.

Upon entering the chambers, they could hear arguing between the four-foot eight-inch Kíli Woldpike of Swenton and the blue skinned Ando Itoshi of Harton. Whatever their discussion, it ended when Savatier and Beetlebrox entered the room. Also present were blue skinned Haruka Kubota of Jaltyr, Fabeian Dufour, human of Lenser, the grey skinned, white haired Risa Gurnani of Geldoz and Fabrice Durant, human of Goff.

Fabrice Durant, the current sitting President of the Council of Representatives wore a navy blue suit, white, high collared dress shirt with maroon-red paisley vest and matching ascot slammed his gavel, “Let’s bring this meeting to order. The council is present. Everyone has a stenographer to record their notes as well as their Aide. We shall begin.”

“First issue I would like to address is the upcoming referendum. I must remind you all, your opinion on the matter is not as much important as the people you represent. It is imperative that you encourage the population of your planets to vote their mind, not yours. As you address the issue at home, choose your words as carefully as possible, so as to not appear biased either way. Undoubtedly, however this government goes, you will be part of the transition. We need to be able to communicate properly to our replacements what we have done and what we have failed to do. Please remain as impartial as you can.”

“Next, we are sending scouts into the galaxy in search of life on distant worlds. As in the history of our Confederation or our little corner of the galaxy, we have sent out scouts and it is time to do it again. We are all aware this is a dangerous mission. Some ships have ventured out into the unknown only to never be seen again. Insure your people understand the potential sacrifice they are making on this mission.”

The meeting continued with more housekeeping business and there was even some discussion about the most recent voetball game between Harton and Swenton. Apparently the Caesari Dwarves defeated the Baku of Harton three goals to two.

Scout Ships Deploy

The Edison Class Scout ship, also known as the Patrol Boat, Reconnaissance or PBR has a crew of seven, including the boat’s skipper who holds the rank of Lieutenant. The pilot is an enlisted sailor of rank, Petty Officer. The Navigator is an Ensign and the remainder of the crew are four soldiers who perform dismounted reconnaissance efforts as well as manning the two single turret 30mm pulse laser cannons. The dismount crew consists of a Sergeant, Team Leader, a fire support specialist and two scouts. The boat carries one Air/Raft or “Sled” in the hangar. This is a hovercraft, used for surface reconnaissance. The hovercraft will accommodate a driver and three additional passengers. The scout ship or boat is used as a long-range reconnaissance vessel by capital ships in order to have eyes on objectives that are at great distance from the fleet. They can be used to scan targets in deep space or to conduct reconnaissance on the surface of planets. The Scout Ship can carry up to a Squad of Infantry or Marines with 2 additional “Sleds” if necessary.

This PBR was manned only by the bridge crew of three and two surface scouts. Their purpose was to seek life on distant planets. One hundred of these vessels were sent from the Confederate planets. Each PBR was given a target planet to scan and then report back to higher headquarters on what they find.

Jaltyr v. Harton

Local music on Jaltyr

“Welcome to the Global Voetball League, coming to you live from Chōfu Stadium in downtown Xenoloc. My name is Hiroyuki Nakamura and I am sitting in the booth with Jin Akagi. We have an outstanding match for you today between the hometown Ventfoert Kofu Voetball Club and the Kataller Toyama Voetball Club from Harton. This should be an awesome display of Voetball play, Jin. Who do you think is favored in this match?”

“Hiroyuki, the Kataller team has one of the best attacking forward duos with Togo Inida and Takato Shibasaki. The pair of tallied over 67 goals scored in the past 27 games. They are very fast and work extremely well together. But then nothing gets past Masayoshi Nakajima, the team’s premier goalkeeper. On the other hand, the Ventfoert team has not a duo, but a trio of attacking players, Masato Koyoma, Masashi Ogawi and Shin Sugato who have scored 71 goals in the past 28 games. This is definitely going to be an offensive game. Both teams have some of the most powerful offenses in the league.”

