Character appearance

Basic description: Usually keeping to himself and covering himself up in hoodies and long sleeved clothes, Koshikari hides his rather unique appearance, with his light blue glowing marks along his body as a result of training his cursed technique. When his technique isn’t active, the marks that normally glow blue, are seen as nothing more than burn scars, albeit them being very straight and patterned. He can also be seen with an undercut and hair on top hanging over to the left side. Due to trauma induced when he was a child, his hair normally is stark silver, but he has dyed the sides black, trying out a new style. He almost always wears a black mask, mostly because the fox like teeth and ears he was born with are seen as a disfiguration in society.
Defining features: Koshikari has stark light blue eyes that seem to dance like flames if you look close enough. Above his right eye is a scar that he got from an accident with his cursed technique when he was younger. He also has two black bands on each wrist, each one symbolizing grief/loss of a part of himself.
Gender: Male
Age: 18 (Second Year)
Jujutsu High Uniform Description: Koshi's uniform consists of a dark grey hoodie, underneath a black kimono bordered in blue. He also usually wears black or grey skinny jeans, along with any pair of black shoes. The typical Jujutsu High buttons seen on most uniforms can be found on the cuffs of his kimono.
Curse Technique Name: Dancing Flames of the Devil
Curse Technique Type: Inherited/Innate/Shikigami
Curse Technique Description: He inherited the Koshikari clan's cursed fire manipulation, but when he started to train with his technique, it evolved into blue and pink flames, and also gave him the ability to create a unique nine tailed shikigami that can think for itself. Most of his abilities surrounding his technique involve creating weapons out of his flame manipulation that have the ability to exorcise cursed spirits AND harm humans (if he wills it.)
Curse Technique Abilities: Cursed Flames: Blazing Daggers Using superheated flames, Koshikari forms up to 6 fiery kunai at a time that can be directed towards an enemy, creating a small concentrated explosion on impact. (each set of kunai has a cooldown of about a minute and a half)
Cursed Flames: Scythe of the Devil Forms a scythe of pure fire that he can use freely, that weighs virtually nothing. Basically is just a regular scythe but hot.
Flame Manipulation: Sword of the Divine Flames Covers the blade of his specially made katana with blueish pink flames that are deadly when used against cursed spirits, but don't hurt humans. (obviously the fucking blade will cut them)
Foxhunt Summons a small nine tailed fox shikigami that can be used to tail enemies; can also shoot small fireballs from the tips of each of its tails. (Once "destroyed" it takes about 3 hours to reform)
Reverse Cursed Technique: Rejuvenating Hellfire Kind of self explanatory, but he uses his fire to heal minor wounds, but can only use it to heal a certain amount of damage.
Domain Expansion: Hell Eclipse Engulfs both the user and victim in a raging inferno, transporting them into a black void, where 7 blazing circles form. The victim is transported through each of the 7 circles, representing the 7 circles of hell, each one inflicting a different type of pain to the victim. The goal of this domain is to render the victim immobile, eventually leading them into a forced state of unconsciousness once the domain is closed.
Specialty: Mostly an offensive type sorcerer, he can also be support by changing the temperature of his flames to allow others to use the weapons he creates, and also healing minor wounds with his reverse cursed fire technique.
Drawbacks: His skin is invulnerable to the fire he can create and manipulate, but the longer he uses his abilities, the internal temperature of his body will continue to rise at rapid rates until he overheats and goes berserker for a short period of time before passing out for hours. The marks on his body will start glowing brighter and brighter the hotter he gets, so it's a good indicator of when to stop using his abilities. After his "berserker mode" he is unable to use any abilities until his internal body temperature cools down back to normal.
Personality Description: Kitsuri Koshikari, when you first meet him, comes off as an introvert, but in reality he’s just selective of who he talks to openly. Once you gain his trust, he’s like one of the friendliest guys you could come across. Due to a lot of traumatic events in his childhood, and having a bad genetic predisposition, he suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder, so sometimes it will seem as if he is a completely different person. Most of the time he uses dark humor to joke about bad things, but is serious when the time calls for it. He’s good at gaining peoples trust, and is usually the first years go-to when it comes to training, or in general.
