The Dharvian Empire struck Tenas, the elven god of war, from the pantheon and have claimed his worship a heresy and a crime against all living things. Angered by this, the god commanded the elven nation of Menas to fight the humans in his name. Thirty long years of war ensued, claiming thousands of lives and debilitating both nations. The humans, however, were able to eke out a victory by forcing the elves to sign a treaty with the stipulation that the worship of Tenas be banned. This was known as the Farriday Treaty, having been signed in the citadel of the now-ruined city that sits on the border of both nations.
Within a year of signing the Treaty, Tenas flung himself into the heart of the Dharvian Empire and destroyed the capitol city of Lenerose.
Tenas has now taken the Grand Citadel as his home, sending out legions of armies against the living. Many cry out to the other gods to protect them against Tenas' madness, but their prayers have remained unanswered. The world is on the brink of destruction, the planet moments from cracking like an egg.
The gods have promised not to interfere in the mortal plane, and thus have chosen a number of heroes to act in their place. Heroes they will imbue with power to put an end to the mad god before he destroys the world.
Welcome to my little campaign interest check!
I've always wanted to run a sort of godslaying adventure where the characters face off against a literal god and manage to come out on top. And this is gonna be it!
This will be an adventure from level 3-10, all official races and classes will be allowed! Also, the recent playtest for races and backgrounds from the new One D&D will also be accepted! Ability scores will be via point buy
For now I'm just checking to see if anyone's interested in this crack-pot idea of mine!