Peyton Hastings

Aaron Walker
The sound of the raindrops seemed to echo inside of Peyton's ears, as she stared out of the train window. It had only been a few hours since the reaping and Peyton still couldn't seem to get over the shock of being chosen for this years Games. Somehow, she seemed to have avoided being chosen the previous years, but this year was different. It was her turn. Mixed luck had run in the Hastings family where the games were concerned. Her eldest brother Timothy had won when he got chosen for the Games, 3 years prior before her. 5 years before her, her other brother Alexander had sadly been killed by District 1 member. So of course, her parents were concerned when she was chosen as the female tribute.
"Everything alright, kiddo?" The sound of a male voice, broke through Peyton's trail of thoughts. Glancing towards Aaron Walker. He was a previous winner, yet the Capitol had wanted him back in this years running games. Why? Peyton had no idea. But something was different; especially when President Snow and Coin had announced a few changes to the games on national tv last month. The ages had been prolonged for the tributes, that they were accepting. And it wasn't the Quarter Quells this year for previous champions to be involved. But yet here was Aaron. Wondering how many other previous champions would turn up when they'd reach the capitol.
"Yeah, I am fine." Trying to keep a brave face, Peyton could tell that he was hardly convinced. Especially since he had been through this before; he no doubt knew how a nervous tribute looked like. "No..." She then finally admitted with a sigh. "Did you feel this nervous, during your first Games?" It was probably a stupid question. But it had slipped out nonetheless.
The company on the train was scarce; besides them two and District 3 trainer. No one else was really there. And the journey to the Capitol was a few hours long, they had time to kill. So might as well make conversation and get to know one another. Or at least, that was Aaron's thinking. "I was a nervous wreck. Mind you, I was a lot younger than you when I first got picked. I was scared more than nervous. So I know how you feel." Aaron told her honestly. But if she was anything like her brother Timothy, than she would be more than alright. But neither of them realised that this year, was going to test everyone; in a variety of ways like never before. Truthfully, Peyton couldn't even imagine what he must have felt like, when he was first selected for the Games, at age 13. Making him the youngest winner so far. No one that young had survived the Games, till Aaron had came along. Most youngsters had died. The sound of heavy footsteps broke through their conversation, looking up Peyton glanced at their mentor Alexander Vasquez. Mr Vasquez himself was the 'talk' of District 3, especially after his victory so many decades ago.
"I see you kids, are getting to know each other. Good, good." He smiled at them. "But once we arrived, there's lots of business to get through. Aaron already knows the deal Peyton. And I am sure you too are aware of some of it. The Interviews will start not long after we arrive. Followed by intense training, before the games will start few weeks down the line." Reminding them off the long process. As annoying as it could get.
Dante Ackhurst

Kira Smith
Compared to everyone else, District 1 was the most lavish. And that showed in pretty much everything; from the clothes that people of district 1 wore, to the beautifully designed buildings, even to the train that was taking this years Tributes to the Capitol. The train itself could have been a lavish hotel on wheels. Both Dante and Kira hadn't been expecting to be chosen; despite their names being put down many times for the reaping. But this year, luck was against them...or was it for them? If they were the chosen ones. But like everyone else; they probably couldn't avoid being chosen forever. One way or another; everyone got chosen at one time or another. Their time had came this time around.
Being as privileged as she was, Kira wasn't one for making many friends. Not easily at least. Most were put off by her cold, bitter like demeanour. Being a polar opposite of Dante, whom was this years male tribute for District 1. He was more engaging and friendly; totally opposite of what most people expected from the rich boy. But it was, what it was. Dante could already sense, Kira's distaste for having company on the train; as the fellow tribute was keeping her distance from him. Whether she would like it or not, they'd have to work together at one point or another. Especially if they wanted to survive in the games, long enough for one of them to walk away as the victor.
"It's Kira, isn't it?" Being brave, Dante addressed her as he walked closer towards her.
Looking up with a slight glare, Kira's deep azure blue eyes narrowed at Dante. Almost in disbelief he had addressed her. "Who said, I wanted a conversation?" She asked, in a slightly snarky tone. "You just worry about yourself alright, and I'll worry about myself. I didn't come here to make friends." As cold as it sounded, it was true. No one was here to make friends. One way or another, they were pitted against each other. Trying to survive, forced to kill others to take the title of a champion. Hardly what she would call friendship.
"If either of you want to go far, then you will both have to be prepared to work together and make allies along the way." A stern female voice, broke through Kira's rant. The voice of their mentor. "Don't give me that look Kira." Eleanor sighed. "If you think you know, what it takes to win one of these games, you might want to re-think what you already know." she advised.