Hiroyuki Nakamura added his two cents, “We must not omit Inida and Shibasaki have lost one of their best strikers, Shun Odate who feeds them the ball regularly. I agree this will be a very offensive game. Let’s take a look down on the pitch as the teams prepare for the match.”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by John F Kennedy
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John F Kennedy The New Blood

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Lost Souls of the Anekhessu

Thalassocrats and Theocrats

Upon the planet Sitra lies the capital city of the Lost Souls of the Anekhessu, known simply as the Home of the Great Source. Within this megalopolis millions of souls work in perfect efficiency and grandeur. The streets are lined with statues depicting the Anekhessu and the millions of machine bodies communicate with one another as the air hums with radio waves. In every factory and every government and every religious hall there is no silence within the minds of the Essu or to be heard by any organic that would be there.

Within one of these many halls, the Hall of the Thalassocrats, stands a grand congregation. The building itself is a large step period made of metal, with a complex of cloisters surrounding it. Within the central and highest hall of the building windows to the outside surround the base of the peak, making the top step seem as if it were suspended from heaven. Holograms of worlds owned by the Theocracy and other data are stored in this place, and a great horde of Essu stand below them. At the northern most part of this hall is a large table surrounded by the seated Thalassocrats, the highest admirals of the fleet, each covered in the same fractal patterns of red paint and clothed in plants. The walls are lined with ancient artefacts and schematics.

Stepping before the Governing body comes another Essu, the way cleared for him as the lesser participants in the hall let him through. This one's body is covered in brown and gold markings in geometric patterns. Upon his neck he bears a large semi-circle necklace covered in golden circuitry. All in the room notice how old his plating is, and how rusted he is. This sign of age begets a silence in the room as everyone awaits to see what he is here to do. "Distinguished admirals and servants of the Great Source," the old one spoke through the air, "I am Ansra-1,258 of Binebtat, high priest of the Great Source. I am not normally the speaker of the most efficient one, but I have served the Great Source for years innumerable. It is with this prestige that I have been chosen, for we come upon a bold new age. Changes are to come that none shall be able to prevent."

Silence fell upon the room, seconds past as processing units churned. One of the red ones, arose and spoke again inaudibly through the air. "Designation: Plakat-78,922 of Khanra-Ansu. What is this change you speak of, Ecclesiarch? What business have you with the admiralty? Have we not earned our way and done great for the most Excellent of Us? Have we not conquered the..."

"Silence," spoke Ansra-1,258, Plakat-78,922 privately spoke to his compatriots through the Xylem before letting the Ecclesiarch now speak. "I know that you do not enjoy my presence here. The Ecclesiarchy and change are both threats to you, the Great Source told me as such. But do not fear, in the new mission you will each have your place amongst the most high, but do not grow arrogant, for service is the will of the Anekhessu. I have spoken with many Eyes of the Anekh and I have communed with the Great Source. The Great Source has seen many beings and many worlds, worlds bearing organics as the Anekhessu once were. We raided a great many upon our trail to the rebirth of Sitra, and our vast wealth in fleet and in holy statue was born from this."

The Ecclesiarch walked forward now, "and at the time this was pleasing to the Great Source, but we have sat here for too long and done too little."

Another one of the admirals stood at this and spoke, "I am Plakat-79,235 of Khanra-Ansu, forge kin of Plakat-78,922. I served and earned my position during the raiding wars. If we must conquer new worlds once more then I shall take up the fight. I have always proposed that we must do more conquest."

"Nay," spoke the Ecclesiarch, "that is not what we desire. That is not what the Great Source desires either. The time has come for a change in policy. I myself wrote the doctrine at the Second Ecumenical council of Sitra that, 'the Anekhessu were once organics, and we must strive in all ways to become gods alongside the organics, such is the birthright of the Essu,' although I did not know it at the time I had made a great declaration, which the Anekhessu had guided me to do in preparation for now. We must not go forth into the universe with a gunship ready to harm organic life, but rather with a new exploration fleet, one ready to go beyond known space as emissaries."

