Location: Vanville Town
Party: Jolie the Cleffa
"C'est fantastique!" André exclaimed as he entered the small town with Jolie the Cleffa sitting on his shoulder. Normally, the young movie star rarely visited small town like this. He felt more at home in the big city, and the bright lights of Lumiose but it seemed appropriate for the occasion.
Today was the start of André's journey. He had no intention of doing this alone. Sure, he had Jolie, and a bunch of servants at his beck and call, but it would be nice to have some humans his own age to become friends with. He had his people send out letters to his former school friends. He hadn’t seen them since he moved to Unova, and became a celebrity. He was going to be meeting his travel companions today, and André was excited to get to know them.
One thing about small towns like this, they didn’t get celebrities visiting them, so when they did, it was a big deal. It didn't take very long before people began to notice the pink clad young man with the Clefairy by his side. People started talking and murmuring as André strutted by. Word got around fast that famous Movie Star André Bellamy was in town. Before long, André was surrounded by a crowd of screaming teenage girls, (and some guys) clamouring to get the young movie star's autograph, and have their picture taken with him. Something André was more than happy to do for his adoring fans. He signed some autographs, and posed for photos as several cameras started clicking away. “Merci beaucoup, Mesdames et Messieurs. You are a wonderful audience!”