Ok im interested. Ive never done a 1x1 before. Im attracted to the lore-building and character-building aspects of this game. With regards to GMing what are your expectations? Are we co-GMing or what? I would be comfortable with a situation of "villain of the week" where we take turns playing the opposition, obviously, recurring villains are likely.
On a note of my noobishness to writing, id be much happier if we were a group of 3 people. Ive found 3 to be the perfect number for creativity and you can add atleast 2 co-GMs on this platform.
I also tend to write somewhat rough-around-the-edges characters. If you arnt prepared to laugh at yourself, to argue, to duel then let me know now. I cant stand prima-donna characters that arnt ready to be told they're wrong about something. We're human, we're all wrong sometimes and ive found an entertaining duel* is the best way to resolve that in RPGs. *the duel is not to the death.
When it comes to lore im not a lawyer and never let a fact get in the way of a good story. Especially since 40k lore can sometimes be contradictory. Beyond that ive been in 40k on and off virtually my entire life. Played the 40kRPGs, GMed etc. I always liked generating regiments and characters using the rules, thats what i enjoy about my games, basically like a civilization builder.
So, this is my application to join :)