Saito Kurusu

Basic character appearance description:
Saito is a dark-skinned male with a pretty muscular build. He always wears his glasses, which are reinforced with cursed energy so that they don’t break easily in combat. He often wears his signature black gloves that gives off the impression of a professional. His hair-style is a very noticeable dual black and white. His gaze is always sharp and piercing.
Jujutsu High Uniform Description:
Saito’s uniform jacket tends to be always halfway buttoned, revealing his inner white jacket. The uniform is also short-sleeved.
Curse Technique Name:
Unlawful Left Talon
Curse Technique Type:
Curse Technique Description:
Unlawful Left is a cursed technique in the form of a large black talon of a bird, half the size of Saito himself, that extends out of the back of his left shoulder. It is able to swipe, grab and claw like regular bird's talon. Saito is able to control it with his mind. He is also able to control it by mimicking it with his left hand, allowing for greater control and strength in the talon.
Curse Technique Abilities:
- Reverse Wind - The talon sucks in win d to pull in a specific object or person 15 feet in front of where it's facing.
- Jetstream - The large talon uses wind to release and shoot away the object or person within it's grasp. When used on air for example, it can be used like a wind cannon.
- Obsidian Rain - The talon releases a shower of hard sharp feathers that can cut and stab. Saito also uses these like melee weapons.
- Blackboost - The talon can extend further from Saito's shoulder to grab other objects or be used as a movement utility to drag Saito around. However, the talon becomes smaller the further it goes.
- Crooked Shield - Saito curls himself into a ball, meanwhile the talon grows larger in size and wraps around Saito to shield and protect him from damage.
Midrange Offense
The range of ‘Reverse Wind’ is low. Not only that but there is a bit of lag time for ‘Jetstream’ to take off as the resource needs to be grabbed first. Unlawful Left Talon is less effective in pulling in things larger than it. Also, it cannot use ‘Jetstream’ to fire off things larger than it’s size. Outside of using 'Blackboost', the swipe range of the talon is 7 feet away from Saito.
Personality Description:
Saito is a rather serious person in that he takes he job as a Jujutsu Sorcerer seriously. Not only that, but he has a distinct disdain for Cursed Spirits more than the average person, leaving him to be pretty extreme in his approach to killing them. This stems from his need to feel like he needs to prove to himself that he doesn't love his formerly deceased adopted mother, that was a Cursed Spirit. However this need to prove himself simply enforces that he does truly care and wishes he didn't. Despite how cold he can seem, Saito is an upstanding individual who deeply cares for rules and law enforcement. For in his eyes, the rules are what keeps this mad world moving.
Even with his stand-off nature, Saito seems to have a very caring side for his juniors or those behind him in some form, despite being a first year himself. He also has a very weird obsession with weather and weather forecast. Another very odd trait of his, is that despite being such a stickler for rules, he has an almost unconscious tendency to break them in some way.
Saito's situation is an odd one. In the fact that for as long as he remembered, his only parent was a large raven. Well that wasn't actually true. In truth, Saito was kidnapped by a Cursed Spirit when he was a baby. This Cursed Spirit's name was Yasame. Yasame did indeed kill humans as she saw fit, like any other Cursed Spirit would.
The problem is though, that Yasame did not harm Saito in anyway. In fact, he was raised as if he were a normal child. It was so natural that Saito himself thought there was nothing odd about it at all through most of his younger years. Saito was held as a bit of a sheltered kid by Yasame, in that he was unaware of the killing going on behind the scenes. Still, through manipulation and threats of all kinds, Yasame was able to enroll Saito into an actual school and let him live a normal life amongst other human children.
Even so, certain oddities from Saito would be noticed by his fellow classmates, such as an instance where he said a bird looked like his mother. While he was certainly seen as a bit weird by others, that didn't mean he was disliked. In fact, he got along well with others, as he was raised that way by the mother he cared for so much. Yet this was a circumstance that could only last for so long before it was put to an end. That was the case when Saito found his mother being slain by a Jujutsu Sorcerer.
It was at a point in time when Saito figured out that his home life and relationship was completely unnatural in comparison to his other classmates. Still, he couldn't help hold that fondness for her even as he was told about Yasame's atrocities. Having found the now unfortunate Saito that was kidnapped by a Cursed Spirit, Jujutsu High decided to take him in under their care once it was apparent that he had substantial Cursed Energy from living around a Spirit for so long. That meant of course that he was destined to be trained as a Jujutsu Sorcerer.
- Can talk with birds and gather recon
- Very good at pool
- Can tell when the weather is going to change
- Very good at noticing the smell of a dead body
- Decent hand-to-hand combat
- Expert Skydiver
- Focused
- Orderly
- Constant Improvement
- Stubbornness
- Rigid
- Can get obsessive
- Compass
- Cell phone
- Birdseeds
- Bottled water
- Mini-telescope