"Things have changed, choom. Word on the streets are the corps are starting to fight again, with most the gangs weakened or just considered too much of a liability, Fixers in Night City have more gigs than ever before. The new owner of the Afterlife proved mercs are not to be underestimated any longer; welcome to the golden age of the merc!

Whether it's deckheads, cyborgs, techies, solos, or the odd nomad chasing something besides dust storms and smuggling routes--if you've got the cojones and the skill, legend and eddies are yours for the taking. One gonk move and it can all be over in a flash of gunfire or steel. Think you're ready? Chip on in, choomba, and let's find out."

- Trace Santiago, Night City Leak News

Welcome to the 5th Corporate War, a roleplay set in the cyberpunk dystopian future of Cyberpunk. Each player will be playing a Night City based Merc, though you'll be closer to a Jackie Welles than a Morgan Blackhand. So if you came to feel as bad-ass unstoppable as a Level 50 V from Cyberpunk2077...this is not the game for you. Sorry, choom.

The roleplay is a story driven affair, with plenty of space worked in for some semi-sandbox, create-your-own-storyline type of roleplaying between main Acts of the roleplay's plot. Despite the title of the game you will not be dropped into a red-hot shooting war between out of control corporations. Not to start with, anyway, and I guess we'll just have to see how player choice shapes the in-game universe.

Do you need to know Cyberpunk the RPG, or Cyberpunk Red the RPG for this RP? Nah, that's why I've gone through the corebook of Cyberpunk Red for you. You should probably have played the videogame, Cyberpunk2077 from CD Projekt Red, but hey if you really want to and think you can fake it using YouTube videos and wiki information...who are we to say hell naw?

@Ezekiel and I will be the GMs for this game.

Big thanks to @Hellion for graphics and @Lord Wraith for Character Sheet formatting.

⪭ Site Rules
Follow site rules, obviously, when posting to any of this game's threads.

⪭ GM Decisions
For all aspects of this roleplay, GMs get final say. We'd rather reach a collaborative agreement on any issue where possible rather than issue any unilateral judgment, however, it should be noted. So talk with us if there's an issue or disagreement.

⪭ Character Sheets
Make sure all the required information is on a Character Sheet when submitted for review. If your Character Sheet goes from WIP to Awaiting Review, do let the GMs know.

⪭ Character Sheet Review
It may take some time for your Character Sheet to get reviewed, especially those heavy on equipment and history. Patience is appreciated. Only move your Character Sheet over to the Characters tab after you've been given the okay by a GM.

⪭ Characters
Each character will be a Merc. What your background is, what your skill-set is, even what your equipment/gear/possessions are will largely be up to each player. Our only rule for this is they have to be good enough to get recruited, but not so good they're considered top-tier Mercs. Think Jackie Welles at the start of Cyberpunk2077.

⪭ Character Deaths
Characters can die, don't do something awfully stupid and you should be fine. We're not out to arbitrarily kill anyone's hard-earned character. Do not post killing another PC without the other player and a GM being okay with that before hand.

⪭ Posting Level & Requirements
Casual to High Casual/Advanced/whatever you want to call it these days. Each player will have two weeks to post, with additional time allowances for IRL issues that might arise.

⪭ Equipment
Weapons and gear will follow a tier structure of Basic, Expensive, Luxury/MilSpec. Cyberware will follow a similar tier structure, Basic, Expensive, Luxury/CorpSpec. This will be expanded on in the Character Sheet section.

⪭ Setting Knowledge Requirement
If you've played the game Cyberpunk2077, you know enough about the setting to play this game. If you want you can go find the most recent Cyberpunk RPG corebook, Cyberpunk Red, but it's not necessary.

⪭ Discord
Obviously use this thread for expressing interest and any questions, but if you'd like to live chat with the GMs and other potential players we've thrown up a Discord server you can reach here.