Backstory: Born into the Koshikari Clan, which is lesser known in the jujutsu world, Kitsuri grew up as the oldest of his 4 siblings, acting as a parental figure to them, as their parents weren't always there. He was trained to use the clan's technique starting at 3, due to an early appearance. Kitsuri was playing with his younger brother at the time, and like most little kids, the imagination involved was vivid. They were pretending to fight cursed spirits, when he accidentally created a small fiery kunai, which he then also shot at his face, hence the scar over his eye.
His father, being the power hungry head of the clan, forced Kitsuri into training soon after, putting him through harsh conditions in order to make him the best of the best. While his father was not physically abusive (aside from the training) he was very verbally and emotionally abusive to him and his family, and it took a heavy toll on Kitsuri's upbringing. On his 9th birthday, Koshi's father had started yelling at his mother early in the morning, and he snapped. During his training that day, his father threw a blazing red kunai at Koshi, expecting him to dodge, but instead he caught it, and threw it back towards his father instead. The only difference between this and training the previous days, was that when he caught the kunai it began to glow white, proceeding to burst into blue and pink flames. The flames then spread all over his body and began to form the marks he now has all over his chest, face, and arms. After that day, his father never once yelled at Koshi's mother, or his siblings again. (At least not when he was around) At 15, due to events he never speaks of, his hair turned silvery-white. He came home after being out with friends on one of his days off from training, and his mother noticed it but never spoke anything of it, thinking he had just gone and gotten it dyed. Later, as time passed, his mother realized that it wasn't dyed, but was now his natural hair color. Doctors told them that he most likely went through what is widely known as "Marie-Antoinette Syndrome." Nobody has ever been able to figure out what caused the syndrome to show up.
Throughout his years of training, Kitsuri soon surpassed his father's mastery of the clan's technique. The technique evolved over time, allowing him to summon a flame Shikigami, cultivate an arsenal of fiery weapons, and even begin to create his own Domain.
During a training mission around the age of 17, Koshikari encountered a cursed spirit that was previously believed to be a Grade 1. After struggling for what seemed like an eternity, he thought it would be as good of a time as ever to test out his Domain. The cursed spirit fought back against it, causing the Domain to form incorrectly, and he was only able to test up to the second circle. As fiery blue kunai were raging around the cursed spirit, it suddenly gripped the air around it, ripping the domain apart, leaving Kitsuri stumbling backwards on the ground. As he was about to stand up to face the cursed spirit rushing towards him, he hears "Dude your stance was so off." He looks up to see a
blindfolded man with stark white hair floating in the air, laughing at him. "Next time, try keeping your hands farther apart; might increase the size of your Domain." The man, who revealed himself later to be Gojo Satoru, instantly exorcised the cursed spirit, but not before taking a small object out of the center of its chest. Unknown to Koshikari, the object that Gojo acquired was none other than one of the Special Grade Cursed Objects known as Sukuna’s Fingers.
Following the Finger Bearer incident, Gojo brought Koshikari to Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High, to be tested by the principal, Yaga Masamichi.
After going through the customary introductions, and elaborating on which of the clans he belongs to, Koshikari was instructed to sit in front of the principal. Yaga then grabs a doll, which Kitsuri found weird that there were so many of them, and imbued it with cursed energy. The cursed doll leapt towards him, but he didn’t flinch. Koshi glanced ever so slightly towards the doll with a cold stare, causing it to burst into blue and pink flames, stopping the doll in its tracks. "NOOO, put it out thats not what I meant by defeat it!!" yells Yaga. Gojo, who was standing behind Koshi, laughed and said, "Didn't expect to have one of your dolls burst into flames did you Yaga?" Thus began Kitsuri Koshikari’s first year of official instruction at Tokyo Jujutsu High.
Skills: Expert Marksmanship, Blacksmithing, Art(he likes drawing in his freetime, and got really good at it.)
Strengths:Fighting fire based techniques or cursed spirits, due to being able to manipulate fire type cursed energy, even if it isn’t his own. Coming up with strategic approaches quickly, but also just rushing in head on when he’s lazy. Also very good at flirting, and isn’t discriminatory towards gender.
Weaknesses: Any wind or water based techniques/cursed spirits, anything that will cause his body temperature to rise.
Equipment: Usually Koshikari will carry a few small kerosene molotovs to enhance the spread of his fire. He also has his specially crafted katana which allows him to superheat it to any temperature without damage to the blade or hilt.