Ysmengarde 'Skadi' _________________________________________________________ 
She was still young when her future was determined for her. Skadi was not particularly clever nor particularly better than her fellow Aasimar, but from some of the earliest memories of her youth her grandmother told her that she was ‘chosen’.
She was chosen for the pact of the Mistborn. A pact of Water & Sky.
What exactly that entailed Skadi did not know, but the consequences of this particular honour became all too clear.
There would be no frolicking with boys, at all times was she to be chaperoned and where others were given the chance to play she was prepared for the journey to come.
Her Grandmother told her that she had to remain chaste, unsullied. For she was already promised to another.
Who this other was, the old lady refused to tell. She only stated that he would send them an engagement gift if the pact was to continue and that she was to receive this as a first bridal gift and in return they would have to send something similar back.
She still had mixed feelings when her grandmother cut off one of her prettiest locks of hair.
The gift she had received it been a curious thing though. A necklace carrying an orb filled with strange water. It glowed a strange blue when the light hit it just right.
Thus she spend her days preparing and wondering about this mysterious husband to be.
The day she turned 21 was the day she left all she had known behind with only a riddle as guidance.
“He’ll meet you at the line where the snow’s melt roars.”
Thus she descended the mountain, leaving her family and friends behind to be wed off to some stranger. Regardless of how she felt about it, she knew this alliance was an important thing to accomplish, for both parties involved.
It was therefore all the more peculiar when after a month of lingering at the pool at the base of the Mountain, he still had not shown himself.
He was supposed to meet her as he would be able to recognise her through her bridal gift.
Yet days passed and nothing happened.
Skadi kept herself alive by her hunting skills, but when after 3 weeks there still had been no sign of him, she decided to go and try to find him instead.
She thought it unfathomable that he would first agree upon the pact, but then later not show up. So something must have happened to prevent him from coming to her.
That or she just got spurned by a complete stranger.
Either way she was owed an explanation.
And so she set out in search for answers.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Xpfodf27SjWWDomdRKxx9rIGbBhCCNgjrj3WIS5C0so/edit#gid=1750226729Here is mine, though don't mind the ears, she's supposed to be an aasimar not an elf.