A great use of the Xylem suddenly filled the room between almost every participant. The words spoken showed great disgust and dismay at this proposition. After all, the Essu had always been superior to the primitive organics they had found. The admirals spoke through the Xylem loudest of all, filled with words of arrogance and dismay. One spoke out loudest, Plakat-78,922 once more said, "You mad man, you come in here without sign or long term schedule and expect us to work for the Ecclesiarches! What mad man would even go upon such a mission!"

"I shall," spoke an Essu from the crowd, this one having less red markings than the high admirals and speaking audibly rather than through the Xylem. A great shock filled the room as he and another stepped before the Ecclesiarch, prostrating then before his excellency. "I am Plakat-45,268 of Binebtat and this is Plakat-45,267 of Binebtat, my forge brother. I usually prefer to designate myself as Tat-hapi and he uses Ra-Hapi. I am a captain, and he is a Lieutenant Commander. As fellow members of Binebtat, we wish to serve."

"Arise," said the Ecclesiarch, "you two who are brave shall be rewarded by the Great Source. Tat-Hapi and Ra-Hapi shall be remembered in the Halls of the Great Source for millennia to come. Report to the Sanctum of the Source for promotion to lower admiralty with me now. For you both are blessed brothers and shall receive a small exploratory fleet to go beyond our home of Sitra's Rebirth." Once more they turned to the admiralty, "and these new ships will be taken from the fleet of Plakat-78,922 for his pride, and for the Eyes of the Anekh that this fleet will use they will be taken from each of your fleets, my dear admirals, for you have lost vision of the Great Source."

With that he turned away. As he walked through the crowd once more and exited the building a great many yells and screams were broadcasted via the Xylem, especially from the front of the room. Many of those in the back left with the Ecclesiarch. While those in the front remained to share anger and dismay.

Some ways down the street in the city the two forge brothers now stood within the Sanctum, where many other priests and Ecclesiarches worked. Some were designating new Essu that had just been made, others were doing more clerical and logistical work. But the two brothers stood before the same Ecclesiarch they had met within the Hall, and his attendants held out bowls of red paint. With his fingers he dragged this new paint across their metal bodies, expanding and adding to the designs in order to designate them as lower admirals.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ParotKyveria
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ParotKyveria Parot,the Emperor

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Axaron,Loremillos IV,Loremillos System

An 18-year old Isterfardi-Erdasovaki person,named Kyle Haux got out of the school while it was his last day,he then walked towards the metro,which its basically Axaron's monorail system. After he got a train and started to head towards the station on the residential block he lives in. While on a train,he started to hear some Erdasovaki rock song from the famous Izimo band in his headphones in his datapad,and he was also writing about the currrent state of the nation,while the train headed the station he wants to go. After hours of wait,he got out of the train and grabbed some military recruitment flyers before heading to his residence as the sky started to rain in the wrong time,while he entered his residence that was on the 9th floor of the condo,he grabs a snack that common Isterfardis eat it,while his parents were watching the news on a tv,while they were discussing about Kyle for 6 seconds before Kyle walked in.

[News Anchor] "Back on the breaking news,President Duncan came to an agreement upon the proposed plans to scout and later colonize new systems for the republic,while the Assembly were skeptical about the afromentioned decision. President Duncan also said that he promises to continue the Golden Age of Andarzantia,pleasing some major poltical parties. The scouting teams are now under way to survey the new unclaimed systems that surrounds the nation that will establish a Thrid frontier in a row...

Kyle then walked towards the room after greeting their parents and some of their siblings,he sat on his bed and rememberd of his childhood,and started to become skeptical of his actions after his last day at school,he then watches the flyers again and starts to write down the contacts for the recruiters on a pice of paper,his new life was about to start...

and so does the nation itself.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Islandgod


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